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Saturday, August 31, 2013

If you (like me) were a fan of the former Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious, please do this.

On Twitter, there is a hashtag (listed below) to demand that Victorious should be granted a proper series finale. If you are like me and think it should be granted. Please tweet it. If you don't have a Twitter account, it shouldn't be hard to get one. Mine is TarheelAaron04 (if you want to follow me). But I think the show was high quality (for a kid's show). Yes, I am 35. Yes, there are some ways I haven't grown up completely. But still, if you were (or knows anybody else who was) please demand a proper finale for Victorious. If you don't have Twitter, getting an account should be easy. This I beg of you.


What thing I wonder...

Why doesn't the media talk about bullying Asperger's people like me. Now, I am NOT trying to sound homophobic here. If I come across that way, please forgive me, but it's NOT my intent. I am also NOT trying to sound bigoted towards people who are cognitively impaired. If I come across as bigoted towards people who are cognitively impaired, please forgive me, because once again, it's NOT my intent. However, this is my beef. I hear all this information in the media about bullying people who are cognitively impaired and LGBT. In fact, I feel I am up to my throat in hearing about those people being bullied. However, I hear NO information in the mainstream media about bullying Asperger's people. Where's the mainstream media on this issue? To me, it seems they have been silent about the Asperger's bullying.

I think they are at least equally as likely to be bullied as people who are cognitively impaired, hence why the former scientific word to describe the cognitively impaired has become socially unacceptable. It's pretty much a swear word now, called the "R" word. And I just found that out months ago (that the "R" word is now taboo, I'm pretty sure you know what word I am talking about now). Still we hear a lot of information in our mainstream media about bullying them, but none (very little at most) about bullying Asperger's people.

Asked for the LGBT population, I hear a lot of information in the mainstream media about bullying them. But, once again you DON'T hear any information about bullying the Asperger's population. But, I believe Asperger's people are three times more likely to be bullied than LGBT people. In fact, most people who are GAY and ASPERGER'S who I heard about DO agree with that statement. They feel they are more likely to be bullied for being Asperger's than they are for being gay.

Now, I HOPE I did not come across as a person who is bigoted again people who are LGBT or cognitively impaired. It's NOT my intention. However, I am wondering where is the mainstream media about the Asperger's bullying? I have been bullied left and right since I was a kid. I grew up in a world with NO Asperger's research, and it made my life a living hell. People with Asperger's are very easily misunderstood. They may have certain special needs. Often have to work harder than most. I guess, because they are not "normal." There are some thing an Asperger's person cannot help about themselves. I was not a popular kid in school. I think a lot of that was due to my Asperger's. Living with Asperger's I can tell you is ANYTHING BUT FUN. But, we are targets for bulliess. So, where is the media on this issue? No, I am not saying we need to get the government involved with bulling. And NO, I NOT TRYING TO DEFEND BULLYING ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM!! Bullying is bullying and IT'S ALL WRONG!! But what I am saying is I hope this post did promote some intellectual thought.

Now, I have over 5200 page views

I would like to thank the world for that. It means a lot to me. I hope you can keep them coming. I hope more people can read this blog as well. I know I have been putting lots of jokes on this blog. In fact, I just put five new jokes on this blog today. I hope you find them funny. They say people with Asperger's have at least one great talent. People told me mine is humor. Also I feel this blog needs something to liven it up. I hope more people can read this blog and I hope you all can enjoy it. But, 5200 page views, that's pretty good. Thank you all from around the world!


Q: How would you describe pyrite (fool's gold) and typical backyard dirt?

A: MORE VALUABLE than the dollar in the next five years!


Q: Which species is rarer, The Mountain Gorilla or The Giant Panda?

A: I don't know, but what I DO KNOW is a person believing in morality is harder to find than both those two species put together!


Q: What is the scariest horror movie to a news reporter?

A: A documentary that tells the truth!


Q: What does Congress have in common with WWE?

A: Both you see a lot of fighting, but WWE does it with a little more class and dignity!!

    Oh, and Congress's fights AREN'T scripted.


Q: How would I describe a bucket?

A: Deeper than the intellectual though of today's pop culture.

Well, right now it's Saturday morning...

Or actually approaching Saturday afternoon. I know I will be working at Harris Teeter from 3-9 today. We are expected to be busy because it is Labor Day weekend. Glad I don't work tomorrow. A great day for me to get together with Carson. So, Sunday should be a nice day foe us. All I know I should be paid a lot for all those hours I've been working this weekend. All, I know is after I came home last night, I CRASHED and slept for over nine hours. Yes, I was THAT tired. I need a new job. Please pray that I can get one.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Q: What do the MTV VMA Awards have in common with the evening news?

A: Both LOVE to mock and degrade people, except the VMA Awards do it with a little more class and dignity.

Yep, back home and DEAD tired.

Yeah, I feel my feet are killing me again. I mean I have been working 11.5 hours today. I hope and pray that something better will come along. Though, I know these haven't been the best of economic times. I mean, the stock market did terrible this month. I hope the TEACCH evaluation on Tuesday helps. Please pray that it does.

Football yesterday.

Was it a good night, or s bad night for me? Ya know, I-ya don'ta knooowww. Well in college ball, i am a fan of the North Carolina Tar Heels. Well, it was UNC's first regular season game against the South Carolina Game Cocks last night. Unfortunately, South Carolina won. Final score 27-10. NO!! Well, maybe better luck next game. I hope the best for them through out this season. But not a good way to start things out. There will be plenty of more games though. Be nice if Carson (my girlfriend) and I can see the Heels play at least once this year. 

