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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Well, I will be working 10 hours at HT today.

Yep, I will start working at 1:00 PM eastern standard time here in the United States. I will be working at Harris Teeter. I will not get off until 11:00 PM.  I will have an extra long day today. I hope the time goes by fast. I guess, that will mean more money in my pay check for this. However, I feel I still need a new career. I want a job that people respect. Well, I know I have another TEACCH evaluation on September 3. Please pray that is goes well. So, HOPEFULLY they can help me find something I would enjoy.

All I know is I will be tired when I get home tonight. Wouldn't you be as well after working 10 hours. Well, tomorrow Bible study starts up again at 9:45 AM. Well, my girlfriend and I are planning on going to the planetarium tomorrow and then wander around Franklin Street some. Well, Carson (my girlfriend) knows how much I love astronomy. After that we are going eat at an Indian Restaurant in Chapel Hill.

Oh, speaking of Carson. I got a letter last night she sent me. It was condolence letter to me about the death of my Great Aunt Genevieve who died last Monday. She know I miss my Great Aunt. I hope right now she is smiling down at me from heaven. God rest her soul!

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