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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Well, here are some pictures I've taken on my "snow day."

Being that I had no work or class today because of the snow. My dad wanted me to help him shovel the driveway. I think piled up at least four inches (10.16 cm for those of you in the world who go by metric measurements). This was supposed to be a photo to show how thick it was. I know it get much thicker in many places of the world, but we don't have plowing and salting services in North Carolina because they are not cost efficient here. We don't get enough snow for that. Most schools were closed today, like mine, New Horizons. Most work offices were closed. However, mine was open, but if you were like me, and didn't feel comfortable driving in the snow, you were excused. And being that I am surrounded by back roads, I didn't. Snow accumulates worst on back roads. The shoveling took three hours. 

This is our driveway after we got done. 

More of our driveway after we got done, especially this is where pull our cars out of. 

Even created a giant snow hill. Well, it looks like tomorrow I will be back to work. I think odds are I will be working both jobs. I know that tonight they said it will ice over. However, I think by the time work starts the roads should be all right. But that's my assumption. I'm indicating tomorrow, it's gonna be business as usual. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Now, the snow has started.

The winter storm is here now. I'm gonna be stuck now.

By the way..

How's my selfie? I hope the Charlotte Hornets beat the Chicago Bulls tonight. It would make for UNC's loss to NC State in NCAA Basketball last night. I only hope my NBA team will win tonight. 

Well, us North Carolinians are about to prepare for another attack from Old Man Winter.

And, YES, this is what happens when a major wintery storm comes mixed with snow and ice. And people generally buy milk and bread. But they are predicting a bad winter storm tonight. Many schools are already cancelled. I was waiting WAY in the back of the beer and wine section at a Harris Teeter on the outskirts of Durham (not the HT I work at). But I had to wait about a good 20 minutes to check out. But this was the line to use the U-scan (self check out lane). Being one who's indicating I will not have work or school tomorrow, I got myself some Boboli bread, tomato sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese to make a Boboli pizza for lunch tomorrow. But seriously, Boboli bread makes arguably the best pizza crust. It's going to be DELICIOUS! 
However, the store was just so busy, I couldn't find a cart initially, or even a basket. There were lines for regular check out that went into the aisles! busy just didn't do the situation justice. The store was SLAMMED SHUT!! There was a gentleman who wanted to put things in my cart so he didn't have to hold his items while waiting to checkout. The store was a mad house! Well, I got all the stuff I need for the winter storm. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Old Man Winter just attacked North Carolina...AGAIN!

Well, Old Man Winter just attacked NC again. Well, things shut down so easy here because we don't have the equipment to handle snow, like snow plows and salt trucks. So, as soon as we get an accumulation things shut down. What's interesting about this snowfall is the fact we weren't predicting it. We kinda expected that we'd only get a dusting. We thought things would be business as usual. I thought I'd meet up with Ron (my certification mentor at New Horizons tonight). Guess, not tonight. New Horizons announced the campus is closed and classes are cancelled. That includes scheduled mentoring sessions. So, I enjoyed a day of some R & R. Defrosted a pizza and watched the episode of WWE Raw I DVR'ed last night. Here's a picture of things were like.
Well, tonight I'll be watching the North Carolina State Rivalry Game in NCAA Basketball. That's when the North Carolina Tar Heels play the North Carolina State Wolfpack. Me, I'm cheering for UNC. GO HEEL, GO! And I'm really hoping they win. They won the last time in NC State's own stadium, when they had the home court advantage. This time, the home court advantage is OURS! GO TAR HEELS!!! Thought I'd show you all this shirt. Yes, Duke is still out biggest rival in Basketball. But thought I'd let you see it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Though I didn't make up this joke, I'd thought I'd share with you any way.

Q: What's colder then Thursday's predicted low (-2 degrees Fahrenheit, -18.89 degree Celsius here in NC)?

A: Coach K's heart!

