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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request for my cousin from Houston. She just had a diagnosis of Melanoma on one of her arms. The picture above it to illustrate what it looks like. It's a VERY serious form of skin cancer. Her surgery will be Monday July 7. Please pray for her. I think she can REALLY use them so, HOPEFULLY, she will be all right. Please pray, it would mean a lot to me. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Relevant sports news!

First of all you head about the 2014 NBA Draft. Well, my closest NBA team, the Charlotte Hornets got their picks. They got Noah Vonley from Indiana and UNC's own PJ Hairston. Hopefully, Hairston will stay out of trouble this time. They are also getting Semaj Christon from Xavior. So, I think the Hornets got good picks. But only time can tell for sure. But still, GO HORNETS!! And PJ, PLEASE stay out of trouble this time.

Asked for Soccer (or as some of folks in the world may call it Football). The US has one last chance in the World Cup when they face Belgium on Tuesday. I know my girlfriend hopes they win. Their loss to Germany hurt them. But they are not out, yet. I LOVE to see my girlfriend smile if the USA wins. Asked for, I'm not really a Soccer fan. I mean, I've played Soccer, didn't enjoy it. Don't feel I had the endurance to handle positions like forward or halfback, nor had the patience to handle positions like goalie or fullback. But it's nice to see that many Americans are supporting them. It is the fastest growing sort in the US and most popular in the world (especially in Europe and Latin America). But it just doesn't appeal to me. Nothing against it, just plain, vanilla don't like it (do people still say "just plain vanilla"?).  I know the both the Charlotte Hornets and the Carolina Panthers are granting them support. Which I think is very kind of them. And for those of you who live outside the United States, the Carolina Panthers are an American Football team. American Football is very different from the sport you probably call Football. We here in the United States, obviously, call that sport Soccer.

And speaking of the Panthers, hers THE most relevant news!  I'm gonna see them play in person in Charlotte on September 14, when they play the Detroit Lions. It will be their first home game of the season! Really relevant huh? I guess I'm a hero!! I'm gonna do something reality amazing!! Well, that's all for now.

PS. Yes, that last part was sarcasm.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Okay, here I am this June 25

The relevance in that, I guess I'll let you decided. I just thought I'd say it for well...JUST THE PURPOSE IF SAYING IT (or writing as the case maybe here). What I know is my girlfriend is at Wrightsville Beach with her patents. She comes back home tomorrow. Pray the she will have a save trip back. Sure she's having fun.

 I KNOW she's gonna DVR the game between the US and Germany. And watch it when she comes back home Thursday afternoon. She won't be back hone to catch the game. So, she's got her DVR set. Even though, personally I am not a Soccer fan (Soccer is what we call the sport here in the US, I know most counties call it Football). But I know if the US wins their game she would be nothing less than ecstatic! My girlfriend loves Soccer! I have told her the weather is warner in Brazil (Germans may not be used to it as well as the Americans are) and the head coach of the American team is German (as well as some members of the American team, their German, too), that should be advantageous to the Americans. Due tinted fact they are German they should (where do all these italics come from. It's almost if they flew down from space!) know a thing or two on how the Germans play Soccer (or Football, what ever your country calls it). Still, though I don't like Soccer, I think it would be nice to see the US win and Carson (my girlfriend's name is Carson) smile.

PS. No, I have nothing against Soccer. Just plain don't like it. Or Football, well what ever you call it my point is I got nothing against it. Just plain, vanilla, don't like it. Do people still say plain, vanilla? Maybe I'm lost in a time warp. Hum.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Well people here I am on the day AFTER my birthday

What I'm still hoping is this would be a good year of my life. I hope I either get promoted on at least one of my two jobs, or find a different one. However, I did get two birthday wishes today (on the day after). I thought that was very sweet. But well, I guess it's back to business as usual. Oh, I also hope you like those photos I put up yesterday. I took them with my new digital cam. Did my homework for class. Did email him my photos. I only HOPE he revised them. Well, gotta get to work. Bye!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

All I gotta say...

It's been one HAPPY birthday! First thing I did was I opened presents. I got a lot of new accessories to go with my new digital camera. I got two camera stands (one big one and one small one), lens cleaner, a memory card reader, and a carrying case. I think all of these will be useful for my new digital photography class. I even got a spare battery as well. I have some new photos to share that were taken with my new digital camera. So, I thought they were very nice presents.

