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Friday, December 25, 2015


Yes, folks here I am on this Christmas Night. All I have to say is that it has been a wonderful day for me. I did get some new presents. I did get some nice presents from my parents. They gave me Eternity Aftershave, the 2016 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, the movie Ant Man, those huge Reese's Cups (I love Reese's Cups), and a UNC Russell Athletic Bowl T-shirt. But the gift that made me happiest was...under ware. Yes, underwear. Yes...I am being serious. I am happy I got new underwear. My old under ware was starting to fall apart and knew I needed new under ware. And for presents. I do like getting things that are useful. And nobody can't argue that under ware is very useful.

Mom like her new Rhymes with Orange cartoon book I got for her. She finds that stuff funny. I was happy to see the smile on her face. I gave Dad a Calculus book. He told me he really wanted to brush up on Calculus. After that I had to get ready to go to Carson's/

I went to Carson's so we can spend Christmas together. We first exchanged presents. I had an Adele CD. It was the deluxe version with three bonus tracks. I also had a book called the 101 Uses for a Pug. I also gave her a calendar with a prayer for each day. But I had to give her her main present first because I did not know how long it could last in my car. It was an orchid. She thought they were beautiful. I also had Redskins socks for her father. But Cravon has always been a Washington Redskins fan.

Carson decided to give out other presents later. We first went to go see the movie Joy. We thought it was a nice movie. Then we went back home. Carson gave me Christmas dinner. It was some prime rib Cravon cooked the night before, as well as a casserole Carson cooked the night before. The casserole had cheese, potatoes, and corn flakes. Then we gave the rest of our presents. She saw the pug mug and Caribou Coffee I had for her. Cravon got to see his present from my parents. They are going to treat him to a game of Golf. Carson then gave her big gift to me. It was a UNC lamp we saw in a sporting goods store some weeks ago.

When Carson and I returned to her home, Mike, her brother also came by. He told me he likes the UNC grilling spatula I gave him. I knew he must have been exhausted he was driving all the way to Pennsylvania to North Carolina and back in less than two days. And he was tired when he came over. Still nice to spend quality time together. As well, as his wife Gretchen likes her Penn State scarf. It was nice having him over as well. We got a call from their Aunt Nancy. She recently got injured. She broke her arm. Mike and Carson spoke to her when she called. Aunt Nancy is doing better than she did the other night.

Around seven I went home. When I got back home Bayard and Rachell (Bayard is my brother, Rachell is his wife, and yes, that is how it's spelled) were just leaving. However, I told them before they leave back for their home, I thought they should get Carson's presents for them. I handed them those presents, and hugged them and wished them a merry Christmas. I did have presents for them. I gave them gift cards to stores they like. Michael's for Bayard, and Sephora for Rachell. I set the vale to $35 for each gift card. Hope they enjoy their shopping sprees. Carson gave them Phish memorabilia, since they are both Phish fans. They loved the presents Carson had for them.

Then my parents and I decided to open presents together again as a family. Mom and Dad wanted to open the presents Carson had for them. It was Arizona State memorabilia. And Arizona State golfing towel for Dad, and and Arizona State T-shirt for Mom, with and old version of Sparky. Then I opened the present Bayard and Rachell gave me. It was a Carolina Panthers Calendar. That was sweet of them. It was nice to see my recipients enjoy the presents I had for them. It was truly a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Oh, let's not forget that this Christmas Night had a full moon. That is something that will happen for another 19 years. I thought I would take a picture and put it on this blog. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's Christmas Eve, everybody!

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. But now I am back. I have been stressed. I am still trying to find ways to pass the cert so I can find better employment. Still happy to see the Panthers do so well though. I was at Carson's family reunion last Saturday. It was lots of fun. I also got all my Christmas shopping done, and got all my presents wrapped. I hope my recipients enjoy their presents. I have been working at Harris Teeter a lot this week, and the store is busy. Well, I felt I have been good. Maybe after church tonight I should leave some milk and cookies out for Santa. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Nice try 9.

