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Monday, December 30, 2013

No way! Yer not getting by me...

Yes, I saw you 9, trying to sneak up on me. But I gotcha. Take that 9. You lose again! Yeah, I really HATE it when the number of my posts ends in a 9.

Oh people I think I forgot to mention this

In NCAA Football (and yes, that is American Football for those if you who outside the United States) my team, the UNC Tar Heels beat the Cincinnati Bearcats 39-17 in the Belk Bowl! Yes, that made me happy. GO TAR HEELS!!!

Random thought.

Q: Do you think a lie can cost you?

A: Well people IT CAN! Yeah, if you try lying on your taxes the IRS will audit you! So, for 2014, don't lie on your taxes people.


Q: How well does paper stick to a wall?

A: Better than people stick to New Year's Resolutions.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Here is how my Sunday went.

Well, today I spent most of the day with Carson, my Girlfriend. I went over to her place to go see The Carolina Panthers play the Atlanta Falcons. The sport here is Football (that's American Football for those of you who live outside the United States). As you probably know, being from North Carolina, I was cheering for the Panthers. I decided to wear the Carolina Panthers sweater Carson gave me for Christmas in hour of the game. And since Carson and I are about to meet up, I thought I would give Carson her Christmas presents from Bayard (my brother) and Rachell (my brother's fiancee, and yes, it's spelled with two "L'S"). Bayard gave Carson a UNC Women's Soccer t-shirt and Rachell gave her a Dallas Cowboys scarf. Bayard gave me UNC workout shorts and Rachell gave me a Carolina Panthers scarf. We thank them very much for our presents. Well, Bayard also gave Carson an Underhill Rose CD. Unfortunately, she all ready has that particular Underhill Rose CD. Well, Carson will see what she can do with it. But, we do like Underhill Rose. Nashville SHOULD sign them.

All I know was the Panthers game was a nail biter. I knew they were favored overwhelmingly against the Falcons. This has not been a good year for them. Coming into this game there were 4-11. In fact, they played the Panthers earlier this year and got CREAMED! However, the Panthers didn't have Steve Smith. He was out due to injury. Well, This time it was safe to say, the Falcons DIDN'T get creamed by the Panthers this time. The final score was Panthers 21, Falcons 20. Yes, I am happy the Panthers DID WIN their game (by a nose). And this means in the play-offs they get a bye in the first round and will play their first play-off game at home giving them home-field advantage. Still the game was a battle. Well, the Panthers finish the regular season with 12 wins and four losses. The Falcons finish with four wins and 12 losses. GO PANTHERS!!

Around the tail end of the Panthers game we decided to go see Secret Life of Walter Mitty. We had $50 Regal Gift Cards, so we thought we would use them. I did tell Carson, I have heard mixed reviews by critics about that movie. But since, we have gift cards, it wouldn't be too much of a biggie. I mean, with those gift cards, it's safe to say that even it of the movie sucked, we would still get our money's worth. We didn't pay ANYTHING to see it! We did feel rushed to see it. Well, I thought Walter Mitty was all right, but it was a little weird though. We felt rushed though. The movie was scheduled to start at 4:10. The Panthers game wasn't over. We had to listen to the conclusion over the radio. Still we heard it. and got to go see the movie in time (no we didn't miss one second). So, EVERYTHING WORKED OUT!!

After the movie, we ate dinner at La Cocina, and enjoyed it. Like usual, when we eat Mexican, I just have to get flan for desert. Hey what can I say? I'm a fool for flan! It's my favorite desert. After that, we went to Target to get some coffee. We brewed some of it. The coffee was delicious. Carson and I had lots of fun today. After that, I went home and got prepared for the next day. Well, I just thought I tell how my day went. It was a GREAT day. Well, only damper was the New England Patriots have also won their game and qualified for the Play-offs and have been granted a bye and home-field advantage during their first play-off game like the Panthers. Oh, well. Still, the Patriots are my LEAST FAVORITE NFL team. Besides that, it was a truly, a WONDERFUL day!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Three things you should NOT expect

1. More presents

2. Nice drivers

3. People sticking to New Year's Resolutions


Q: How can you describe a calculus problem?

A: Simpler than today's technology!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Yes, people I had a wonderful Christmas!