I went to church this morning. They talked about the importance on showing faith even in front of persecution like like what Jesus taught us. They thought it was a very important message to share. Anyway, for one lady, Christi, who was a pastor at our church for about five years now. However, today was her last Sunday with us. She is now moving to a new church. I came by to say "good bye" to her.
Me and Pastor Christi on her last day. She will be missed!!
 After church, I got together with Carson (my girlfriend), Bayard (my brother and pronounced BI-yard), Rachell (Bayard's wife and yes, spelled with two "L's") and Tim, and Allison (Tim and Allison are husband and wife). I know Tim and Allison from Church. There were there this morning and they also went to my Bible Study class on Sunday mornings. However, they are about to move to Arkansas, They will be missed. We all had birthday lunch at the Zinburger at Southpoint. I managed to get a photo of the four of them below. I also got some thoughtful presents from Carson, Bayard, and Rachell. Carson gave me a Detroit Tigers T-Shirt and a Reese's Crystal Dish. She even game me some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to go with it. Carson knows I LOVE Reese's Cups. Bayard and Rachell also gave me nice presnets. They game me a Durham Bulls hat (the Durham Bulls a Triple-A Minor League team) and a copy of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Carson got along well with Tim and Allison. Like Carson, Tim and Allison were also looking forward to see the USA play Portugal tonight. However, I will have to admit, I am not a very big Soccer fan (some of you in the world probably call it Football, but here in the US we call it Soccer). I think Bayard and Rachell got along well with them, too. Overall lunch was great, except when Allison ordered a soda, the waitress came over and tried to reach over to hand it to her, but it spilled and the soda landed on Carson. There was also some glass that broke as well. Thankfully, nobody got cut. We all moved to another table in back. The waitress was so ashamed. However, it didn't bother us too much. We all enjoyed our lunch. Zinburger is a good place to eat at
Here are my guests for lunch at Zinburger from left to right, Bayard, Rachell, Allison, Tim, and Carson. 
After that, Carson came over to my place for cake desert. We couldn't eat much because we were so full from lunch. However, she took some home with her. After that I got myself a pizza. I she tried to call me when I was getting my pizza. I wasn't home, but called me through my cell phone. I called her a s soon as I came home. At first the US was behind. But she kept watching. Later on that evening, I got a message with her land line on my caller ID. She told me that nobody in her house tried to call. It must have been some kind of accident. And I guess, it was. But I called her after the US tied against Portugal. I know, the ending she wanted. But at least the US didn't lose, or win. Well, it was a nice birthday. I though all the material presents were nice, but the presents I liked most of all were the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" wishes I got on Facebook and Twitter. It shows me that people know who I am and what today is. It makes me really happy. I mean, I don't ask for anything more or anything less. It's a much more valuable present than any material. Material presents are nice, but friendship lasts forever!!! Well, just I though I would share all that with you.

Well, you probably know what this day is.

No, it's not the Summer Solstice. Yeah, we all know that was yesterday (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere, it was the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). But, well today is my birthday. I am now 36. Still have some new hope for this new year of my life. I HOPE to get them accomplished. At least, I know I have my blessing, like my health, my humor, and my girlfriend Carson. Carson is a very important person in my life. I really hope this will be good year of my life.

Speaking of life, that is what makes the birthday so special. Birthdays are a celebration of life. Especially, on that day, June 22, 1978 at the Desert Samaritan Hospital in Mesa, Arizona, at 4:01 PM (Arizona time) was the moment that I came into this world. This is a day of the celebration my my life.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

You probably know what today is.

Just in case if you don't, today is the day of the Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year! That is if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, I know if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.

But if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, today will be the day when you get the most daylight. As well, it is now officially Summer! Even though from tomorrow on, day will start to get shorter. Oh, well. They may get shorter, they sure don't get cooler! I mean, the days are typically HOTTER in July then they are in June. But yes, it is now Summer time here in the Northern Hemisphere. The situation is the opposite for those in the Southern.

It is also the eve of my birthday. Tomorrow, I will be 36. Just wanted to let you know about that as well. Yes, my birthday comes just right after the Summer Solstice. Yes, my birthday comes on the first day on the downswing of daylight. At least in my hemisphere. Well, that's all for now.

No 9, you're not gonna get me.

