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Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Q: Do you think our society can be changing its sizes in two directions?

A: Well, I saw the answer is "yes." Bigger on our waists and smaller inside our heads!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Yes, I know I told the world how much I miss the Nickelodoen sitcom Victorious

I really LOVED that show. I thought it was funny. Because of how much I loved it, there can be NO replacement. NOT the cheap sin off Sam & Cat. NOT that cheap ripoff A.N.T. Farm on the Disney Channel. Victorious was a ONE AND ONLY. There was one Victorious and will be ONLY ONE Victorious. I just hope that AT LEAST ONE FORMER VICTORIOUS cast member will grant my request and support autism research. That is ALL I ask. I know, I may sound crazy, but I miss that show. I just hope my request of at least one former cast member will get more involved with autism research. Good night.

Prayer requests I will make to the world

I pray that the world will understand Asperger's Syndrome better. I pray that I will find a more desirable career. I pray I can live financially comradely. I pray for my blog. I pray that at least one former cast member of the late Nickelodeon Sitcom Victorious sees my blog, and grants me my request to support autism research. I pray for the people in Spain after the train wreck. I pray for the people in my own country in the state of Indiana after the bus accident. I pray for a better economy in this world. I pray for better world for us all. I hope MY GOD will grant me these requests (though I understand they are tall requests). Well, people please keep praying. Let the God Abraham, Issac, Jacob guide you. I hope all work out for me and to you all from around the world!

Well, goodnight...

Well, it is just past midnight where I am. I started working at Shoeboxed at 10 AM like usual, then off to Harris Teeter. I worked the U-Scan (self check-out lane) from 5:30-11. Well, I know I have a 10:30 meting tomorrow with Geico. Please pray that all goes well. I would mean a lot to me.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Got a random question

Well, right with work at Shoeboxed the system is down. I hate it when that happens. We can't get any work done. I mean we can't afford to be late for our business. Well, I guess we just got to keep on going along.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

And Yes...

I still hope a former Victorious cast member sees this blog and gets more involved with autism research.

320 post already?!

Who would have guessed?! You know I really LOVE post messages on my blog. I think it's lots and lots of fun. I only hope it's doing a good job raising autism awareness. That is something I really want to to do. I can tell you that living with autism (yes, even high-functioning autism) is a real pain in the butt!

Yes, maybe I'm crazy

Yes, I know I must have said this hundreds of times on my blog, but I still miss the Nickelodeon Sitcom Victorious. I still believe it was a one and only. Nothing can replace it! Not a phony/baloney spin off (Sam & Cat) or a cheap/pathetic ripoff (A.N.T. Farm). It had a style that cannot be and will not be duplicated in my eyes. I'm still angry that Nickelodeon cancelled it. Though, I know it won't kill me. However, I still hope that at least one former cast member of Victorious sees my blog and grants me my request. My request is that at least one former Victorious cast member gets involved with autism awareness and supports research. There is no way you can imagine how much that would mean to me. If a former Victorious cast member sees this, please promote autism awareness and support autism research!

I was a nice Sunday.

Though I missed church this morning, I had a nice afternoon with Carson, my girlfriend. We went to go see The Wolverine in 3D at a movie theater in Garner. Then we had a meal at Shuck 'Em Shack. She covered the movie tickets and I covered the meal. It was lots of fun. Then we walked around the neighborhood three times. I stayed around for a bit at her place. I know she is excited to watch a Soccer game featuring the USA vs. Panama. The game took place while we were on our date. However, she DVR'ed the game and watched it on DVR. Well, I'm sorry I am not a soccer fan. Well, her parents were there to watch the game with her. She worse that UNC Women's Soccer Championship T-shirt my parents gave her last Christmas. Well, I have heard the US won 1-0 though I didn't see the game because I am really not a Soccer fan like she is. I have nothing against Soccer, I just plain don't like it. I best Carson was ecstatic. It was a fun day.

Oh, you can follow me on Twitter if you want.

I can be followed at TarheelAaron04.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gym photo

This is a photo of me after a nice good workout at the gym. Yep, sweating like a pig (yes, I know that is an incorrect figure of speech since pigs don't sweat, but you know what I mean). 

Well, Yup...(Random stuff)

Yeah, I have been putting some more jokes in this blog. Hope all of you out there from around the world enjoy them. Well, it's an overcast Saturday night here in NC. Not much going on. I thought I would finish putting together my telescope. My girlfriend tried to give me one for Christmas, unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. I asked the company for a new one. They sent me one. I hope this one works. It was still sweet of my girlfriend to send me a telescope. She knows how much I like astronomy. She and I are going to see The Wolverine tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. Boy, I LOVE her!

I hope all of you out there like this blog. I try to make it as entertaining as I can. I like putting up jokes to liven it up. I put some more on today. I still hope and pray I can find another job. I really want to go somewhere. I know these aren't the best of economic times we live in, but still hope for the best. Please keep that high up in your prayers. Also pray for the people in Indiana because there was a bus crash. They were teenagers headed home from Bible camp in Michigan. The crash killed at least 3 and at least 26 are injured. Please pray for them. Well, not much else going on. Hope you all have a nice evening (or morning, or day, or night...wherever you are in the world).