Well, people I had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! I got to spend most the holiday with Carson, my girlfriend. I wasn't sure if I would be all right, but I was. I did get some nice presents like a massager and a writing board. Also got the Heat and the Man of Steel on Blu-ray. However, I was SO excited to go see my girlfriend in Garner. Her parents Mary and Cravon were there, too. Along with their pug Butler. My family had a little dog toy for Buttler. It was a raccoon that squeaks. Well, dogs LOVE that. I gave Mary and Cravon a $50 gift card to Trips. Mary and Cravon gave both me and Carson $50 gift cards to Regal movie theaters. My parents put $25 gift cards for AMC movie theaters. So, have gift cards to both Regal and AMC. But Mary and Cravon shocked me with another present. A present that was a extremely generous. Kinda made me feel like a scrooge. They gave me a $100 bill. That was extremely kind.

After that Carson and I went to the movies. We went to go see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Carson still had about $25 on another Regal card. Well, she used that to pay for both tickets. I thought that was EXTREMELY kind of her. But well, she wanted to use it up. After the tickets there was still $2.50 on them. Carson used the last used the last $2.50 at the lobby. I paid for the rest. We then went to go see the Hobbit. Personally, I enjoyed the movie. However, it not Carson's kind of movie. Though what's shocking is that seeing the Hobbit, believe it or not was her idea. She thought we should see that movie that's more in my taste this Christmas, since last year we saw a movie of her taste, Les Miserables. Though, I enjoyed Les Mis, it is more of Carson's kind of movies. After the movie then we had dinner. We has steak and potatoes, as well as salad. It was delicious. Though I think I had almost too much. Carson had a French Silk pie for desert. I LOVE FRENCH SILK PIES. Unfortunately, I was SO stuffed from dinner I couldn't eat much. So, before he ate desert, we exchanged presents. Caron like her UNC shirts I gave her. As well as her stuffed pug. The pug wears a shirt that says "Pugs Not Drugs". Her Aunt Nancy gave her as well as Cravon sweaters. Her Aunt Nancy gave Mary a gift card. Carson had a rottwiler calendar for my mother. A fruit cake for my father. She had a book about blogging, a CD buy the Band Perry entitled Pioneer, and a Carolina Panthers Sweater. That was very kind of her. We all gave and received nice presents.

After that I got two texts. One from Rachell, she enjoys those LL Bean slippers I gave her. Bayard also texted me and told me he likes his AMC gift card and lobby coupon. They had presents for both Carson and I. Bayard gave me some UNC workout shorts. Rachell gave me a Carolina Panthers scarf. So, it was MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Here are some photos of the day.
Well, you know me. I like astronomy. That white dot in the sky, was of course the planet Venus. Got a clear shot of it. 

This is Carson's family Christmas Tree. It's beautiful!

Here is Carson's family.
Far Left: Her Aunt Nancy
Left: Carson
Right: Mary
Far Right: Cravon
Aunt Nancy is is holding the stuffed pug I gave Carson. Carson LOVES pugs!

Here is Carson's new pug viewed from the back. It has a shirt that reads "Pugs not Drugs." 

Here is a picture of Carson and I. 

Mary and Cravon holding hands by the Christmas Tree. 

Me and Carson holding hands by the Christmas Tree.

Here is Mary and Aunt Nancy. Mary is holding their pet pug Butler. 

Here is a picture of Carson and Butler.

Hello everybody!

Okay, it's about noon this Christmas Day! How are you all are MERRY! I sure am. I think I am feeling wonderful. As you figured I'm going to call up Carson and tell her that I'm ready to meet up with her Christmas. We're going to get ready to see The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug. We are also gonna exchange presents. Hope she enjoys what I have for her. Well, I gots to say is MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!!

Yes, people here it is!!

Yes, since now it's after midnight, it is now Christmas Morning! Hope you are all MERRY! I think my throat is getting better, so odds are I should be MERRY! I REALLY want to be with Carson on Christmas. Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!! I guess, Santa Claus has made his way to the United States delivering to the Americans, as well to the Canadians. WELL, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I'll just put this post up just for ONE REASON

BECAUSE I HATE, HATE, HATE IT, when I see the number of posts end in a 9. I hate it when it ends in a 9. It's just too annoying!

Well, it's 9:30 PM EST in the Easter Time Zone here in the US

Well, I guess that means Christmas is only about two and half hours away here in the Easter Time Zone here in the US. I worked at Harris Teeter for about eight hours. And the store was VERY BUSY. There were times we had to have all the registers open. For my last two hours, I worked the U-scan since we didn't have a U-scan cashier. I guess we must be about as busy as Santa Claus. I guess, he must be over the Atlantic Ocean right now. Two and a half more hours, he come to the Eastern Time Zone here in the US. Well, hey, you gotta like Santa Claus don't ya.

