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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Well, I had a nice Sunday. Unfortunately North Carolina didn't.

My girlfriend and I had a wonderful lunch at IHOP. However, North Carolina got soaked today. Yep, we really got lots, and lots of rain today. There were even places that got some flash flooding. In fact, I saw some big puddles on my way back home. Well, looks like we don't have to worry about a drought here in NC this year. We got lots of rain.

The subject in church today

Well, today in church we talked about faith. It seems Western culture has a high emphasis on fact. Well, to be honest, at times, so do I. I mean like you I feel I need some of the facts in front of me to be certain. I would often go in Wikipedia or any reputable (or semi-reputable as this case may be) look for any evidence. Well in most of Hebrews 11:1-4 it reads "Now faith is the assurance if things hoped for, the conviction of things NOT seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval..." I guess, that should tell us something.

I feel we all need some faith at some point in our lives. Different things can build faith. The person who gave the sermon, who like me also graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who is now an associate pastor at my church, said the stories other people shared with her (yes, she is a woman, and we allow women into the clergy into the United Methodist Church) and those stories built her faith. I guess, I can use some of those stories. My girlfriend gave a book about UNC sporting moments and faith. I guess, that should be a good thing to read when it comes to faith. Well, guess my girlfriend and I are going to enjoy a yummy lunch at IHOP.

Well, about to head off to church

Yep, it's Sunday morning here in North Carolina. I think I missed bible study, but I will go to worship service at 11:00. I have heard that the pastor at my church has left we are about to get a new one. Personally, I think that is a shame because I liked him. I hope I like this new person. However, it's hard to say. It's just hard to fill the shoes of another pastor.

I will be meeting with my girlfriend at about 2:00 for lunch at IHOP. I hope she doesn't mind the whether. It's supposed to get up to 83 degrees fahrenheit. That may not sound too bad to some but late last night we got a bad thunderstorm (as well as another bad thunderstorm the night before). And I think most of the water from the rain has now evaporated. That would of course increase the humidity. Yeah, it get pretty humid here in NC. But I guess that's just a typical summer here. I hope that we both enjoy lunch at IHOP.

Well, just got off work and recorded my receipts

The receipts I use for budgeting. That give me an indication on how much money I spent. I mean, in these economic times you really need to be careful as to how much money you spend. After all, and yes, I am sure you heard this cliche a million times, but MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES. So, yes it's only prudent that we keep track of our money.

Anyway, I worked at Harris Teeter this evening. I closed second shift again. The good news was I finally got my prizes for the USO donations. After all the money I collected I decided to go with one free steak dinner and seven (yes, SEVEN) free lunches. They give us cards that we present to customer service when we decide cash in our free lunches or steak dinners. That way they can keep inventory of all the free lunches and steak they gave to employee and tell them why they didn't get any money for the sale (they promised the lunch or dinner to be free and that is the proof that we cashed in our free lunch or dinner).

However, not everything was good today at Harris Teeter. I was operating the U-scan (self-checkout lane). We had a wine spill that happened. A customer accidentally knocked his bottle of wine on the floor. To make it even worse it was red wine. We definitely had to clean it up immediately because that job STINKS, LITERALLY! I mean, I have done some clean ups with red wine and BOY DOES IT SMELL. I mean, it smells AWFUL! I guess, white wine would smell bad too after it spills but not as bad as red wine does. I mean, I like red wine but I do not like the smell of it after it hit the floor. I mean, yes, I do like the taste of red wine. But when it spills IT REALLY STINKS! What is even worse which means it can stain the floor. So, we had to get a mop and bucket as well as paper towels. As well as a broom and dust pan (to sweep up the glass and throw it away) and two safety cones (to inform customers that the floor is wet so they don't slip and fall). Later on I too dropped something on the floor. A jar of olives. Fortunately, they don't smell as bad as red wine does. And we didn't have to use as many paper towels. But for that I take full responsibility. I dropped those olives on the floor.

I had a person who wants to follow me on twitter. I gave her my screen name. She is young high school girl. I think she should have a bright future a head of her. I did tell her one of the jokes I posted earlier on this blog. She thought it was funny. It was the joke about the swear word evening news reporters hate the most which said was positivity, also saying that yes, to evening news reporters POSITIVITY is a swear word , especially hearing the reports they usually give us. I shall keep her name anonymous though. But, I ended up following her on Twitter as well. I also started following one of the managers on Twitter. I wonder if he will follow me. I shall keep his name anonymous too. If you would like to follow me on Twitter my screen name is TarheelAaron04.

I guess, I didn't stay too late by myself. I know being the person closing second shift I cannot leave until I am relieved. However, I was alone for only 30 minutes. There was another cashier there to work with me until 10:30. Well, at 11:00 my relief came. Then I went home and recorded the receipts. I look forward to being with my girlfriend tomorrow. We are going to have lunch at IHOP. Hope you all have a nice evening!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

About the Dow yesterday...

Unforunetly, it finished at 114.89 points in the red. And just when things were starting to look good. Well, maybe things will get better soon. However, it looks like June wasn't the Dow's month. I hope that we can all pray for the best for the world's economy. Yes, I pray that the world can pull through this difficult economic time. And maybe things can get better by decade's end. This I pray for.

There is one thing I am proud of...

I am happy this blog which has only been a around for just a little under two months, now has over 2500 pageviews. Thank you looking at my blog. It means a lot to me. I just hope more people from around the world will look at my blog. Maybe spread the word of autism awareness some. So, for all of you out there in the world who have been looking at my blog, I only hope you can support autism awareness anyway you can. I personally, would really appreciate it.

Well, about today

Well, just posted two more jokes on this blog. Hoping the humor can help liven things up. I will be working my job at Harris Teeter tonight. Once again tonight I will be closing second shift. There will be a third shift cashier to relieve me. I slept in pretty late. I forgot that today was Saturday. I thought I was late for work. I was just about to call the boss from Shoeboxed and tell him that I was going to be late, but then I realized that today is Saturday. Dang! Well, I know I will be working tonight.

I am going to contact the folks from TEACCH as well. I really HOPE there is something for me out there. I would like a career where I can make a living out of. Also a good full-time orthodox work schedule so it can be much easier to budget time. Well, hope you all are doing fine out there.


Timmy: But Dad I don't want to work. It's too hot and my favorite show is on.

Dad: Come on Timmy, you need to do something. The house is getting messy and your mother is getting upset. Now, go.

Timmy: But Dad...

Dad: No buts, Timmy. GO! Besides you can start with cleaning your room. Just last month we had to spend $200 to hire an exterminator to get the bugs out. That was why you're not getting an allowance anytime in the near future...

Timmy: Can I ever be paid just to do nothing?



Q: What is the swear word that eventing news reporters hate the most?


PS. Yes, that is a swaer word to TV news reporters.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Well, once again I got done early at Shoeboxed

Yep, all the envelopes are done. And I have about five minutes to spare. Now, I am about to head off to my other job. Hope everything goes all right over there. I won't be getting off tonight until 11:00 EST in the United States. I guess, that means today I will be working 11.5 hours total (that's both jobs combined of course). Oh, I think my feet will be soar when I get home. Once again Harris Teeter will have me operate the U-scan. I hope I find so thing better soon.

Don't you just hate when this happens in the summer?

Well, here in North Carolina we got lots of rain recently. Now, "What's so bad about that?" you may be asking . Well, today it's supposed to reach 91 degrees Fahrenheit. So, yep, it's gonna be HOT. And we just might get some more rain today. This makes me envy people in the Sahara. Yeah, I know it's hit there, but at least it's DRY HEAT. Here in North Carolina it gets humid. Especially, after rain storms the shade won't do you any good. Yep, another humid summer day here in North Carolina. I would sure take dry heat over humidity. Don't you just hate it when there is all this moisture in the the air when it's hot. It makes it really muggy. I guess, I know what a lobster feels like in pot when when it's being boiled.

Good morning everbody

Okay, as I get ready for this Friday, I know I will be pulling double duty tonight. I still would like to catch up on my French some. However, it's hard with my work schedule. I really would like a full-time career with an orthodox work schedule. I believe that would help me catch up on my French some as well as give an easier schedule to budget so I can also engage in more social activities. Well, let's pray for the best.