After I put of my next post, I will get you! Don't think you're gonna be the last number of my posts!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Speaking of Geico Insruance

Don't you think they got enough spokes men? Well, their not all men, they're pigs, lizards, cartoon characters, UH, let's just say...entities, or mascots. Yeah, mascots will work. But the point is, don't you think they have enough? They have Maxwell the Pig, the Geico Gecko, and the Money Man. Seriously, do they need ALL those anthropomorphic mascots? I mean, don't you think they have enough to advertise for their insurance? Far as I know, you just need ONE. Just one anthropomorph to be your mascot. But well, I don't know, but that's just one thing that came across my mind.

Well, I just had my first photography class

Yes, people today, I just had my first class in photography. And hopefully, some nice a beautiful artistic photos will be on the way...courtesy of moi! That's good because I think iStock treat me like if I was the Geico Money Man, or at least Ted Turner (kind of ironic to think about because the Geico Money Man comes on a commercial, Geico says "chances are you are not made of money"). Well, the instructor did show some nice pictures. However, there is homework. I had to send in a portrait of myself and six photos off it him. However, currently I am short of a device to extract data from my new camera's memory cards and put it on my computer (like a memory card reader). However, soon as I get one, you will be seeing some pictures of my Canon PowerShot. Until then, just enjoy the humor.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Here's the Iraq plan currently

The present is sending up to 300 advisors, but saying the US will NOT return to combat in Iraq. Please keep prayer for Iraq, please.

There is some good news! At least there is if you are a WWE fan

That is last Monday their show Raw had the highest ratings they've had in a while. I HOPE WWE keep the momentum going. I also hope WWE can stay in business. I don't want to see them go under.

I still have to pray for Iraq

Well, I HOPE you can keep praying for Iraq, too. The president have to dispatch more troops. I just Iraq can be stabilized. That is my prayer!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Well, I heard WWE stocks fell again today.

Makes we want to watch all the WWE action I can, while it's still in business. I HOPE they can turn the tide, but the situation doesn't look too good. I REALLY want them to stay in business. I mean, I've been following them since was 11. It would truly be sad if they went out of business. But I guess, that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I STILL want WWE to say in business!

Well, people I do have this going on

Right now, I am on the eve of my digital photography class at the Carrboro Center Century Center. Even though, I initially said the Carrboro Arts Center Center, but it's not gonna be there, it's going to be at the Century Center instead. Well, the point is, the class starts tomorrow and I am really looking froward to it. I even got my camera ready. I think I should be able to put up bran new and even better photos on this blog soon. So, I guess it should be nice. I wouldn't need to rely on my iPhone for pictures anymore.

And speaking of my iPhone, well yesterday it seemed my batter wasn't recharging. Is it because my iPhone is getting old? I was planning on getting a new one within the next year or so. I mean, I like having a smart phone of some kind. It sure make things easier. Like, emailing, Tweeting, Facebooking, keeping track of my Weight Watcher points. Personally, I really HATE writing things down. With a smart phone I don't have to. I have a device that helps on on the way. Especially, when I get used to it. It's kind of hard to change things that you are used to. I guess, that's part of being Asperger's. All I know is I keep my phones longer than most. Some say, 3-5 years is longer than most people (and that's how long I keep my phones), but when you are used to something it just becomes part of you and hard to let go. But the charger worked fine today, so I guess I think I can keep it a little longer (whew!). Well, the point is I keep my phones longer than most because I don't like changing things, but inevitably will have to. I know they always come out with better smart phones. Well, that's all for now.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Maybe there is hope for WWE after all but I don't know how to feel

Well, it has been reported that Vince McMahon is doing A LOT of budget cuts. Because of that their stock went up a little. Maybe there's HOPE the WWE WON'T go out of business soon. That's good because I've been a life long WWE fan. And boy, I would be REALLY, REALLY SAD if World Wrestling Entertainment did go out of business. But, I guess you won't see as many fancy lights, flashy ring entrances, or amazing pyrotechnics like we used to. I guess, they'll need to to rely on some more no-nonsense action and catchy storylines. However, what makes me sad is because of the budget cuts, Vince McMahon is laying off I lot of his wrestlers and writers. I mean, it's NOT happy to see people lose their jobs. I mean, there are so few things in the world that can be sadder than a person getting fired. People have to make a living somehow. I don't want to see people unemployed. However, when a company is losing money and if they wanted to stay in business, they have to do something. And if you can get any revenues, I guess you have to cut expenses. So, how should I feel?

I'm just gonna post this for one reason.

I HATE IT MY MY POSTS END IN A 9!! That will be all.