Asked for professional Football (the NFL). The Carolina Panthers did very well. They defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 25-10. I think this should be one of their last preseason games. Their regular season starts September 8. Their first game will be against the Seattle Seahawks. Beast of luck to the Panthers. Hope they have a WONDERFUL SEASON. So, Tar Heels lost, but the Panthers won, good night or bad night? Your call.  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Right now, I am feeling more exhausted than usual.

I mean, had to work 11 1/2 hours, total! That's both jobs put together. I had to start working at Shoeboxed at 10:00 AM. And that job is in Durham. I get off of that job at 4:00 PM. Than I had to drive about 20 miles to get to Chapel Hill. They had me operate the U-scan for 5 1/2 hours. Thankfully I have a punctual lady who was my relief. She's now here to do third shift at Harris Teeter (HT is open 24-7). Well, I don't know why, but this is not the first time I had an 11 1/2 work day (that's both jobs combined of course). However, tonight I feel more exhausted than usual. In fact, right now, it almost feels like my feet are about to fall off. Please pray my TEACCH evaluation on Tuesday goes well. And please pray I can find the right job for me. It would sure mean a lot to me. Well, good night everybody.
Still, I feel I need a vacation one of this days. As well as a better job. Well, please pray I do. Hopefully, I can get some R & R later. Well, let's hope for the best.

Oh, by the way, to any of the former cast members of the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious, who I HOPE have stumbled on to this blog, I of course, was a fan of the show. A shame it got cancelled without a true finale. I felt it deserved two more years AT LEAST. Well, I hope if any of you see my blog, if you would grant me my request. Please promote autism awareness and support autism research. That is all I ask.


Jim: Hey Bob do you know what I can do for a living?

Bob: Well Jim, what do you like to do?

Jim: Just lie through my teeth. But I can't do that professionally.

Bob: Ever thought about being a NEWS REPORTER?


If Labor Day is supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation, why is it called Labor Day? Well, just asking. Asked for me, I'm about to get some LABOR this weekend, no R & R.

Well, this is what today and my weekend will be like

Well. I am working at Harris Teeter tonight and tomorrow. I will be closing second shift. That means I can go home until I am relieved. That sucks. I am working there again on Saturday 3-9 and this Monday (which is Labor Day in the US and Canada, just incase you are not from North America) from 9-3. Yep, I'm getting lots and lots if hours. What's worse I won't see UNC play their first game tonight against South Carolina because of work. I know I could have it DVR'ed, more than likely I will hear the results, which would ruin the game on DVR. Well, hopefully my girlfriend and I can see a UNC game this year.

Well, speaking of my girlfriend we are getting together on Sunday, my day off. We should have fun. All I know is, I will be working like crazy on Labor Day weekend! It sucks!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Well, I have been a livelong fan of WWE.

I mean, I followed them when they were WWF (until they lost their lawsuit against the World Wildlife Fund for legal use of the WWF initials). I followed them since I was 11. I still follow them. I followed them through the good times and the bad. Oh, should I tell all you people this,WWE is SCRIPTED not FAKE?!! Yes, they plan all the action. Most of the material is theatrical, like Hollywood. But still, these people DO get hurt. And UNLIKE their HOLLYWOOD counterparts, there are NO STUNT DOUBLES!! These guys (and gals) DO their own stunts!!! A rarity in HOLLYWOOD!!! In fact, right now John Cena (The WWE's #1 Superstar) has a torn tricep!!! Yes, they DO get HURT! WWE IS SCRIPTED NOT FAKE!!!

Wondering this

Do you think a coincidence or does Evian bran water not speak highly of their consumers? Just look how Evian is spelled, E-V-I-A-N. Just examine that spelled BACKWARDS!!



A: Maybe, but it's still more intelligent than most of our schools!!


Q: Do rebellious rebellious come back to their partents quickly?



Q: How would I describe watching the grass grow?

A: More exciting than 90% of the stuff on TV!


Q: Who's more honest, a politician or the evening news?

A: Well, I don't know but what I DO KNOW is a street thug is more honest than both of them combined!

Is it just me...

But, you know about that M&M commercial that debuted during the Super Bowl, featuring the Red M&M singing I Will Do Anything for Love (But I won't do that) played like 50 times a day. I mean, I am staring to think that commercial is being overplayed. Please enough already!

And also about the MTV VMA's...

Parents please set good examples for your children, because the I don't think they have many good role models in today's pop culture, in my opinion.


Q: How would I descibe Miley Cyrus's performance with Robin Thicke on the MTV VMA's?


Well, at least clean compared to most of the rest of today's pop culture. 


Q: How fake is Godzilla?

A: Well, he's still more real than a politician's promise!


Q: What are Hollywood's two dirtiest swear words?

A: Intelligence and taste! Yes, those are swear words to the folks in Hollywood.