This time I am being sincere

And what I am being sincere about, is I all hope you can and will pray for those people who have some form of difficulties in their lives. Like me, I have Asperger's Syndrome and HATE it. It think it makes my life tougher and denies me a normal life. Oh well, please pray for me and other who have had difficulties in their lives that the God I believe can help them in some way or another.

PS. No, this was NOT sarcasm. I REALLY mean will you pray for those who had difficulties in their lives. This I REALLY MEAN LITERALLY! PLEASE PRAY, THIS I BEG OF YOU!!

Oh, yeah

Though, as pointless and irrelevant as this post may be. Tomorrow is pizza day at Shoeboxed. REALLY BIG NEW WOULDN'T YOU SAY?! I bet it all makes you ecstatic and jump for joy, woo wee! THAT IS REALLY BIG NEWS!!

PS. As you probably figured, this was sarcasm. But I believe sarcasm makes the blog funnier.


Mandy: Kimmy, I really need to find a career.

Kimmy: Well Mandy, is there anything you would like to do?

Mandy: I don't know?

Kimmy: Well Kimmy, what makes you happy?

Mandy: Should I really tell?

Kimmy: Yes Kimmy, people should always be happy with they do professionally. It makes their lives worth living.

Mandy: But should I really do what I LOVE doing professionally?


Mandy: But, I like making people MISERABLE!

Kimmy: Then I know the perfect job for you...EVENING NEWS REPORTER!

Yeah, I won't deny it...

I was a fan of the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I really miss it. I still think it's a shame Nickelodeon cancelled it. If any of the show's former cast members sees my blog and forgives all I say about Hollywood, I just hope they will support autism research. At lot of people with autism (yes, even those with high-functioning autism) can really use support. Living with high-functioning autism I can tell you it's no picnic. Personally, I think a lot of people with both low and high-functioning autism will agree. We ALL agree there must be more research and support for autism. As a fan of the former Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious, I only hope that at least one of the show's former cast members will agree. I hope that at least one former Victorious cast member can support or maybe promote autism research to help the people around the world with it, such as myself. I know this blog is but a tiny needle in huge cyber haystack, but I think it's worth a try. I just want to say  I still miss that show and hope at least one of the former cast members can and will do something for me by helping out anyway he/she can with autism research.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Q: How would you describe the taste of tofu?

A: More taste than what you find on the TV screen!


Q: How would you describe the morals and ethics of drug dealers and street gangs?

A: Just slightly greater than those of politicians and insurance agents!

New Language

I really want to learn a new language. I have some Rosetta Stone in French. Problem is, it's hard with my unorthodox work shcedule. Please pray that I get a full-time career with an orthodox work schedule. I think it would be fun to learn French. I would like to speak with somebody in Frech. I know they speak French in many countries from around the world. Well, let's pray that I do.


John: Hey Matt, have your heard the news.

Matt: No John. What news?

John: Well, you know how everything has to be so politically correct these days?

Matt: You mean how we can say anything anymore without offending somebody.

John: Yep, the only thing is now it's...

Matt: You mean it's now a...

John: Yep it is! In fact they just hired the PCPD!

PS. PCPD stands for Politically Correct Police Department

Well, about today...

Well, what can I say. It wasn't super exciting. Just of the monotony of my life. I only worked one job. I will be working both tomorrow. Asked for tonight, I will probably watch Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore. Rented it over Netflix. I will probably talk to my girlfriend tonight. We always talk over the phones. There maybe more movies she will tell me to put on my Netflix que. She LOVES movies and there is lots that she wants me to see. But other than that, nothing really. Sometimes my life just gets too boring.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Well, things at Shoeboxed finished ahead of schedule.

There is literally, no more work for me to do because I am all out of envelopes. I guess, the whole operations room is ahead of schedule. I wonder what tomorrow will be like. I bet they are probably gonna slam us with more work. That's what typically happens on these days. We get finished ahead of schedule one day then get slammed the next. Well, off to my other job. Yep, at Harris Teeter I will be closing second shift. That means I can't leave and go home  until the third shift cashier comes and relieves me (we are open 24-7 at Harris Teeter).  And yep, I'm doing the U-scan (self-checkout) this evening. But the good news is (at least far as I know) we got the gas leak taken care if and the house is fine.

About the gas leak yesterday. Yes, I did see the repairmen come by.

We managed to get it sealed last night. No damage was done to the house, just a headache from a big fat repair bill. Still thing are going quite smoothly now. And I have left windows opened last night to vent out gas. Still, we probably won't have an oven or stove for the next couple of days. But you know, I really hate it when those spontaneous situation pop up. They cause too much stress. But still keep me and my family in your prayers.

Well, it's now Wednesday, half way through my work week at Shoeboxed

What interesting today was there was a new job coach from Chapel Hill TEACCH who came by to observe the place. Her name is Ashley. I thought I would show her what I do on a near daily basis on my job at Shoeboxed. To sum it all up, I scan and record. However, I just thought I would let her know what I do.

I guess, it's time for me to turn in tonight.

But, please don't forget to keep checking my blog. I update it daily. You know, I really enjoy blogging and putting humor on my blog. I hope people don't take too much offense to what I had to say, but I really want this blog to be funny. I still feel comedy is one of my talents. I really people to understand what I go through being Asperger's.

Yes Folks, I PRAY!

I can only beg that you would pray for the people in the Northern Midwest of the United States and people of the Northeast United States for their confort and hope because they have been experiencing hostile weather. They REALLY could use your prayers. Yes, I feel I can use your prayers, too. That I may find a job that I will enjoy that people respect. I pray for people around the world with autism low to high-functioning, that they will be comforted and know that the God I believe in LOVES them. AND I PRAY FOR MORE RESEARCH IN AUTISM! AND I PRAY FOR THE CHURCH TO WOO MORE HEARTS AND WOO PEOPLE OVER TO CHRIST!! These are my prayers. PLEASE PRAY, it would mean a lot to me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Could you beleive this blog has got over 2300 posts.

Yep, there have bee over 2300 people from all over the world who checked out this blog. I really appreciate that. I try my best to make it interesting, hence all the jokes and humor. I hope you found them funny. I am not trying "bust anybody's chops." But, that is something about Asperger's. We don't have good social skills. But they say we often have at least one special talent. I guess, mine is comedy. Nothing overly personal, especially those folks in the government, politicians, Hollywood, or news media. Me and a lot of other people just find those kinds of jokes funny, nothing personal . I know a lot of the punchlines are exaggerated statements, but all in good humor. I just think I have talent in comedy. I put in a lot of random stuff. Oftent times to put in some more humor.

But I am serious (and yes, DEAD SERIOUS) about the need for the need for more autism research. I just want to world to respect it more. Well, I hope you keep comming back to see this blog, and I hope you can spread the word about this blog to others. And I also hope you can support autism research anyway you can. But this is now my 200th post with over 2300 views. Hope there will be more along the way.


Is it true the average kid watches three hours of television a day? But you know, it makes me wonder this, how much would they watch IF THERE IS SOMETHING GOOD ON?

Well, just been to the gym

Spent an hour on an elliptical machine. According to the calorie counter I must have burned 750 calories. Thank goodness I had my smartphone with me. Listen to music, especially fast music makes exercising on an elliptical easier. Right now, my body is drenched in sweat. Gotta shower before I get home (yes, I am also posting this message on my blog though my smartphone). Still, I really think it's important that I get my body in shape. It would be nice if I can bench over 200 LBS. like I could during my senior year of high school. Though the weather is beautiful today.

Well, had a gas leak at home. Mother told me it is now fixed. But could play with any electric devices in my room, so I decided to go to the gym. I can sure use the exercise. And yes, I know (yes, a random though) I say this all the time, but I was a fan of the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious and still saddened that it's cancelled, both I still hope if any former cast member see this or any other blog messages if any if them would be so kind to support autism research. I know my blog is just a small needle in a huge cyber haystack, but I would appreciate it if any former Victorious cast members supports autism research.


Q: What's the "F" word to newspapers?