Monday, June 16, 2014

I will say this

If WWE goes out of business, I will sure miss it. I know business isn't going well. I know Vince McMahon is off the billionaire list due to a recent bad business decision. Well, that's all I have to say.

Prayer request

The situation dies not look good in Iraq. Please pray that the Iraqis can get by this crisis and hopefully establish a more stable and peaceful Iraq. This is what I pray for. Please pray for the best for Iraq.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The 2014 NBA Champions...The San Antonio Spurs!!!

So, I guess the Miami Heat can kiss all their three-peat hopes GOODBYE! The San Antonio Spurs just beat them 102-84!! GO SPURS!!! I know one of the Spurs, Danny Green, played ball college for UNC. Makes me REALLY HAPPY!!

Lebron James walked off PO'ed. I guess, he's mad that all his three-peat hopes went up in smoke. But hey, he did repeat. How many NBA players can boast that?! Hey, how many even win championships?! VERY FEW!! Mean, most NBA players retire in less than 5 years. He already lived the NBA career most NBA players only DREAM of.  But still GO SPURS!!!

Another thing is Tim Duncan, who could you believe is 38. It's been in the NBA since the 1990's! I mean, it amazing he lasted this long in the NBA. For three decades, he's been making some noise in the NBA. Like I said, most people are lucky if they make it five years in the NBA. But he's been in the NBA since 1997. That's seventeen years! But, he's been in for way longer. Glad he lived this kind of an NBA career. What's so ironic, when he first started playing, it wasn't sure if they would keep him because they thought he wouldn't go far. Tim Duncan proved them wrong!

I REALLY hope the Charlotte Hornets can start winning for a change. But I am happy a fellow Tar Heel won the NBA Championship. But the Hornets are getting better, and they will have ninth pick in the NBA draft, so things are looking good. GO HORNETS!!!

Three things this weekend

Could you believe there were three things that happened this weekend! First of all we had a Friday the 13th with a Full moon. That's a phenomena that will not happen again for another 35 year. The next full moon on the night of Friday the 13the will be in August of 2049. Then we had Flag Day on Saturday. And of course Sunday was Father's Day. Hope all the Dads enjoyed their day, especially mine. But three tings back to back on a weekend. Seriously, how often does that happened. I think it's special and makes me really happy or excited. Almost like a kid. I don't know, maybe it's just my autistic mind. I get really excited about things. Thank you people.

Friday the 13, Flag Day, Full Moon

I posted this a year ago

Well, one year ago I posed a message how I miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. Yes, you might say that I am too old to watching shows on Nickelodeon. Yes, in one week I will be 36. However, that show was just so funny. It was a shame Nickelodeon cancelled it without a proper finale. I still believe the show deserved better. But that's just my two cents.

Yes, I am still pissed off that Nickelodeon replaced Victorious with a show called Sam and Cat. But there is just so much I just don't understand. Now, Sam Puckett (after iCarely) got a motorcycle and decides to become a drifter (reasons why I don't know because I sure wouldn't want to be a drifter). She comes to Los Angles. Saves Cat Valentine (who was a character on Victorious) from a garbage truck (though Sam rarely does nice things). Cat invites her to come to her place with her grandmother. Her grandmother decides Cat can live on her own with Sam. Now, wait a minute! First of all I thought the reason why Cat lived with her grandmother was so she wouldn't have to live alone because she's not capable of living alone. Her parents moved to Idaho to support her brother who was institutionalized (the institution was in Idaho), so initially, Cat moved in with her aunt and uncle. But she didn't get along with them. She moved in with her grandmother in Venice (in California, not Italy) to live with her instead. But her grandmother decided to move into a retirement home. Now, first of all, why would a grandmother want her granddaughter living with a person who both barely know?! Especially, if that person happens to be a drifter. Now, I know as a Christian I am supposed to be supportive and loving.  I am really NOT trying to sound bigoted here. However, far as I know, it doesn't say I have to be trusting. And I wouldn't naturally trust a drifter. Especially, a drifter who enjoys the drifter's life. You have to think how drifter got certain things like cloths, money (though very little), and cans of food like beans or a bag of chips. In fact, just the very notion of a drifter a motorcycle  (and we all know Sam is drifter with a motorcycle) is a puzzle. I would also wonder how he/she is getting gas for his/her motorcycle. She would either be panhandling or stealing. And IF she was panhandling she would have to hide her bike well because she may not want it around her when she is panhandling because it would make it harder to believe for people that she needs money. People night think she's just plain lazy if they think she can afford a motorcycle. If she hid her bike away, it just might get stolen by someone else (and Sam LOVES her bike so I doubt she would want to risk having stolen by hiding it). Shouldn't that make you wonder? They may have stolen things from people. So, a drifter might rob from a person and/or do worse. I mean they could be dangerous, so I would have to keep a close eye on that drifter. Especially, if that drifter enjoys drifting. To me, that should be common sense to most people. I mean if Cat's grandma wanted to move into a retirement home, she would have to talk to her landlord to let her out of her lease, and have Cat move out as well? Cat would either have to move back in with her "mean old" aunt and uncle in Los Angles or move to Idaho with patents and brother and leave all her LA friends (who she LOVED very much) behind. Common sense, right I would assume. But not on this show! Cat does convince Sam to stay and stop drifting. That is something I don't understand. Wasn't The purpose of Cat moving in with her grandma was so she would not have to live alone? Because they did want her family and Cat couldn't get along with her aunt and uncle. Why would a grandmother leave her granddaughter alone with a stranger who happens to be a drifter? Yes, Sam did do a nice thing by saving Cat. Yes, she did one nice thing. But, that doesn't mean she's a nice person. Even people who do one nice thing aren't always nice. And we know Sam is NOT a nice girl. And besides that, how are Sam and Cat supposed to make their living? I don't think Cat's grandmother can afford to give them money so easily as an allowance. Retirement homes cost an average of well over $50,000 a year. And even if she could afford to give money to one grand kid, it would naturally assume it would be to her institutionalized grandson because mental institutions cost tens of thousands of dollars a year! So, I would think he'll need the money more. Did she bother to think on how Cat (as well as Sam) could get the money to pay the rent and other bills? I would naturally assume so! But obviously NOT ON THAT SHOW!!

