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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Once again, please pray people...

We must pray for Syria. From what I have been told there is a planned strike ageist them. Please pray that the people in Syria will be all right. I only hope and pray the best from them what ever happens. I don't want the Syrians to get hurt. Personally, it's not my idea to attack them. I hope they will be all right. I just don't want innocent people to get hurt. Please talk to God. Even if you don't believe in God, it doesn't hurt to pray. We must hope and pray the best for them. I personally, don't want innocent Syrian blood spilled over politics. Please pray for Syria and the Syrian people. Let's HOPE they will be all right. I hope all you people who read my post will pray for them and their safety, because I feel they need it. PRAY FOR SYRIA! I feel they can use our prayers. That is my request to the world.

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