Well, for tonight I am about to turn in but hope you will pray for some people out there

Hope you will pray for those people in the Northern Midwest and those in the Northeast United States. It's sad to see all the damage they faceed due to the severe storms. I will pray for their comfort and safety though this burden bestowed upon them, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do about nature. But let's hope those how have lost homes or had their home severly damaged, let's pray they get some food, clothing, and selter until they can either get their home fixed or get a new one. Also pray for people with autism. I know we can sure use some prayers. I hope my God has a bright future planned for me. Well, GOOD NIGHT!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pray for people in the Northern Midwest and North East United States

There has been some nasty storms there and triggered has bad flooding, tornadoes, and power outages. Please pray for them. They are people who need out support. Some people lost their homes, had less to eat, wound up injured m, or even dead. Please keep those people hight up in your prayers. Thank you.

Yep, now I'm off to my other job.

And I will be working that one until 11:00 tonight. I think I am getting sick of having to work two jobs with unorthodox work schedules. I really want something where I can work 9-5 Monday through Friday. Hell, I believe it would make my life much easier. Also I can plan social events easier. I think juggling two part time jobs with unorthodox hours sucks!


Q: What's the difference between a college professor and a loud commercial announcer?

A: Loud commercial announcers promote more independent/intellectual thought.

A good career would be a great thing for me to get

Now, the 35th year of my life has begun. There is much I hope for. I did promise my girlfriend I would put down my smartphone some. She hates seeing me in it constantly. But I hope that I get that job soon. Yeah, I know I say it all the time, but it really mean a lot to me. I know my pluses in life, like I don't have any debt problems and a girlfriend who loves me. I just my prayer can be granted. I know others have also been praying for this as well. The prayer that God can lead me to a good job that I will enjoy. Also one that pays well so I wouldn't have to worry about spontaneous financial burdens, like car repair.

Need to get a police report.

Must send in a form and $5 for a police report if an accident. You know, that time when I got sideswiped a month ago.  I wish the police department would tell me everything upfront. Man, this sucks!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

They say God has a plan for us all

And personally, I hope its true. Maybe I am thinking ambitiously, but I really want to make a difference in this world. Especially for the people in this world with Asperger's and other forms of autism. I mean, we are people who the world finds it hard to accept. I guess, it's because we are well, awkward. But, if people really get a chance to know us and maybe understand us, maybe they can see that we aren't so bad. It was hard for me to be accepted because of my Asperger's. I arm wrestled with for 20 year of my life unknowingly, and it was anything but easy or fun. In fact, I think I barely pulled though. Well, I guess I'm happy I did pull through. I am happy there is research now. However, I feel there needs to be more. Well, I am about to turn in tonight and get ready for tomorrow. I have to work both my jobs tomorrow. I feel I must put my faith in my God. I pray he will guide to down a path to indisputable trumph. I am happy that I have two parents and a girlfriend who love me a lot. I just feel I can't take that for granted. I guess, that to me was a blessing from my God. Well, now to get ready for tomorrow.

Well, I know tomorrow I am working both jobs

Yep, I will be starting at at 10:00 AM. Work that job until 4:00 P.M. then I will working at Harris Teeter from 5:30-11:00. Yep, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow. I only hope I will find that career that would suit me well one of these days. Yep, I know I talk about this all the time, hey, what can I say? That's just part of being Asperger's. Just like how I have been asking (actually more like begging) the former cast members of late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious support autism awareness. But, it's just the way I am. The autistic mind gets in loops. Even if they are the high-functioning type like mine.

Sometimes I wish I am impervious to depression.

Unfortunately, I am not. I am trying to think positive. However, it can difficult sometimes. I don't know. One thing I know I can use is a job that people respect. However, it can be tough in this economic times. Well, I guess things have really got me down. I just cannot lie.

Oh, I forgot to mention

In Bible study they did sing Happy Birthday to me. I thought that was sweet.

Well, it's the day after birthday

The day was fairly low-key. I went to Bible study,but didn't stay for service. I was so happy last night, I stayed up too late, so I ended up taking a nap for about four hours. However, I am about to have birthday dinner with my parents (since I was with my girlfriend most of the day we couldn't have it yesterday, which was my birthday). We are having fried chicken and mashed potatoes. There will be a cake for desert.

Well Carson (my girlfriend) gave me some nice UNC memorabilia for my birthday. Of course one present was Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: North Carolina Tar Heels. It does talk about some of the inspiring passages of the Bible and attach them to some real life situations of UNC sporting events. It should be a nice gift. Well, looks like it's time for dinner.


Q: Can human growth change?

A: Yes. About 100 years ago we used to grow taller, now we are growing WIDER.

My birthday

Yes, people I had a nice birthday today. I spent most of it with Carson, the woman who I LOVE. I just hope that a former cast memeber of the late nickelodeon sitcom Victorious supports my request and supports autism research. However, I had lots of fun today. I hope this, the 35th of my life will be MY YEAR. I also want more people to care about autism and Asperger's Syndrome (whether you if you consider Asperger's that autism or not) to support it's research and help it any way you can.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Yep, if a former cast member of Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious get a chance to read a message I posted on June 16...

I hope he or she (or any or all) could grant me my request and support and donate autism research. I would mean a lot to this fan of the show. Yeah, though I am 35, I guess I haven't grown up all the way. But on a serious note I feel there is a dire need for autism research. I would really appreciate. I can tell you it's not fun being autistic, not even when it's high-functioning autism.

I was pretty happy today.

In fact, I was SO happy, I had to give a pan handler $2. I saw one on Franklin Street today. I just felt so good I had to do it. And no, this was NOT supposed to be a joke. In this case I am being serious.

My birthday today.

Well, I had fun day with Carson (my girlfriend). She had some nice presents to give me. It was mostly UNC memorabilia. She also gave me money and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, she knows how much I LOVE them. We both enjoyed the Man of Steel. If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. The film had some great special effects, and a must if you always liked Superman as much as I did. 

We then went to Top of the Hill on Franklin Street. When we got there they were still serving lunch. But we both still enjoyed it. Carson and I each enjoyed a pint as well. After that we went to the Shrunken Head Boutique. After that we went to Mike's (Carson's brother) house to drop off a book.

After that we got coffee at a Bruger's Bagels. Then I got some desert at a TCBY. Then we around a local strip mall in Chapel Hill. It was a fun birthday for me. Hope you all out there are also enjoying your day!

Well, guess I got to get ready

Well, soon I will meet with with my girlfriend. Hope we both enjoy the movie. It was well reviewed by the critics. Sold out vitually everywhere last week. I'm sure it will be good. I always liked Superman since I was a kid. I know I like Top of the Hill. It's a great restaurant on Franklin Street. It's a semi-eligant place. Well, hope my day is enjoyable.


Q: How would you describle a snail?

A: To me, something slimy or something that moves faster than today's economic growth.

Well, it's my birthday today

Well, I didn't see the end of the UNC Baseball game agaist UCLA. I presume they lost. Oh, well. Right now, I am about to get ready to go see the Man of Steel with my girlfriend. Aftr that we will have dinner at Top of the Hill. I think it should be a fun day.

Well, I know that as of today I am 35 (today is my 35th birthday). But, you know there is just something that I feel that I reall want that I will not get. It's nothing you can buy from any store. It's nothing material. WHat I think it is a job that is repectful. I would also would like to know if I am a repectable human being. That's all I really want. I certainly want to be respected. However, when you live with Asperger's you are easily misunderstood.

Friday, June 21, 2013

UNC getting creamed. CAN'T LOOK

Okay, UNC is getting creamed. Can't look. Well, hope I have a happy birthday tomorrow seeing the Man of Steel and having dinner at Top of the Hill with my girlfriend.

UNC just can't seem to score in this game.

I guess, the wind is really hurting things. Still, I really want to see them win and go on to win the College World Series.

I must have said this about three times but...

I still miss the Nickelodoen sitcom Victorious. I thought the show was just too funny. It's a shame it was cancelled. I having been praying for the former cast members. I just hope if any of them read any of my posts, especially that post on June 16, they would grant me my request and promote and donate to autism support and research.

Later on I will probably watch that episode of Smakcdown I had in the DVR

I DVR'ed it because I wasn't quite sure I was working at Harris Teeter today. I was "on call." That means HT wasn't sure if they would need me or not. I'm supposed to call in and see. This "on call" crap started recently due to the opeining of the Wal-Mart about a block away. I feared it was take away a lot of our business. So, they lowered our hours. Either that or lay a bunch of us off. Well, they didn't need me. I guess, so they wouldn't have to pay me as well.

Still, since I am seeing UNC play UCLA in NCAA Baseball. I am a big UNC fan and hpoing they win the College World Series. I decided no to cancel my recording of WWE Smackdown, though I am a life long fan of the WWE. It would be great if UNC wins this game though.