Well this is what happened at work today

Well, there was a strange smell from outside. We were hoping that it is NOT a gas leak. We wanted to call the fire department. Unfortunately, they didn't. However, they did have a person from the gas company come and check up on things. Hopefully, it was NOT a gas leak, because I HATE to have gas leaking that is toxic and/or explosive. Please pray for me.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


You see a team of paleontologists were digging up bones in Utah. One named David came across something. He told his supervisor Thomas he thinks he found something big. Something that hasn't been seen in eons! Thomas asked "What do you think it is?" David said "let's keep digging." They kept digging for hours and then finally, they found something. Something BIG! Something that hasn't been see in enos. A dinosaur? NO! An Elephant? NO! Even bigger than both combined! Could it be a whale? But once again the answer was "no," What did those paleontologists find that is do BIG and hasn't been seen in eons?! IT"S SOCIETIES MORALS!!

Yep, now my blog has over 5,000 hits!

Yep, now over 5,000 page views on this blog! Thank you everybody! I want to thank all of people from around the world who viewed my blog! It really means a lot to me. I hope I can teach you more about living with Asperger's. I also hope you thought the jokes on this blog were funny!. Keep 'em coming people. Please spread the word! You cannot imagine how happy this makes me that my blog has over 5,000 hits now! Well, I guess I am now about to enjoy a nice fun day with my girlfriend. I hope all of you from around the world have a fun day as well!

Yep, now I am back home.

However, I just been on the clock for 10 hours. I am glad my relief came according to schedule. I am also glad I got two 15 minutes beaks as well as a 30 minute lunch break. There is a Burger King about a block away. I ate there for dinner. But there were some things that happened today. For one, though it was not the first time I had to deal with a wine spill, but It was the first time I had to deal with one on the parking lot. I had to clean up the glass. We let the gentleman pick up another bottle.

I have made one comment today. I remember telling some of my associates "If anybody says U-scan is easier to operate than the regular checkout lanes they should have their tongue cut out!" Though, no, I don't mean that literally. But still, no, the U-scan (the self-checkout lane) is actually tougher to operate than a regular check out lane because I have to look at see what's going one with all for terminals. What is worse there are times you would laterally have to explain everything to the customers. You would have to tell them "the yellow tags are coupons" or "you need to press the pay button" "You need to press the unpacked produce button for produce" or "It's weight sensitive." Some customers get angry and frustrated, they leave and use one of the regular checkout lanes. The U-scan can be quite tedious and may have to keep doing things over and over again which can bore you out of your mind. And imagine when you are closing second shift, that would really suck because you would have to keep doing that tedious deed and you can't leave until you are relieved. That's a pain! Customers are also nastier to cashiers at the U-scan, which also makes it tough. Imagine doing this for 10 HOURS! But that's what I did today!

All I know is I am happy my day of work is now over. Boy, I'm tired. Toward the end it felt my feet were about to fall off. Well, I am happy my day of work is now over and I'm home. Now, going to get ready for tomorrow. Hope I will be up in time for Bible study at church. Bible study took the summer off, but we are back in session. Then, I will be going to the planetarium and eating at an Indian restaurant with my girlfriend tomorrow. It should be a nice Sunday.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Q: How would you describe the educational value of today's cartoons?


Well, now to make it 401 posts...

Yep, had to do it. I just can't help myself!! And Yep, there is another joke.

Q: Do the people in Hollywood worship idols?

A: Well, they sure worship THEIR MONEY and USE IT to PREACH to the MASSES. Only difference is THEIR RICH and most of their fans ARE POOR! So I guess they do!

Well, just to make it 400 posts.

Yep, here it is. I mean I really enjoy posting on this blog well, now it has 400 posts. I hope more people from around the world check this blog out. I have noticed a lot of of people from Russia and Serbia have been checking this out. Well, I hope more people can spread the word. Oh, and I have another joke to share with  you all. Yep, I know I sure put a lot of jokes on this board.

Q: What is the media's idea of a rubber band?

A: The TRUTH!!

Well, I will be working 10 hours at HT today.

Yep, I will start working at 1:00 PM eastern standard time here in the United States. I will be working at Harris Teeter. I will not get off until 11:00 PM.  I will have an extra long day today. I hope the time goes by fast. I guess, that will mean more money in my pay check for this. However, I feel I still need a new career. I want a job that people respect. Well, I know I have another TEACCH evaluation on September 3. Please pray that is goes well. So, HOPEFULLY they can help me find something I would enjoy.

All I know is I will be tired when I get home tonight. Wouldn't you be as well after working 10 hours. Well, tomorrow Bible study starts up again at 9:45 AM. Well, my girlfriend and I are planning on going to the planetarium tomorrow and then wander around Franklin Street some. Well, Carson (my girlfriend) knows how much I love astronomy. After that we are going eat at an Indian Restaurant in Chapel Hill.

Oh, speaking of Carson. I got a letter last night she sent me. It was condolence letter to me about the death of my Great Aunt Genevieve who died last Monday. She know I miss my Great Aunt. I hope right now she is smiling down at me from heaven. God rest her soul!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Now, this blog has over 4900 page views!

Thank you all from around the world for looking at my blog. It really means a lot to me. I hope more page views come along! Keep 'em coming! It sure means much to me!

Even though this is only the preseason, but...

Did I just see the Carolina Panthers beat the Baltimore Ravens?! YES, THE BALTIMORE RAVENS, LAST YEAR'S SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!!! The final score was 34-27. Still, I can't say the Panthers were known for winning, though they have been getting better recently. Still, I never could imagine them see them winning against the Super Bowl champions. I never thought I would see the day, not even in the preseason. This is exciting!! I hope this means we are gonna see the Panthers kick some butt this year!! GO PANTHERS!!!!


Q: How would I describe the sun?


