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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween, everybody!

Happy Halloween, everybody! I hope all enjoy your day! Well, I personally have some plans tonight. I am going to be with Carson (my financee) and we'll be handing out candy to her neighborhood children. I just hope I don't scare the kids too much with my vampire costume. And I also hope they don't eat too much trick-or-treat candy tonight. Because if my costume doesn't give them nightmares, that candy will. Just like the Panthers loss last night. I sure found that scary! I really, really, REALLY hope and pray they do better! But don't you just love Halloween well, I do!
Here's some trivia for you all. Did you know that Halloween is probably the most popular unofficial holiday of our society. And yes, by this I am referring to American society for those of you who may live outside the United States. But getting back to the point. No, Halloween has never been officialized. I know Christmas is probably more popular. However, Christmas is official. Happy Halloween everybody!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

One thing I remember growing up in Detroit

Yeah, I now live in North Carolina. However, I grew up in Detroit. And in Detroit, this was one night you certainly wanted to AVOID! Yes, a time of the year I DON'T want to remember, but do. It was the night before Halloween. The night Detroiters call "Devil's Night." Devils Night is a night of  severe arson where houses get burned down. Makes me wonder if there be enough people from the Police and Fire departments who will be there to stop it. Especially, after Detroit filed for bankruptcy. Please pray for Detroit tonight.

Here is a situation that happened at work today. One if my associates said something like "Scorpios rule!" I told him if you live in Detroit and if October 30th is your birthday, it would SUCK! That means, your birthday falls on Devil's Night. A night when should be home because it may be your only hope of being safe (as long your house doesn't get torched). Because who knows what's going through the minds of those arsonists. We know they are violent and crazy. Well, what I have to say. Hope you all have a Happy Halloween and pray for Detroit on Devil's Night.

Here is the update on MY TEAMS professional sports

Well, my Football team, and yes, for those of you who live outside the United States the sport is American Football. Not the same sport you call Football. We call that sport Soccer. But in American Football, my team, the Carolina Panthers have been on a two game losing streak. The lost to the Green Bay Packers October 19. And they they lost to the Seattle Seahawks last Sunday as well. They will have their Thursday night game tonight against one of their division rivals, the New Orleans Saints tonight. I wish them the best of luck in that. Hopefully, they will win that game. GO PANTHERS!!!

Asked for the other team, my NBA Basketball team, the Charlotte Hornets, the WON yesterday at the last moment. They were far behind originally, but made a MAJOR comeback. The beat the Milwaukee Bucks 108-106 in overtime. They said that was probably their biggest comeback in history. I hope they win A LOT more games this year. I guess, it's good way for them to start off their season (yes, this was their first game). GO HORNETS!!! But that's my sports news for you.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

I little poem I wrote.

Elephants are red, donkeys are blue. If you buy into conspiracy theories. Well, THE JOKE IS ON YOU!!!

So, DON'T buy into political conspiracy theories. They are all just a bunch of HOOEY!!

A message to all of my fellow Americans

Please remember to vote. And if you live in an area that has early voting (like my state, North Carolina), please vote early if you can. Nice to get it out of the way. I know the Senate race between incumbent Kay Hagen (D) and challenger Thom Tillis (R) has gotten NASTY! Neither candidate seems to be expressing their ideas. They're just mudslinging. Well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather hear a candidates ideas. Give me a reason to why to vote for you! NOT why we should not vote for your opponent. But all I know is this! TO my fellow North Carolinians, keep in mind a Senator serves for SIX years! Yes, SIX YEARS!! Not four years like a Governor (or President), or two years like a Representative, but six years for a Senator. Which means whoever wins, this is who we're stuck with for the next six years. Please vote, and vote wisely. And vote with your heart!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Now, for this post about Football.

And for those of you who live outside the United States, the sport is American Football. Probably different from the sport you call Football. The sport you call Football is the sport us Americans call Soccer. Now, I have that out of the way, on to my post about tonight.

Is this great of what?!! I am so happy that UNC beat Georgia Tech tonight! What makes thing even better is due to the fact the Yellow Jackets were favored overwhelmingly!! But when the smoke cleared and the dust settled, MY TEAM, the TAR HEELS, EMERGED VICTORIOUS!!! Yes, final score UNC 48, Georgia Tech 43. In this game David beat Goliath.

Now, I only hope David emerges victorious over Goliath again tomorrow when the Carolina Panthers face the Green Packers at the Packers home field in Green Bay. Well, the Panthers beat the Lions ealier this season. And the Lions beat the Packers a couple week ago. However, still, most people think the Packers are favored over the Panthers something like 2-1 (though I don't know the exact odds for sure). Point is the odds favor Packers over Panthers overwhelmingly. I hope the Panthers can pull it off. But they'll have their work cut out for them. I still HOPE for the best.