Now, Sam and Cat do get jobs. They start their own babysitting firm. However, I dont' know how they can afford a two room apartment in Los Angeles on a babysitters salary. I mean the rent on that LA apartment looks like it would cost $3,000 a month (and rent would not be their only financial burden). You would have to get lots of business from the public and charge really high prices to get by (like work 35 hours a week charging $40 per hour). And they still go to school. And how did Sam get into Hollywood Arts High School (Cat's school on Victorious). I mean, it's a highly selective performing arts school. You have audition before they would even let you in so you can prove you have the talent they are looking for. So, you can't into Hollywood Arts automatically. They never shown Sam audition. So, how did she get in? And since she was a drifter, they might be leery about accepting her (not trying to sound bigoted here). And besides that also, far as I know they said they weren't good babysitters (though I haven't been watching the show, so I am not 100% certain). NOBODY would hire lousy babysitters. I mean, word gets around about you. You would get no business from the public. So, I don't see how they can get by financially, especially in a city as expensive as Los Angeles. And from the iCarly show iSellpennytees, I presume Sam hates children. A babysitter has to love children. So, there is so much I do not understand and that's why I don't watch it. I'm surprised it got high ratings. However, due to back stage politics, it's likely to get cancelled soon. I mean, still there is so much about Sam and Cat I do not understand.

Asked for ANT Farm on the Disney Channel. That show is indeed a ripoff of Victorious. Victorious was a one and only with a style that just can not be duplicated. There is just no replacement. It was extremely high-quality for a kid's show if you ask me. I still miss it to this very day!

It was one year ago when I wrote that first post I and I wrote many since then. But that first post about how I miss Victorious is still getting some hits to this day! I just hope that if any former Victorious cast members get wind of this blog and these messages, I just he/she can grant me my request and get more involved with autism research. I feel there is a dire need for more. So, I still hope that at least one former Victorious cast members can grant me my request (even if it is Ariana Grande, I hope she can forgive me of what I said about Sam and Cat). But I still remember that post I put up one year ago today, that still get hits today. That you for looking at that post people!

And yes, people once again I've noticed all the italics, just in case you wondered. And yes, I wonder do I think too much? But still, there are just somethings about Sam and Cat that make no sense to me.

RIP Casey Kasem!

As you probably heard he just dies today at the age of 82. I remember when he used to host America's Top 10 and America's Top 40. I used to watch the top 10 and listen to the top 40 when I was a kid. I also remember the Transformers cartoons. He used to do the voice of the Autobot Cliff Jumper. He will be missed. Rest in peace Mr. Casey Kasem! You will be missed!!

To ALL the Dads out thee...

