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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Vanentine's Day everyone!

Hope you all got over Friday the 13th all right. Glad to see that Jason did get anybody. Well, that was yesterday. Of course, today is Valentine's Day. I think today should be a nice day. Carson and I are going to eat at a local Sea Food restaurant for dinner. It's a place we both love. Also we are going to go see her brother and his family today. And we are also going to get coffee at Caribou Coffee. Yes, Carson loves coffee. I hope all of you out there found a good person to love. I did. If you haven't, please keep trying. They say there is always somebody out there for you. I seriously believe Carson is the one for me! I also would think she would love the picture attaches. She loves pugs, too. Anyway, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, EVERYBODY!!!

PS. Yes, I know all this bad luck stuff about Friday the 13th is just a silly superstition and Jason Voorhees is a fictional character. 

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