However, if BOTH the Tar Heels AND the Panthers win, I would be even happier than Cloud 9. Especially, IF I see BOTH my team win after conquering such tremendous odds!! Well, the Heels won tonight!! I HOPE the Panthers can do the same tomorrow!!

Yes, 9. I see you coming.

So, you are NOT going to end my next post! So, HA!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

And yes

I still hate seeing my post end in a 9! So, TAKE THAT 9!!!!

Well, just thought I would share this selfie, and this count down 3-2-1.

And maybe I should share my Sunday with you. But, that describes the Panthers right now, 3-2-1. Yes, in that order. My fiancee, Carson and I went to a local Champs Sports Bar to go see, my team, the Carolina Panthers play today. They played the Cincinnati Bengals in the Bengals home town of Cincinnati. Hey, that's also Luke Kuechly's home town. To Champs I worse my Panthers shirt and hat. Carson worse her Panthers shirt as well. Yes, to this "Kitty Cat Bowl." I hoped our cats would win. People thought the Bengals would dominate the Panthers. However, it turned out to be a seesaw game. It kept Carson and I at the edge of our seats. At the end of the fourth quarter the game was tied 37-37. The game went into overtime. The Bengals missed a field goal at the end of overtime. After overtime, game ended in a draw, 37-37. So, the Panthers are now 3-2-1. I guess, I tie is better than a loss. But still, ties aren't so fun to see. But I HATE to see my team lose. Well, I guess that's just the way things go. After that Carson did some shopping. She even got me a Panthers pen, I though was nice of her. I covered the appetizer and desert at Champs. I hope she is happy the Dallas Cowboys beat the Seattle Sea Hawks today. I am happy that the Detroit Lions DESTROYED their #1 rivals the Minnesota Viking, 17-3. But that was my Sunday for ya! And Panthers are 3-2-1, IGNITION !! Sorry, had tht joke in there! See ya later!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

By the way people.

Yes, I post a lot of jokes on this blog. I try to make them funny. However, some jokes are NOT funny. One example of that would be on the flight yesterday, that man who on a flight leaving Philadelphia, who yelled "I have Ebola, you are all screwed!" He made all the passengers and pilots shake with fear, anxiety, and terror. But after the smoke cleared and the dust settles, it turns out he didn't have Ebola. It was a prank. He assumed his prank was funny. Well, you know what they say about the word, ASSUME. Hint, it's how it spelled. And it's TRUE. People had to cover their faces, clean the plane top to bottom after landing, and people and flights were delayed for two hours. His prank wasn't funny, and I think (or I HOPE) he learned that lesson the hard way. He may face misdemeanor charges for what he did. People, these kinds of pranks are not funny. You don't know what you are doing. You may have "opened a Pandora's box" on yourself. DON"T PULL THESE KINDS OF PRANKS!!!

I also have a prayer request for all those who have Ebola and had died. Please pray for the families for those who died, so they may get though this burden. Please pray for those with Ebloa that they may be all right. Please pray that science can stop it. This is what I pray for.

This is what I did yesterday.

Well, I asked Shoeboxed if I could leave early. They granted it to me. I went by New Horizon's to study more for my certification. I will need that. However, since I went went back to school, there is good news. I got an "A" for my first leg. There are more legs to go, but I A-ced my first one.

I also had to get ready for dinner that evening. It was my parents 44th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, my mother wanted a dinner with her husband, both her boys, and their ladies. So, yes it was a party of six. My parents, Bayard (pronounced BI-yard, and he's my brother), Rachell (yes, it's spelled with two "L's" and she is Bayard's wife), Carson (my fiancee), and myself. We ate at an small but upscale French restaurant in Carrboro called Provence. My brother is foodie, so he's willing to try anything. But there are things I have to admit even I have my limits. I know both my brother and father love their escargot (that's snail by the way) but Carson and I don't feel ready to try that, yet. Carson and I started with salads. We got some of their mint spinach salads. Made with spinach, mint, goat cheese, and pecans. But those salads were GOOD! But hey, I guess even most of you out there would rather have a salad than snail, right?! No offense to the French. Maybe I lived in the US for too long, but here, to most of us, snail is disgusting. There was a thunderstorm that came up. We had to stay longer and did. Hope my parents had a happy anniversary. They had gifts for Carson and Rachell. For Carson it's box of Halloween See's Candy, she and her family love it! And some coffee for Rachell. Rachell drinks a lot of coffee.

