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Monday, March 31, 2014

You know what today is?

It's Opening Day for Major League Baseball! Yes, today is when professional Baseball season starts. I time when people eat hot dogs and peanuts. Enjoy some fresh air. Hope to catch a baseball and cheer their team to victory. I REALLY hope my team, The Detroit Tigers, go all the way this year! GO TIGERS!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ya know, some things NEVER change.

One thing that hasn't is...I STILL HATE MY POSTS ENDING IN A 9!! So, I will NOT let 9 win here! HASTA LA VISTA, 9!!!!


Q: Can people be paid to be crooks?

A: YES!! They are called Hollywood Producers!!


Q: What's rarer than mountain gorillas?

A: People who are willing to work.


Q: Why look at the stars at night?

A: Because there's more to look up there than on TV!


Q: Why should you NOT smoke cigarettes?

A: Because each pack cost $4.00 AT LEAST!

Thank you iStock for another photo. But seriously people, yes,  you shouldn't smoke cigarettes because cigarette pack are just too expensive. Yesterday, at work I saw backs that cost at much as $6.19! I'm NOT paying that!! So, it's a BAD idea to smoke cigaretts because they are TOO EXPENSIVE! That and they can cause lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and all that.

Friday, March 28, 2014


All I know, the weather has been changing a lot here in North Carolina as of late. Happy there was NO snow last Tuesday. But, it start out warm, then it gets cold again. Then warm again and then cold again! WARM AGAIN! COLD AGAIN! WARM AGAIN, COLD AGAIN!! WARM AGAIN, COLD AGAIN!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! A think my HEALTH is subject to the weather. It got cold one night. I think it gave me a slight cold. So, I think I"VE BEEN FEELING A BIT UNDER THE WEATHER!

I know, this is NOT a photo of my, but since I bought those iStock credits I might as well use them!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sad news!

I have a prayer request for the world. Mtaylasia Flight 370 crashed in the Indian Ocean. Nobody survived. Please pray for the victims and their families. Please pray that they can pull through this burden. It it a very tough phenomena to lives with. This is TRULY SAD!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Here's some vocabulary for you. The word is FLUFF.

Verb. 1. Make (something) softer or fuller. 2. Fail to perform or accomplish something successfully, especially in sorts or acting.

Noun. 1. Soft fiber such as cotton or wool in small clumps. 2. NEWS STORIES ON TV.

And my team just lost, NO!

Yes, I just say UNC lose to Iowa State in March Madness. They will not go to Sweet 16. Guess, I am done with NCAA basketball this year.

Bridal shower (cont'd again for a third time)

And that's the last of the gifts. 

David hold a bouquet and Amanda has a conforter. Hope they have a happy wedding and life together. 

Amanda and Mom

And now every is fixing to leave. After the party Carson and I went to go see Ride Along. We thought it was a funny movie. Then we had dinner at T.G.I. Friday. Unfortunetly, Fridays was slower than usual. And my phone almost died out. Carson. I and I sat outside her back porch and convered. However, I knew I had to get my phone charged up, before it died out completly. And smarphones, especailly iPhone, are expensive. But, I had LOT'S of fun spending the day with Carson and meeting her family. 

The Briday shower(cont'd)

Now, it's time for the gift. 
OOOOHHHH, what could they be?

"Here are gifts from Mary, Cravon, Carson, and Aaron" Those are the gift we had for them. We hoped they liked them. 

"What could it be?"

It was a copy of The Heat. Amada loved that movie. Carson and I did, too. 

"Oh, there's more in that bag?"

"There bag clips, to keep bags air tight and fresh."

"Here is money from Mary, Cravon, Carson, and Aaron"
And we gave them some bamboo bowls and plates for party favors. 

The Bridal Shower

Carson has a cousin named April, who invided me to come to a bridal shower for her cousin Amanda who is marying a man named David in May. The shower was held at a church in Clayton. We brough one veggie tray, a fruit and cheese tray, and some deviled eggs over. Carson and I came over with her mother, Mary. Cravon couldn't make it because he had some business to to take of with his son in Chapel Hill. But here are some photos of the bridal shower.

Well, some of us came here about an hour early for the party. 

In that time we also get the food perpared for the party. 

Here is the cake. And that's when Amanda and David get amrried. Only May 17, 2014. For all of you who live outside the United States, we put the month before the day. I know most of you from around the world would write 17/05/14, but here in the US it's 05/17/14.

Now, we get the table read for the Wedding gifts. 

Here are the guests of honor. From right to left. Amanda, the bride to be. And David, the groom to be. 