Well, to all the Dads out there, for all you do to raise good and healthy children. To all who lead their children down the right path. All I have to say is...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Today, was Employee Appreciation Day

Well, it was at Harris Teeter today. In celebration. What did we do? Well, a cookout of course! I mean, who doesn't love a good cookout! Just in case if you are wondering, some of you from around the wold may call them barbecues. All I know is the store manager got a grill and cooked some food for the associates. Unfortunately, this year they didn't let us dress down. That sucks! Oh, bye the way, dressing down is coming to work in more casual attire. Like dressing UP is coming in my formal attire, dressing DOWN is more casual. Well, enough with the lecturing, the point is we couldn't dress down and that SUCKED! But the cookout was still fun and delicious. We also had a raffle to win a either a golf bag or cooler. I went for the cooler. Here are some photos. 

This is Stephen, out store manager. He was cooking the food. He reads this blog regularly. And comments to me on it. 

Me getting some food. I was one of the first employees there. I went there for my lunch break. 

Went on a 15 minutes break later on in my shift. Were many people there at the end. Well, just though I would share with all these photos. 

Well people I hope you know what today is (US only)

No, NOT Friday the 13th. That was yesterday. No, today (at least here in the United States) is Flag Day! The day when people are supposed to putting out their US flags. Though so few people do it. But hope all of you out there are having a happy Flag Day!

More posted on Sunday the June 15, after Flag Day, but Carson's Family had some flag pictures I can use.
Here is a Flag Carson's family owns. Carson is in back of this flag. 

And another flag they have. 

The Friday the 13th Full Moon.

Okay folks, let me first start by saying, yes, I was trying to be funny about the Friday the 13th superstition my my last post. However, yes, those stories were true. And once again I do not think I am in any serious trouble with my job at Harris Teeter. No, I do NOT believe in superstitions. So yes, that was supposed to be funny. However, there was full moon out tonight. As you know, I LOVE astronomy! And there was a rare astronomical even that happened tonight. It was a full moon on the night of Friday the 13th. So, I got a photo of it. I was worried if I was going to be able to see it. It was cloudy today. I was worried the clouds will block it. Made me worry because there will not be another Friday the 13th full moon until 2049, that's 35 years from now. But, I DID get to see it and boy, and I HAPPY! However, I did get to see it glow through the clouds. Made a nice creepy look for Friday the 13. Especially, when the clouds move right in front of it.
Wait! I got to see the moon at it's Friday the 13-iest and I got to defeat 9. Hum? Maybe not all of my luck was bad. I got to see a rare astronomical event and you all know how I hate to see posts end in a 9. Is thee anything else? Oh Yeah, this blog now has over 14,000 hits!! I have to thank all you people from around the world who kept looking at this blog. More posts will be on the way with more jokes! And if you can please introduce this blog to your friends! I like like to make things as informative and comical as I can! Hoping the world can better understand Asperger's with my help!! Maybe I got to experience some GOOD luck today :). Maybe all they say about Friday the 13th are just silly superstitions. What's also great is I didn't get this from iStock. So, yes, the photo with the skull and candle with calendar as well as the Jason-like guy were from iStock. I took it myself, so I didn't have to use any iStock credits. But I just HAD to get a picture of the full moon and put it on my blog. I just LOVE astronomy! That's all for now. So, I guess the moral of my story is...DON'T BUY INTO SUPERSTITIONS!!!

Okay here's what I went through today.

Well people, I have to admit I went though some pretty crazy situations today. It is Friday the 13th, and you know what they say about that day. The unluckiest day if the year. First of all as usual at Harris Teeter I was assigned to operate the U-scan (the U-scan is the self-checkout lane at Harris Teeter). However, today on the U-scan we had a black screen at the attendant's podium (I was the attendant, the person operating it). It was almost impossible to see things. There were times I had to guess in where things went. Other times I had to go and assist the customers. I mean we had to guess where to find everything. Even though the screen was black, the buttons (that you can barely see, you have to look closely) still worked. However, it was hard. And sometimes both me and another employee, usually a manager had to work the U-scan together. It was almost imposable to operate it with one person. Sometimes the two people got overwhelmed. I personally, thought we should have closed it. But we didn't. What's even worse one customer didn't complete playing because it was impossible to see the screen. They left without paying because the manager and I had to help various different people and we didn't have the attendant's screen to help us. We are not in any trouble. This has happened at Harris Teeter before. Far as I know, it has never happened before under my watch, but I has most certainly happened to other associates before. We finally got it replaced later on that day. The second time around it came back blighter and making it easier to work with.
Another thing that happened was I had to operate a regular checkout lane for a short period because he had a busy spurt. However, the checkout lane I got did not have a till. So, we had to give her change via the cash office. Working without a till is a pain in the butt.
I guess it seemed like Jason was out to get me today. A great photo to use from iStock. Okay, maybe the Jason thing is a little bit of an overstatement. However, they say the bad luck of Friday the 13th just a superstition. But these things make you wonder. Don't they? 