Maude: Frank Johnny is having awful nightmares again.

Frank: But Maude I don't know what could be causing them. He doesn't watch SyFy anymore.

Maude: Hey far as I know he's still watching too much scary TV, scarier TV than SyFy! That's what's giving him those dang nightmares!!

Frank: But I thought watching THE EVENING NEWS would be good for him!


Q: If you had to give Hollywood a dollar for the intelligence and quality of their entertainment today, how much money would you owe them?

A: They would OWE YOU about 2 or 3 MILLION DOLLARS!

Here's a joke


Friday, July 26, 2013

Call me crazy

But for many years now, but I always felt I needed a watch around my wrist. And when I don't have one it get insecure because I wouldn't know what time it is. I want to be in a certain place at all times. I really feel I want and need to know what time it is. It makes me wonder how I am supposed to keep my eye on the time, when there is no time to keep my eye on. Well, the battery on my watch today was starting to die. I was insecure. Well, I got it replaced. That was a relief to me.


Q: To people in the news media, do they think the truth could be made of certain type of fabric?

A:  I don't know, but I think they must think its elastic because they always like to stretch it.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Please pray for the people in Santiago de Compostela

I just heard the news that in Santiago de Compostela, Spain there was a huge train wreck that killed at least 77 people and injured at least 131. It was one of the worst train wrecks in European history. The current Spanish Prime Mariano Rajoy, who was born in Santiago de Compostela is planning on coming there and address the residents of the tragedy. Please pray for them.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yep, this blog just did it!

There have now been over 4000 page views! Hats off to the people from around the world who have been looking at this blog. I hope you have been enjoying it. I hope my humor has been entertaining, as well I hope more people would understand what it's like living with Asperger's (and no, it's not fun). Keep the views coming. I am happy that there have now been over 4000 page views. Now lets get some more.

Yep, another post about the former Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious

Yes, I am putting up another post about the former Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I thought the show was funny and feel it's shame Nickelodeon decided to cancel it (though I still think they shouldn't have). I think I said this so many times, but I sincerely hope that at least one former Victorious cast member sees my blog and its posts and grant me my request. My request is that at least one former Victorious cast member gets involved in autism research. That would mean a lot to me. That is my request.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Q: What is Rolling Stone Magazine's favorite game?


"Why Limbo?" you may ask. Because Limbo is a game of "How low can you go?!" Just like Rolling Stone Magazine.

Okay, I just been to the gym

And man am I BURNING UP! I think I burned over 750 calories on the elliptical. They say exercise is good way to fight anxiety and depression. Hope they are right. All I know is I have a lot of stress right now. This wasn't a good month financially. Didn't get to work as much as I wasted. Had to do birthday shopping for my brother. Had to order new contacts. And I have to get my car serviced. Financially, this month for me SUCKED!

Well, got an appointment with Geico for an estimate

It is July 30. Don't you just hate the hassles. July, was not a good financial month for me.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Q: What are today's reporters lacking to do well at their job?


This happened at work today

I just found out I came in first. I never thought that could happen to be. It is based on scanning speed. I know my brain processes slowly. However, last week I finished in first. I made me very happy. Hopefully, it will happen again.

I miss the '90's

They were the good old days. There are times I hope that society will get back to something like that. Well, you can't be too nostalgic. Still, I say they were the good old days.

Hope a former Victorious cast member sees this blog...

And grant me my request to support autism research. Do I sound too demanding? Well, it's not my intent. I enjoyed that show, still saddened that it has been cancelled. Only hope that at least one former cast member can grant me my request to promote autism awareness and support autism research.

No, I cannot and will not deny this...

I am jealous of this generation. They have research in Asperger's Syndrome. They did no when I was a kid, so I had to confront it blind. I still believe that if there was research in this phenomena it would have made my life much easier. I can tell you, living with Asperger's is anything but fun. You are easily misunderstood and you have to work three times harder than most. You often have miss out on some special events just to get by in terms of money and/or accomplishment. I am happy though I have a family and a girlfriend that love me a lot. Still, I know how hard it is living with AS and I spent most of my youth living with it no research. This generation of people with Asperger's DO have research. If you are a part of this generation of people with the research, I only hope you can do one thing for me, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THE RESEARCH FOR GRANTED! It something I wish I got when I was your age. You have a major privilege that I has I had, so don't take it for granted.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

You know, I must have said this a dozen times but...

I still miss the Nickelodeon Sitcom Victorious. Yes, arguably I am too old to be watching Nickelodeon. However, but I thought Victorious was just too funny. There times I laughed myself silly. I thought it's a shame that show got cancelled, and without a proper finale. I just can't watch Sam & Cat, it just cannot fill Victorious's shoes. I still feel that show deserve better. I only hope that at least one of the former cast member reads these messages I posted and can grant me my request. That would be to support autism research. I know I said this before and yes, I will say this again, but I know that this blog is but a tiny needle in huge cyber haystack, but if there is at least one former cast member who sees this, I hope he/she can and will support autism research.