No, I am not trying to sound like a complainer, but..

I mean I really want to go somewhere. I really don't want this stagnation of my life anymore. I really want a better job. I hope TEACCH can help. I have a third evaluation on September 3. I also would like to work in Raleigh so I can live there. I think Raleigh is the ideal city for me. I would be close to many parks and museums. And I would also like the fact that there is a lot going on there. Raleigh is my kind of city. What's even better is its not so big and expensive. Though I would like to visit, I don't think I can live in cities like New York and Los Angeles. They are just too big, too fast paced, and too expensive. Yes, I would like to visit those cities, but I don't think I would enjoy living in them (no offense to anybody out there who lives in New York or LA). Raleigh is fairly good sized, just not super big.  It goes at a medium pace. Also it's fairly inexpensive. Raleigh is the right place for me. I would like a job there so I can live there without commuting.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Walter: Okay John, Welcome aboard. I hope you like your job here as a reporter for Channel 4 news.

John: Okay Walter, so what's on my computer?

Walter: Well, the usually stuff, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint to write your stories. You will also have a printer. Quickbooks. And most important of all RPM to check up on things.

John: But why RPM, this computer doesn't have Linux Standard Base software? And how did you get RPM to "check up on things?"

Walter: Not RPM Package Manger. RPM it's we are all about here in the news business...RATINGS, PROPAGANDA, AND MONEY!!
Well, it got stormy here in North Carolina today. However, on my way home I saw a rainbow. It was beautiful. I thought I would share it with you out there.

Just got a call from the body shop.

Well, they told me they are going to check the damages and see how much the insurance company is willing to pay and then start the repairs. Hope they start soon. This whole thing of all the hoopla had become a huge pain in the butt!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Q: If infomercials could be an animal, what animal would they be?

A: BULL, 'cause they are full of it!

Monday, August 19, 2013


John: Hey Mike, do you know what happened to morality and where is went.

Mike: John, I just have three letters for you DJL.

John: DJL?

Mike: Yep, that's where it went, DJL...Davy Jones Locker!

Unfortunately, I have been hit with some BAD news

My great aunt Genevieve from Tuscon, AZ has just passed on today at the age of 94. I really miss her. The news just came out so spontaneous. Good bye, aunt Genevieve. I hope after I die I can see her in heaven. Please pray for me. It was so sad.


I am happy to announce this blog now has over 4800 page views! Thank you all from around the world who took the time to view this blog. It means a lot to me. Keep the Paige views conning!

Here I am on this Monday Afternoon

Well, I had fun with my girlfriend yesterday. We both enjoyed lunch at PF Chang's. Then we saw the movie Jobs (yes, the movie about Steve Jobs). We thought it was all right, though it could have been better. Then I saw WWE Summerslam (if you are WWE fan ignore the following sentences). First  Daniel Bryan beat John Cena for the WWE Championship then Randy Orton, with the help of HHH "cashes in his MITB contract" and wins the tile. I think Orton and HHH are heels now.

Asked for today, well typical Monday. Not much going on. I will need to drop off my car to get it fixed. They will give me a temporary car in it's place. Well, guess that's all for now.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Q: How do you make a holy symbol for Hollywood?

A: Mix a dollar sign with the hammer and sickle!

Just my luck

Now, my security alarm malfunctioned. It said there was smoke on the second level, but could smell any. I told the people I couldn't smell anything. However, they sent the fire department. Now, I am late for a date with my girlfriend. Told her I was going to be late. However, can't get over until the FD could find anything. So, now off to PF Chang's with my girlfriend.

Just need know one thing

I think my lips are so dry. I feel I need to put chap stick on them all the time. I hope it's nothing serious.

Well, on a another personal note.

I still hope Nickelodeon gives Victorious the finale it deserves. I still don't think they should have cancelled it. There was so much more they could have done. But, what's worse is they never gave the show the finale it deserves. They ended it without closure. That sucks! I have been sending lots of Tweets in support on Twitter in hopes Nickelodeon will grant us one. Yes, I am the person who has been saying "Don't give up, keep the pressure up." I have the Twitter hashtag listed below. Also I hope you listen to another Twitter hashtag I started which is to pray for peace in Egypt. I have the hashtag for that listed below. If you like you can follow me on Twitter at TarheelAaron04.

I have sent personal tweets to all seven cast members, hoping they would promote autism awareness and support autism research. That is all I ask of them. I also asked if Dan Schneider would ever give me access to Head of the Class on DVD or Blu-ray. I used to watch that show when I was a kid (yes, I am that old. 35 to be exact). I remember when Schneider used to play Dennis Blunden. I know my Tweets on this blog are two tiny needles in one great big huge cyber haystack. However, I guess it's worth a try. I thought it's worth a try. Well, hope all is well.


Q: What's emptier than a hollow cardboard box?

A: A politician's promise!

Well, it's now Sunday afternoon here in North Carolina

Yep, it's Sunday after here in NC. Now, I about to get ready for lunch and a movie with my girlfriend. I will be meeting Carson at PF Chang's. Then we will see the movie Jobs. I hope it's a good movie, despite critical reviews. Still, Carson and I should have a fun day. I know that our lunch shouldn't be too expensive. We still have our gift cards. She and I should have fun.

Well, tonight I am planning on watching WWE Summerslam. I hope it's a great show! How things end, we will have to wait and see.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Now this blog has over 4700 page views! Thank you people!!

