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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Well, my Church group had Thanksgiving celebration this evening.

Yes, we had a Thanksgiving celebration this evening. Mary (my Sunday School leader) and her husband Mike hosted the event. Even though it was one week early (for those of you who live outside the United States, Thanksgiving is a holiday that comes on the fourth Thursday of November) because many people will be out of town next week visiting family. However, I just thought I would share with all these photos of the dinner. These were just some of the people who shown up. Many people left before these photos could be taken.
Here are people from left to right.
Back: Jillian, Mary, Mike, Leah, Chris
Front: Allison, Tim

Here are people from left to right (again).
Standing:Allison, Mary, Mike, Me (Aaron) Leah, Chris.
Kneeling: Tim

And in this one Mike is pointing at Tim. 

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