Oh, there is a boy named Daniel Love who wanted to see the College World Series. He was hospitalized due to severe injury.  However, somebody gave him his tickets som he could see the UNC/UCLA game. Wondering who he's cheering for? Still, I hope Love is having fun at this game.

Here I am on the eve of my birthday

I am about to see the North Carolina Tar Heels play the UCLA Bruins in this round of the College World Series. I am hoing the Tar Heels win and go to become College World Series Champions. C'mon Tar Heels! GO, HEELS, GO!!! TAR HEELS FOREVER!!!!

Yep, now that I got that out of my system. I know tomorrow will be my 35 birthday. I hope this year of my life will be my year. I really want that career. I would like to get a place of my own as well. Carson feels this will be my year. I hope she's right. Still, Carson and I love each other a lot. Don't know what my life would have been like without her.

Oh, just saw UNC got a base hit. YES! C'mon UNC, let's get some runs and win this game. Still, tomorrow Carson and I are going to go see the Man of Steel and then going to Top Of the Hill for dinner, so it should be fun day.

Well, it's almost my 35th birthday. Please pray I make it!

Well, being Asperger's and really want to be a credit to all people in this world with Asperger's and show show we can make it. I hope this me a credit to all people with disability and show we DO have something to show this world. It can be beneficial to ALL people with Asperger's!

So, in terms of sports was this a good night or a bad night?

I am so happy UNC beat NC State in Baseball. However, I am so sad San Antonio lost the NBA Championship. I former Tar Heel played for the San Antonio Spurs while a former Duke Blue Devil played for the Miami Heat. So, was this a good night for me or a bad night? I DON'T KNOW! I guess you must decide for me...AAAAHHH!!!!!!


They say politicans, unions, and big businesshave nothing in common. Well, they do, a holy symbol.  Here is the holy symbol the politicans, unions, and big business...$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

In sport tonight, just me (Aaron's opinion)...

Well, I am happy UNC won in their game agaist NC State. Unfortunately, the San Antonio Spurs failed to beat the Miami Heat in the NBA championship. I know a Spur played for UNC while a member of the Heat played for Duke. DAMN!! Well, I will admit I am happy for LeBron James. He has something to add to his resume and his legacy. But, I REALLY wanted the Spurs to win. Oh well, I guess you can't them all. However, in a choice between the NBA Basketball game and the NCAA Baseball game, I half to admit if I can choose only one team to win, I would have chose the UNC Tar Heels in NCAA Baseball. I'm glad they advance to the next round and I HOPE they win the COLLEGE WORLD SERIES!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Well, in the college baseball game

UNC just might shut out NC State! C'mon Tar Heels. Oh, also please win Spurs!

Asked for the Baseball game

UNC currently leads NC State 2-0 and it's already bottom of the seventh inning. YES, C'MON UNC! BEAT NC STATE AND GO ALL THE WAY AND WIN THE COLLEGE WIRLD SERIES!!

The NBA Finals at the half

The Spurs/Heat game is currently 46-44 Heat. C'mon Spurs, FREEZE THE HEAT! 

To all my fellow UNC fans, one member of the San Antonio Spurs played for the UNC Tar Heels in college. A member of the Miami Heat played for the Duke Blue Devils, all the more reason I care and WANT THE SAN ANTONIO SPURS WIN!

Bad News about the Stock Market

Yep, today the Dow finished at 353.87 points IN THE RED! This has not been a very good month for the stock market. Well, June usually insn't a super good month for the stock market, but still. I hope this doesn't impact the economy too much. I am struggling hard enough to find a decent job as it is. Boy, THIS SUCKS!

Well, UNC is playing NC State again tonight in Baseball

Yep, now I am scared. Last time they played NC State they got killed by them. Hope they will have better luck tonight and go all the way to win the College World Series! I want the Tar Heels to win it all! GO, HEELS, GO! TAR HEELS FOREVER!!

Well, right now I am getting lunch

Need something to eat. Could you believe I always have carrots and oranges with my lunch. Guess, we all need fruits and vegetables. Well, just need to pull things through. However, it seems the job situation has been getting me down. I would really live it that I could get a job that is respected by society. I'm not the philosophical type.

If you want to follow me on Twitter or Tumblr

I can be followed on Twitter at TarheelAaron04 and Tumblr at NCAaron, just incase if you wanted to know.

Okay, it's now Thursday morning

Now, I am getting ready for work. I know I am only working one job today and then I will be having dinner at a local Applebees. Hopefully, I will feel better today. Yesterday, I was feeling very depressed. I didn't WANT to work two jobs but had no choice. Good thing is I found both my pay stubs I needed for Chapel Hill TEACCH to renew membership. I also know where I can find my driver's license and insurance card. I am hoping for the best in regards to find another job. Please keep praying for me.

Joke time

Johnny and his father are at home watching a basketball game at their country house in the middle of the boonies. Then Johnny hears a loud noise. He says "Daddy, I didn't know there was a speed way near by. I hear cars zooming by and people yelling and swearing at other people." His father said "Johnny, there is no speedway near our house. That's the typical freeway traffic."

Well, about to turn in for tonight.

It's good, too. My feet were really sore. Both my job combined I worked 11 hours. I also had to drive from Durham to Chapel Hill. I don't know, didn't really want to work both jobs. I know I had to or risk getting fired, which is NOT something I want either. But, I don't know. I just felt depressed today.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Well, now it's off to my other job. I really hate cashiering

Yep, first I am going to get something to eat then work at HT for five hours. They say everything happens for a reason. I only hope I get a major story of triumph in the end. I really want to go somewhere!

Compare and contrast TV Reports to Tabloid Journalists (Yes another joke)

Now, you may be asking what a TV reporter would have in common with a tabloid journalist? Personally, if you ask me both like to feed you BUNK, but the difference is tabloids like to make it entertaining. And they also get you read so you can use SOME brain cells.

Do I want to go to my cashiering job today?

The answer is, of

But do I have a choice? The answer to that is NO!!!


Two kids want to go on a hot air balloon ride at a carnival. They got their parents along with much excitement on their faces. Only problem was the burners weren't working. And so the kids were so sad. But fortunately somebody came to the rescue. Was it a repair man? It was a news reporter. One kid asked if he was going to do a story about their broken burner. But his father knew the answer was no. It's HIS JOURNALISM THAT WILL POWER THE BALLOON!

I don't know what it is.

But often the monotony of my life often makes me depressed. That is why I feel I need a job with a future. I think that should put some more excitement in my life. No, I cannot say I am the super adventurous type, but doing the same thing over and over again gets so boring and makes me depressed. I can sure use a change.  

Okay, it's now Wednesday morning

Well, I will be working both jobs today. I work mt first job 10-4 and second job 5:30-10:30. I will have a long day a head of me. Oh, my birthday is this Saturday. I will be turning 35. I will be with my girlfriend that day. We are currently thinking about a Matinee and dinner.

The movie we are planning on seeing is the Man of Steel. I know there have been some good reviews on that movie. I always liked Superman since I was a kid. I know he is battling fellow Kryptonian General Zod. I both enjoy that movie. Afterwords we will be eating dinner at Top of the Hill. It's a delicious restaurant. Well, just hope you all have a nice day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Yes, I really enjoyed the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious (and miss it REALLY BAD) and I hope at least one cast member grants me request...

And help with autism research. I hope that at least one of them will promote autism awareness and also donate to autism research. I would mean a lot to me. I was a fan of that show and really miss it. To me, it's something that at least one of them can do for me. HELP WITH AUTISM RESEARCH!! It would mean A LOT TO ME!! If any former Victorious cast member reads my blog, please grant me my request.

To all of the former Victorious cast members, yes, I know, I have criticized Hollywood A LOT in my blog jokes, but I hope you can look past my criticism and help out with autism research and awareness. Me and other autistic people around the world can REALLY use your support. I admit I am making a tall request, but I hope it can be granted. It would mean a lot to me. I just HOPE you can open up your heart(s). Even if you don't like (or even HATE) what I have to say, but if you can't do it for me, do it for the other autistic people around the world. That would mean A LOT TO ME! It would also mean A LOT to all the autistic people in the world.