But I still got you!

Something things never change.

Here's one thing that never changes. I hate having my posts end in a 9. Yes, I saw you 9, and got you!

What I HOPE for today.

Yes, people let's answer the bell!! Tonight comes the ACC Championship game is NCAA Football. It features MY TEAM, the UNC Tar Heels taking on the Clemson Tigers!! And for those of you who don't know, this is a picture of the Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower. It's located right in from of Kenan Stadium. That is of course, where the UNC Tar Heels go to play Football.

However, tonight's game will be at the Bank of America stadium in Charlotte. That is where the Carolina Panthers play Football. I guess, that would be good stadium, since Clemson University is in Clemson, South Carolina. Not too far away for Charlotte. But Charlotte is still in North Carolina. But, still the ACC Championship game features two teams from the Carolinas battle it out in the very stadium where Carolina's only team plays Football, professionally.

I really hope the Heel pull off a victory. However, Clemson is strongly favored. I however, Still have faith in the Heels. It would nice if they win tonight. If they do, I will be UNC's first ACC championship in Football in 35 years! Yes, they haven't won a Football ACC championship since 1980. Hope they do it tonight! GO TAR HEELS!!!!!!

Prayer request.

Sorry, folks this is the best photo I could get from iStock to represent the recent massacre in California. However, I have a prayer request for the recent shooting in San Bernardino, CA. It was truly a sad day in US history. It was at a place where they help people with mental illness. And every year they through a Christmas party. However, there was a long time employee who did not like Christmas. He was indeed Muslim and probably felt left out since doesn't celebrate Christmas. For many years he planned an attack. He found his time and shot people. He killed 14 and left 21 injured. Now, why did he have to go this far and do something this sadistic is beyond me. Especially, in place where they are trying to help people with mental disabilities. I will say, that indeed does make me sick! No, I am NOT saying all Muslims are violent and intolerant. And definetly, NOT saying all Muslims are terrorists. In fact, I did meet a lot of good Muslims in my life. So, people forgive me if I came across as being islamophobic. It was NOT my intention. However, I still feel to compelled to pray for all the victims in that shooting. I also pray for their families that they may find a way to get through this burden. It was truly a sad day. 

Okay, folks here's the situation with Certification

This is the situation with certification. I am trying to pass (still). I spoke to Ron the other day. He told me that I know the material. However, I have a hard time processing the material. That is what I need to work on. Sometimes the test phrases the questions in a funny way that I have a hard time understanding. Please pray that I can pass, eventually. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Okay, I will need to know what to get people for Christmas

Though, I have half my shopping done. Still need to do more. I just need to know what to get people. The season goes quicker than you think.

Friday, November 27, 2015

So, yes, people NOW it's Christmas time here in the US.

Yes, today is Black Friday. The official start to the Christmas Season. I know a lot of people like to shop on Black Friday for the deals. Personally, I don't think it's worth all the crowds. And since there is online shopping now, I prefer to do it that way. Shop from the comfort of my very own home. And my family traditionally likes to treat Black Friday as the day we take down our Thanksgiving decorations and put up our Christmas decorations. Hope all of you out there have a WONDERFUL Christmas time!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

And no...

I am not doing any Black Friday shopping!

And yes...

The Panthers won again.

Well, in terms of Football I've a good day this Thanksgiving.

Well, both my teams won today. First I say the Detroit Lions take on the Philadelphia Eagles. There was a slow start for the Lions initially. However, the Lions DESTROYED the Eagles 45-14 at the end. Yeah, since I grew up in Detroit, I cheered for the Lions. 

And in the second game, my home team, the Carolina Panthers are playing the Dallas Cowboys. And right now, the Panthers are WINNING! 'Cause right now, there is less than four minutes to go and the Panthers are WINNING 33-14! I think it's safe to say, the Panthers are going to win. So, both my Lions won, and my Panthers are winning. 