Coach K is Mike Kryzewski, head coach of Duke Basketball just in case you didn't know.
Just when us North Carolinians though our winter gonna be tame, then this week, BAM! Old Man Winter  just made a late attack. Being that it doesn't snow here in NC a whole heck of a lot, things shut down in just an inch of snow. That's 2.54 centimeters for those of you who go by metric measurements. We however, have no plowing services or salt trucks, so things shut down very easily. But still, my class was cancelled the past two school days, and I missed a day of work. However, we finally got snow! 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Vanentine's Day everyone!

Hope you all got over Friday the 13th all right. Glad to see that Jason did get anybody. Well, that was yesterday. Of course, today is Valentine's Day. I think today should be a nice day. Carson and I are going to eat at a local Sea Food restaurant for dinner. It's a place we both love. Also we are going to go see her brother and his family today. And we are also going to get coffee at Caribou Coffee. Yes, Carson loves coffee. I hope all of you out there found a good person to love. I did. If you haven't, please keep trying. They say there is always somebody out there for you. I seriously believe Carson is the one for me! I also would think she would love the picture attaches. She loves pugs, too. Anyway, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, EVERYBODY!!!

PS. Yes, I know all this bad luck stuff about Friday the 13th is just a silly superstition and Jason Voorhees is a fictional character. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Oh and you probably know what today is

Yes, people today is that day! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH!! They say it's the unluckiest day of the year. I guess, that means don't step on a crack, don't want under any ladders, and don't open umbrellas in the house. Also that means you especially DO NOT want to break any mirrors. They say it's seven years of bad luck to break a mirror. I guess, it you do one on Friday the 13th. I think it may multiply by 13, which would be...OH NO, 91 YEARS OF BAD LUCK!! So, please get a rabbits foot or a horse shoe. Or see if you can find a four leave clover. But beware, wa, ha, ha, ha!!!  Or you can't take my words too seriously. After all, they are just silly superstitions. Not like some hockey masked guy named Jason is going to come out and get ya tonight...maybe. WA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA


Q. How would I describe superstition?

A. More believable than the media!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

This was a sad day for NCAA Basketball.

This is especially true for UNC fans like me. The UNC Tar Heels legendary coach Dean Smith just passed away last night at the age of 83. He may have been the teams most victorious coach in history who lead the Tar Heels to two NCAA championships. He had send years arm wrestling with Alzheimer's Disease.

Many people payed homage to him such as current UNC head coach Roy Williams, NBA star LeBron James, and former Tar Heels and NBA great Michael Jordan. Jordan called Coach Smith a second father to him. Even head coach of the rival Duke Blue Devils Mike "Coach K" Krzyewski payed homage to Dean Smith calling him one of the greatest coaches ever. Truly a class act on behalf of Coach K. I thoughts any prayers go to Dean Smith and his family. He will be missed.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Mike: Joe, I thought you said that we're going get lots of snow here in North Carolina this Winter.

Joe: But Mike, our meteorologist said we would.

Mike: But all we got was just a mere dusting. Where did you find this meteorologist?!

Joe: From the carnival.


Joe: Yes, she was a fortune teller, called Fraudlauda.

Mike: It figures!

Yes, here in North Carolina they said we would get lots of snow, and all we got was a dusting. It seems those forecasts lie to us.


Q. What would blows more hot air than a household heater.



Q. What three are three rare species?

A. Here's three for ya...

1. Giant Pandas

2. Mountain Gorillas

3. And Hollywood writers who have any imagination!

Maybe that's why they do more reality shows. Hhhhuuuuummmmm......?

And my week.

Hello people, yes, I'm back. However, I have been under a lot of stress lately. I had a final exam last Thursday night. And It couldn't have come at a worse time. One of my jobs wanted to work 5-10 on Friday night, and 3-11 on Saturday. And Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday. What's worse was that Tuesday is usually my most open day. Unfortunately, last Tuesday (February 3) was Carson's birthday. I had some presents for her and I promised to take her out to the 42nd Street Oyster Bar in Raleigh for her birthday dinner. I knew how much Carson has been looking forward to that. I just wanted to deliver her a happy birthday. We had lost of fun that night. I loved Carson dinner, and a souvenir 42nd Street Oyster Bar cup. It made me so happy the next day. I REALLY LOVE putting a smile on her face!