Being the guests of honor, they get frist dibs on lunch. There was plenty of food for everybody. It was delicious. 

Now, everybody else is coming by to get their food as well. 
Now, the groom and bride to be will cut the desert, the cake. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

BAD NEWS about NCAA Basketball!!

And some more BAD NEWS!! All of the brackets Buffett received had at least one loser. That means NOBODY wins the $1 Billion. Sorry everybody. A lot of money if you could pick all winners perfectly. But, I don't know if EVERYBODY (not even psychics) can see into the future 100%. So, I guess that's the way it goes. NCAA Basketball is just SO unpredictable. But that's what makes it exciting. Nobody gets the $1 Billion. I hope all those who played had fun. Sorry nobody won. 

Well, here is how things have fared in the world of NCAA Basketball.

As you know in NCAA Basketball, it's March Madness Time. As you probably know I am from North Carolina. In my are of North Carolina, The Triangle Area, we have three major colleges. The University of North Carolina (or UNC), North Carolina State University (or NC State), and Duke University. Most people are fans of at least one of these three colleges, and for those of you who read my blog on a regular basis I am indeed a UNC fan. I am neither a fan of Duke nor NC State. I don't keep up with them. Personally, I AM happy to hear Duke or State lose (especially Duke). Of course all three colleges qualified for March Madness, the tournament for the National NCAA Basketball championship. Hence the picture below! I thank iStock for that.

NC State, they barely qualified. They beat Xavier to qualify. However, yesterday they lost to St. Louis in overtime. But I guess, that's just the way things go, YA KNOW. Sorry State, better luck next time, I SUPPOSE.

Both UNC and Duke played today. As you know, I am a UNC fan, so I would NEVER cheer for Duke. Duke played Mercer today. They were favored something like 4-1 over Mercer. Mercer is a small private college in Georgia. They aren't known for doing well in the March Madness Tournament. You'd think this game SHOULD have been a shoe-in for Duke, right? AAA! WRONG!! Mercer actually beat Duke. Personally, I was happy to hear that news. I mean, you could only imagine the humiliation they must have felt after that loss. Personally, though I will admit I didn't see the game. I still believe Duke underestimated them and took them lightly. They assumed they would be push-overs. Even I THOUGHT Duke was going to win that game. Well, I'm happy that they DIDN'T! No offense to Duke fans. But Duke is now OUT of the tournament.

Asked for UNC. Well, though out 75% of the game, they were really sticking to Providence. However, around that last 10 minutes, Providence started to turn things around. They ALMOST beat UNC. But yes, people the word is ALMOST! But we all know what horse shoes and hand grenades have to do with Basketball, right? NOTHING!! That right, horse shoes and hand grenades have NOTHING to do with Basketball. SO CLOSE DOESN'T COUNT!! UNC won 79-77. That means UNC IS going to the next round. They will play Iowa State on Sunday, 5:00 EST. I wish them the best of luck in that game. How ironic, both Duke and NC State went further than UNC in the ACC Tournament, but UNC went further then both of them in the National Tournament. I just hope the best for them. But, I have hear Iowa State will be tough. I was HAPPY to hear Duke lose to lower ranked team. And HAPPIER to see UNC advance further. And yes, I would be REALLY happy if UNC goes all the way. So, I guess that the update so far. GO TAR HEELS!!

Here is a replica of a March Madness bracket for those of you who live outside the United States. Yes, I know it's not filled out. It's a photo I got from iStock, but iStock's photos have are royalty free, so I can legally use them. You can got he NCAA web site for more info. But this is what it looks like. But, for all of you out there who live both in and outside the United States, before March Madness, Warren Buffett issued a contest. The contest would be if anybody can guess and fill out all the brackets PERFECTLY. But if you did guess them all perfectly, he will pay people $1 BILLION!! So, for a billion dollars, all you have to do is guess and fill each and every bracket perfectly. One mistake, NO MONEY. Well, being the tournament is all ready underway, I think it's safe to say it's too late to enter now. He needed your predictions mailed in ahead of time so he can see how well you predicted and picked every single winner. Doesn't have hem now in his hands, it's will NOT count (and I getting to repetitive). But still, what are the odds that somebody could guess ALL the winners perfectly. It's just too unlikely.  

Oh, and I mean no offense to any Duke, Mercer, or NC State fans.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

You probably know what today is...

As you know today, March 20, is the day of the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring (or probably the Autumnal Equinox if you live on the Southern Hemisphere, so there it's the first day of Fall). That mean today, is the only day of the year when day and night are almost identical with each other (except for the other equinox in September, day and night are almost identical that day, too). 