However, I did have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I helped my Mom & Dad get the kitchen and house ready for our guests, Carson and Cravon. We have been looking forward to them coming over for weeks now. They got to enjoy a wonderful turkey dinner with us. The also had fun watching Football with us. Carson brought over some cranberry relish. It was delicious. She also brought over a french silk pie for desert for me as well. Carson is a VERY sweet lady. She is a VERY important person in my life. This was Carson and Cravon's first Thanksgiving without Mary. It was nice of them to come over to spend Thanksgiving with us. We all had fun. Hope all of you out there had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! I just thought I would share these two selfies. I am happy with Football so far. 


American or not, count your blessings today.

Well, to all my fellow Americans, I want to wish you this!

As this sign says. A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! A day where you count your blessings and enjoy a nice turkey dinner with all the fixings. It's a holiday that I personally, LOVE! I'm happy that this year I got the day off work. And dinner should be YUMMY!
Though, the sign left one thing out, FOOTBALL! Yes, here in the US there are always several Football games on. The one I'm looking forward to the most of the Carolina Panthers take on the Dallas Cowboys. And I hope the Panthers win! They are currently undefeated this year. GO PANTHERS and KEEP POUNDING!!!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Bad news

I failed the cert again. Well, I do want to work on strategies to pass it. I am saddened. However, I'm not quitting. Hope to pass the next time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Now, I'm off

About to try again for the A+ cert. Wish me luck!

Well, I just heard this happened.

Happy the UNC Tar Heels won last night in NCAA Basketball. Sad the New England Patriots won again in NFL Football.

Friday, November 20, 2015


Q. How logical is this statement? A two inch GIANT. With six fingers one hand, and eight on the
     other giving him a total of five fingers?

A. MORE logical than today's material desires!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Well, I'm trying to prepare.

However, I didn't get enough sleep last nigh. Wonder if I over did exercising. My thighs feel soar. But please pray that I will be all right.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Well, it's been a good night in Basketball for me!

Yes, I am happy to say BOTH my teams won TONIGHT! First of all in NCAA Basketball, the UNC Tar Heels beat the Wofford Terriors 78-58. The Tar Heels really started to come alive in the end there. Made me happy they won. The Heels have all three of their games so far.

In NBA Basketball I was happy that the Charlotte Hornets beat the Brooklyn Nets 116-111. That game was a battle. However, I was happy that the Hornets came up on top in the end. Knowing how both the Tar Heels and the Hornets were playing tonight, I decided to wear this shirt. Thought it would be a good shirt for me to wear as I support both teams. Glad they won. And you 9 LOST! HA!! Yes, I still hate it when my posts end in a nine.

Oh, those spots are just wet with water. I showered beforehand.

Well, this was today for me.

Here's a selfie I took earlier today. Carson insisted that I get back to exercising. I haven't been doing it lately. I am going to try again to take the A+ cert on Tuesday at 12:45 PM. Please pray that I can pass this time. It would mean a lot to me. They say exercise can help. It helps by increasing blood flow up to your brain. I have been studing this afternoon as well.
I was going to try to do C210K today. But didn't know if I could reach the place where I usually run. Instead I walked up and down stairs 125 times. Yes, 125 TIMES! My legs feel like wet spaghetti afterwards. But that is a picture after I worked out. Then I got some pizza for dinner. It was delicious. I like deep dish. I like a thick crust. I hope I burned off enough calories beforehand.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Well, I have this on my mind

I'm going to try to take the A+ Certification exam next Tuesday. Please pray that I may pass. It would mean a lot to me. In hopes I can get a job with a living wage, so Carson and I can have a steady income when we marry.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I also hope for this tomorrow

Not really a prayer. But it would be nice if these thing a happen tomorrow. The Carolina Panthers beat the Tennessee Titans in NFL Football. The UNC Tar Heels win against the Miami Hurricanes TODAY in NCAA Football. The UNC Tar Heels beat the Fairfield Stags in NCAA Basketball. And Carson and I finally see the Peanuts movie.