Timmy: Daddy, I looked all around this Hollywood studio.

Daddy: So, what did you see?

Timmy: I couldn't see any big black spots.

Daddy: Of course not, what do you think they would do?

Timmy: But I thought you said they liked to BURN TOO MUCH MONEY!


Q: When I take a bite out of a plain rice cake, how would I describe the taste?

A: More taste than today's entertainment?

About today

Well, I first started by going to Church today. I hear a sermon by a former member of my church, who later became a student pastor and moved to a different church. His sermon is why there are times when we need to be getting things done, but also there are times when we need to relax. Well, come to think of it he is right. I came to greet him after the service. He still remembers me after these years. I thought it was wonderful.

I also took the time to at least start on putting together a telescope. My girlfriend tried to give me one for Christmas but I couldn't seem to get it to work. I didn't know if it was me or the telescope. Well, the company sent me a new one. However, just in case if it was me, I thought I would look to see if there are any telescope repair places here in North Carolina. My girlfriend knows how much I LOVE astronomy. That is why she gave that telescope. It was SO SWEET of her. Maybe pray that new telescope works. Also pray I can find another job, pray the best for the Martins and the Zimmermans. After the murder case in Florida. Also please pray for the cities of Detroit and Chicago that they can once again achieve their former greatness. I know that Detroit called for a bailout and Chicago is thinking of it. Well, that is all I have to say for this post.

The depressing News about Detroit.

I just saw a news report about the proposed bailout of Detroit. I used to live around Detroit when I was growing up. Well, Detroit wasn't a super nice place to live back in the 1980's and 90's either, but now, it looks like things are much worse. It is just so depressing on what became of that city. I know in the 1940's it was known as the innovation center here in the United States.  

But would a bailout help? That I can not be 100% certain. I know the Governor of Michigan is against the idea, and he may be right. I don't think bailouts have helped California. It it does, it would be the largest city in the US to receive a bailout. I also have heard there is now also talk if a bailout in Chicago. Please keep the cities of Detroit and Chicago high up in your prayers. Thank you.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Well I had a nice day with my Girlfriend today.

Carson (my girlfriend) and I had lunch at Applebee's. If you haven't tried the Triple Chocolate Meltdown, you are really missing out on something. It's delicious! We also talked about music. I talk about two of my favorites from the 1990's. My personal favorite from the 1990's was "Standing Outside of a Broken Phone Booth with Money in my Hand" by Primitive Radio Gods. I have that song on my smartphone and we lstiened to it. "Lightning Crashes" by Live is another sone from the '90's I liked and another song from tht decade I liked was called "California" by Wax. Until literally and hour before typing this post I thought it was entitled "Southern California." Got the name wrong. Sorry. It's "California" not "Southern California" Unfortunetaly, it looks like "California" by Wax isn't a favroite of hers. She knew about the song "Tom's Diner." It is a favorite of hers. She wondered who did that song. I told her it was Suzzane Vega. I also knew about another one of her songs called "Luka." I got that song playing on my smartphone. She also liked "Luka." All I have to say, we both had lots of fun today.


Q: How you describe the Marianas Trench?

A: Higher than the intelligence of the stuff on TV!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Though another state on the barbie!

Whew! It was 90 degrees Fahrenheit today! What is even worse was the humidity was about 90%. Yep, we have been getting a lot of rain this summer, and it's been REALLY hot. I guess, you can fry and egg on the sidewalk or let nature boil your soup for you! No doubt about it, it's been so dang hot here in North Carolina! JEEZ-LOUISE!!

Random Fact I just learned.

I know I haven't posted in a while. But......I have just learned that there was a hermit saint named in the sixth century AD named Aaron. What's more ironic is the Roman Catholic Church gave him his day on June 22, that's my birthday. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!

Monday, July 15, 2013


So, Joe is at Army base and and building a bomb. The bomb is not activated so it no threat currently. However, General Wilson say "Joe what in tar nation are you making?! It must be 10 feet tall and 15 feet wide!!" Joe told Gen. Wilson he is making a bomb. 

Well, Gen. Wilson tells Joe "That must be the SECOND largest bomb I have seen people make all year!" 
Joe asks "Second largest, what could be the largest?"

Gen. Wilson says back "THE LONE RANGER!"

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I had lots of fun today.

Today all started this morning when I went to church. I got to see a former pastor back for today. He gave a nice sermon about who can be a Good Samaritan. People usually look at Good Samaritans as people in poorer neighborhood. My church is located in a well off neighborhood. However, the pastor said the church I go to saved him after his house burned down and needed support. My church came to him and his wife's rescue. What I also liked was after the end of the service he also remembers me. That was nice.

Then I went to go out to lunch with Carson (my girlfriend) at PF Chang's. We both enjoyed lunch. I told her that I haven't been to a PF Chang's in years. We both enjoyed lunch. It was yummy!