I have to thank you people from all over the world who viewed this blog. It really mean a lot to me. You can tell your friends about this blog. Hopefully, it can help spread the word about Asperger's Syndrome.

Well, it's Thursday afternoon here in North Carolina

Well, right now I about to get through my day. I know there will be an adult supper group meeting tonight for people with autism tonight. I am looking forward to that. However, I still haven't heard back from TEACCH on the evaluations. Well, lets pray for the best. And yes, let's continue to pray for the Egyptians so they may find peace.

Yes, I can and will admit to my fallibilities

But pray that I can be more divine and be a better person and less judgemental. Be a true Christian! Please pray for that. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prayer request

Please pray for the people in Egypt. It's so scary and depressing what's going on there. Please pray for the Egyptian peace, freedom, and stability. Pray, that is violence settles.

If I ever complete my book and if it gets published..

Would you read it? I hope I can get it out there. I hope it can woo more people to autism awareness as well as support autism research. That's all what I have to say for now.

I feel my life is stagnant

Though yesterday's TEACCH evaluation went well, I still feel I need a new job. I feel an emptiness in my life. That's part of the reason why I feel I need a new job. Not just for something better in the work field, but hopes for an orthodox work schedule that would let me get more involved with some more activities. However, it's hard to talk to people. That's why I suck at interviews. I want my life to be filled.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Oh if you want Victorious to have a proper series finale

Let your voice be heard on Twitter. Hashtag is listed below.

Yes, I did send direct tweets to all seven former cast memebers of Victorious

I mean it was a great show. There were times I laughed myself silly. Yes, I know I am 35 years old and I know that Victoirous is a kiddie show, but I thought the jokes were well executed and just had a style that cannot be duplicated. In fact the show was a one and only. After a year I still think it's a shame the show has been cancelled. I thought it had two more year a head of it at least. Yep, I was THAT naive. I have been tweeting in hopes that the show can get the proper series finale it deserves. Don't know if it will work. Yes, I was the person who was telling the public to "Spread the word and keep up the pressure." Hopefully the executives of Nickelodeon will agree to a finale someday.

Speaking of Twitter, I sent Tweets to all seven former cast members of Victorious. The laughter they gave me, I only hope they can do one thing in return for me. That is to promote autism awaress and support autism research. Being one who lives with autism, I know it's like. It's HELL, I MEAN LIVING HELL! I have to work three times harder than most. I have to be extra careful as to what you say or do. I am misunderstood easily. I was bullied a lot as a kid. And I are more prone to anxiety and depression than most people.  No, living with autism is not fun, not even high-functioning autism. I feel there is dire need for more autism research. If at least one former Victorious cast member can grant me that request, I would really appreciate it. He or she or they would be doing a lot for me and millions of other people from around the world who also live with autism. Please promote autism awareness and support autism research.

Well, had the TEACCH evaluation today.

Well, everybody I had my follow up meeting with TEACCH today, yes it took this long. We are going to have to try to have another meeting soon. I was doing some real Accouting/Bookkeeping work. It would be simulation of what I would be doing. I am confident that I can do it. However, my biggest problem is "getting my foot in the door."

Now, no, I do not think living with Asperger's is fun. In fact I think it's hell because it's hard to talk to people. I feel I want to get a real job. I do have education. I have studied hard in school. However, I it's talking to people and doing interviews which can be hard. People like me are misunderstood easily. I really want to go somewhere. But, it's my inability to communicate that hurts me. I hope this evaluation can help me get a job. Let's hope and pray for that.

After the evaluation I decided to go to the gym. I got in a good workout. Used the elliptical machine for 40 minutes. Then had some chicken for dinner. After that I talked to my girlfriend. Well, I guess it was a decent day. Since the evaluation went well should be a good sign. Let's hope and pray that it is.

I thought WWE Raw had a good ending tonight.

Here is the angle. CM Punk was scheduled to go one on one with Paul Heyman. Now, Heyman is no wrestler. He is an unscrupulous manager. So, unscrupulous he brought out one of his henchmen, Brock Lesnar (who will be CM Punk's opponent as the WWE Pay-Per-View Summerslam). Heyman then does something atypical, especially for a heel (a villain in wrestling terms). He admitted the whole thing was a trap. It was a trap to put CM Punk in a dilemma where the situation was lose-lose for him. CM Punk would either have to face BOTH Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar in a HANDICAP MATCH (meaning two on one) or not come out at all.

Now, why would it be lose-lose for Punk. Well, if he accepts Heyman's challenge to a handicap match, he will risk injury before his big one on one match against Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. If he's too injured after this match victory at Summerslam would be almost impossible. He may even have to forfeit. But, if does NOT accept the challenge he will disappoint the fans who wanted to see a match. Making him look cowardly. And since CM Punk is a babyface (that's a hero in wrestling terms) is NOT supposed to be a coward. They are supposed to be brave. So, that was Heyman's trap. Punk would either have to be the STUPID HERO or the SMART COWARD. Either way he loses.

However, Punk had a plan of his own. He was disguised as a camera man and attacked both Heyman and Lesnar from behind. Another one of Paul Heyman's henchmen, Curtis Axel cam to help Heyman and Lesnar to to no avail. Punk creamed Axel as well. CM Punk humiliated both Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar that night. I guess, made Punk the SMART HERO in many people's eyes. Paul Heyman's plan backfired. This is a good ending. If there are any WWE writers out there, please read this, THESE ARE THE KINDS OF STORYLINES WE WANT TO SEE! SO TAKE NOTE!! I also came up with a Twitter hashtag, #smartheropunk. But that was Raw's ending tonight.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Q: What has more jokes than this blog?