Though I DO pray for this. I pray I can live a healthier live style. Maybe lose some weight. And I still pray for Kate, my cousin who's been battling Melanoma. Her bills have been quite expensive. She has been offering cute pug T-shirts for sale if anybody is willing to buy them. Buying them can help her raise more money. I would have to get her permission if I am to put a link and advertise for her pug shirts on my blog. She NEEDS more money to pay her medical bills. Please keep Kate high up in your prayers. That's all I have to say for now.

Please also pray for this

I can pass my A+ Certification. I really could use that, so I can find employment that pays a living wage.

Prayer Request

Yes, people I think it's time I put up a prayer request. It's a prayer request about what happened last night in Paris. I got this photo from iStock. It was called Eiffel Tower after the rain. I know that the city was attacked by terrorists last night. Over 100 people were killed. Maybe more. I have to admit I have not heard the latest headlines. However, I really hope that you are willing to pray for the Parisians after this sad burden from last night. Please pray for the people who died and their families who lost loved ones. I pray that the city of Paris will pull through. Even I cannot understand why people would do such sick and sadistic acts. Call me naive, but I feel violence will not solve the problems that the people had with the Parisians , but only make them worse. Yes, I feel what they did was very sick and sadistic. However, Jesus told me to pray for those who condemn us. Yes, I will not deny it. I often had a thirst for vengeance. However, if I am to be a forgiven soul by the almighty, I must be willing to forgive those who wrong me. And I know it's not always easy. But PLEASE keep the city of Paris high up in your prayers. Thank you. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Ooh, you know what today is, right?

Well, today is (DUN DUN DAH) FRIDAY THE 13TH, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Friday the 13th, the unluckiest day of the year!! Or so they say. After all, it's just a silly superstition. Right? There is no real bad luck on this date. Maybe! Well, just don't walk under any ladders. Don't open an umbrella in the house. And DON'T break any mirrors. And if you can, get a rabbit's foot. Or may find a four leaf clover, or a penny facing front side up. Well, that's all for not. 

What I am doing tonight.

Well, in case you didn't know, NCAA Basketball season is now underway. This is an areal view of the Dean Smith Center (commonly referred as the Dean Dome) where the UNC Tar Heels play Basketball. I have heard the are already ranked #1 in the nation. However, I am hoping they will go ALL THE WAY (just like their Football team and the Carolina Panthers)! I know that their first game is tonight. It's the Veterans Classic. The game will be held in Annapolis, MD. They will be playing the Temple Owls (Temple University is located in Philadelphia, PA). And I hope they win. It would a great start to the season. It be wonderful to see BOTH the UNC Football team and the UNC Basketball team with CHAMPIONSHIP seasons! Carson and I are going to watch the first game tonight. 

Well, keep you all up to date

Well, this was what's happened recently. Saw the UNC/Duke Football game last Saturday. And yes, I was really happy with the result. I saw UNC kill Duke 66-31. Carson and I were both happy that we got to see it all in person. It was a huge win for UNC. It makes them contenders for the ACC Championship. GO TAR HEELS!!!!

Carson and I were also happy to see the Carolina Panthers win their game last Sunday as well, I felt it was a very important game for the Panthers. They played the Green Bay Packers. And the PACKERS were favored to win that game. However, the Panthers motto is KEEP POUNDING! And that's what they did!! They kept pounding. I was so happy to see the Panthers win that game. I hope this can prove to the critics that the Panthers are FOR REAL! I think it would be wonderful if they win the Super Bowl this year!! GO PANTHERS!!!!