That's good because I was starting to get sick of cold weather. I mean last week, here in NC we got some ice storms. I'm ready for Spring! Aren't you? Well, that was what I had on my mind. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

You know I have been a WWE fan for MANY, MANY YEARS NOW!

But still, when I was watching the WWE's flagship show, Raw, I felt SO HONORED that one of my tweets went one the air! That made me REALLY, REALLY happy!! I did not expect such a thing would happen. What's even better is that my tweet was the FIRST to slide by! If you follow me on Twitter, you know my Twitter name is TarheelAaron04. This is the tweet the WWE HAD to put on the air during Raw.

"Regardless who wins, THERE WILL BE A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH AT ! "

I can't believe it, I'm shocked! I felt SO HONORED!! Thank you Vince McMahon and the WWE! You don't know how happy this makes me! I HOPE you put more of my tweets on the air! Thank you WWE and Mr. Vince McMahon!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Hope you all out there are having a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

Yes, people it's a wonderful day of the year. As we enjoy this Irish holiday that has been brought over to the United States. ERIN GO BRAGH! Anyway, it's nice to see people enjoy a nice festive mood. Did anybody see any leprechauns? Do you think they'll share any of their pot o' gold?! Hope you didn't encounter any snakes. You know how St. Patrick drove them out of Ireland. I don't know it's just fun. Well, this was the day the Roman Catholics have dedicated to St. Patrick. The man who brought Christianity over to Ireland. Did you know he used the three leaves of a shamrock to represent the Trinity. I also like to see all the people go around dressed in green. If you don't you get pinched! Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody!!

PS. Yes, I know the story that St. Patrick driving all the snakes out of Ireland is mere folklore. But Christianizing Ireland is not.

Pinch me?! I DARE you!! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

For UNC, I hope they have a good Baseball season

Yeah, them and the Detriot Tigers. They are my favorite Major League team. It would be nice if UNC wins the NCAA World Series. Be great if the Tigers win the World Series. Just a thought.

Oh, and TAKE THAT 9! Yeah, I still hate when the number of my posts ends in a 9. Is this a running gag on my blog? Oh well, but I will ALWAYS hate my posts ending in a 9.


What are three things you CANNOT assume. 

1. Your gonna find something tasteful on TV to watch. 

2. Your dog will talk.

3. And ALL conversations over smartphones are INTELLIGENT.

Not to say anything is wrong with having a smarphone. I have an iPhone I love. Ah, but, you get the picture. 


Q: Why are the shows on TV so dull?

A: Because they have NO POINT!

Just been to the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Raleigh today.

Well Carson and I went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Raleigh today. We thought it was fun. I just though I would share with all of you folks from around the world just some of the photos I took today. I admit, there are some that might not have come out as well as they are supposed to. But what can I say? I'm not a photographer. But, still just uh, you know, lotsa, lotsa fun sharing the photos with all of you folks what Carson and I saw today. 

This photo was taken some time before the parade started. Carson and I decided to come early so we can get good seats. 

Here is a picture of my girlfriend, Carson. I bought her a green carnation that she wanted. 

The Knights of Columbus came by giving out their Tootie Rolls. They do a lot to help the mentally challenged. Bless their hearts!!

There were lots of band and floats that came by. Here is sample photo of Carson and I saw. 

There were also lots of different dogs there too. They were rescue agencies of different breeds. These are the Irish Setters. Being that this is a St.Patrick's Day parade I thought it would be the best breed to show. They were also rescue agencies of Basset Hounds, Beagles, Pitt Bulls, Greyhounds, and Rottweilers. To all of you Irish folks out there, yes, we do have St. Patrick's Day here in the United States. Irish immigrants brought it over in the early 20th century. On St. Patrick's Day, as you can tell we often wear green. 

Carson and I later moved to a more shaded area. Oh, I also just wanted to tell you folks there were a lot of dance schools that came by. They had their students do the famous Irish River Dance. Well, here in the US we say it's a day where everybody gets to be Irish. 

Yes, we even had an actor portraying the real historical St. Patrick in the end. He was the man who Christianized Ireland in the AD 300's. You could say "He drove all the snakes out of Ireland." However, THAT is just mere folklore. Driving out all the snakes that is. But he DID REALLY bring Christianity over to Ireland. So, Christianizing Ireland part is TRUE, driving out the snakes is FOLKLORE! After that Carson and I had lunch at Tripps and then watched Basketball. Happy Virginia beat Pittsburgh. MISERABLE Duke beat NC State. We hate Duke more than we hate NC State. No offense to Duke or NC State fans. We also walked around Carson's neighborhood four times. Got some exercise. Carson and I had fun today. 