After lunch we went out to see a movie. We went to go see The Heat. I was an enjoyable movie. If you haven't seen The Heat yet, I can highly recommend it. It was awesome! There were lots of great action and funny jokes. We both licked it much better than White House Down (the movie that we saw last week and DIDN'T enjoy). Last week we should have went to see The Heat. The Heat was a good movie, White House Down was not.

Now, I am watching WWE Money in the Bank on Pay-Per-View. So, far it seems to be nice. Nice to see Damien Sandow getting a push. I think he deserves it. I think he is one of their greatest heels.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Yes, for the umteenth time...

Yes, I miss the Nickelodeon Sitcom Victorious. I still THINK it should NOT have been cancelled at this point. Still, I personally, thought it was high-quality for a show aimed at 7-15 year-olds, but it was so funny! There were times I laughed so hard I thought I was going to cough out a lung! I know this post (as well as my blog) is but a tiny needle in a huge cyber haystack, but I really WANT AT LEAST ONE of the show's former cast members do something for me and support autism research. I am a 35-year old man living with Asperger's Syndrome (a high-functioning form of autism). I however, want a former cast member to support autism research because I feel people like me really need it. Yes, even a high-functioning autism is hard to live with. I was a fan of the show (arguably too old) , and only hope that a former Victorious cast member sees my blog and grants me my request. Arguably, it's a tall request, but I really hope that at least one former Victorious cast member can support autism research anyway he/she can. I can only HOPE that that at least one sees and listens.

Well, I feel soar

I guess it's after working for 11.5 hours. I am glad to be back home. I did ask about Harris Teeter's merger with Kroger. They told me at this point there shouldn't be much to worry about. It would be about a year before they could make ANY serious changes on us. So, I should still have my benefits. Also I would no have to worry about working until 6:00 PM on Thanksgiving Day (Kroger is open until 6:00 PM that day). Harris Teeter will close at 2:00 PM like they usually do. So, far the merger isn't any thing to worry about, but much could change. Well, just pray the best for me.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Q: What is a next four letter word emerging from society today?


Whoa, what a coincidence, the word does have four letters!

Watching a movie my girlfriend recommended to me.

It's Trouble with the Curve starting Clint Eastwood. My girlfriend told me she liked it. She wanted me to put it on my Netflix queue. Currently about half way through the movie. It also stars Amy Adams. My girlfriend is a fan of her. She loved seeing her play Lois Lane in The Man of Steele. Now I am seeing her play Mickey Lobel in this movie. Much of the movie takes place in North Carolina, my home state. I also got myself some Mexican food to watch while I enjoy the movie. Especially, my favorite desert, flan. Well, some food while watching the movie makes it more fun. My girlfriend told me that Trouble with the Curve has a great ending. She didn't tell me what happened exactly. Well, I'll guess I will have to see what happens.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


John: Mich, how much does Travis likes his job here at BigBucks Company?

Mitch: I don't know but when I saw him driving home yesterday, I think his car was mistaken for rocket.


Q: How much money do oil companies have?

A: I don't know, but I think BP was negotiating with the state of Wyoming and three Hawaiian islands for purchase.

Well, what I did today

Went to the gym and used the elliptical for about an hour. I think I burned 755 calories. My shirt was literally drenched in sweat. Man, do I feel good. I know I need to exercise more and get myself back in shape. This workout really did it. Most people are surprised that I can do an elliptical for about an hour. Well, to me the secret is music. Yes, bring along some music to listen to. Preferably something fast. I was listing to some Van Halen on my smart phone. Maybe also some by the Ramones, but definitely something FAST! You need something that can give you some more energy. Listening to music makes the elliptical much easier. Yeah, I had one hell of a workout. Don't know what else to do tonight. I guess, call it a night.


Q: Why sell your house, blood, and maybe a kidney?

A: To buy groceries today!


Q: How would you describe the intelligence of a rock?

A: Personally, I would say than Hollywood's recent movies!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Q: What moves "faster than a speeding bullet?"

A: A person getting off work on to the freeway!

Well, today

Well, I started by putting up a joke to liven this blog up some. However, now on to more serious business. I hope you were willing to keep those folks in Quebec high up in your prayers. I hope those 40 missing people on that oil train are all right (I haven't heard any more information about the Quebec oil train crash since this morning). That was a major story of tragedy. Maybe keep me and various other Harris Teeter associates high in your prayers as well as we have just emerged with Kroger. Hopefully, I shouldn't lose my job with HT. Hopefully, I don't lose my benefits either. However, now Kroger owns us and many HT employees are worried. Keep us in your prayers. Also I did go to the gym today. I feel I needed some more exercise. I feel I did get a decent work out. Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Kids you should never question what your parents do, even if it's not what they say. SO, DON"T EVER QUESTION HOLLYWOOD AGAIN!!

Well, go another TEACCH evaluation on July 25

I hope things work out. I really want a future and go somewhere in this world. I want a job (that requires education) that can serve my needs. I have education. Well, there has been some bad news in terms of Harris Teeter. It's now official, Harris Teeter has emerged with Kroger. They say my job should be safe. However, the folks in upper management may be fired. No managers in my store, but things will probably be different. Please pray for the best for me.