A: The "journalistic" stories from the news media.

Well, I believe that today's journalism is A JOKE!


A: If you have a vivid imagination and LOVE to make up stories what can you do for a living?

B: Either writer books or work as a NEWS REPORTER!

I hope Victoria Justice reads my posts, especially my recent ones.

I mean, I posted a message on this blog to her. I can only HOPE it can warm her heart some. I think she owes it to the fans to give Victorious the finale it deserves. I only hope she can think think about the fans. Ever if there are former cast members she cannot get along with, I only hope she can put differences aside for just this episode. She may never have to associate herslef with them again if it's true that she cannot get along with some of her former cast members.

But still she hasn't given an answer. I tweeted many times in hopes to give the show a true finale. Now, it's all up to her. Please Miss Victoria Justice, it would mean A LOT to your fans if you just do this one episode. I was a fan, it would mean A LOT to me. PLEASE DO THIS MISS VICTORIA JUSTICE! PLEASE THINK OF YOUR FANS!! I will not hold it agaist you if you decide not to. However, we really want Victorious to end the right way. I can only hope and pray that you will make the right decision. But Vic, please think about it.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

This this a post that I hope to Victoria Justice.

Hello Miss Victoria Justice,

Well, if you ever stumble on to this blog there is just something I want you to know. I was a fan of your show Victorious. I thought it was funny. There were times I literally times I laughed myself silly. Yes, I am 35 years old. Arguably too old to watching Victorious, but I thought it was just so funny. I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism. It often does cause stress in my life. Humor is good stress reliever. You show does provide good humor. I LOVED the jokes, I thought they were very well executed.

I wonder if you heard the news that there is talk on Twitter to give Victorious a proper series finale. Personally, I thought the show shouldn't have been cancelled in the first place. I felt it needed at least two more seasons. I feel they should at least give it be given a proper finale. The Twitter hashtag is listed below.

Now, the other six members of the cast have agreed to at least try to give the show a true finale. They just need you. Please try, that's all me and many other Victorious fans ask. I hope you will try. But, I personally think you owe it to the show's fans to at least try. That's all we ask. I don't know if it's true (if I angered you please forgive me) that you don't get along with some of your former cast mates, but IF it is true, than please bury the hatchet just this once. But just in case if the rumors are true, than after this episode is done, you will probably never have to associate yourself with them again (I hope I did not anger you, it was not my intent). Please think of the fans of the show. It would mean a lot to them. Please agree to a series finale of Victorious. Let Victorious to say "Good-bye" to it's public the right way.

And this paragraph is for a person reading who is NOT Victoria Justice. If you were a fan a show Victorious too, and got a hold of this blog, please help keep the pressure up. Twitter hashtag is listed below.

PS (And this is to Victoria Justice). Would you or any other former Victorious cast members promote autism awareness and support autism research? Well, just a question. Though it mean a lot to me personally, living with it myself.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

As you know,

Despite my age, yes, I was a fan of the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I miss it and felt it deserved better. Well, to me there is some good news. I have heard on Twitter there is talk to give the show a proper finale. If you are like me and feel the show got a raw deal and believes it show still be in production and/or at least give it the finale it deserves then let your voice be heard on Twitter. So, if you were a fan too, let the folks like Dan Schneider and the Nickelodeon boardroom year your voice. The twitter hashtag is listed below. I even have two idea to share for a finale. Have Cat and Robbie get together and have Jade admit her true feelings about Tori that she NEVER hated Tori but was really was ALWAYS jealous of her. Just two ideas I kicked around.


Friday, August 9, 2013


Q: How would you describe light wind blowing?

A: To me, more entertaining than about 90% of the crap on TV!

Well, now I am about to head over to my other job.

Well, my day at Shoeboxed is over. It ended early due to the lack of work. We got through all the envelopes today. Now, I am going over to Harris Teeter. I will work that job from 5:30-11, so I won't get back until late. And then I have to work at HT again tomorrow from 8 AM-1 PM, so I have to get up early tomorrow. Well, I guess that just the way things go. Well, I was originally supposed to work from 6-11, another associate couldn't do that early shift, so I switched with him.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

And I hope my God can will grant me this prayer

I know, it's a tall request, but I hope my blog makes a difference in this world. I want the world to understand Asperger's. Yes, I know there are some thoughts that get stuck inside my head, like me be successful. But these are the things I pray for. No, I can not, and will no test my God, but I HOPE he can and will grant me my requests, though they be outrageous. Still, I am still hope I can influence this world, blog or not. I know as a human I am subject to the curse of sin, I still hope and pray the best for me and this world. I want to make the world a better place. I know that some thoughts get stuck in my head. Like the situation with my job, I pray the best for the world. I really want to make the world a better place.

I also pray for this...

The world turns back to Jesus. Let him be the world's guide to righteousness. That is what i pray for.

Yes, once again I pray for this...

