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Friday, September 20, 2013

This happened yesterday.

Well, there is an adult supper group that meets once a month for people with autism/asperger's. It meets on the third Thursday every month. Yesterday, we went to Red Robin. It's a place we all like. I think they make good burgers there. However, there was debate as to where the next place where would eat. Once place recommended was K & W. Well, at least for the K & W in Chapel Hill, I didn't think was very good. One person couldn't understand because it's a cafeteria. Well, to that's just the thing. I have never been a big cafeteria/buffet person. I like fresh tasting food. I thought the food you get when you order out just tastes better. I know that buffet food isn't always fresh. Not to mention UNC will have a game that night so it's going to be crowded down that street anyway. We'll see where we eat next.

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