Yes, I know the show's cancellation was a network decision. Though I cannot deny it would be WONDERFUL if SOMEBODY, whether it's Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, ABC Family, or ANYBODY ELSE brings back Victorious, though I know the odds of THAT are LUDICROUS! I cannot deny the fact how much I LOVED that show and MISS that show. It really made me laugh. I know you cannot bring it back, but I hope you can promote and support autism awareness and research. That would mean A LOT TO ME! To any and all former cast members of  Victorious, PLEASE PROMOTE AND SUPPORT AUTISM AWARENESS AND RESEARCH!!!

Good news in regards to NCAA Baseball

Yes, UNC, MY COLLEGE is still in the tournament. They beat LSU today! I really hope they will go all the way and win the COLLEGE WORLD SERIES. The Basketball season wasn't all that great this year. Okay, so the Basketball season wan't awful, but it sure wasn't their best Basketball season. But if they win CWS it will more than make up for Basketball. GO, HEELS, GO!! TAR HEELS FOR EVER!!!!!!

Just been to the gym

Now, I am done exercising at the gym I am about to get some beer and pizza for dinner. Good thing I went because my membership expires in August and got to get it renewed. Tonight I guess I will be watching the episode of Raw I DVR'ed last night.

I feel there is something missing from my life...

Oh yeah, haven't been to the gym in a while. Better go now!!

Could you believe this happened to me today!

Yes, I forgot my phone. I feel I really need this phone. It has my Weight Watchers app, my music, planet finder (I love astronomy), and well, it's just how I make my calls dang it! Well, hope all of you out there are doing fine!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Now off to my other job.

Yes, I will working that 'till 11:00. Yep, and I am operating the U-scan (self-check out lane). And trust me the U-scan is harder than a regular checkout lane, especially all the people who just might have questions and you may have to serve four of them at once.

Okay, now we got some sunshine!

    Good, I can't live without it!

I think it would be nice if a cast member if the former Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious reads my post from June 15 and..,

Well, grants my request. I hope one of them, despite how much I rip on Hollywood. But still,nobody can deny it, there needs to be more money for autism research. I hope they can understand some of my opinions, but still feels autism research needs more money. It sure ain't no picnic living with it, not even high-functioning. I should know, I'M ONE OF THEM! Well, I did like their show and I hope they can do a favor for me and support autism awareness and donate to autism research.


Q: Does the entertainment industry have a religion?

A: Yes, and it's founder is Karl Marx and official symbol is THE HAMMER & THE SICKLE!

Well here we are on this Monday

Well, didn't like seeing UNC get beat. Though WWE Payback was enjoyable. What I don't like is the fact that the weather is grey I my area. I like seeing some sunshine. Though the Dow's in the green today. That's good news. Well, my Dad enjoyed his Visa gift card. It's vale is $25. Well, guess that's what's on my mind.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

This Cena/Ryback match is getting Crazy!

Hope you tucked your children in bed, because this match is getting VIOLENT! Cena just AA Ryback through the roof of an ambulance to win the match! Though I though the 3rd fall was least exciting. The other two falls were better.

Random thought

Do you think a cast member from the former nickelodeon sitcom Victorious will follow up with my request by supporting autism awareness? Would any of them promote it and donate to it? It would mean A LOT to me!

Now about WWE

It's scripted, not fake! Yes, they plan all the action via script, they REALLY DO GET HURT! And unlike their Hollywood counterparts, they have NO STUNT DOUBLES!

Now, it's the Three Stages of Hell Match for the WWE Championship

First fall, a Lumberjack match.

Second Fall, Table match

Third fall (if necessary): Ambulance match.

Who will win, John Cena (Babyface and WWE Champion) vs. Ryback (Heel and Challenger)? We will have to find out!

And yes...

Yes, I am still bumbed that UNC lost.


Rachel: Liz, would you vote for a rottweiler for president?

Liz: Rachel, why would I vote for a rottweiler?!

Rachel: Because they are smart dogs.

Liz: So, their dog!

Rachel: They are still smarter than what we usually have in the White House!

Well, this was my Sunday

Well, I first went to church. Now, a person there, a woman is now a full-fledged pastor. I will keep her name anonymous to respect her privacy. There was a reception in honor of her ordination. I got a slice of the cake. It was delicious. Well, about a year and a half ago she visited me in the hospital whe I had that awful GI bleed. I thought showing up for the reception was the least I can do for her. I never got a chance to formally tell her thank you. Well, that was my chance. I thought it was fun.

Then I went to Carson's place. Her father was doing some grilling. He did some ribs and hot dogs. Carson, took my advice and decided to get some of the Hebrew National hot dogs. Kosher hot dogs. I personally, they are the best hot dogs on the market. We enjoyed our food while watching the UNC Baseball game agaist NC State. Unfortunately, the Tar Heels lost 9-1. I with them better luck in their next game. I wanted to see UNC win. I hate it when they lose. Unfortunately, they can't win all the time.

I had to rush home. I didn't want to miss WWE Payback. It was agreed to be a birthday present (my birthday is next Saturday) so, I get to watch Payback for free. I hope it turns out to be a good Pay-Per-View event. Well, so far so good.

Well, now off to enjoy my Sunday

One thing I know is my girlfriend and I will be seeing UNC play NC State in Baseball. I hope UNC wins, GO TAR HEELS! We will also be doing some grilling while thie game is on. This should be a fun day. GO, HEELS, GO!!!!!!


Q: Is there such thing as a human punching bag?

A: Personally, I say, yes, and they called grocery store cashiers. Or that's just how customers treat me.


Q: How would you descibe a wolverine?

A: A creature who is just slightly nicer and gentler than a typical freeway motorist.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

There is a show on Nickelodeon miss

Yeah, I’ll be first that I am about 35 and in many ways I haven’t grown up. I guess, it was because I must have grown up very quickly when I was a kid. My youth was back in the 1990’s. I knew there was something wrong with me. I knew I could be an unknown phenomena. As you probably know it was, Asperger’s Syndrome a form of high-functioning autism. Unfortunately, it wasn’t widely known at the time. It wasn’t widely known until about 10 year ago. It made my life frustrating. How I pulled through? To be honest not even I am 100% certain. But it makes you grow up FAST and arguably TOO FAST. But growing up with an unknown phenomena is HELL!

Now, on to the title of this post. Well, the Nick show was of course Victorious. I thought that show was funny. I know it’s a kiddie show with kiddie music (though there were some jokes that children may not understand because they implied sex and profanity), but I thought the show's dialogue and jokes were very well executed. There were times I have literally laughed myself silly watching that show. I think it’s a shame the show was cancelled without a proper finale. I still believe they deserved better. Well, I already know the world doesn’t revolve around me. I have still thought about and prayed for them. If any of the former cast members get wind of my blog, I hope they know I have been thinking about them and only hope and pray the best for them. I fact, I have a request for them.

Nickelodeon CLAIMS the show was cancelled due to a 60 episode limit. Personally, I'm quite skeptical. It doesn’t explain why iCarly or Big Time Rush each got WAY more than 60 episodes. Also BTR wasn’t nearly as funny nor drew in the kinds of ratings Victorious did. So, there must be more to it (IMO). I admit I may have the facts fuzzy but from I heard is that Victoria Justice (who played Tori Vega, the protagonist) claims Nickelodeon and 
Dan Scheider (the creator and producer of the show and most other Nickelodeon sitcoms) were planning on cancelling Victorious and throwing most of its cast under the bus to make room for a new show called Sam & Cat. Justice claims neither Nick nor Scheider cared much about the ethics of cancelling the show and didn't care about letting it end properly. If what Justice is telling us is true, I agree would be unethical behavior on behalf of Nickelodeon and Dan Scheider. However, another former cast member, Ariana Grande (who played Cat Valentine on Victorious and now plays Cat Valentine on Sam & Cat) disagrees and claims Justice was being selfish and wanted to start a solo summer tour and not a tour with the cast. Grande claims if Justice was going to do a summer tour with the cast of Victorious, the show would still be on the air today. And I would agree if what Grande says is true, that would be selfishness on Justice’s behalf. So, unfortunately, the true reasons behind the cancellation of Victorious are still more or less mysteries to this day (IMO). Now, who’s right, who’s wrong, who’s telling the truth, who’s lying? Will the mysteries behind the cancellation ever be solved? I guess, we’ll never know. Now, I don’t know if it’s true, but if but I have heard there is some bad blood between Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande. If it is, it would break my heart that the two can not get along. They are great actresses and vocalists. They once claimed the cast of Victorious was family. I will pray for both of them.

