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Monday, May 5, 2014

Here I am with my 1,000 post!

Yes people, this marks post number 1,000! I've been blogging for about a year now. I really do enjoy it. Hope you can share it with your friends. I guess, I'm doing all right. Hopefully, I will get promoted at my job at Harris Teeter. It would sure mean A LOT to me if I do. Well, I will more posts on the way, and a lot more jokes (do I put too much emphasis on certain words?). I will say this living with Asperger's is tough (and I just emphasized another word). Keep checking out my blog. Please introduce it to your friends. See ya later.

Oh, I must tell you this. I have a prayer request to make to the world. Now they are lost more than ever in the search for Malaysia Flight 370. They had to "go back to the drawing board" in searching for the missing plane. Please pray!

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