Friday, June 13, 2014

My camera

It's a Canon PowerShot SX510 HS. Hope it works out well. I was gonna try it out, but I didn't have a memory card. Hopefully, one will come soon. Well, I gotta to work now. Hopefully, I can get a picture of the moon tonight. With my Canon? No. I would hafta make do with my smart phone. See ya laters!!

PS. Yes, I DID intentionally put an "S" after later to intentionally spell "laters." As well, as the other misspelling. Yes, they were intentional. Hard to believe knowing how I spell (it's pretty bad by the way). Now, I much intentionally get ready for work!

Here's what's going on

Well people I got a birthday present early. It's a digital camera from Canon. It's a PowersShot. Don't know which model though. I got it early due to my digital photography class at the Carrboro Arts Center that stats next week. It meets on Thursday nights for six weeks. I needed a digital cam to start with. HOPEFULLY, I can take some cool pictures I can put on this blog.

I guess I got some BAD luck!!

Well, been a life long WWE fan. But they are not doing so good. I LOVED the WWE Network. But it's not selling well. And Vince McMahon made a bad business deal that got him off the billionaire list. So, I guess at the rate things are going, WWE will be out of business soon. I will miss it personally. That's MY BAD LUCK!!

Whatch out people!

You know what today is, right? Oooohhh ha, ha, is Friday the 13th. AAAHH!! What is worse I've told there is a full moon out tonight. That should make this day's (and night's) curse even worse! Oooohhh!  Well, I hope you find either a penny on the ground or a four leaf clover. Maybe carry a horse shoe or a rabbit's foot with you. In HOPES to avert the curse. But to be on the safe side, avoid black cats and DO NOT walk under any ladders. Also do not open any umbrellas in the house or break any mirrors. 

But I HOPE you enjoy today. After all, all this about the bad luck of Friday the 13th is just a silly superstition. OR IS IT?!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Do you know what I find so ironic?

Just one week ago lots of North Carolinians were worried about a drought. What's going on now. I guess, you'd probably mistake NC for a rainforest. That's all for now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prayer request

As you probably know my Carson's (Carson is my girlfriend) mother (named Mary) suffers from Parkinson's Disease. Tomorrow, Mary is going to see a neurologist in the morning. Please pray that the meeting will go all right. Please pray that the doctors can help Mary more. This is what I pray to the world. Thank you.


Q: How would you describe the intelligence of most TV shows?

A: If you ask me, that MUST have been the reason WHY the SMART TV was INVENTED!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This in the world of NBA Basketball

I am happy the San Antonio Spurs lead the Miami Heat two games to one in the NBA Finals. GO SPURS!! I HOPE the Spurs win the series. So, uh, yep I'm cheering for the Spurs in this years NBA Finals as you probably figured by now. Either that or you're behind in your reading.

I also HOPE someday the Charlotte Hornets would start winning some games. Well, I am happy the Hornets do have ninth pick in the NBA draft. HOPEFULLY, the Hornets may start winning for a change. But with Basketball you can never too certain. Well, GO SPURS AND HORNETS!!!!

No folks, this hasn't changed about me.

I STILL HATE SEEING THE NUMBER OF MY POSTS END IN A 9!! I will not allow that. Sorry.


Q: Who is the God of all TV networks?

A: The almighty dollar!!


Tim: Mike, do you think geographers should change something?

Mike: What would that be Tim?

Tim: The lowest point in the United States.

Mike: What could be lower than Death Valley? It's 282 feet below sea level. 

Tim: Death Valley is only that low?!

Mike: Only that low, what could be lower than that?!


PS. FOr those of you who are not from the United States. 282 feet is 86 meters. 


Q: How would I describe an oven?

A: COOLER than June here in North Carolina!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Take that back!

I finally got my iStock credits working! Now, I have some iStock credits and can put some photos up online! YES!!! I added a photo on my D-Day post.