Fortunately, my mother did help me study. The exam was based on review questions from the back of each chapter. The problem was there was 18 chapters which had an average of 15 questions. The instructor said on 25 of those review questions will be on the final. But he didn't tell us which 25. So, we had to know all of them. That's about 270 answers we needed to know. The Wednesday night before, I did know the material (my mother quizzed me). I took the exam the next day. I know I scrounged up as much study time I could get. However, I think I aced the exam. Now, I just need to pass certification.

New Horizons told me that they will see if I can go to mentoring session for tutoring for the A+ certification test. However, I have to get things straightened out with one job. I have been under much stress. Sometimes it got to the point that I felt as if I am some kind of zombie walking around. I do think the Celexa has been helping some.

However, I still feel that I need less work time. I don't think I can handle working about 43 hours a week and taking four hour classes three times a week much longer. I tried to get an education leave of absence. They haven't given me an answer, but they told me it's not looking good. I think that means odds are they are going to deny me. However, I did think of another plan and ask for less hours. Maybe just work one day a week. I know during the mentoring session I will be assigned some extra homework. More weekend time to do the homework would be helpful. Especially, this IT stuff can be quite rigorous. I want a job that has a good future. If I can get certified, I will have the qualifications needed to help get me hired for some serious employment. That way I can have some more study time, and still spend time with Carson on Sundays. I just hope this request get granted.

Yes, I have been under a lot of stress. My doctor also told me that my blood was low on Vitamin D. So, I am on Vitamin D pills that I take every Saturday. I guess, if both the UNC Tar Heels and the Charlotte Hornets win the Basketball games tonight, it would give me something to be happy about. Well, that's all for now.

Monday, February 2, 2015

And I'm sorry my team lost.

Yep, in the game I was cheering for the Seattle Sea Hawks and they lost :(. And my least favorite team in the NFL (that's of course the New England Patriots) won! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, why did the Patriots win? Because they got lucky the Sea Hawks made a BAD call! When the Hawks were SO close to the Pats end zone they should have went for a running play, but NO, they HAD to go for a fancy, schmancy pass play. Thar costed the Sea Hawks the game. Parrots win. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

And you probably know what today.

At least you should if you are an American like me. Today is Superbowl Sunday. Where he watch the big game (and for those of you who live live outside the United States, the sport is American Football, or the sport Americans, like me call just Football). The event is Called the SUPER BOWL. It will be helled at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona (as pictured above).

Yes, here in the United States, the day we call Super Bowl Sunday has virtually become a holiday in this society. And people celebrate like a holiday. It features two teams competing, one from the National Football Conference (or NFC) play one from the American Football Conference (or AFC). The two team that will be competing are the Seattle Sea Hawks and the New England Patriots. Sea Hawks represent the NFC, the Patriots will represent the AFC.

Personally, I'm cheering for the Sea Hawks. I can't stand the Patriots, especially due to their sportsmanship. That's especially true about Bill Belichick and Tom Brady. They are not good winners, not are they good losers. And they have allegedly been using under inflated balls to cheat. Wouldn't surprise me. They have been caught cheating before. I hope they Sea Hawks destroy them!

Well, the Hornets won last night. Unfortunately, UNC lost and Duke won in NCAA Basketball. Maybe I would be happier if the Sea Hawks won. Well, we'll see what happens tonight.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

However, I have been very busy. Juggling two part-time jobs and school and school can be a pain in the butt. I have been dealing with some anxiety as of late. This photo show the drug my doctor prescribed for me called Celexa. I covered up my name sorry. However, I am not ready to let the world (especially, strangers) see my last name, yet. At this point I'm trying to keep it anonymous. However, I have been battling a lot of anxiety and depression. I hope at least one of my employers can grant me a temporary leave of absence. I just got the form ready. IT training can be rigorous. But I am still passioned to succeed. I want to prove that Special Ed. teacher I had in first and second grade wrong about me (she made those two years of school a living HELL). However, they will need to see my registration. But Please hoe and pray the best for me. Let's also hope and play the Celxa works.