Another prayer request

In the town of Lac-Megantic located in the Canadian province of Quebec, tragedy struck. There was oil train that crashed killing at least 13 and about 40 people remain missing. Please pray for those people and their families. Please pray if there are more survivors. This is a huge burden to the passengers and their families.

Please pray for the people for the passengers on that flight in that crash from 214

Yes, that from that flight into San Francisco last Saturday. Please pray for them and their families. I know that there were a few people who died, many more injured. Please pray for all those who did and did not make it out alive and their families as well. I personally, think it would mean a lot to them. I can only ask that you keep them up in your prayers. As I said before and will say again, I believe in God. Though many of you out there may not, but I feel they need it. Though, I cannot make any guarantees but if you put your faith in God; who knows what might happen. I just MIGHT be the BEST think that MIGHT become of you and they people you pray for. PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM!

Monday, July 8, 2013

About Raw tonight.

Yes, I LOVED the ending! CM Punk pinned Rand Orton, then Daniel Bryan attacks CM Punk. THIS IS AN ENDING! I don't care who is the face or heel afterwards. I think WWE is doing the right thing. They should make more scorelines like this. I WANT some excitement and spontaneity. I DON'T want any predictable ending or scorelines. They SHOULD BE more spontaneous. Please Vince McMahon and the rest of the WWE writing staff, do more ending like this. I personally, believe they knew what they were doing. Keep 'em coming WWE!!

PS. If it's not too much to ask, please Vince McMahon and WWE, support autism research if you can. That would mean A LOT to me!

Watching Raw I would have to say this...

I mean, call it crazy. Call it absurd. However, when I was watching Raw and when Ryback said he misses Vickie Gurerrero and wishes the best for her and felt she deserved better. That's how I feel about the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I feel that show deserved better. I ONLY HOPE that a former cast member who looks at my blog and grants me my request and supports autism research the best he/she can. I mean it would mean A LOT to me. So, to ANY former Victorious cast member (or Dan Schneider) please grant me my request and SUPPORT AUTISM RESEARCH! It would mean A LOT TO ME, PLEASE DO IT; THAT I BEG OF YOU!!!

WWE spoiler (please ignore if you don't want to know).

Vickie Guerrero, got fired due to a vote by the WWE Universe. She is gone. Brad Maddox is the new general manager of Raw.

PS. I pushed it further down if you didn't want to read the spoiler if you are a WWE, too. Also yes, I know WWE is about entertainment, but at least they admit is. WWE stand for World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT.


Q: What genre of TV shows is more about entertainment, sitcoms or pro-wrestling?

A: Personally, I don't know. But what I DO KNOW is the EVENING NEWS is more about entertainment than both!

Okay on Raw Tonight The Wyatt Family debuts

I only hope this Wyatt Family is a good as those WWE writers have been hyping. Well, we will find out tonight. I just hope it's not an over hyped flop.


Q: What four letter word do Newspaper reporters hate the most?


Hey, the word even has four letters! What a coincidence!!


Mandy: Jill, how could be possible how Americans can LOVE a group of people who HATES them?

Jill: What makes you say that Mandy?

Mandy: You know they say about Americans, and Americans still keep coming back to them.

Jill: Well Mandy, I'd just ignore HOLLYWOOD!

So, we the WWE Universe get to decide on Vickie Guerrero's fate

Yep, us the fans of the WWE will decide weather if Vickie Guerrero stays or goes. Well, Raw if a live show. That allows more spontaneity. Yes, I know all this is scripted, but often times they have to go "off the bat.: This is a good angle. What happens? We will have to find out.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

About today

Well, this morning was much too tired to get and go to church. I am afraid I missed it. Well, churches have services every week, so it everything will be fine. But, still I slept until noon. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. Maybe I needed to sleep in some this weekend. I did get ready and drove to Garner to see my girlfriend, Carson.

When I got to Carson's place I saw Mike (Carson's brother), Gretchen (Mike's wife) and their kids there. I was a surprise to both me and Carson. My Mom had a gift to give to Carson's family. They were mugs that you can use to make either slushy drives or milkshakes out of. Mike's kids loved the idea so we gave them to Mike's kids.

Carson and I had lunch at Logan's. It was nice. They have nice food. The waitress was nice. I got a chicken breast over rice pilaf, with fries and a salad. Carson got a chicken salad. After lunch we went to go see a movie.

Carson was kind enough to pay for my ticket. Wanted to make up for last week when I paid for both of our meals at IHOP. We went to go see White House Down. I am sorry, but neither Carson and I can recommend that movie. We didn't like it. I guess, that made me really happy that I didn't pay for my ticket because that movie wasn't worth paying IMO. After that we went to Pet Smart. Carson wanted to buy some plants for her aquarium. After that we went back to her home. We both had fun today, though the movie stunk. Well, hope you all out there enjoy your even (or day where ever you are in this world when you read this post).