I pray that I can be a more forgiving person. I can forgive all my enemies. Even my moral enemy Cindy Wickham who made my life a living hell when I was six and seven. That I may be successful person by mainstream standards. That I can have an influence on this world. That a former cast member of the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious sitcom Victorious grants my request and gets more involved with autism research (yes, even Ariana Grande, co-star of the sitcom Sam & Cat, who I just CANNOT be a fan of because I miss Victorious can feel it CANNOT be replaced). That the world understands Asperger's Syndrome. These are the things I pray for, I hope God can can grant me these requests. I know they are probably tall requests to some people, but I hope at least one of them can be granted. I hope can and will grant them.

Well, just to make it 360 posts

I'll lust post for the hell of it. Well, still job searching, still have that TEACCH evaluation on August 13. Still, hoping and prayer for the best. So you know, here's 360 posts now.


Q: Low ratings. Is there anything the media hates more?


Am I crazy to assume this...

But you know, I thought we calling going to work for a reason. Because well, we are here to well...WORK! However, currently there is no work to do and it's been about 20 minutes. Hell I am here to work you know. I feel it gives my life meaning. I'm not going to sit around and do nothing all day. Please pray that I get a new job! I have a TEACCH evaluation on August 13. please pray that goes well and I can find a better job. I really hate being Asperger's!

My blog has now just hit 4500 page views!

I'm happy to hear that! I have to thank of you people from around the world for looking at my blog. It really means a lot to me. Just keep looking and there will be some more post along the way and a lot more jokes as well. Just keep those page views coming!

4500 page views. That's good news, let make it thousands, maybe even millions more!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Q: In terms of height, do you think anything ever dwarf the burj khalifa?

A: Something already has, THE NATIONAL DEBT!


Q: Do you think humans could ever dive as fast as peregrine falcons?

A: No, just our IQ points!

I know I still miss the Nickelodeon sitcom VIctorious

I really thought it was a funny show. Personally, I wish it was still on the air. I think it would be nice if Nickelodeon brings it back or at least gives it its proper series finale (yes, I know FAT CHANCE OF BOTH OF THOSE HAPPENING). I mean it was quite well done for a kid's show. It was just so funny. I felt the show was just irreplaceable and cannot be duplicated. There will be ONLY ONE VICTORIOUS! So, no, I just cannot be a fan of Sam & Cat for that very reason. It just does not recap the magic of Victorious to me. Well, I still hope and pray that at least one former cast member of Victorious will see my blog and grant me my request I have been making for months now. My request is that at least one former Victorious cast member will support and get involved with autism research. If any of them do, it would mean MUCH to me because autism is a tough phenomena to live with. I live with autism myself and do not think it's any fun at all. I hope they can and will support autism research.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Well, here I am on this Tuesday afternoon

Well, not much going on. Well, I have people, like my family and girlfriend who love me. But there is just something empty in my life. It's like, I'm not getting out enough. I'm not doing enough. It's making my life dull. I guess, I just need more activities. Problem is its hard with unorthodox work hours. I hope I can get that job soon.

Monday, August 5, 2013

A prayer request...

Well, people my Great Aunt Genevieve from Tuscon, Arizona is starting to have health problems. I know she is in her mid-90's, however I hope to the best for her. I knew her my whole life. I just want her to pull through this. Please pray for her.

You know, I love this blog.

I still hope it can catch on. I like to try to make it as entertaining as possble. That is why put on all the jokes. And yes, I make up my own jokes. I just hope you find them funny. I also put on prayer requests for prayer to the people from around the world. Well, I know how tough it is living with Asperger's. I mean, to me I have to work about three times harder than most. You are easily misunderstood, making people shun you. To me, it also makes me vunerable to anxiety and depression. Well, I hope I can live a nice life. Well, I have a family that loves me as well as a girlfriend. And I love her, too. Her name is Carson by the way. I also have to prayer for a better life for myself. Well, I like this blog and will try to do whatever I can to make it better.


Mike: John, are they sure Death Valley is the lowest point in the United States?

John: Sure Mike, do you think there could anything lower in elevation?

Mike: Sure, society's intelligence!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Well, it was a fun Sunday with my girlfriend!

Carson and I had a nice lunch at PF Changs. I had the chicken fried rice. She had beef with broccoli. It was delicious. We both had $10 gift cards that we both decided to cash in. Afterwords we went to Southpoint mall. We first went to Belk's. She got some new makeup. After that we walked around the mall some more. I think we also went to store called Lid's Locker Room (though can't swear to it) where they had lots of memorabilia of various teams. Carson is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. I am a fan of Panthers (I know they aren't known for winning, but they are the Carolina's only NFL team). Still, we are both UNC fans. After that we walked around the mall some.

After about an hour or so we bought some desert to go at Cheesecake Factory. We both got some desert for later. After that we went to Target. It's about a block away from the Southpoint Mall. She got a Lava Lamp. Carson loves them. There is a particular lava lamp she is looking for. Well, she told me she found one at Target that looks similar. Afterwords, we went over to the cards. Gretchen, Carson's sister-in-law has a birthday right around the corner. Carson thought she should get her a card. It was a funny one. Carson and I had a fun day.

Prayer request

This happened in Venice Beach, California. There is a man who they believe intentionally drove into the broad walks and and killed at least one person. A 38-year old woman from Italy. About 10 others were left injured. The story was so sad. Why did he do it? That as far as I know remains uncertain. Did he kill that woman on purpose for revenge of some sort? Once again I don't know. All I know is the story is so sad and I believe we must pray for the woman and pray for the 10 injured people. If there were more people dead or injured, let's pray for them, too. The story is just SO SAD!