Now, why did I use a stock photo of reading? That may be a question you are asking. Well, I did take the A+ Cert again and failed again. That of course, made me really sad. However, New Horizons said I did much better on this test than I did on the last one. They told me the problem was I waited too long to take the cert again. I did tell them I want to take the cert again by Thanksgiving. So, I will. However, what I did this time was a read the book. All 177 pages about 801 in the little green book I had. I felt I had to read it out loud to Mom & Dad. Each reading session did take two hours at least. Some took four hours. It was hard for them because they cannot stay up late when the sun goes down, and it's November. So, this is a time of the year when it's getting darker earlier. It was hard on them. I am happy they did spend time to accompany me when I read it out loud. I have visual only memory. I remember nothing about what I read or write. I remember by animate pictures only from the outside. It was a challenge, but it was done. I finished it yesterday. I thank Mom & Dad a lot for their time. Hopefully, I will pass again next time. Well, I guess I will make like the Panther motto and KEEP POUNDING!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Good Football weekend (for me)

Well, in the would of Football, I had a good weekend. First on Saturday, Carson and I got to go see an NCAA Football game in person. We got to see the UNC Tar Heels play their rival Duke Blue Devils. People thought that game would be a battle. However, it ended in a blow out. UNC destroyed Duke 66-31. And since it was their rival Blue Devils that makes this game extremely important. And the Tar Heels did it. That made Carson and I very happy.

Also in NFL Football, we got to see the Carolina Panthers play the Green Bay Packers. I was also an important game for the Panthers because the Panthers needed to show the critics they are for REAL. Yes, they Panthers were undefeated prior till. However, critics said they played easy teams. Well, this week they up to the challenge playing a very formidable team. Panthers ran away with it in the beginning. However, the Packers started to catch up in the end. However, the Panthers still left the area VICTORIOUS! The Panthers are now 8-0. This should silence those critics!!

Below is a new shirt I show my loyalty to both teams. A view from the front and one from the back.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Two things.

One, I am happy this blog now has over 20,000 hits. And overall, thsi was a good week in Football for me. Though, the Michigan Wolverines lost in NCAA Football, the fact that the UNC Tar Heels won more than makes up for if! Though, I wasn't able to see that game. Also happy, the Detroit Lions finally won a game. They beat the Chicago Bears. Also happy the Carolina Panthers continues their undefeated streak as they beat the Seattle Sea Hawks. In the New England Patriots lose my Football weekend would be wonderful! 

PS. No, I DON'T hate New England. I JUST hate the Patriots. I have been to Cape Cod and loved it. It's just the Patriots make me sick.

Well, just had a nice weekend at Writghtsville Beach with Carson this weekend.

Carson and I had a nice trip to the beach. We Got to enjoy some R&R. We got to do some beach strolls. Ordered some room service. Watch some movies and Football. And spend lots of time looking out on the beach. We wanted to see the Football game between UNC and Wake Forest, but the hotel had no network that televised the game. We did however, watch the Michigan/Michigan State game. We cheered for Michigan. Bummed they lost at the last minute. However, here are some of our pictures from our trip. We stayed at the local Holiday Inn.  Here are pictures of our trip. 

Carson and I on our balcony in front of the beach. 

Here's the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean early in the morning. 

And finally get to see the sun break through the clouds that morning. 

And a nice good view of the sun over the Atlantic that morning. 

Here's a view of the beaches from the side. 

Here's Gabby the Parrot at the Holiday Inn at Wrightsville Beach

Here's Carson with Gabby. 

Here's a view from our beach from our room. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

And more bad news

Well, I have been trying to study for certification. However, I had to postpone it once, and maybe again. Carson and I have a trip to the beach planed next week. I am getting worried how to explain all this to New Horizons. I really want to pass certification. I want to find employment that pays a living wadge so Carson and I can marry.

What's worse is the pass few days I have been battling a cold. Still have a little bit left. But last Thursday, I could barely get out of bed. I also was hacking up phlegm and had a pounding headache. As well as a stuffy nose. Having a cold sucks. What's worse is this has been going around in my area. And happened just after I got flu shot.