Well, I have been having a scratchy feeling in my throat. I hoping I am not coming down with any of that junk that's been going around. I have plans to see my girlfriend tomorrow. I really want to be with her. Well, maybe things will be all right. I got some Sucrets and orange juice. Yeah, Carson (my girlfriend) and I are going to exchange gits and see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. I really want to see her. Not seeing her would make my Christmas very UN-MERRY! It would make my Christmas MISERABLE! I really LOVE her. I want to be with her. I did call her this evening. Hopefully, I will be fine.

Also tonight, I did go to church. After all, we can't forget the whole reason why we celebrate Christmas.  Yes, it's to celebrate the birth of our LORD AND SAVOR, JESUS CHRIST! So yes, on this holy night, I definitely came to church to celebrate his birth and other. My parents came to church as well. In fact, could you believe every yep, we've been going to church on every Christmas Eve since 1987. This would be the 27th YEAR IN A ROW we went to church on this nice. Still, with out Jesus there would be no Christmas. Though I do like Santa Claus, I think JESUS, NOT SANTA, is my main man at Christmas. So, Jesus is greater than Santa. But hey, that's because Jesus is God. Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! Just pray I can get together with Carson on Christmas. That would mean a lot to me.

Okay, I'm pretty sure all you people know what today is, right?

Yes, people it's Christmas Eve. I hope you got all your shopping done (stores and malls are gonna be packed today). You may also want to get your wrapping done. However, it's just a wonderful time of the year. I'm sure Santa Claus right now is doing his global delivery. In fact, right now, he's probably over the Philippines or Russia right now, HO HO HO. Well, all I have to say to now is MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Oh and let's not forget one thing.

Kids, don't ask Santa for too many presents or you may make the naughty list. Santa Claus REALLY HATES greed! He favors children who are generous. Just like Jesus, how he was willing to give his life so we may all be saved. And his salvation is a WONDERFUL gift indeed. So, being this is the time we remember Jesus's birth. Let's honor him by our willingness to give not receive. Okay, I know it may sound, well...cliche, but you can't deny it. Christmas is about GENEROSITY, NOT GREED. And Santa wants all to be like Jesus, and be generous, not greedy. Though, Santa knows we aren't God like Jesus, he still wants to to be God-like. So, well you get the picture. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ho Ho Ho. Well, I guess you know what I'm implying.

Yep, the one and only Santa Claus is about to start on his global delivery to children all over the world! It gonna be sometime before he reaches my country though (the United States of America that is). I think he must be about to start to deliver to New Zealand about now (if he hasn't all ready). And then deliver to more children of this world! He's ready to wish all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Here was how things were on Sunday

Well, it was a good Sunday. Went to church this Sunday morning. It's the last Sunday of Advent. We talked about looking up. We were told most people spend 90% of their time looming down. This is the time if the year we should be MERRY. It's CHRISTMAS TIME!!

After church, I went to Carson's. I went her place to watch the Panthers game. I guess, it was a good day for us in terms of NFL Football. As you probably know, The Carolina Panthers won. They played The New Orleans Saints. However, the game was a battle. It was a seesaw game. Overall, the offense if both teams wasn't that good, but both teams did play good defense. Happy the Panthers got that touchdown during that last minutes. And then for that few seconds their defense held off the Saints offense. Final score 17-13 PANTHERS!! GO PANTHERS!!! He were SO happy. I also heard about the Dallas Cowboys. They are Carson's favorite team. They also win. They beat the Washington Redskins 24-23. Their victory had her happy. Though not news about NFL Football was happy for me. My LEAST FAVORITE TEAM the New England Patriots won. NO!!! I hate the Patriots!!! And by the way people, no, I DO NOT hate New England. In fact I have been Cape Cod in the Summertime and it's BEAUTIFUL. I just hate the Patriots. Hate to hear the beat the Baltimore Ravens. Well, if you ask me Patriots still suck! But MY TEAM (The Carolina Panthers) still won. So, I guess that's good news. Well, in NCAA Basketball, both Carson and I were happy that our team, The UNC Tar Heels, beat The Davidson Wildcats yesterday 97-85. GO, HEELS, GO!!! So, for both Carson and I had a good weekend in sports overall.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Well, this is what I just did this Saturday, been to a party/concert featuring a band called Underhill Rose.

