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Saturday, August 31, 2013

What thing I wonder...

Why doesn't the media talk about bullying Asperger's people like me. Now, I am NOT trying to sound homophobic here. If I come across that way, please forgive me, but it's NOT my intent. I am also NOT trying to sound bigoted towards people who are cognitively impaired. If I come across as bigoted towards people who are cognitively impaired, please forgive me, because once again, it's NOT my intent. However, this is my beef. I hear all this information in the media about bullying people who are cognitively impaired and LGBT. In fact, I feel I am up to my throat in hearing about those people being bullied. However, I hear NO information in the mainstream media about bullying Asperger's people. Where's the mainstream media on this issue? To me, it seems they have been silent about the Asperger's bullying.

I think they are at least equally as likely to be bullied as people who are cognitively impaired, hence why the former scientific word to describe the cognitively impaired has become socially unacceptable. It's pretty much a swear word now, called the "R" word. And I just found that out months ago (that the "R" word is now taboo, I'm pretty sure you know what word I am talking about now). Still we hear a lot of information in our mainstream media about bullying them, but none (very little at most) about bullying Asperger's people.

Asked for the LGBT population, I hear a lot of information in the mainstream media about bullying them. But, once again you DON'T hear any information about bullying the Asperger's population. But, I believe Asperger's people are three times more likely to be bullied than LGBT people. In fact, most people who are GAY and ASPERGER'S who I heard about DO agree with that statement. They feel they are more likely to be bullied for being Asperger's than they are for being gay.

Now, I HOPE I did not come across as a person who is bigoted again people who are LGBT or cognitively impaired. It's NOT my intention. However, I am wondering where is the mainstream media about the Asperger's bullying? I have been bullied left and right since I was a kid. I grew up in a world with NO Asperger's research, and it made my life a living hell. People with Asperger's are very easily misunderstood. They may have certain special needs. Often have to work harder than most. I guess, because they are not "normal." There are some thing an Asperger's person cannot help about themselves. I was not a popular kid in school. I think a lot of that was due to my Asperger's. Living with Asperger's I can tell you is ANYTHING BUT FUN. But, we are targets for bulliess. So, where is the media on this issue? No, I am not saying we need to get the government involved with bulling. And NO, I NOT TRYING TO DEFEND BULLYING ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM!! Bullying is bullying and IT'S ALL WRONG!! But what I am saying is I hope this post did promote some intellectual thought.

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