Well, in NCAA Basketball it's playoff season. It's also St. Patrick's Day time.

Here is a table to represent the playoff season and St. Patrick's Day. We had a UNC cookie on the top. Fine bye me! As well, as an NC State cookie and a Duke cookie below. There were UNC, NC State, Duke cupcakes behind. He had only one box of UNC cupcakes because the other has been sold. Right now we are the mist of ACC playoffs. UNC is MY TEAM. Well, I will be first to admit I was bummed, that my team UNC lost again Pittsburgh last night. I HOPE they do better in the national tournament. I am not a fan of Duke or NC State either. I know Duke and NC Sate both played each other today. I HOPED NC State would win, as well as my girlfriend Carson. Though, we aren't NC State fans either. However, we are EVEN LESS SO Duke fans. After Duke had a double digit lead, we couldn't take any more. 
Yes, we go nuts over NCAA Basketball. But you know, that's just a North Carolina thing. Us North Carolinians LOVE it. It seems that people are either in the UNC, NC State, or Duke camps. Carson and I are both in the UNC camp. Asked for St. Patrick's Day. For all you folks out there from Ireland, us, we DO have St. Patrick's Day here in the United States. However, typically, American have corned beef and cabbage for that day. I know you people in Ireland had some for of ham. However, it wasn't available here in the US at the time when all the Irish immigrants couldn't find that ham, so they decided to make do with corned beef. So, corned beef and cabbage is the Irish-American tradition. We also had some St. Parick's Day cookies , cupcakes, and balloons to add more to the day. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Maybe it's just my autistic mind but..,

I can't help me. My eyes are just stuck to the headlines. I am still thinking about the mystery of the disappearance of Fight 370. I REALLY HOPE it gets solved soon! That story has been on my mind so constantly. Please pray for the passengers and their families. Now, they THINK it could have been hijacked. If so I HOPE they catch the hijackers and bring them to justice! Well, just thought I would let you know.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Two things going on right now.

Yes, people I know I day this all the time, but that's just one of the signs of Autism. We get repetitive. Deal with it. But anyway here are the TWO things going on. One, I have to get the admissions inspection on my car today. Thank goodness of a Jiffy Lube in Durham. They are usually quick that makes them REALLY good.

The other, been having some problems with the home button on my smartphone recently. I went to the Apple Store (yes, I have an Apple smartphone, or iPhone it's usually referred to as) and made and made an appointment. Thank goodness they're only two blocks away from the Jiffy Lube. Going to take care of that after the admission inspection. Thank God I have made the Apple appointment a head of time. I guess, I had TWO appointments today. Hhhhmmm, maybe I should have made the title, Two appointments. Oh, well.

I have another prayer request to the world

I must pray for Mtaylasia Flight 370. It disappeared for no reasons known to the public, yet. Please pray that they will be able to find out why it disappeared. Please pray that the passengers are all right and pray for their families that they can pull through this burden. But please pray for Mtaylasia Flight 370 and the mystery can be solved and pray for the passengers and their families. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A prayer request for the world

Today, in New York City there was explosion that destroyed at least two buildings. There are at least two people reported dead and many more injured. They believe it was caused by a gas leak. Currently, they do not think it was a terrorist attack. However, they were old buildings. Please pray for they safety and the welfare if the victims. Please pray for the souls of people who passed on that their souls may be saved. Also pray for their families for this burden. Also pray for New York City that it may pull through this burden as well. Thank you.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Gotta put up another post. My last ended at 913. They say 13 is an unlucky number!! AAAAHHHHH!!! Need new post to make it 914. That's better.

PS. Once again this was strictly for entertainment. NOT to be taken seriously.


I ain't superstitious, but I hope something horrible WON'T happen. But they say horrible things ALWAYS come in THREES. But if you ask me there have already been TWO terrible things that already happened.

1. Cold weather.

2. A Duke victory over UNC.

I HOPE there WON'T be a third REALLY BAD thing to happen. Oh, well.

PS. This post was strictly entertainment. Not to be taken seriously. And no offense to Duke fans.


Q: How would you describe a 30 foot block of ice?

A: WARMER than the recent weather!

Here there are two things to tell you.

For one, don't forget that Day Light Saving Starts tonight. So, just incase you haven't remember to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight. As they say, tonight we "spring forward." Yes, you lose one hour of sleep. I know that sucks but that's just the way things go.