Hello everybody! Yes, it's me Aaron again. Did you miss me? I don't think I posted something about ooh, I uh, think it was a long time, say about...SEVEN HOURS! (Dun-dun-duuuuhhh). However, I did have a lot of fun today. Well, I went to a party/concert featuring a band called Underhill Rose. I hope all this makes sense to you. It may get complicated. I have a brother named Bayard. He has a fiancée named Rachell (yes, it is spelled with two "L's"). Anyway, Rachell has a sister named Eleanor. Eleanor is part of a band called Underhill Rose. Underhill Rose is a country band. They do more traditional Country with more a bluegrass/folky sound. Bayard and Rachell invited my Mom, my Dad, my girlfriend (Carson), and myself to the party/concert. It was a Winter Solstice party, being held today, The Winter Solstice, kinda ironic since it was 73 degrees Fahrenheit (that's 22.8 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the United States). Though today may have been the first day of Winter according to calendar, it sure didn't feel like Winter. The party/concert was held at home of Rachell and Eleanor's parents. They live in a mill in Graham, North Carolina. Anyway, here are some of the photos of that party/concert.

This is the mill Rachell and Eleanor's parents live. It's a nice beautiful and rustic mill in the middle of the country. Glad I got to go see it again. The last time I saw it was about two years ago when they invited me over for Thanksgiving.  
Here is a waterfall in their back yard. Though not very bid it still adds some extra beauty to their real estate.

And here is another photo of the back yard stream. It's much more beautiful to see it in person. 

Here is the band starting. They first tuned up their instruments. Sorry, this isn't a very good photo. There was a pillar in the way. Was able to get a better view of them later. 
And here is a better view of the band Underhill Rose. Here are the names and positions of the three band members.
Left: Molly Rose on guitar.
Center: Salley Williamson on bass
Right: Eleanor Underhill on banjo and harmonica.
I think they got their name Underhill Rose because Molly and Eleanor sing lead vocals. Some songs Eleanor sings lead vocals, others Molly sings lead vocals. Salley just sings backup vocals. Salley is also the newest member of the band. So, before Salley joined I think they already had the name Underhill Rose. And since she also doesn't sing lead vocals why her name isn't in the band's name. Though I admit I could be wrong. However, they are all wonderful vocalists. All the three of these women can sing like angels!

And here is another photo of the three.  
Here is a brighter photo of the trio. This time Eleanor has a harmonica

And there is another picture of the three. Seriously, I think they are a good band. Personally, I think Nashville should sign them. Well, just a suggestion.  

Well, Salley left the stage. So, just Molly and Eleanor. 

And this was just Elanor. She did one solo song.  After that all three members got back on stage for their last two songs. 

Here is photo of the waterfall at night. There is light they have in back at night to really "light things up." Sorry this wasn't a good photo. 

Here is another picture of the waterfall. Hopefully this looked better. I took this photo inside hoping the lighting can make it better. I THINK it did. But what would you say?

After that Carson and I decided to get some dinner. Originally, we were gonna eat dinner at Tarantini. It's an Italian Restaurant on the outskirts of Chapel Hill. However, we decided to eat at a coffee bar/ restaurant called The Bean and Barrel instead. We went there because they had the UNC Basketball game on. They played Davidson. Well, should have been an easy victory for UNC. However, it was actually a battle. The game went into overtime. At least the good news is (at least to UNC fans like me and Carson) is they WON! In overtime the UNC Tar Heels REALLY came alive. They stated to run away with 12 point leads. And they beat Davidson Wildcats 97-85, so it was a 12 point victory. Kinda ironic (yes, I just said that word again, how ironic, just used that word again, DANG!), we say a UNC Basketball game last week during Carson's family's Christmas reunion party. We say UNC play and WIN that game as well. Boy, were we HAPPY!! Carson got an Underhill Rose CD for one of the band members. She shared the music with her parents. Carson is now a fan of Underhill Rose. Well, that's how my day went. Post to you all later! 


Bob: Tom, do you think there is any such place as Bizarro World?

Tom: Uh Bob, Bizarro World isn't real. It's just a fictional place found in Superman comics.

Bob: Problem is, I think it is. In fact, I think we're living there right now?

Tom: Why do you think we live in Bizarro World?!

Bob: Because it's the Winter Solstice and it's 73 degrees!