Well, been to church this morning

Well, we had a guest speaker from India. He said we is from a part of India where St. Thomas was buried. He told me about about the importance of faith. I know there are times it's hard. Especially, after all the pressure we are getting from society. I know Thomas was doubter who felt he needed proof of who Jesus was. Jesus said the blessed are those who can believe without proof. Well, it goes to show how important faith is, and why we need it. I pray that more followers will come to be, but with all the pressure from society it will be hard. Let's pray for the best.

Sad news to report.

I just saw a dog on the middle of the street dead. Presumably run over by a car. I saw a man remove the dogs body from the street. He want to give it a proper burial. Unfortunately, the dog doesn't have a tag, so we don't know who the owners are. It was so sad. I guess, there are people who either sick or careless enough to do things like this. It was so sad. Please keep that dog high up in your prayers!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Q: How I would describe a gerbil?

A: A better director/producer than Roland Emmerich!


Q: How could have White House Down been successful?

A: Market it as a comedy.

Well, hell, I laughed until so hard, until I realized IT WASN'T A COMEDY!

Well, now getting ready for work.

I feel I really need a better job. Maybe the folks at Harris Teeter can promote me. I think that would be wonderful. I would really like to get a better job somewhere.

You know what...

I have been thinking about investing. However, I don't know who would be a good company to invest with. Please pray I can find somebody to invest with so I can help with autism research more personally. I don't want to make a foolish investment. I know it is the easiest way to get rich. I know I cannot invest with Harris Teeter anymore since they have been bought out by Kroger, but maybe there is another company I can invest with. If goes public, maybe I can invest with them. Please pray that they will grow and go public, so I can buy some stock or bonds with them. That would mean a lot to me.

Oh, and if you have lots of receipts or invoices around, maybe can help you with organization. They will construct a digital shoebox so you can keep track of your personal expenses better. I would like if they can get more businesses. And pray that they will open their hearts and pay people more if they had more money to do so. They are a grassroots company. They don't have much money to pay people much. If they did please pray that their hearts will be open to pay workers more. That would mean much to me and the workers for Maybe you, yourself can do some more business with them. Just look to their website at for more details. Please pray for the best for us all. That is all I ask.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Well, just watched Smackdown (if you are a WWE fan how hasn't seen Smackdown you may want to ignore this post)

And the new #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship is Christian. He will face Alberto Del Rio (the current WWE world heavyweight champion) for that title. Summerslam will be held on August 18. But you know, I thought Rob Van Dam was going to win it. Oh well, it's going to be Christian. I think it should be a good match!


Q: How would I describe the speed of a sloth?

A: Faster than today's economic progress!

Please pray for my next TEACCH evaluation

Yes, my TEACCH evaluation will be August 13. It was originally supposed to be a couple weeks ago, but was cancelled. It was rescheduled to August 13. Please pray it will go all right. And please pray I can find more desirable employment. It would mean a lot. to me. I am happy to see my blog got 66 page views yesterday. Please keep viewing. I hope all of you out there are enjoying it!


Q: Do those folks from Hollywood think they have big faces?

A: Well, all I know they must! They always try to squeeze TWO FACES ON THEM!


Q: How real is WWE Wrestling?

A: More real than the rest of the crap the media shoves down our throats!

Yeah, on a serious note, I am a fan of WWE Wrestling and have been since I was 11. All I know what the media shoves down our throats, I THINK THAT IS FAKE!!


A: How would I describe the intelligence of a hamster?

Q: Greater than all the TV executives COMBINED!!


Q: How would I say about listening to a test of the Emergency Broadcast System for an hour?

A: More tolerable than listen to Polka music for 10 MINUTES!

Well, I gotta say this...

Four jokes in one night! Who would have thought?! Hey, I have to keep this blog interesting any way I can! After all, if would be about me and what I did day to day, like went to work and went out to buy food it would be pretty BORING! It has to have something to liven it up.


Q: And is independent thought a dirty phrase anybody else besides the evening news?

A: Yes, Hollywood and college professors!


Q: Can there be a dirty phrase phrase a dirty word?

A: Well, if you work for the evening news the answer is YES, and it's independent thought!


Q: Can anything go way below zero besides a thermometer?

A: Yeah, the media's intelligence!


Q: What is hotter than the sun?

A: The air from the journalism of the evening news!

For all of you out there who enjoy reading my blog...

Please pray that I can find ways to help me find another job. What ever the case may be, please pray that I can find better employment. I also pray for a better world for us all. And please pray that more people look at this blog. Yep, I won't deny it, but it would mean a lot to me personally.

I will tell the world this!

Well, right now, I have been watching some cartoons I watched when I was a kid, like Visionaries and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I guess, they have some sentamental value to me because they remind me of the days of my childhood innocence. Days to me that are long gone. Though, I know these days won't come back to me and the world, but still I feel I have to hope and pray for the best. I hope God can help me or somebody else woo people in mine and other societies in the world to him, especially those that have forsaken him. I know it may sound absurd, but it's something to hope and pray for.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Well, can't say I did too much tonight

I went to work at Shoeboxed. After that I decided to go to the gym. I went on the eliptical for about an hour. In fact the photo below issupposed to me sweating after working out for about an hour. I also spent about an hour on the phone talking with my girlfriend. She's doing fine. Both looking forward to lunch at PF Chang's this Sunday. We got gift card the last time we ate there and going to use them Sunday. Hope you all have a good night.