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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You know there is one thing that I really HATE!

Yeah, I really hate these spontaneous changes in plans. Originally, I was gonna go to the gym. However, right out of nowhere I get a call. Yep, the folks at HT want me to close tonight because the original person couldn't make it. So, yeah, after my job at Shoeboxed I'm going to have to go all the way home and get dressed up for work at HT. It's really going to be lots of fun (huh). Well I did tell them I would like more money for Christmas shopping this year. Now I'm going to have to get ready for tonight.

That is one thing about being Asperger's. It can be hard to adjust to these spontaneous changes in plans. I prefer to have my day mapped out more. But these spontaneous changes often get to me and can drive me crazy. It gives me a feeling of confusion and to some degree, uncertainty. I mean, it not so thing I really wanted to do (I REALLY wanted to go to the gym tonight). However, HT NEEDS HELP so I can't. And yes, what makes it worse is the fact I am closing HT tonight. That means I cannot go until I am relieved. I hate spontaneous changes in plans! Hate 'em, hate 'em, HATE 'EM (am I sounding a little childish here, oh well but still um, you know like) HATE 'EM!! I guess just the way the cookie crumbles (gag).

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