PS. Please pray for the folks in San Francisco. There was a plane crash that killed two people and left many more injured. Please pray for their recovery and pray for the families of the two people who died.

YES! Now, over 3000 pageviews! Thank you all.

Yep, over 3000 page views, that's great! Keep 'em coming! I have to thank everybody in the world who viewed this blog. It really does mean a lot to me. Please tell all your friends about it. And I hope I am giving this world a good lesson of what it is like living with Asperger's.


Q: What "goes down" faster than a peregrine falcon?

A: Society's inteligence!


Q: When is a news anchor happy?

A: When his audience is miserable!


Tom: Jill, do you think there could be an organization known as the Superior Commanders Over The United States? 

Jill: Yep Tom, and they already have those initials, S-C-O-T-U-S.


Q: In a supermarket what is the difference between tabloids and newspapers?

A: Tabloids can FABRICATE stories that are NOT BORING, unlike newspapers.


Jack: Hey, Mike, could anybody in terms of money believe "What's mine is mine and what's YOURS IS MINE"?

Mike: Yes Jack: The IRS.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Now, it's off to work

I guess, you can wish me the best. But, best get something to eat firest. I am closing second shift tonight.


Q: How would I describe Mt. Kilauea?

A: Cooler and quieter than the weather here in NC!

Yep, here in NC it's been hot and stormy. Definitely, not for people who hate humidity.

My I guess, mind got screwed up...

There was a huge irony that happened today. I got myself ready to go see my girlfriend. We made planned to get together on Sunday. Could you believe I actually thought today was Sunday, so I got ready, but it turned out it was SATURDAY. Yep, I was ONE day a head of myself. I guess, because last Thursday was the 4th of July. I guess, that screwed up my schedule. I guess holidays do that, especially those come during the middle of the week. Oh, well...

I think I have to say this...

Yes, I know I could sound, well...naive. However, I DO believe in God. People say that God has a plan for us all. I pray that God's plan for me ends in a story of triumph, not tragedy (though there WILL be A LOT of tragedy in my story no matter how it ends, triumphant OR tragic). I REALLY, REALLY WANT to woo peoples' hearts so they can hold on to their faith, too. Weather if YOUR story ends IN TRIUMPH OR IN TRAGEDY, you would NEVER forsake your God. However, your story ends you still keep the faith, and that's all that counts to the God I know. I will admit it can be hard sometimes. Especially, after all the pressure you get from society. But faith can be a VERY WONDERFUL AND POWERFUL thing. I believe we all (no matter race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, or political view a person may hold) feel that God SHOULD be essential to the lives of both yourself and to us all. Please pray, even if you are growing skeptical. I mean, even if you are a skeptic, who knows, MAYBE WONDERFUL miracles can and will happen to you if you stand by God (though I cannot and will not make any guarantees).

I know it can be hard, but faith can be a wonderful thing. Please keep your faith in the almighty. Who knows what might happen. Though I cannot guarantee triumph, I can say by my personally viewpoint, the God I know would be pleased with you. Though I am a Christian, I know some of my words may offend Non-Christians, but it not my intent. If you feel you don't need Jesus, I will not force you to reconsider. However, I personally say KEEP YOUR FAITH IN JESUS! He promised us ALL salvation. Please keep you faith in Jesus, he promised us all salvation if we stand by him. Please pray for the best for yourself and others. Faith can be a wonderful thing!


Q: How would I describe the existence of Yeti?

A: More plausible than that of an honest politician!


Q: What's the difference between Tabloids and the Newspapers that get delivered to your house?

A: To be honest I don't know either, they "news" they deliver is equally reliable.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Now, I am about to start my other job today

Yep, now I am about to start my cashiering job. Don't get off that job until 11:00. A lot of people didn't come to work at Shoeboxed today. They were probably out of town or still excited about the 4th if July, which is now past. However, both me and my girlfriend enjoyed the fireworks. I am also happy the whether held out. That was also a huge plus.

Speaking of pluses, I got another huge plus that just happened today. You know that story of the fm girl who sideswiped me about a month and a half ago, her insurance company just told me that they are going to take at least partial responsibility. YES! I HATE finical burdens. Here is one burden that is about to be lightened. I mean, I'm not made of money you know. Something new to that my God for. Hope all of you out there in the world are doing fine!

Hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July! And I still miss Victorious

I certainly did! Loved it so much since I was a kid. They only two holidays I LOVED more were Halloween and (of course) Christmas. Yep, the 4th of July I declared my third favorite holiday. Also, you know I LOVED the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious and miss it very much. I only hope that at least one of the show's former cast members who saw my blog and WILL grant my request to support autism research. Some would say I am TOO OLD to be watching Nickelodeon, but in some ways I never grew up and continued watching Nick. Yes, I am 35, and yes, I was I was a fan of Victorious and feel I CANNOT be replaced. No, I don't think Sam & Cat can replace Victorious, no matter what people may say. But, to any or all former Victorious cast members (yes, even Ariana Grande if you read this blog; I am sorry if I "busted your chops" of what I said about Sam & Cat and if you took offense to my words but it WAS NOT MY INTENT to offend you, Ms. Grande) if you would support autism research. You can advertise for it's awareness and/or donate to it. It REALLY mean a lot to me personally. That is A HUGE FAVOR you can do for me. You DON'T KNOW how much that would mean to me. Please support autism research THAT I BEG OF YOU!! I have Asperger's Syndrome (a high functioning form of autism). It would mean MUCH to me and all the autistics (no matter the functioning level) form around the world.