So Saturday, I'll be working at Harris Teeter, 3-11. However, on Sunday Carson and I will get together. We are going to champs to see a Panthers game. Yes, I will be another of what mother call a "Kitty Cat Bowl" featuring our team, the Carolina Panthers against the Cincinnati Bengals. Unlike the first "Kitty Cat Bowl" featuring the Carolina Panthers vs. the Detroit Lions, this "Kitty Cat Bowl" will be away (at Cincinnati), Carson and I still HOPE that OUR CATS, the Panthers, win. GO PANTHERS AND KEEP POUNDING!!!!!!

Random trivia for you all, did you know that Carolina Panthers middle linebacker, #59, Luke Kuechly is from Cincinnati. Maybe the folks in Cincinnati will give him a good home coming. If the Panthers win a Super Bowl, and if he's still on that team, I guess the folks in the Carolinas and Cincinnati get to share a hero. Well, that's all for now.

Monday, October 6, 2014

This what I did yesterday

Well yesterday, Carson (my fiancee), and I got some Pizza at the University Mall. Afterwords, we went over to my place. My mother had some Halloween decoration that she felt she didn't need anymore. She though Carson and I can go take it to Mike and Gretchen's house. Mike is Carson's brother and Gretchen is Mike's wife. But first, we thought we would watch the conclusions of both Football games. At the Pizza parlor, they were showing both Football games. One featured the Carolina Panthers against the Chicago Bears. The other was the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Houston Texans. Carson and I both like the Panthers. I am probably the bigger Panther fan of the two though. However, Carson is more of a fan of the Cowboys. They are her favorite team. While we were at my house we flipped though channels. We started watching both games at the pizza parlor, Cowboys lead 3-0, but the Panther trailed 21-14. Well, the Texans caught up with the Cowboys, tying the score 17-17. The game went into overtime. However, the Cowboys won in the end after scoring a field goal. Final score Cowboys 20 and Texas 17. Things were ever more if a battle for the Panthers, but they to came up victorious. The got the two touchdowns they needed and recovered a fumble. Panthers beat the Bears 31-24. To me, it makes up for UNC's loss on Saturday. That's why I branch out between college and professional.

After our Football games were over, we went over to Mike and Gretchen's. Mike's some Harrison had a Flag Football game today, so he wasn't home. Gretchen was though. We shown Gretchen what we had for her. Gretchen though we have gave her a little much, though the kids did like the decorations when they saw them last year. But if they didn't have room, Gretchen though she will share them with the rest of the neighborhood. But that was my Sunday for you.

And for those of you who live outside the United States, when I saw Football, I mean American Football to avoid any confusion.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I remember this from the yesterday's game.

Even though UNC lost to Virginia Tech yesterday. However, I still though it was touching to see Hokies pray for one of the Tar Heels that he tackled and hurt yesterday. I thought it was a very sweet thing to do. It was touching.

Oh, for all you folks who live outside the United States, the sport is American Football.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Q: Do you think the Dow Jones Industrial Average likes to play dancing games? 

A: I don't but last week, I think it had fun playing LIMBO!

Well, I spend my Saturday with Carson and her family.

Well, I will start by saying that the first leg of my IT training is done. Made me VERY happy. My second leg starts Monday. However, I still have to take my certification exam. Please pray that I can get though that. But still, material at New Horizon's is quite rigorous! However, they are serious about success.

Well, asked for today. I went over to Carson's to go see the UNC Football game. Carson made some chili to go around. She cooks good chili. Glad I got to eat some. They played Virginia Tech. They played AWFULLY in that first half. They got better in the second half. However, it was not enough. Virginia Tech won 34-17. Yep, that sucks. I tried to stay positive. But that's just the way things end.

I did stay by a little longer to see the Alabama/Ole Miss game. Carson, Cravon (her father), and myself all cheered for Ole Miss. And there was a another person (who was personally at the game) cheering for Ole Miss, a special guest at Ole Miss. The pop music sensation Katy Perry. Yes people, THE KATY PERRY! No, Katy Perry wasn't at Carson's house. But Katy Perry was at Ole Miss's Football stadium cheering for Ole Miss. She even had some Ole Miss memorabilia on. I guess Katy also like to cheer for underdogs. I left to get to my home around half time. I got home, my Dad had the game on as well. I called Carson to let her know I got home safe and sound. When I got home the game was tied 17-17. Then Ole Miss got a touchdown. Ole Miss won 23-17. GO OLE MISS!!! First time Ole Miss went 5-0 since the administration of JFK. Asked for beating a first ranked team, it was the first time Ole Miss did that EVER! HAPPY Ole Miss won. Still sad UNC lost. Maybe my NFL teams will have better luck tomorrow.