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Monday, October 14, 2013

This is what my day has been like today.

Well, I went to Bible Study. We talked about the book of Numbers. We pointed out that Number is probably one of the most underrated books of the Bible. In fact, have you ever hear this prayer? "May the LORD bless you and keep you. May the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the LORD lift his countenance upon you and give you peace." That is a prayer from Numbers 6:24-26 when Moses gave his blessing to his brother Aaron (not me the Biblical Aaron). I have hear that prayer a dozen times but only today I learned it was form THAT Bible passage. So if you can, maybe read the Book of Numbers. I think that book deserves more credit then it gets.

 I had some guests come over. It was Mike (my girlfriend's brother) and his family come over and see my family's Halloween decorations. We had some funny decorations to show to the kids. We have lots of Halloween decorations that we have colleceted through the years.  They enjoyed them. Carson (my girlfriend) also liked them. They thought they were funny. We gave them a tour around our house. I am so glad the kids had fun. The adults had fun, too. We had some goodie bags for the kids. As soon as they got into the car the kids just started digging right into them. They just LOVED them. Well, you know this thing between kids and Halloween. Kids just LOVE Halloween. They always have and always will. We also promised that if that Mike and Gretchen ever needed Halloween decoration to show the kids, we would be happy to lend some to them.

Mike and Gretchen left after being around for about an hour an a half. However, Carson stayed. She watched the Panthers' game with us. My Mom also shown her some cook books that show some good Halloween goodie recipes that she may like to share. Carson enjoyed seeing those recipes as well. Carson might use them one of these days. After that, we watched the Panthers dominate the Minnesota Vikings 35-10. That made me happy as well.

Carson and I decided to eat dinner at a McDonald's on the outskirts of Durham. I wanted to try some of their "Mighty Wings" that McDonald's was only offering during Football season (that's American Football for those of you who live outside of the United States). Carson got a Chicken Wrap. We both enjoyed our meals. After that Carson went on home. She called me when she reached home. We chatted for about an hour. When she got home she wanted to see another Football game. I was the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Washington Redskins. I bet she was happy that the Cowboys won. She is a big Cowboys fan.

I wanted to watch Game Two of the Detroit Tigers vs. The Boston Red Socks. Well, the Tigers were on top through out most of the game. However, Boston managed to get a grand slam that tied the game. Then Boston got another run in the 9th inning and won. I was bummed. I am a Tiger's fan. I really wanted to see the Tiger's win. I grew up around Detroit and felt sentimental. The Tigers made to the World Series last year. However, the San Francisco Giants we too much for them, so they lost the World Series. Well, they lost Game Two against the Red Socks. Well, they won their first game against the Red Socks so, they this round is tied one to one. There will be more games against the Red Socks. I hope the Tigers will be first win four games in this round. I also hope the Tigers will win the Worlds Series.

Overall, I really enjoyed my day (except the for The Tigers losing). However, I had fun meeting Carson' nieces and nephew. As well as her brother and her bother's wife. I am glad they had fun seeing our Halloween decorations. I am happy that Carson's team (the Dallas Cowboys) won their game. Well, though today has it downs (to me, mainly for the Tigers losing after being ahead through out most of the game), but it was still a wonderful day. I enjoy seeing Carson's family. I am happy they had fun. I am also happy that the Carolina Panthers won against the Minnesota Vikings. I just though I would share that will you all who read my blog.

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