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Saturday, October 11, 2014

This is what I did yesterday.

Well, I asked Shoeboxed if I could leave early. They granted it to me. I went by New Horizon's to study more for my certification. I will need that. However, since I went went back to school, there is good news. I got an "A" for my first leg. There are more legs to go, but I A-ced my first one.

I also had to get ready for dinner that evening. It was my parents 44th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, my mother wanted a dinner with her husband, both her boys, and their ladies. So, yes it was a party of six. My parents, Bayard (pronounced BI-yard, and he's my brother), Rachell (yes, it's spelled with two "L's" and she is Bayard's wife), Carson (my fiancee), and myself. We ate at an small but upscale French restaurant in Carrboro called Provence. My brother is foodie, so he's willing to try anything. But there are things I have to admit even I have my limits. I know both my brother and father love their escargot (that's snail by the way) but Carson and I don't feel ready to try that, yet. Carson and I started with salads. We got some of their mint spinach salads. Made with spinach, mint, goat cheese, and pecans. But those salads were GOOD! But hey, I guess even most of you out there would rather have a salad than snail, right?! No offense to the French. Maybe I lived in the US for too long, but here, to most of us, snail is disgusting. There was a thunderstorm that came up. We had to stay longer and did. Hope my parents had a happy anniversary. They had gifts for Carson and Rachell. For Carson it's box of Halloween See's Candy, she and her family love it! And some coffee for Rachell. Rachell drinks a lot of coffee.

So Saturday, I'll be working at Harris Teeter, 3-11. However, on Sunday Carson and I will get together. We are going to champs to see a Panthers game. Yes, I will be another of what mother call a "Kitty Cat Bowl" featuring our team, the Carolina Panthers against the Cincinnati Bengals. Unlike the first "Kitty Cat Bowl" featuring the Carolina Panthers vs. the Detroit Lions, this "Kitty Cat Bowl" will be away (at Cincinnati), Carson and I still HOPE that OUR CATS, the Panthers, win. GO PANTHERS AND KEEP POUNDING!!!!!!

Random trivia for you all, did you know that Carolina Panthers middle linebacker, #59, Luke Kuechly is from Cincinnati. Maybe the folks in Cincinnati will give him a good home coming. If the Panthers win a Super Bowl, and if he's still on that team, I guess the folks in the Carolinas and Cincinnati get to share a hero. Well, that's all for now.

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