Q: How did Joe Biden learn the definition of the word malarkey?

A: Because he works in the field of politics! And that's all they stand for, Democrat or Republican. 


Q: How you would describe the entertainment of television?


Beavis & Butt-head Do America

You know, I own Beavis & Butt-head Do America on DVD. I thought it was perfect to watch for the 4th of July (my country's birthday). I just loved all the blundering and spontaneity of the movie. It is truly a CLASSIC! Yes, and animated comedy that NEVER gets old. If you haven't seen it, THEN PLEASE SEE IT! I think you will laugh yourself silly watching it. It is a CLASSIC! Makes ideal (to me) for the 4th of July.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Well, the 4 of July celebration was fun.

The celebration featured of me, my Mom, my Dad, my girlfriend, her Mom, her Dad, my brother, his finance, as well has her Mom and her Dad. However, my brother's fiance's parents could stay super long. Though Bayard (my brother and pronounced BI-yard) and Rachell (my brother's fiance) came late. They aren't exactly known for punctuality. Roy and Jane came later even later than Bayard and Rachell. But they still made it and enjoyed a good meal.  They didn't get to see the fireworks. Roy had a class to teach the next day. However, it was nice to see him and Jane. The club dinner potluck dinner. We first went to the salad bar and served ourselves some starter salads. They were delicious. Then got our entrees. I got some corn, asparagus, chicken, ribs and a dinner roll. Carson got a similar plate, but instead of ribs, she got some rainbow trout. I was a nice yummy dinner. Carson (my girlfriend) had a nice discussion with Melanie, a friend of my Mother. We talked about politics. We all hope and pray for the best. You know, all three of us believe in God. We are all Christians, though members of different denominations. I myself am Methodist, Carson is Baptist, and Melanie is Greek Orthodox.

We all got together to see the fireworks. The fireworks were AWESOME! There is just something about fireworks that you just can't outgrow. There is just no 4th of July without them. Carson and her family also had some gifts for my family. They had Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, coffee, and cookies for us. They also had two American flags for us as well. Happy to celebrate the birth of my country and proud to be an American. Hope my fellow American page viewers had a happy 4the of July!

Now, I am of to the 4th of July Celebration

Well, yep, I hope I have fun. I also hope and pray the whether holds out. I mean, I just can't have the 4th of July without fireworks. They are just too much fun and exciting to see. I just love the way they explode and light up the night sky, and this is virtually the only time of the year when we get to see them. I mean, I remember telling people when I was young the 4th of July was my favorite holiday (after Christmas and Halloween). It's definitely my favorite summer time holiday, and the most popular summer time holiday here in the United States. So, I hope I have fun and the fireworks don't get rained out.

And once again to my fellow American pageviewers, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!

Still have a favor to ask any of the former Victorious cast members

And yes, to any former cast members of the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious, if any of you read my blog, I just wanted you to know despite my age I was a fan of that show. I thought it was hilarious. There were times I literally laughed myself silly watching it. I still think it was a shame the show got cancelled without a proper finale. Even though my personal blog is but a tiny needle in huge cyber haystack, I am still hoping that if at least one of you former cast members can do something me, an Asperger's man in his mid-30's. I was hoping that at least one of you can support Autism Research. If you can promote it, donate to it, and help raise awareness of Autism. If any of you do that I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT!

Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans.

Yep, as today my country celebrates her 237th birthday. It was 237 years from this day when my countries founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. Tonight, me my parents, as well as Carson (my girlfriend) and her parents will be enjoying a nice dinner followed by a fireworks show at my parents' country club.

You know there is one city I always wanted to go see one city for the Fourth of July. It would of course , be Philadelphia. I would like to see the very grounds where they signed the Declaration of Independence. I did see the actual Declaration of Independence at the National Archives at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY TO ALL MY FELLOW AMERICANS!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Now I'm about to start my other job.

Well, got a burger and fries before I started. That way I can enjoy a nice meal. Not healthy but enjoyable. Plus, it's nice enjoying something American right before America's birthday. However, I will have to work another 5.5 hours. I won't get off until 11 tonight. But still I get tomorrow off. That should be nice for the Fourth of July.

I hope for this good news

I looks like it may not rain tomorrow afterglow in my area. That would be great news, because tomorrow is the Fourth of July, my country's birthday. And tomorrow I am planning on seeing a fireworks show. I think it should be fun!


Q: What swear word do tax men hate the most?


And yes, to tax men ethics is a swear word.


Q: How would you describe watching the grass grow?

A: To me, more exciting to watch than a Washington filibusterer.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

As for the whether in my area...