Asked for Sam & Cat. I did see it last week. Maybe I am alone here, but I didn’t find it all that funny. I know lots of people did, so I may be the only person who didn’t like it all that much. Maybe it’s because I really liked Victorious and I felt that show was one in a million and just could NOT be replaced. But there are some things I Sam & Cat I just don’t understand. Maybe I think too much, but one thing I don’t understand if why did Cat’s grandmother move to the retirement home and decided Cat can live on her own. Well, the Cat Valentine I remember from Victorious wasn’t all that bright, very bad with money and has an addictive personality. She is NOT capable of living on her own. I mean that was the whole purpose in having Cat live with her grandmother is so she WOULDN’T live alone because she CAN’T live alone. On Victorious Cat had a brother who she always talked about. It was quite clear that he had mental problems and was later institutionalized. He was taken to psychiatric hospital in Idaho. Her parents moved to Idaho to be there to support him. Cat still lives in Los Angles. Originally, Cat would have to live with her aunt and uncle. She didn’t like living with her aunt and uncle because they were “too mean.” They didn’t like her red color in her hair (Cat color treats her hair). They say can’t have unlimited texting. They are vegans. And they feel the toilets should only be flushed when it’s truly necessary. I presume Cat’s aunt and uncle are strong environmentalists. But it was either them OR her grandmother and she HAD to pick one because she cannot live by herself. Thank goodness for Sam Puckett came along to be her roommate. However, Sam can not live on her own either because, the Sam Puckett from iCarly (yes I watched iCarly, too) was lazy, careless, irresponsible, and had a bad attitude. Sam would also have to adapt to a new responsibility. Are they sweeting up her character? I wouldn’t like that. To be honest I liked Sam Puckett’s “Bart Simpson-esque” type personality.

What’s even worse is they are babysitters. Yes, that is their income. Why would that suck? Well, for one they are going to be around kids. That I feel would make Cat’s character less funny. On Victorious she seemed to like this over aged kindergartner which often annoys her friends who are about her age (16 or 17). She annoyed them with all the kiddie stuff she liked and it got on her friends' nerves. But that was one of the reasons why Cat was so funny on Victorious (a least it was to me). Especially when it was Jade West who she annoyed, the mean girl who was her best friend on Victorious. In fact, I liked Jade and Cat when they were together, I thought they were TV’s funniest teenage comic duo since Beavis & Butt-head. Sam is just no replacement for Jade, IMO. Not to mention it's harder to annoy young children with the kiddie stuff Cat likes. That would make her character less funny. Asked for Sam. As I said before they are going to be around children a lot. Well, the Sam from iCarly I remember was AWFUL with children. Babysitters have to be EXCELLENT with children. Yeah, I remember that from iSell Penny Tees.

What is even worse than that about Sam and Cat is it takes place in Los Angles. Well... call me naive, but I DON’T think babysitting is a good paying job and I DON’T think LA is a cheap place where to live. I mean in real life, the rent on the LA apartment Sam & Cat live in must cost $3,000 a month, $2,500 at least! Call me naive, but to be blunt, I would find it plausible it may cost MORE than that. I mean it has two rooms and it's also located in Venice (which is a VERY expensive district in Los Angeles). And the rent would not be their only financial burden. Though there is a burger placed that promised them free burger dinners forever after saving the manager's life. Still they are going to need some money for other food, especially for breakfast and lunch. And who can live on burgers every night? Come on. ANd what about their other meals? They will still need to do some grocery shopping because they will want something else eventually. In fact, the Sam Puckett I remember from iCarly was a big meat foodie. She loved to try new meats. Unfortunately, meat is expensive. So, that could really drive up the grocery bill (if she still eager to try new meat). The Sam Puckett I remember from iCarly would go crazy eating at that burger place every night. She would die for new meat to try. I think the monthly grocery bills excluding dinner would still be at least $400 a month. Sam also has a motorcycle. Motorcycles are often viewed as dangerous, which means they're expensive to insure. Personally, I think the insurance on Sam's motorcycle will be a least $100 a month (due to her age and how often she uses it). They will also need to buy gas and refuel it. That would cost over $220 a month. And since Sam & Cat are now living on their own and have a job, that means they are receiving income. That means they will need to pay an income tax. Sorry, but I don’t see how you can get by financially in Los Angeles on a babysitter's salary. H
ere in North Carolina, where I live, I have meet people from Southern California (some from the LA area) who left because of the high cost of living. 

And No, I don’t watch A.N.T. Farm on the Disney Channel. I felt that show was a cheap ripoff of Victorious. There WILL BE ONLY ONE VICTORIOUS! It had a style that cannot be duplicated. I don’t settle for any cheap imitations. Victorious was a one and only. It’s a shame it is cancelled now. Well, if any of the former cast members of Victorious reads this post on my blog, I said earlier I have a request for them. Here it is. Support autism research and promote autism awareness, that is my request. I feel there needs be more money and support to help. Please support autism research and promote autism awareness as a huge favor to me, a loyal fan. I HOPE AT LEAST ONE former cast member will grant me this request. 

WHOA, THAT WAS ONE LONG POST! Well, had a lot to get off my chest.

PS. Do I think too much? But that’s my autistic mind for ya, heh, heh! :)

Well, this happens with people with Asperger's

We are quite vumerable to anxiety and depression. I do look for things to help me. I mean I have a gym membership. They say exercise can help...though sometimes I really don't feel any better. Maybe humor can help. Well, I do like going on YouTuble a lot. But, still to me part of thing is, they don't solve the problem, and the problem is what's on my mind the most. I want to be on my own. I want a job that pays decently, like a good $30,000 a year. Part of the problem is it hard for me talk to people. People with Asperger's are easily misunderstood. Since it's hard to talk to people it makes it harder for us to please employers so they hire us. I also would like a job that people respect. But there are times it made me worry. But there were times it kept me up at night. Well, just thought I would get it off my chest. Well, I still pray for the best.


Q: What is becoming the new swear word of society?


Well, it's now one week until my 35th birthday

And I am not feeling all that happy. I really want to make something of my life. I mean, I want my life to have an impact in this world. I would adore it if my book gets published. If it does, and if my book sells, I would really like to donate to autism reseach. I really want autism researchers to have more money because I personally feel that autism research is important to us folks with autisim. I can tell you my personal experience it's NO picnic living like this.

Friday, June 14, 2013

This random just popped into my head, HEH, HEH, HEY..

Q: Do you know why Ed Bruce said "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboys"?

A: Personally, all you need to do is go to a Rodeo and you will see why. 


Dan: Hey Joe, do you think NBA all stars worship idols?

Joe: No Dan, what idle could they worship?

Dan: Well, they seem treat money HOLY.

Well, today...

I fist stated my day by working at Shoeboxed. The day was more or less typical. Like usual we had pizza this Friday. I got some of that. What sucked was that fact there wasn't any certainty towards wheather or not I am working at Harris Teeter. Personally, I think the situation is much easier if I knew. I mean, I REALLY want to know if they want me to come to work or not. Not be "on call." However, I was on call. They called me at about 3:00 today. Kind of confusing because I THOUGH I was supposed to call them and see if they need me. However, they called and told me that I was needed. They wanted me to start at 4:00. However, this Harris Teeter is on way over on the outskirts of Chapel Hill headed to Pittsboro. Shoeboxed is in downtown Durham. That takes an hour at least. I told them  probably the soonest I can start would be 5:30. So, I stated at 5:30 and worked until 9:00. Since it was only three and a half hours, I did not get a break. Well, I am home now. I guess, all is well.


Susan: Michelle, do you really need to respect your parents?

Michelle: Sure Susan. I mean they are the ones who raised you. And as you probably also know it is our 5th commandment.

Susan: But Michelle, I have a hard time doing that now.

Michelle: Still like being that rebel?

Susan: I guess so, but I still just cannot respect HOLLYWOOD.


Mike: John why do you believe in Bigfoot.

John: Dude I saw him. I swear!

Mike: You saw Bigfoot? When did you see this Bigfoot?

John: It was that night I was watching the movie Bad Teacher and eating acid...I mean Pringles.