Also my doctor told me my blood pressure was a little high. She put me on a another medication on top of my other. However, I haven't taken it, yet because I have been taking cold medicine. I get leery mixing drugs in my system. So, I have high blood pressure, a cold, and still have to worry about certification. Yeah, I have a wonderful week!

PS. Yes, that last line was sarcasm.

Monday, October 5, 2015

I have some unforunate news.

As you know I have a fiancee named Carson. Carson's mother named is Mary. However, Mary was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. For a long time they said it was Parkinson's disease, but it turns out it was Lewy Body. And to make things more unfortunate, Lewy Body Dementia has claimed Mary's life last Friday. I was supposed to work that day, but didn't to tend to Carson. Carson and Cravon (her father) got lots of condolences, as well as food. Carson and Cravon recieved more than enough. They didn't want any more food. Carson and Cravon are both hanging in there, but still very sad over Mary's death.

On Sunday, Carson, Cravon, and I went to a visitation for Mary at a local cemetery in Garner. Mike (Carson's brother) put in a bag of M & M's into Mary's coffin. Mary loved M & M's. Mary did look beautiful while her body laied dead in the casket. I got to meet a lot of Carson's friends and family during the visitation. People expressed their condolences and memories of Mary. My parents came to the visitation. They wanted Carson and Cravon to know we are there for them. I stayed the whole three hours of the visitation.

Today, was the day of Mary's funeral. The service was at 11:00 AM. I first had a doctor's appointment. After the doctor's appointment, I got dressed up in the appropriate attire and drove to Garner for the funeral. First time I worse dress shoes. My parents were there, too. However, Mom had a doctor's appointment, too. Carson and I were together for Mary's burial at the end. Her preacher reminded us, that death is the doorway to eternal life in Heaven. He said all the prayers for Mary and told us Mary is in a better place. That would be Heaven, of course.

Then I went to funeral reception. It was held in Carson and Cravon's house. They used the food that friends and family have given them for the meal. And yes, boy there was a lot of it! Cravon got first dibs. I guess, it's appropriate to give the widower first dibs on the meal. The funeral reception lasted about four hours. I stayed the whole time. Carson and Cravon wanted people to take some of the food home with them because they have more than enough as it is. I LOVE Carson. She loved me, too. I don't think there was ever a woman who loved me like she did. I am happy that Carson and I will get married. However, please pray for Carson and Cravon now that Mary is not with, anymore. Please pray the best for them. That is what I ask for.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Oh, and please do me this favor


Well, I did this yesterday.

Please pray for Carson's mother. Her name is Mary. Mary has Lewy Body Dementia. There are is no known treatment or cure. Please pray hard for Carson and her family. They are really worried about Mary! Please pray for Mary. I did come by yesterday to visit Carson. Her father, Caravon checked Mary into nursing care. But still, Carson shouldn't be left alone and seeing her mother deteriorate depresses her more.

I came to Carson's place. There were things my parents cleaned out of our attic. There was a M & M machine, a rubber rat, and two money gumball machine. Carson Carson did take one money gumball machine. She will give the M & M machine and rat to her nieces and nephew. The last money gumball machine when back home with me. She make me a tuna salad sandwich for lunch. She also wanted to do a good deed. She made brownies for her neighbor who goes to her church. It was a kind deed. Cravon was gone for seven hours. Still, Carson and I ate some more brownies she made, watched Castle, and got donuts a local Krispy Kreme. Kripy Kreme gave out free small coffees and a free glazed donut with every order. We gave a free glazed donuts to Cravon. I stayed the whole time Cravon was gone so Carson would not be alone. She needed some fun to make her feel better on the tough times she's going through. Please pray for the best for them!!

Well, last Sunday Carson and I had fun the Panthers game last Sunday.

Carson and I at the game. It was raining, so we worse rain ponchos. I wore a clear one. Carson worse a UNC poncho with a Carolina Panthers shirt underneath. 

