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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Well, heard of Mars One?

They are a non-profit organization from Holland that is working to get people to Mars and colonize it. They are currently taking applications for people who are interested. Four people will be launched from Earth in the year 2022 and land on Mars in 2023. Every two years afterwards more people will be sent over. They are going to send robots to build places for residents to live. While people will be working to make Mars livable to us. Yep, they are planning on doctoring the atmosphere for us to survive. Let's hope and pray this projects works. Eventually, we will need to settle in other places in the universes in order to survive as a species. I know you may think its absurd, but if there weren't people bold enough to come to the Americas well, there wouldn't be an America. I hope this works. Just need people bold enough to do this.

Now, if you are interested, keep on mind, it's a one way trip. No turning back. So, if you do go, you made a MAJOR COMMITMENT. If you go to Mars as a pioneer, you go to Mats to stay. You will never come back to Earth. So, if you feel there is too much on Earth to leave behind. You may not want to go. Just thought I would let you know right now.

PS. No, I am personally, not that bold. I just leave my life on Earth behind.

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