Also, yes, today it was The Battle of the Blues rematch. It's also known as the Battle of the Old Tobacco Road. Here in North Carolina that is when my team the UNC Tar Heels plays their #1 rival, the Duke Blue Devils. While I was working today we even has some cookies and cakes to get the public excited about the game. The photos are below. But we North Carolinians do get excited when UNC plays Duke in Basketball. From what I also understand the rivalry is also getting some national attention. But yes, North Carolinians DO get excited about it. I guess it's just a North Carolina thing.

Well, (to me) the bad news is UNC lost 93-81. Well, they beat Duke in the first game this year. I guess, Duke just had a home court advantage. That and one of UNC best players, James Michael Mcadoo got into quick foul trouble. Things didn't go UNC's way. Well, now it's the ACC playoff.
Here is a table that is right in front of the store entrance. It features  mostly UNC cookies and cup cakes (the cup cakes are Carolina Blue and White, Duke Blue is a darker shade of blue. Duke Blue is also known as Prussian Blue. Carolina Blue is a lighter shade of blue. It is also known as sky blue). We had some Duke Cookies for Duke fans. But since this store is in Chapel Hill, there are far more UNC fans. We also had to cookies that were half UNC and half Duke. 

Here is another look at the table. 

This gives you a better look at the cookies and cup cakes that were still left. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

And yes people THREE things going on today

Yes, I have to tell you there are THREE things going on. Yes, people you read it right. Not one thing. Not two things! But THREE things are what's going on!!

One, I am happy to announce that this blog has over 12,000 hits. I have to thank people from all over the world who took the time to view this blog. Yes, people more posts will be coming and so will more jokes. I just HOPE I am making the world understand Asperger's better. Also hope I've been keeping you laughing.

Second thing tomorrow is Battle of Blues (AKA Battle of the Old Tobacco Road) in Basketball. This is what we North Carolinians call when The UNC Tar Heels play The Duke Blue Devils in college sports. In Basketball they play each other twice. This will be the rematch. I was happy about the first game when UNC beat Duke (as you figured I am in the UNC camp). However, UNC will have their work cut out for them in this game because this game will be held on Duke's home court. Personally, I still hope the best for UNC and HOPE UNC beats Duke again. Well, we will find out tomorrow. Though I can not watch the game due to work, I got my DVR ready.

Third of all, yep, you probably guessed it. I HATE IT WHEN THE NUMBER OF MY POSTS ENDS IN A 9!! Yes, 9 I saw you and got you! 909 posts? I don't think so! It's 910 posts. I got you 9. You ain't getting past me so easily!! But these are the three things going on.


Q: Do you think Mother Nature likes Katy Perry?

A: Well, I don't know about you but I find it plausible. Especially here in North Carolina she has been singing Hot n' Cold.

Yep people here in NC we've been having such erratic weather it isn't even funny. First cold then warm. Then cold again, then warm again. Jeez-Louise, WHY CAN'T STAY CONSTANT?! Well, I guess that's North Carolina weather. Well, maybe Mother Nature is a Katy Perry fan. I don't know, but that's our weather. There was lots of ice this morning. Still rainy weather. This is what it all looked like today.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Well people today is Ash Wednesday

Which means, today officially begins the season of Lent. Yesterday, was Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, I usually celebrate Mardi Gras by eating a lot of high fat food and then getting stated for Lent. That means it's now approaching Easter. I went to church this evening. I got my forhead crossed. I have the picture below.

Monday, March 3, 2014

I don't know how many times I said this but...

Yes people, I still miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I personally, believe it was Nickelodeon's GREATEST sitcom EVER. No, I am NOT a fan of Sam & Cat (that PATHETIC sin-off) nor a fan of Disney Channel's ANT Farm (that PATHETIC rip-off). That show was a ONE and ONLY! My HOPE and PRAYER is that IF ANY former member of the cast of Victorious (even Ariana Grande who is a co-star of that spin-off I personally, don't like) would grant me MY REQUEST, and support AUTISM & ASPERGER'S RESEARCH. It would mean MUCH to me, a GROWN man living with this phenomena. I just HOPE it can be granted.

PS. I HOPE that neither Ariana Grande nor Jennette Mccurdy would take my words too personally about what I said about Sam & Cat. I just HOPE that they can grant my request AND SUPPORT Autism & Asperger's research. I would mean MUCH to me.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Jill: What's that I see Joan? It almost looks like a snail.

Joan: No Joan, that's no snail, that's the growth of our economy!


Q: If you want to find something tastful on television, how long will you have to wait?

A: Let's just say, when it DOES come, you might want look up at the sky instead. You'll see HALLEY'S COMET!


John: Did I just see a cheetah run bye, Bob?

Bob: No John, that was just 2014 pasting bye.

Yep, if you ask me the year seem to go bye THAT quickly. It's already March believe it or not.