We got there before the arena filled up. It's the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC. Carson and I cam to see the the Carolina Panthers take on the New Orleans Saints. The Saints are, of course, in division rivals of the Panthers. Unfortunately, Carson and I sat in front of an obnoxious Saints fan. 
For some staring entertainment, they had a min pee-wee Football (and this is American Football for those of you who live outside the United States) featuring Sir Purr (the official mascot of the Carolina Panthers) as the referee. 

Panthers now take the field. 

And here they are! 

Special guest drum beater with Sir Purr was a a 6-year old cancer patient Braylon Beam. He got to bang the drum that reads keep pounding. The motto of the Carolina Panthers. The cheerleader (called the Top Cats) lead the crowd in the keep pounding chants. They have one side chant "KEEP" and the other side chants "POUNDING." 

Game time. Saints got a head start. They stated to lead 10-0 at the end of the first quarter. But we came back in the second quarter ting the score 10-10. 

Half time tribute to the British hard rock band, THE WHO!!

This is what happens after the Panthers score. 

Panthers win, 27-22!! GO PANTHERS!!!! That sure shut up that obnoxious Saints fan who sat behind us! While I went to the bathroom they said the team most likely to win would be the team with the fewest turnovers. There were two turnovers total and the Saints go  BOTH of them. In fact, when Josh Norman got that interception in the end, that interception spelled victory for the Panthers! YES!!!!!! Oh, and the Panthers recovered a fumble earlier. 

Bank of America Stadium has the flag of the United States waving the highest. But being the team represents Carolina, they have the flag of North Carolina on the left and the flag of South Carolina on the right. Sorry, it wasn't a very good picture. 
There was a jazz band playing and collecting money for their church. Since, this was for a church, I felt I had to donate to them. 

Carson and I, both with our Panthers shirts happy about the Panthers victory. It was a fun day in Charlotte. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Well, if you are from the Carolinas you probably know what this photo means.

It's the entrance to the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina. It's the home stadium of the Carolina Panthers. Well, tomorrow I am going with my fiancee to see a Panthers game. They are going to being playing the New Orleans Saints. It will be the Panthers first NFC South game this season. Overall, the Panthers are currently 2-0. I hope after tomorrow they will be 3-0. Things are looking good for the defense. I think it should be fun. Even though it's supposed to rain in Charlotte tomorrow. Still, I'm hoping for the best. I should be fun. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Autumnal Equinox

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. Trying to study and hopefully pass certification. Please pray that I do.  However, I just wanted to point out today is the day of the Autumnal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere). It is better known as the first day of fall. that means today will be on of the two days of the year when day and night will be almost identical. After that, at least in my hemisphere, it's going to get darker from this day forward. Starting today, it will be more night than day. That's all I have to say. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Well, it was a good weekend in Football this weekend.

UNHAPPY, the New England Patriots won last Thursday. Sorry, I could never cheer for a bunch of cheaters. No, I do NOT hate New England, I just hate the Patriots.

Though, I was happy that the UNC Tar Heels beat the North Carolina A&T Aggies in NCAA Football. Makes up for UNC loss about a week ago against the South Carolina Game Cocks. This was the Tar Heels first game at home. What's even better is we got to see the game IN PERSON! I have been told it was being broadcasted on any local TV stations, which I thought was a bummer. Glad we got to see it at Kenan Stadium. I am happy they won their first home game! No, their game against South Carolina was not a home game for either team. It was in Charlotte. I got to see that game with my fiancee, Carson. We both had fun.

Carson and I watch the Carolina Panthers play the Jacksonville Jaguars today in NFL Football. It was an away game for the Panthers. Since the game was in Jacksonville, we definitely watch that game on TV. However, they still beat the Jaguars 20-9. Making us both happy. So, overall, we had a good week in Football. Here are a couple of selfies of us. One at the Tar Heels game at Kenan Stadium and one after the Panthers game.

Us, cheering on UNC! 
Us, happy to see the Panthers win!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

My latest update.