My editorial comment
And for those of you out there, IMO you almost have to be on acid to see and believe in Bigfoot. So, well, DON'T DO ACID OR ANY OTHER HALLUCINOGENS! Or this is what happens.

Okay, still without cable

Yep, still no cable. Dang it! That means 90% of my shows are gone and no Internet through my laptop (thank goodness for my smartphone). Well, I can make do. Still, it so much easier through my laptop, since it is my cable company that provides me with Internet access. I guess, I would have to rely on AT&T and my smartphone to blog messages.

Well, also I know today is Friday. That means pizza day at Shoeboxed. Enjoy some of that later today. I am on call at my other job, which sucks because I don't know if I am working my other job tonight. But since that Wal-mart opened up about a block away, it was either cut employee hours or lay off employees. They chose to cut their hours. I need a new job bad. Well, just thought I would blog off this message to you all.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Could you believe this happened

Well, as you probably know from a precious post that we got some REAL bad weather here in my part of North Carolina. Hell, some if us North Carolinians were without power. Well, as it currently stands I DO have power. Unfortunatly, I don't have my landline for my phones and I don't have cable. they are still down due to the storm. Well, i can still call through my smart phone. Unfortunately the siganal is weak were I live. I also don't have cable which sucks worse than you may think. No, I'm not just losing channels, but my Internet also comes through my cable. This post is also being made on my smartphone. However, it's still easier to post with my laptop. Well, just though I would just post something crazy and irrelevant to, well, POST SOMETHING CRAZY AND IRRLEVANT! HA, HA, HA!


Q: How would you describe the night sky?

A: Well, personally I would describe it as
something brighter than an alcoholics future! 

Whoa! It's sure coming down hard.

And yes, I mean REALLY hard. Right there was a huge storm that was going through my area. I mean, I was out in the countryside surrounded by trees. I was at the TEACCH center I that trailor there. But man, the storm looked pretty bad. We got some rain and some lightning. It looked so intense.  I was like, uh okay, best I get out of this area. I mean there were twigs and pine cones flying all over. Still getting the thunder. But call me crazy but it is interesting to see these things. It's interesting in seeing what nature can do.

My only hope is it doesn't ruin my dinner. Some if these folks I haven't seen in over a year! Well, I am trying to get over to the Carolina Ale House for dinner. I'm sure it will be DELISH!

Here was the Assement meeting

Well Folks, yep, I just had the assessment meeting. It was in a different place far as i remeber. it wasn't at the TEACCH center like I thought it would be. The head if of TEACCH didn't tell me they moved it to a taiker by a small airport. But he lead me over to its new location.

I hope it went all right. There is cutrently no certainty about the result. There were parts I felt shakey about. Especially, the second part. I will have another assessment meeting in a couple of weeks. I hope all goes well. If not, I hope there can be a way to help me sharpen up my skills. I hope for the best. I want to move up in this world you know.  Well, if I am not mention for Accounting or Bookkeeping, is there another job I can do? I want a job that people respect, and defenetly a job that requires education. I don't want my years in college to be in vain. Yes, I want a respectable job. Let's hope and pray for the best.

Well, my assessment meeting at TEACCH is today.

Wish me luck. I think I will need it. I know I will take a half day at Shoeboxed (meaning I only get a half day's worth of pay). The assessment meeting is at 2:00PM. I hope I can find some more desirable employment. Well, tonight I will also be going to a reunion dinner with some fomer associates from Harris Teeter #9, the fist Harris Teeter I worked at, which closed down and is now a Fresh Market. But I will have dinner with them tonight. Hope all works out! But, that's what I got planned for today.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Timmy: Mommy I thought we have no ovens upstairs.

Mommy: We don't Timmy. That is the outside weather.

Yep forks. That's what the weather is like here in NC. What's even worse is the fact we go lots of rain last week, thus furthering the humidity.


Jim: But John, it's all about individual freedom!

John: What was that last word you used?

Jim: Freedom.

John: Jim, we don't used that kind of language here!

Jim: Since when was FREEDOM a dirty word!

John: Since you started working for us, THE IRS!

This just is not my day.

Like, uh, well, I don't know. It seems at work I just can't seem to get things scanned right. What's worse is the fact it's taking me longer. I had to get an envelope flushed (which is bad at At least I managed to pinpoint the the problem before it snowballed into an avalanche. That would suck if that happened. Well, MAYBE, today will get better.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tragedies of 2013

So, we are about half way through 2013. I guess, you can say there have been some tragedies that were all sad. Here were the three worst.

1. The Boston Bomobing on April 15

2. The Philadelphia building collapse on June 6.

3. And the Charlotte Bobcats record OF ALL TIME!!


Q: How would you describe the population of an ant hill? 

A: I don't know about you, but if you ask me it's defently has the population that's just a little bit less then the lawyers we have here in the US. 

Good news, bad news

Good news, the Tar Heels just won! YES!! This means they are going to Omaha to face the NC State Wolfpack. GO TAR HEELS!!! UNC FOREVER!!!!  HEEL YEAH!!! And what else, hum? Oh yeah, WIN THE COLLEGE WORLD SERIES!!!

Bad news, had to miss the game because I was at work. NO!! Forgot to set the DVR (but don't know which ESPN channel was broadcasting though. And even if I did, the world about their victory just reached me. Watching on DVR would be boring because I would already know the result. So is this good or bad? I don't know. Guess it all broke even.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Though I don't like to look at myself as the loquacious type, but...

There are times I think I have lots to say. I mean, I even put an irrelevant post just to put a post into place, just for fun. But I can't deny it. I like blogging! It's so much fun. If I can do it for a living, I would do it for a living. However, what can not be denied is the fact I am Asperger's, and grew up in a world when well, for gosh sakes, NOBODY KNEW WHAT IT WAS!! It made my life a living hell and I was often misunderstood. I want to make an impact in this world. I am in the mist of writing a book. I hope you'd all buy and READ it. And that's why I have this blog. I want the word to understand Asperger's Syndrome.  I like putting humor on my blog to spruce it up. Hence, all the jokes. I HOPE that helps make it interesting.  Well, I only hope you all find interest in my thoughts, even if they do come across as gobbledygook. Well, just sit back, relax, and enjoy.  

OOOOOOKAY, just for the hell of it...

I will just make this my 110th post to make my 110the post! He he!!!

No, there isn't anything elese here! More will be on the next post!


Q: What sinks faster than an impatient psycho in quicksand?

A: Societies IQ points. 


Well, it was more or less a typical day for me today. I went to work at I practiced pn my typing. I also made my lunch for tomorrow. I talked to my girlfriend. Well, the UNC Baseball game got postponed. It will be tomorrow at noon when I cannot see it because I will be at work. There was an old high-school friend of mine, named Kate, told all her Facebook friends that her brother has joined the clergy. He is about to become a Lutheran minister. I with him the best of luck with his new job. I personally beleive mire of us westerners need God. What will it take to bring God back to western societies? Let's pray that there is a way.

Carson (my girlfriend) and I are hoping that we can see UNC play Baseball again this Saturday. We want them to win the College World Series. Well, right now I watching WWE Raw. I was watching some of the action from the app on my smartphone.

Well, to all of you who have read my blog..,

Spread the word. Tell 'em there's a lot good jokes here!


Jill: Daddy I thought you told me crooks don't control our lives.

Daddy: Well, they don't Jill. They always get what they deserve.

Jill: Are you sure?

Daddy: I'm sure, sweetheart.

Jill: Then why does the IRS continue to tell us we owe THEM MONEY!

105th post with another joke

Q: How would you descibe the sound of a scratching chalkboard?

A: A sound that is just little LESS irritating than polka music.

But, on a serious note. I am trying to make this blog interesting to the best of my ability. I think humor might help out some. I hope you find the jokes funny.  They say someone with Asperger's has a special talent. I guess, mine just may be comedy. 

Yeah, I won't deny it.

Some things I post are just ramdom thoughts that go through my head.

Well, tomorrow is Monday

Well, I guess it will be business as usual tomorrow. Man, I wish I just have more excitement in my life. It seems there is just toom much monotony in my life.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Johnny: Mommy, mommy, I just just saw the scariest thing on TV today!

Mommy: Did you watch Nightmare on Elm Street. You know I saw that maovie when I was a kid and told you it's too scary for a child your age.

Johnny: No, this was real, not a movie!

