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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Here is how my Sunday went.

Well, I guess it was a good Sunday. I made it to church this morning. It was the Third Sunday of Advent. I finally, made it to church this season. I missed the first Sunday because I stayed up too late to see the UNC/Duke Football game (and that is American Football for those of you who live outside the United States). Unfortunately, my team the UNC Tar Heels lost. Oh well.

The Second Sunday I was iced in. Couldn't go anywhere and had to cancel my date with Carson. That was REALLY sad. However, I managed to come today. And we sang Christmas Carols. We sang Joy to the World, Good Christian Friends Rejoice, and Come all ye Faithful. It was nice. It was a nice service. I mean, it is Advent so it's a good time to go to church.

I also got all my Christmas shopping done. That also made me happy. No more having to decide what to buy people because I got it all purchased already. Now, I just have to wait until some of my presents come. I ordered some online. However, I am pretty sure the recipients will enjoy what they get from me. So, I wish them all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

It was a good day for me in NFL Football (and yes, that is American Football for those of you who live outside the US). My team the Carolina Panthers won their game ageist the New York Jets 30-20. GO PANTHERS!! And I also like the fact that my least favorite NFL team, The New England Patriots, lost. Yes, they lost to the Miami Dolphins 24-20. No, I don't hate New England. In fact, I have been to Cape Cod in the Summertime and LOVED it! I just hate the Patriots. I especially, hate Tom Brady. He is such an arrogant crybaby. He especially make me SICK! He always boast when things go his way and throws a tantrum when he doesn't. That is why I HATE him!

Well, I got WWE TLC. However, it was a pain to order. It's SUPPOSED to be simple but there was a glitch that complicated things. Well, I finally got it but missed the first 30 minutes. I had to call the cable company to get it. Well, they did promise me I will get my show or I won't be billed. Well, there is a free replay after the show so, I guess I can see the first 30 minutes I missed later. Well, that was my Sunday for you all.

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