We continue to rain, rain, and more rain. What's worse us we may get rain the 4th of July. That would really suck. I was planning in seeing a fireworks show. Though Sunday, it looks like we will be getting some, uh...SUN. But unfortunatly, it looks like it will be in the lower 90's (on the Fahrenheit scale that is) and after all this rain. Yep, that would suck, too because of all this rain increases the humidity. Oh well....

And some bad news

That bad news is today the Dow finished at 42.55 points in the red. And it just finished at over 100 points in the green yesterday. Don't ya just hate it when that happens. Well, I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles.


Q: How can fill a sandwich with bologna when there is none around?

A: Just put the bread close to the TV and have a loud TV announcer talk into it!


Kelly: Please Doctor, I think there is something wrong with my mood.

Doctor: What is it Kelly, fatigue, depression?

Kelly: No Doctor, I just so happy and perky all the time.

Doctor: What's wrong with that.

Kelly: Well, it's getting on people's nerves. They say its not "normal."

Doctor: Well, then I just think I have the cure for your constant perkiness and happiness.

Kelly: What is it Doctor, a prescription? I don't know if I can afford that.

Doctor: No, I have an idea that is much cheaper. In fact it costs nothing.

Kelly: A potential free cure! What could that be?

Doctor: Every night, JUST WATCH THE EVENING NEWS! I think that'll cure ya.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Classic Champion vs. Champion scenario in WWE

It's WWE Champion John Cena vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio. Cena is the babyface, Del Rio is the heel. So, for I like what I am seeing. Thank you WWE. I know I ask the cast of the former Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious a lot, but I have to ask all the people of the WWE board room, especially Vince McMahon, if any of them would grant me this request. PLEASE SUPPORT AUTISM RESEARCH! It would really mean a lot to me. PLEASE WWE, especially you MR. MCMAHON, promote and donate to AUTISM RESEARCH!! It would REALLY mean A LOT to me, living with high-functioning autism myself.

You know I am a life long WWE fan.

I especially LOVE MONDAY NIGHT RAW! And now the show is three hours long. Originally, it was just ONE hour. I guess, now we get THREE TIMES THE ACTION! Why is Raw is such as good show? It's like Forrest Gump would say "RAW is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get!" Well, what they have been saying in the WWE for many years now. Anything can happen in the WWE.

I have to thank the world for all my page views.

Yep, I now have over 2700. Thank you all. I hope to see you keep coming back. And yes, I will still keep posting my jokes. I will also try to make the material as funny as I can. Hell, there must be something to keep this blog interesting. I hope that all of you out there would support autism research. I also hope that you can keep the people in Arizona in your prayers as well because of the wildfire. You can also pray for the people in my state of North Carolina because he have been having a lot of flash flooding lately. And yes, pray for other people in this world who have been suffering and facing difficulties. And yes, if a former cast member of the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious sees my blog (especially a message I posted on June 16) I hope he/she can also support autism research. I would mean a lot to me. And I would ask all of you out there in this world reading this blog, please pray for the autistic people and autism research. That would really mean a lot to me.

You know I still miss this show.

It's of course the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. It's a shame the show got cancelled without a proper series finale. What's the word I'm looking for? Oh, yes, saddened by the that. I know I am 35 and some would argue that I outgrown all this, but oh well. I still pray for the show's former cast members and with them the best. I still hope any of the former cast members would read my blog and grand me my request and SUPPORT AUTISM RESEARCH, that would mean a lot to me.

Oh, to any Canadians out there...

Hope you had a happy Canada Day!

So, Fandango, the WWE wrestler who is so prissy about how to have his name is pronounced

Well, he is back after suffering a concussion.I wish him the best of luck for his return. He is currently facing Sheamus.


Jan: Mike, are you sure that we didn't go back to New York, yet?

Mike: No, Jan, though it's nice to see you finally got up this morning. However, we are here visiting my aunt and uncle here in North Carolina.

Jan: But well, you know I like to sleep in some.

Mike: I know, Jan, but I still would have waken you up before we got on the airport.

Jan: True, but doesn't that look like Lake Ontario outside.

Mike: No, that's not Lake Ontario, that's the result of NORTH CAROLINA WEATHER THESE PAST FEW DAYS!

Yes, folks we have been getting lots of rain here in NC. This joke is based on NC whether as of this posting.

Please pray for those people in Arizona

Yes, I heard there has been a severe wildfire spreading in Arizona. I have a grandmother and two uncles from Tempe as well as a great aunt from Tucson. I don't think the fire has reach their parts of the state. Arizona is a pretty big state. However, it's a very dry state, too. That let's the fire spread more. I hope my family there is all right. I have also heard that 19 firefighters have been killed trying to fight the wildfire. Please pray for them and their families. They could sure use them. Personally, though I know it's absurd and impossible (so yes, I know they can't do this) but, since we are really getting soaked in my state if North Carolina, I would be more than happy to give my state's extra water to them. Still, keep those people in Arizona in your prayers. This is my request to you all.