Mommy: What a news report?!

Johnny: No, worse, UNC just got shut out 8-0 in Baseball today!


There is a five year old boy who is molding clay. He is trying to mold a giraffe. But he just can't seem to get it right. He says "Mommy, mommy, I just can't do it! I can't seem to make a giraffe!" Then crys. His mother says back "There, there, its not a complete failure." The boy says "Why!" His mother says back "It's in better shape than most people!"


Q: What do sasquatches and honest politicians have in common?

A: Both very rare (if there is such a thing)!

Hey, this joke was my 100th post. Dang!

For those of you are older, or just like watching Married...with Children

Do you remember that line when Al Bundy said terrible things always come in threes. Well, I HOPE it's not true. But this weekend there were already TWO TERRIBLE THINGS that happened. First HT shortens hours for employee, thus reducing our income. Second, in NCAA Baseball UNC got shut out. NO! Please pray a thrid horrible thing doesn't happen.


Well, Carson and I saw the UNC Baseball game and saw them get killed. It was a downer. I wish them the best of luck tomorrow. Hopefully, they will win and go to Omaha. Personally, I hope they win the College World Series. The result today sucked, but I'll live.

The grocery store company I work for is called Harris Teeter. Often it is referred as HT. What sucks is that HT is cutting back hours because we are gonning to have a Wal-mart opening up about a block away. We are goning have to offer customer service second to none if we want to stay afloat. I really need a new job.

I have a meeting with Chapel Hill TEACCH on Thursday and I am very nervous. I want to prove I am capable of working in a job that society respects. That's why I went to college. Please pray that I find something.

Yep, in NCAA Baseball, I am watching my team, the UNC Tar Heels get killed

I just don't get it. They are supposed to be the #1 team in the country. Unfortunately, they are getting canned. The score is currently 6-0 South Carilina. NO! It's the fourth inning. They really, really, REALLY NEED to com back if they want to win this game. They will need to get serious and play some SERIOUS offense! Well, if they lose they will get another chance tomorrow. Still, I DO NOT want them to lose.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Well, soon about to start work.

Yep, it's gonna be time for work. What I would do for more desirable employment. Be nice if they promote me. Well, I have an assessment meeting with TEACCH on Thursday. I hope it all goes well. Please pray for the best.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Next Thursday the 13

Yeah, we all know about the superstition about FRIDAY THE 13th being the unluckiest day of the year. Well, what about THURSDAY THE 13th? It still has the number 13, which according to superstition is the unlucky number. Well, that is the day I have an assessment with TEACCH. I hope it all goes well. I do not want this kind of life forever. LIVING WITH ASPERGER'S SUCKS!

WWE's Curtis Axel

I beleive he is the best new edition in the WWE! My opinion.

Well, I know that weather here in NC has been getting stormy but here

Yep, after all storms there is a rainbow that follows. Especially, since there is a tropical storm headed through North Carolina.


Tom: Bob let me be blunt here. You want to make a fortune, but you have the IQ of 58.

Bob: Duh, yes, Tom I would (slack jaw laugh). It there like a way I can make a fort-toon (slackjaw laugh)

Tom: Well, Bob, I know the perfect job for you, TV EXECUTIVE!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This is serious. Sad story.

I heard there was a vacant building that collapsed on to a Salvation Army building in Philadelphia. There are at least six people dead and 13 injured. Please keep these people in your prayers. The story is so sad!

Hell, just add one to make an even 90 posts

Pretty cool, huh?


It's the last full day of school, and there was an entire class of 5th graders found dead. The teacher was arrested and accused of 1st degree murder for all of her students. The police combed her room for any weapons. Found none. Looked for poison in the punch and cookies. Found none. Checked her history for any acts of violence or violent crime. Found none. But just as the situation looked bleak, they finally found out what killed the kids. THEY WERE WATCHING THE 2011GREEN LANTERN MOVIE!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yes, some of my crazy random thoughts...yeah, yeah.

Well, I am almost 35, with a BA in Sociology from The University of North Carolina at Chape Hill and an AA in Accounting from Alamance Community College. However, I can't seem to find anything. Am I doing something wrong? I mean, I like to look at myself as a man who is above crying out bigotry. However, there are times it makes me wonder. Well, I hope you can keep me up in your prayers. I know I managed to hold on to my faith in my God when most people with my mental condition lose it. Still, I want to leave an impact in this world. I want to make a difference and leave a legacy. That is my goal.

Joke (I know it's been a while)

Mrs. Wilson: Thank you, sir. Here is my signature. You will not regret this loan you gave me. I got a feeling my nursery will be success. People in my neighborhood just LOVE gardening. Flowers, that's my neighbors talk about. But did you need BOTH my house and car as

Rob: Oh, don't worry Mrs. Wilson! Everything will be all right. I Thank you for your business, ma'am. Here's your $20,000. Wish you the best of luck with your new business. No, need to worry.

Mike (Rob's boss): Rob, is it all right if I can talk with you privately?

Rob: Sure Mike. What's up?

Mike: You know, bad loans hurt this bank. Rob do you know how many bad loans you gave out last month?

Rob: No, how many?

Mike: FIVE!

Rob: Sir, I'm sure this loan will be a success.

Mike: It better be, your JOB depends on it!

Rob: But her neighbors have and interst in gardening, so she starting a nursery! She has an interst in her business. I'm sure you would, too.

Mike: And what would my interest in that would be?!

Rob: 65%!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Don't you just hate financial burdens!

Well, I am having one now. I am still worried about fixing my car after being sideswiped. Hope things can be worked out. All I know is I got a call from the other person's insurance company. Hope all can be worked out. It's gonna cost a lot. NO!!

Yesterday with my girlfriend

Well, I got to see the The Fast and the Furious 6 with my girlfriend. We enjoyed the movie. It was exciting. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I can highly recommend it. Afterwods we got to eat dinner at Trips. I had a steak dinner with a baked potato and a caesar salad on the side. She had a salmon salad. We both enjoyed dinner. Then we saw saw UNC play Florida Atlantic in Baseball, but UNC lost. Drat! Well, better luck to the Tar Heels naext game. We still had fun that night.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Well, been to church today.

Sermon was about death into life and how we can find life out of death. Sounds nice and something to hope for.

Well, it was a nice day

I was happy to see Harrison's team win. The game was a battle though. I hope he really enjoys Baseball I think it should be a positive activity for him. Then went to my cashiering job. It was Employee Appreciation Day. We had a cookkout right by the store. I got a couple of hot dogs initially. I topped on with chili and another with ketchup and mustard. They also had some chicken, too. It was delicious.

During my meal break I had to get some more. I got some hambergers this time. However, when I got my lunch break the food was moved to the break room. Still it was yummy! I just loved grilled food. I mean seriously, who does not like cookouts! Another nice thing about Employee Appreciation Day we can dress down. I came wearing a UNC T-shirt. Most of my fellow front-end associates also decided to dress down. Only about three (give or take) did not. They didn't get the memo.

I found out my fianl tally for USO donations was $335. That was second to another cashier who works full-time during the day. That was still impressive, though. I guess, I just keep asking people and and eventually find someone who will donate. I guess, a common routine is one of the positive points of my Asperger's, still if only I can find the right job. I meet a lot of people who especially wanted to give to the troops around Memorial Day time. That was very good. If you collect $25, you get a free lunch. If you collect $150 you can either six free lunches or one steak dinner. WIth my fianl total, I decided to go with one steak dinner and seven free luches.

Well, my relief came on time. I was ready to go. She also decided to dress down. However, her third shift maanger chose not to. Though, the manager did get the memo, she thought her job was too dirty (yes, as in dirty in the LITERAL sense, meaning it could get her clothes filthy) and decided her clothes were too nice. Well, I guess that's her prerogative, asked for me and my relief cashier, we just couldn't wave this privilege because we don't get it very often. Well, hope you all have a nice evening!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

So far

Well, Harrison (my girlfriend's nephew) won his game 13-12. It was a very hard fought victory but a victory nonetheless. That game was seesawing back in fourth, but Harrison's team won. Don't you just love Little League Baseball. It was his last game of the season. He has one more week of school and he get out Friday.

Well, I am now off to my cashiering job. I work 3-11 tonight. However, today we can dress down and there will be a cookout as well. It should be a nice day. I know I will close second shift tonight. Well, wish me luck!