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Monday, April 27, 2015

Carson and I did enjoy our time on Sunday.

Well, Carson and I had fun on Sunday. We first ate lunch at PF Chang's. The meal was delicious. Then we decided to roam around the mall some. Carson wanted to get her watch fixed. There was a kiosk that did watch repair at the mall. After that we watched a man make balloon animals for kids. I thought it was sweet. We also saw a man doing a juggling routine. In fact, we see that man there a lot. I wonder is that juggler a mall employee. Well, we got some coffee at Barnes and Noble. Afterwards we went to go see the movie While We're Young with Ben Stiller. It was nice movie. The day started out cloudy. However, later we got to see the sun shine. While the sun was setting I had to get a picture. There was a beautiful pattern of clouds in the sky. Carson also thought it was beautiful. So, I thought I would share that picture of the sun in the patterned clouds that evening and share it with the world. Hope you all are enjoying yourselves! Take Care! Bye!!

Prayer request

Please pray for Mary, Carson's mother. She is about to be evaluated by Duke University. As you probably know, Mary has been battling Parkinson's Disease. Please pray that the doctors at the Duke Hospital will help her.

Prayer request

Please pray for Nepal. They recently had a bad earthquake and many got hurt. Please pray for the people and their families. Thank you.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Here were the two photos I TRIED to show last week

Here is the photo of the huge bug that was on our window from the outside last week. Managed to take a picture of it before it flew away. 

A picture with Butler (Carson's pug) with a little doggy raincoat. 

This happened at New Horzon's last Thurday

Well, last Thursday at New Horizon's during out week long Career Services II class. There was a subject we talked about that night I could relate to a lot. It was the subject of Customer Service. New Horizons did stress the importance of customer service. And personally, I know. All those years working a grocery store like Harris Teeter, they did, too. In fact, I remember almost a year ago we had various different Harris Teeter employees from different HT locations have a mandatory employee meeting at the University Mall. And yes, this mandatory employee meeting was about the importance of customer service.

We shared stories about times when we had both bad and good customer service. I told the story about both. First the bad story. It was about a couple of weeks ago when Carson and I ate a restaurant we liked close to where she lives. However, of all times we been there, we never saw them serve us this badly. In fact, the service was usually pretty good (as you figured I am NOT giving out the name of this restaurant). However, I said no baked beans, they gave me baked beans. They had to fix it and gave me a caesar salad instead. But when I told them how they screwed up Carson's order, that got the interest of the instructor. Carson ordered salmon on her lunch salad but they gave her chicken. Even though, the employee was new. The class instructor did point that out, but he couldn't deny the fact that bad customer service is bad customer service.

I did tell them about the good story I had with customer service. It was last December when my family and I were getting new iPhones. We went to the Apple store. Now, all the times I have done business with Apple (especially at the the Apple store) I always though there were very nice. They took the time to answer all our questions, helped us set up our phones, and guided us through. Never hassled us once. And always smiled. The instructor said he didn't always have good service with Apple, but I did. So, far as I know, Apple does offer good customer service.

We had a role playing exercise. I volunteered to take part in the exercise. I played the employee and another classmate played the angry customer. My job was to stay cool and try to answer his question best I could. His job was to express his indignations and chew me out for it (yes, that was what the instructor wanted him to do to show the class what you will probably go though). I was there trying to answer the questions the best I could. My partner said when can you bring the phone to the technician. I said, "He is a floor up, sir. And I'm sorry, this isn't a cordless phone I am speaking to you with, but I will get you directly to him."

People thought the "This isn't a cordless phone line was witty." They (class and instructor) thought I did a good job handing being chewed out by a customer. Even my partner with the role playing exercise though I did. He even told me he was trying to be funny and use some colorful language in the process. The irony is I told him, all those years working as cashier I really was chewed out by customers like that. And yes, they did use colorful language when they did. He was shocked to hear that. I told him employee are pretty much gum to customers. They chew us up, and spit us out. However, under no circumstances can we talk back. We have to treat the customers like royalty, even if they treat us like dirt. Yes, people Harris Teeter does take customer service SERIOUSLY!

So, yes, I guess I took it well because I have had personal experience being chewed out by customers. That and I studied in the theater. Well, I just thought I'd share that with you all.

Hello people I thought I would tell you about something about what happned this weekend.

Well people, originally, I was going to go on a date with Carson (my fiancee). We were going to eat lunch at PF Chang's and see the movie While We're Young. However, I just got some news. There was an employee of mine from Harris Teeter named Hannah who finally got her mother's okay to go to the Senior Prom. However, she was scheduled to work 1-9:15. Marc, the Customer Service Manager at the Harris Teeter where I work asked if I can fill in for her. He told me it was her Senior Prom. I did tell her I had plans. But he did tell me it was her Senior Prom.