I hope you all found that joke to be funny. In case you didn't know, Bizarro World is a place in the Superman comics. It is the home of one of Superman's enemies, Bizarro. Everything in Bizarro World is the opposite of what things are like here on Earth. So, that's where I got that joke from. And yes, in my state of North Carolina, it's gonna be 73 degrees today. That's Fahrenheit of course. 73 degrees Fahrenheit would be about 22.8 degrees Celsius. Hey, what can I say, I am an American.

Well, I guess we all know what today is.

Yes, I know, I haven't posted in a while. However, here comes another post. And in case you didn't know, today is the day of the Winter Solstice (or at least it is here in the Northern Hemisphere where I live). Yes, today is the shortest day of the year (longest day for all you folks in the Southern Hemisphere). So, now it's technically winter.

Kinda ironic because here in North Carolina, where I live its gonna get up to 73 degrees Fahrenheit today (that's 22.8 degree Celsius). And tomorrow it's gonna be 79 degrees Fahrenheit (26.1 degrees Celsius). Yeah, I know I am an American, we're the only country in the world that doesn't use the metric system, SUE US! But the point is it's now technically winter, but it sure doesn't feel like it. At least not here in NC. Even though there are other parts of the world (especially here in the United States) where people may say otherwise (up north in the US, Old Man Winter is really is really wreaking havoc).

However, there is one thing I do like about today. This is the LAST DAY WE WILL BE ON THE DOWNSWING OF DAYLIGHT. So, starting tomorrow we're back on the upswing of daylight. That and my brother's fiancée has invited us to a concert staring her sister. She is in a country music band. They are having a Winter Solstice concert tonight at a family mill. Still say it's ironic to think about due to the warm weather we're getting today in North Carolina.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Okay, are you ready people? Ready for this question?

Yes, people here it comes (dun-dun-duh)Well, just in case you didn't know, Christmas is one week away! Only one more week to get your cards written and presents bought. Do you think you could do it? Well, I'm sure you can. Just avoid the malls whenever possible and order the fastest delivery you can get. But seriously people. I hope all of you out there have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Just happy to announce that this blog now has over 10,000 hits!!

Thank you everybody from around the world who took the time to view this blog! It sure means a lot to me! I just hope I have been making you laugh and learn. I hope I have taught you a thing or two about living with Asperger's. 10,000 hits, WOW! That is great! There will be a lot more posts on the way as well as more jokes. I hope I can make you laugh and learn some more. Just keep the page views conning and I will keep the posts coming! Thank you everybody!!

Glad to hear the Harvard Bombing was a hoax and nobody's is going to get hurt, physically

However, I cannot understand how somebody would fake something like that! Why would you have people frightened for their very lives?! That is just sick and WRONG! Still hope and pray those people at Harvard aren't too traumatized, especially the students. I know this was supposed to be their finals week. I just and pray the best for them.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Here is how my Sunday went.

Well, I guess it was a good Sunday. I made it to church this morning. It was the Third Sunday of Advent. I finally, made it to church this season. I missed the first Sunday because I stayed up too late to see the UNC/Duke Football game (and that is American Football for those of you who live outside the United States). Unfortunately, my team the UNC Tar Heels lost. Oh well.

The Second Sunday I was iced in. Couldn't go anywhere and had to cancel my date with Carson. That was REALLY sad. However, I managed to come today. And we sang Christmas Carols. We sang Joy to the World, Good Christian Friends Rejoice, and Come all ye Faithful. It was nice. It was a nice service. I mean, it is Advent so it's a good time to go to church.

I also got all my Christmas shopping done. That also made me happy. No more having to decide what to buy people because I got it all purchased already. Now, I just have to wait until some of my presents come. I ordered some online. However, I am pretty sure the recipients will enjoy what they get from me. So, I wish them all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

It was a good day for me in NFL Football (and yes, that is American Football for those of you who live outside the US). My team the Carolina Panthers won their game ageist the New York Jets 30-20. GO PANTHERS!! And I also like the fact that my least favorite NFL team, The New England Patriots, lost. Yes, they lost to the Miami Dolphins 24-20. No, I don't hate New England. In fact, I have been to Cape Cod in the Summertime and LOVED it! I just hate the Patriots. I especially, hate Tom Brady. He is such an arrogant crybaby. He especially make me SICK! He always boast when things go his way and throws a tantrum when he doesn't. That is why I HATE him!

