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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Well, just got off work and recorded my receipts

The receipts I use for budgeting. That give me an indication on how much money I spent. I mean, in these economic times you really need to be careful as to how much money you spend. After all, and yes, I am sure you heard this cliche a million times, but MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES. So, yes it's only prudent that we keep track of our money.

Anyway, I worked at Harris Teeter this evening. I closed second shift again. The good news was I finally got my prizes for the USO donations. After all the money I collected I decided to go with one free steak dinner and seven (yes, SEVEN) free lunches. They give us cards that we present to customer service when we decide cash in our free lunches or steak dinners. That way they can keep inventory of all the free lunches and steak they gave to employee and tell them why they didn't get any money for the sale (they promised the lunch or dinner to be free and that is the proof that we cashed in our free lunch or dinner).

However, not everything was good today at Harris Teeter. I was operating the U-scan (self-checkout lane). We had a wine spill that happened. A customer accidentally knocked his bottle of wine on the floor. To make it even worse it was red wine. We definitely had to clean it up immediately because that job STINKS, LITERALLY! I mean, I have done some clean ups with red wine and BOY DOES IT SMELL. I mean, it smells AWFUL! I guess, white wine would smell bad too after it spills but not as bad as red wine does. I mean, I like red wine but I do not like the smell of it after it hit the floor. I mean, yes, I do like the taste of red wine. But when it spills IT REALLY STINKS! What is even worse which means it can stain the floor. So, we had to get a mop and bucket as well as paper towels. As well as a broom and dust pan (to sweep up the glass and throw it away) and two safety cones (to inform customers that the floor is wet so they don't slip and fall). Later on I too dropped something on the floor. A jar of olives. Fortunately, they don't smell as bad as red wine does. And we didn't have to use as many paper towels. But for that I take full responsibility. I dropped those olives on the floor.

I had a person who wants to follow me on twitter. I gave her my screen name. She is young high school girl. I think she should have a bright future a head of her. I did tell her one of the jokes I posted earlier on this blog. She thought it was funny. It was the joke about the swear word evening news reporters hate the most which said was positivity, also saying that yes, to evening news reporters POSITIVITY is a swear word , especially hearing the reports they usually give us. I shall keep her name anonymous though. But, I ended up following her on Twitter as well. I also started following one of the managers on Twitter. I wonder if he will follow me. I shall keep his name anonymous too. If you would like to follow me on Twitter my screen name is TarheelAaron04.

I guess, I didn't stay too late by myself. I know being the person closing second shift I cannot leave until I am relieved. However, I was alone for only 30 minutes. There was another cashier there to work with me until 10:30. Well, at 11:00 my relief came. Then I went home and recorded the receipts. I look forward to being with my girlfriend tomorrow. We are going to have lunch at IHOP. Hope you all have a nice evening!

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