This happened

Part of the reason why I haven't posted any iStock pictures was because I have no more credits left. I tried to buy some, but it wouldn't let me. I tried contacting them. Nobody was around. I left a message. HOPEFULLY, I SHOULD hear back from iStock SOON.

Did you know what today is?

Today is the 70th anniversary of D-day. The day of the invasion of Normandy, France. That was an important day. That was the day, lead by then General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who later became my country's 34th president (I am an American for those of you who live outside the US). Gen. Eisenhower was originally going to have the invasion on June 5, but due to weather conditions he had to move it to one day later. It was an important day. Helped give us more momentum to our victory in World War II. About a year later was when we beat the Nazis and help bring some more freedom to the countries of Europe. I mean, I hate to think what the world would have been like if the Nazis won. SCARY THOUGH!!

PS. I mean NO OFFENSE to anybody of a country who was an enemy of the United States during World War II. I HOPE I DIDN'T offend you. It wasn't my intention. This was NOT intended to be a boast of US victory or a demonetisation of certain countries during World War II.

Prayer request

I have a prayer request to make to the world as well. I have to pray for the college student around Seattle who was murdered. Please pray for his soul that it may be saved and pray for his family that they can pull through this burden. This is what I pray for and ask you to pray for as well. Thank you.

Okay people two things

First of all, I got it wrong. The NBA draft has not taken place yet. Hopefully, my team The Charlotte Hornets will get some good players like Glenn Robinson III. I know the Hornets do have ninth pick in NBA draft, which should (a lot of italics wouldn't you say?) be advantageous to them. I just hope (yes, more, and more italics, where do they come from are the italics just aliens that just pop up! Well, back, look they came up again, well back to the business at hand), hope (no comment, uh) the Hornets start winning for a change. But they did not (no I will not comment on that, or that either) get Glenn Robinson III, yet at least.

Other is I want to improve this blog done with better pictures. So, I am going to take some photography classes at the Carrboro Arts Center this summer. That way I can get done cooler pictures with no (where, where do all these italics come from, they must be related to mushrooms or something) what I was goin' (now an apostrophe, what's going on here?) but I was trying to say was no worries about copyright infringement. That are two things going on.

Hey, come to think of it here were more apostrophes before (what italics again?!) the goin' and I didn't notice. Silly me :)! Well, that's all for now.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Okay, I have one random question to ask

Don't get me wrong I'm happy the Charlotte Hornets are returning, and getting a star player from the University of Michigan named Glenn Robinson III to play for them next year (they drafted him and I grew up in Michigan). They even have a new mascot Hugo the Hornet.  So, I am HAPPY to hear this news.  

However, this is what I don't understand, WHY DID HUGO GO TO THE CHARLOTTE POLICE STATION?! Isn't the job of the PD to patrol the streets and neighborhoods and fight crime? What does Basketball have to do with all this?! Why do the Hornets need to advertise to the PD?! Can anybody clarify things for me, 'cause I seriously doubt they will be sponsors for the Charlotte Hornets. I don't know, maybe naive here. That's my question. What does Hugo have to do with the Charlotte Police Department?!          

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


What are the three things TV news reports HATE the most?

1. Bad Hair Days

2. Low Ratings.



Q: What is made of elastic to a TV announcer?



Three oxymoron's for all of you.

1. Tiny giant.

2. Disgustingly Cute.

3. And SMART TV!!!

Here is something that happened recently that I thought I would share wiht you all.

While working at Harris Teeter (a grocery store chain in the southeast United States), buying a bruised lemon. Reported it to a manager, and all I can say "talk about buying a LEMON." 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014


John: You know Joe, climbing Mt. Everest is the SECOND most difficult deed known to man. 

Joe: Second hardest? What could be the hardest John? 

John: Finding a job in today's job market!


Q: How long does it take a letter to get on across country.

A: I don't know, I lost count after six months!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hey, I have noticed this

I haven't post in a while, and I just posted four today. Kinda cool, huh? Who would have thought?

On a happier note

It's June, the month when we have the most daylight (at least so in the Northern Hemisphere). We can see more sunshine. I love sunshine!

Pray for Ann B. Davis

She used. To play Alice on the Brady Bunch. Though I was never a fan if that show (to put it bluntly, I HATED IT). Still, it's sad to hear she died. Please pray for her and her family. Please pray her family can pull through this burden.

I have a prayer request

It is for my girlfriend's mother, named Mary. She has Parkinson's disease. Carson (my girlfriend) feels she's not getting proper care. Please pray Mary will be all right.