Well, I got WWE TLC. However, it was a pain to order. It's SUPPOSED to be simple but there was a glitch that complicated things. Well, I finally got it but missed the first 30 minutes. I had to call the cable company to get it. Well, they did promise me I will get my show or I won't be billed. Well, there is a free replay after the show so, I guess I can see the first 30 minutes I missed later. Well, that was my Sunday for you all.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Well, I went to my special Christmas party family reunion dinner tonight.

It was Carson's family (Carson is my girlfriend). Every year they have a Christmas reunion party. They do it every year around Christmas time. I went to that family reunion for the past two years. Went again this year, except I brought along my parents. All three of us were invited this year. Once again, it was held at Mike Here are some pictures of what happened. Here are some pictures of that night.
Here is a photo of Mike and Gretchen (his wife) getting dinner ready. They had cheese ravioli, salad, Italian sausage with peppers, and garlic bread. It was all DELICIOUS! Just smelling it made me hungry. 

In this photo everybody is getting ready for dinner. You can see Carson in the background (with her back turned) getting dinner preparations set. She is wearing a plaid flannel. We all enjoyed our meal. Mike and Gretchen are good cooks. 

After the meal some of us decided to watch TV. There There was a college Basketball game on ESPN between the Kentucky Wildcats and our UNC Tar Heels. Kentucky is ranked highly in the NCAA. However, Carson and I still kept our faith in the Heels. We knew this will be a tough game for UNC. Carson is of course watching the game as well. She and I are both HUGE UNC fans. On the far left is her Uncle Manny, April is on the lef,t and her Cousin Heather is on the right. Carson herself is on the far right. 

Here are my parents having a conversation with Carson's family. I spent the time watching the game with Carson. We were both hoping the best for UNC. We really wanted to see the game. 

Here is Mike and Gretchen's pet dog Dean. He is a purebred English Bulldog. 

There were some people who were leaving at about 6:00. However, I wanted to see more of the game. I have to admit that game really kept me in suspense. 

After the game I managed to get a photo of most the remaining people who decided to see the end of the game. And yes, we were all happy about the result. UNC WON. Final score 82-77. GO TAR HEELS!! Here are the people from left to right.
Back: Cravon (Carson's Dad), Mary (Carson's Mom), Mike (Carson's brother), Carson, Cynthia (my Mom), and Mike (my Dad, he is also named Mike).
Front: McKenzie (Mike and Gretchen's oldest daughter) and Harrison (Mike and Gretchen's son).

And here is a photo of myself. So, happy to see us all win. I wish them all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I was also happy that UNC won their game, but it was indeed a battle. Just happy the Heels came up on top in the end. 

I feel compelled to pray for this.

People all over the world, I feel compelled to pray for the church in the West. I feel it is dying out. Please pray the church can woo more hearts again. I feel it is very important for the church. No, this is NOT a joke on this blog. I am being sincere. I REALLY feel the church in the west can use some prayers and woo more hearts over. I would mean A LOT to the church and I. Please pray people.

Friday, December 13, 2013

And yes, people

I know I said this dozens of times. However, I still miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I thought it was Nick's greatest sitcom ever. I really miss it. I felt it was a one and only. That's why I felt I could not be a fan of Sam & Cat. S & C just doesn't recapture the magic of Victorious. There is only one Victorious, and there will be only one Victorious. Victorious is just irreplaceable. Asked for Disney Channel's sitcom A.N.T. Farm. I still feel that is just a cheap and pathetic ripoff. There is no way I could be a fan that sorry excuse for sitcom. That show is trying to be like Victorious. Well, guess what folks from A.N.T. Farm, YOU ARE NOT VICTORIOUS, SO QUIT TRYING TO BE LIKE VICTORIOUS!! It's just tragic anybody could be like Victorious, uh. As I said before and will say again THERE IS ONLY ONE VICTORIOUS AND WILL BE ONLY ONE VICTORIOUS!! No replacements or cheap imitations!! Or at least I don't accept any.