Still getting in shape. Still studding like hell for the cert. And I was bummed about UNC's loss to South Carolina last Thursday night in NCAA Football. That's what's going on right now.

Friday, August 28, 2015

More runing

Just had another day, just had another This week seemed to be a repeat of last week. First day this week, it had me run for five minutes, then eight minutes, then five minutes again. The next day I ran twice for 10 minutes each. Today, it had me run once for 21 minutes. Good thing I have some fast music on my playlist. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while

But I have been studing A LOT for the A+ Cert. It means a lot to be to pass it. Well, just though I would tell you.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Now, it's Saturday.

I have studied for my 801 A+ cert some. I hope to pass it next time. However, it is causing a lot of stress and anxiety. I also have to work at HT from 3-11. But I will spent some time with Carson tomorrow and see the WWE show Summerslam tomorrow as well.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Also, PLEASE do this for me.

My fiancee's mother (her name is Mary), continues to battle Parkinson's disease. And she continues to get worse. It has brought a lot of sadness to Carson (my fiancee). Please pray that Mary can pull though. It would mean a lot to Carson as well as me, because I do get along well with that lady. It mean a lot to all of us. PLEASE PRAY, people. That is my humble request.

Here I am today.

Yes, I am still bummed about the news on the Panthers. I hope they pull a better season than what people are predicting. Also, yes, my shirt looks like it's on  backwards, but trust me it's not. That's just the way the camera functions in my iPhone. However, I did C25K today. However, this time, C25K had me run for 20 minutes straight. There were no walking periods. Well, they claim it can whip you into good enough shape to do a 5K run. I guess, that means there will come a time when you will have to just run. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I did my C25K today.

Well, I did my running today. I used my C25K app in my iPhone. However,  what was different was, last Monday I ran three times for five minute periods. This time I ran twice for eight minutes, each. Yep, they are having me run for longer persuades. Hence, all the sweat you see. But still I think it would be great if I can do a 5K. Still, gotta get myself in shape first. But I think this C25K is great exercise. 

In NFL Football, yes I am bummed by the news.

That is of course the news about the wide receiver of the Carolina Panthers, Kelvin Benjamin. He will be out with a knee injury he got in practice this morning. I am hoping and praying the best for him. I HOPE the Panthers can make do without him. But I believe the Panthers are going to make like their motto and KEEP POUNDING!!!!

PS. Even if you are not a Panthers fan, please keep Kelvin Benjamin high up in your prayers that he may have a wonderful recovery.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

My family got a new puppy.

These are two photos of the puppy we got, yesterday. He is a five month old Rottweiler named "Beau." Here are a couple of pictures of Beau. 

Here;s a picture of Beau laying down. 

And here is a picture of Beau standing up. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Prayer request

I have to put in a prayer request for Tianjin, China. Lots of blocks were destroyed and over 105 people killed. Please pray for their families that may be all right after losing a loved one. Please pray for the best of Tianjin that that city may pull through this burden. It was truly a sad day when that explosion happened.

Yes, I know it's only the preseason in the NFL, but..

Still, estatic about my team, the CAROLINA PANTHERS managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. They managed to beat the Buffalo Bills 25-24. Yes, it was a close game. However, I am still so happy to see the Panthers come out on top in the end!! YES!!!!! I hope that's what we'll see in the regular season. I want to see the Panthers win some games!! GO PANTHERS and KEEP POUNDING!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

And yes, I did more exercise today.

However, all I did was walk around my neighborhod. However, I did almost 23,000 steps according to my Fitbit.  I hope that means I can lose some weight. They say exercise is good for mood as well. They say it can alleviate anxiety and depression. Though, Ron says I am doing fine with my IT material.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wanted to do C25K yesterday, but..

I didn't. So, I did it this evening! Boy, it feels good!! Hopefully, I'll be in shape soon!!! Maybe, I can do a 5K. Probably, one of those charity 5K's.