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Monday, July 22, 2013

No, I cannot and will not deny this...

I am jealous of this generation. They have research in Asperger's Syndrome. They did no when I was a kid, so I had to confront it blind. I still believe that if there was research in this phenomena it would have made my life much easier. I can tell you, living with Asperger's is anything but fun. You are easily misunderstood and you have to work three times harder than most. You often have miss out on some special events just to get by in terms of money and/or accomplishment. I am happy though I have a family and a girlfriend that love me a lot. Still, I know how hard it is living with AS and I spent most of my youth living with it no research. This generation of people with Asperger's DO have research. If you are a part of this generation of people with the research, I only hope you can do one thing for me, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THE RESEARCH FOR GRANTED! It something I wish I got when I was your age. You have a major privilege that I has I had, so don't take it for granted.

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