I still think it's a shame that Victorious got cancelled. I wish it was still on today. As you are probably thinking that I am a little old to be watching stuff like that. I guess in some ways I am a Peter Pan (as in a person who never grew up completely). But I felt Victorious was no ordinary kid's show. If a former Victorious cast member ever sees my blog or any of these posts about it, I only hope he or she can grant me my request. I hope that at least one former Victorious cast member will promote autism awareness and support autism research. I feel there is a dire need for all that. Living with this phenomena myself, even being on the high-functioning side of the spectrum is truly NO PICNIC! I went over 20 years of my life arm wrestling with Asperger's blind. It was really tough. In fact, I think I barely pulled through. Supporting autism research and promoting autism awareness would mean A LOT to me. So, if any of you former Victorious cast members get wind of this blog, please grant it's request. Yes, I know this blog is just a tiny needle in a HUGE cyber haystack, but it doesn't hurt to try. But even if you do see or hear about this blog, I only hope and pray you will grant my request.

Yes, now is the night of Friday the 13.

So, does that mean Jason is gonna come out and get us. OOoohhhh. Spooky, huh? But those were just movies. Or were they? Ha, ha, ha, ha!!

I know it's Christmas Time...

And yes a time to be merry. However, sometimes it can be hard with this reduction of sunshine. I mean, I just love it. Often times it's shortage gets me depressed. I was also miserable NOT seeing my girlfriend for two weeks in row and the Panthers recent loss. Oh well. I will get to see Carson (my girlfriend) again at her family reunion dinner the Saturday. Hey, that's tomorrow! COOL!!

Friday the 13

Any superstitious folks out there? Well, today is Friday the 13? Ooohhhh. The unluckiest day of the year they say. Well, it's just a silly superstition. Or is it? Ha, ha. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Prayer request

I have a prayer request. It is for my grandmother My grandmother from Tempe, AZ. As you prop ably know, she had surgery for cancer. However, another misfortune happened to her yesterday. She slipped and broke her wrist. So, she is going have surgery on her wrist. Please pray for her. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Well here I am this Monday

Well Carson and I weren't able to get together again this weekend. It was due to the icy weather conditions. That would be two weekends in a row. Yeah, that sucks. We really wanted to get together but nature held us back. Still, we managed to converse some over the phones which I thought was nice. I just LOVE talking to her. She asked if I wanted to see the next Hobbit movie on Christmas. I was was so happy to hear that. She was never a fan of The Lord if the Rings movies. I personally, always adored them. Well, guess we just have different tastes. Still, that was just SO SWEET of her.

At least Carson and I should get together next Saturday. It will be her family's reunion dinner. They invited my family to come as well. I went the past three years. I thought it was fun. And this year my Mom and Dad come as well. Should be fun. I am really looking forward to that. I also got some Christmas shopping done. Did it online. Still, I should get it the mail soon.

Well, I was bummed the Carolina Panthers lost to the New Orleans Saints. Putting an end to the Panthers wining streak. Oh well. At least UNC beat UNC-Greensboro in NCAA Basketball and Duke lost to Florida State in NCAA Football so I guess all is well.  


Q: Would "Christmas Spirit" be a correct term?

A: if you ask me and what I see when I hear the news and and look around, the answer is "yes" because it describes a feeling that is DEAD! 

But, please people be kinder and and more understanding of other. Christmas is supposed to be a time of fun and joy. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Okay people...

Yes, I just added two new jokes to my blog. However, on to somewhat more serious matters. Well, they said there may be some ice pellets in my part of North Carolina this weekend. I am scheduled to see my girlfriend who lives in Garner on Sunday. I am worried if I will be able to make it because I live in Chapel Hill. Now, some of you from colder parts of the world may laugh at this. Why we North Carolinians get so worried about inclement weather. Keep in mind in North Carolina there are no plowing services or salt trucks. Everything would shut down after just two inches (that would be about five centimeters). But I really want to see her. However, it might be hard. We had to cancel last week because she was sick. I am just hoping we wouldn't have to cancel two weeks in a row.


Jimmy: Daddy how come we saw no lions, tigers, or bears in the mall today?

Daddy: Lions, tigers, bear? Jimmy, what makes you think we would ever these those in a mall? What would they have to do with anything?

Jimmy: But you said around Christmas time, the mall is ALWAYS A ZOO.


Q: Can Christmas be a scary as Halloween?

A: Yes. At Christmas time, I always get terrified when I see my credit bill. AAAHHHHH!!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

There is some good news for me today.

Yes, I will have insurance. My insurance from Harris Teeter is going to expire soon. I wasn't sure if I was ginning to find good insurance. Well, I found it, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. They never accepted me before. I think I asked several times, but they always turned me down. Guess because I'm Asperger's (as well as that GI bleed I got a couple of years ago). But starting next January, I will have Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

Now there is talk to raise minimum wage.

Yes, they are saying it go up again here in the US. It's currently $7.25 an hour (American money). However, just in case if you don't live in the US $7.25 is just the federal standard. Different areas are allowed to have their own minimum wage that can be ABOVE the federal standard but NOT BELOW the federal standard. In fact, just the city of Washington, DC has recently voted yes, on raising minimum wage for their city to $11.50 an hour. Should we raise it? Or should we not raise it? Your call!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Here is some late breaking headline news..

As some of you know, I grew up in the city of Detroit. I can't say if it had a strong economy when I was living there. I left Detroit 16 years ago. And it looks like economic conditions have gotten worse. The city debt has just reached $18 billion. A judge just ruled they are entitled to Chapter 9 Bankruptcy. This will be the largest public bankruptcy in United States history. Let's hope and pray the best for Detroit. They will need our prayers.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Okay, today working at Shoeboxed SUCKED!

It sucked because our system kept crashing. I crashed so much, you'd probably mistake it for a stockpile of auto wreckage! We couldn't do our work. There was virtually nothing to do. Well, I did sort some of my envelopes to pass the time. But to me it really sucks when these kinds of spontaneous changes happen. I guess it's part of my Asperger's. I like to stick to the routine. Not deal with this. I hate it when I don't have the system to work with and deal with these kind of spontaneous changes. I guess it due to Asperger's I like to stick to the routine and go by the book.

Well, now Thanksgiving Weekend is over

Now, it's back to my regular life. I did enjoy the weekend. I got to eat lots if turkey (I love turkey) and watched some Football games (and yes, this is American Football for those of you who live outside the United States). I fact I am happy that my NFL team, The Carolina Panthers won their eighth straight game in a row! Yes, they added an eighth game to their winning streak. GO PANTHERS!!

However, things were bad for the UNC Tar Heels. They list to Duke in Football (and yes, this is American Football) . It was close, but well...horseshoes and hand grenades have NOTHING do to do with Football so...CLOSE DOESN'T COUNT!!! I hate it when UNC loses, especially to Duke. And in Basketball they lost to the UAB Blazers 63-59. I pray they start wining more games. I HOPE they practice their free throws more. I still HOPE AND PRAY they will have a winning season this year in Basketball. GO TAR HEELS!!

There was one thing I hated more about this weekend then seeing UNC lose twice. On Sunday I was going to get together with my girlfriend, but she called out sick. I really hopes she feels better soon. But, one thing about being Asperger's is the fact I never liked spontaneous changes in plans. I always like to sick to the original plans. Especially to meet up with the woman I love. Unfortunately, these things happen. I think she should be better by the end of this week. I hope we can get together next weekend.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Well, this some news I've heard last Friday.

Last Friday, Bayard (pronounced BI-yard, with a line over the "I" for long "I" sound in the pronunciation guide) and his financee Rachell came over to help with carrying boxes for Christmas decorations. We all had dinner together. We just had leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. But my mother talked about stories how some people can just talk to people and get jobs. She said some of them are going into nursing with LITTLE education in Science. They were just able to talk to people and they get employed. I never was good at talking to people for these things. I am the kind if person who always had to prove myself. They are people who I have no personal beef with and do not want to come across that way. So, if you are one if those people, in advance I apologize. I will keep their names anonymous. 

However, There's just something about that that is not fair. Well, my brother did admire my work ethic. However, some people just know how to talk their way into these things. All I know is, I HAD to develop a good work ethic when I was young. I knew something wasn't right with me. But that's what Asperger's does to people. It impairs their ability to talk to others. They often NEED to develop a work ethic just to squeak by. All because you don't have to skills to talk to people, while people who do can get great jobs like nursing. Not to sound like a complainer, but it just doesn't seen right or fair. But that's what Asperger's does to people. 

Well, today begins the Advent Season

Today is the first day of a Christian season known has Advent. It is the four Sundays to Christmas. I cannot say all Christian denomination have Advent. However, my denomination known as the United Methodist Church does. It is a season where we prepare for judgment day. There are five candles total. Four outers candles and one candle in the center. Being that this is the season in preparation for Judgement Day, the first candle symbolizes expectation. The second candle symbolizes hope. The third candle symbolizes joy. The fourth candle symbolizes purity. The fifth candle in the center (usually lit on Christmas Eve or day with the other four candles) symbolizes Christ. So, right now, we are just starting the Advent Season, so I wish a happy Advent to all my fellow Christians out there.