Well, I cannot deny it. I was a senior in high school once myself. I remember how I almost didn't have date to my Senior Prom (that's one of the reason why it sucks being Asperger's). It can repel women from you. And back in 1997 nobody knew what it was, which made it suck even worse. Well, I called up the girl I took to homecoming, and she agreed. We had a nice night at Prom that night. So, I (probably obscure logic to many of you out there) almost missed my Senior Prom as well (I mean you just can't go without a date). I first called up Carson. Asked her if we can postpone our date to Sunday. Carson agreed. Because Carson was fine with postponing the date, I agreed to fill in for Hannah. So, now all she has to work about is her make-up and dress. I will cover her sift so she can enjoy her Prom.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Okay, I tried to post some new photos

However, I couldn't get my computer to download the photos. Called Apple for technical support. Right now, there is help in terms of getting it in. They believe it's because I'm using older software on my laptop that didn't agree with my iPhone. Soon as I can get things working I'll put some new photos on.

However, I did not I nice weekend though. I worked at Harris Teeter 7AM-1PM on Saturday. On Sunday, I did see Carson. Were going to watch the UNC Tar Heels play the Virginia Tech Hokies in Baseball on Cravon's tablet, but the game got rained out. I watched the Detroit Tigers play the Chicago White Sox on iPhone. Carson watch bits and pieces of that game. She and I both watched an extreme sports show she likes, as well as an NBA game. It was Game One of The Boston Celtics vs. The Cleveland Cavaliers. We cheered for the Celtics but the Cavaliers won. But fortunately, unlike NCAA Basketball (where it's game to a finish) in the NBA, in this first round, it's best two out of three (every other round after that, it's best four out of seven).

I did have a nice surprise for Carson. There is a local Soccer tam that plays in Cary called the Carolina Railhawks. I gave her two tickets to see the Carolina Railhawks play on May 2. On that game they will play the Tampa Bay Rowdies. I'm not really a Soccer fan, but Carson loves Soccer. She really wanted to see a Railhawks game. So, last Wednesday, I bought two tickets. I ordered them online, and printed them out yesterday. I didn't want to tell her. I wanted it to be a surprise.

Oh, yes, asked for the Tigers, THEY WON!! They KILLED the White Sox, 9-1 today. Makes up for their loss to the White Sox yesterday. So, that was my weekend.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Okay, this Sunday people

Well, now it's Sunday and my weekend is about over. My brother and his wife had their first anniversary yesterday. I wish them a very happy marriage for the rest of their lives. Carson and I still haven't decided on a wedding date, yet. I first need that career.

Well, I guess, I had a decent weekend in Baseball. Even though it could have been better. The best news in Baseball is that one of my Major League teams, the Detroit Tigers remain undefeated. They really stuck to the Cleavland Indians series. GO TIGERS!!!

Well, my other favorite MLB team, the Tampa Bay Rays had a rough start against the Miami Marlins. Rays lost their first game against the Marlins. However, they came back in their other two games. That made me happy. GO RAYS!!!

Well, I guess, the UNC Tar Heels won two out of their three games in their series against the NC State Wolfpack in NCAA Baseball. The Heels won Friday and Saturday, but unfortunately, they lost today. But, I won't be sad, 'cause two of three ain't bad (had to put that joke in there). And Mr. Meatloaf, if you read this, yes, I hope you don't get too upset that I used a line from one of your songs.

Speaking of the UNC Tar Heels, I have head they will be losing their forward. JP Tokoto (yes, this is Basketball, not Baseball, I know). He's going to the NBA Draft. I wish Tokoto the best of luck with what ever team he winds up with. Personally, I would like to see him play for the Charlotte Hornets. I think they could use somebody. I would also think it would be cool if Tokoto ended up playing for the Detroit Pistons. I think they could use somebody, too. But I'll miss him on the UNC Tar Heels.

Asked for Minor League Baseball, my team, the Durham Bulls won two out for four games against the Gwinnett Braves. Happy, they beat the Braves on Thursday, but then lost on Friday. However, the Bulls came back with a win on Saturday, but lost on Sunday (today). Seems that the Bulls and Braves have been trading victories in this series. I still with the Bulls the best of luck. Well, hey, they are my MiLB team. They are also the reason why I follow the Rays, because the Rays are their Major League affiliates. Well, that how my weekend went. Especially, with Baseball.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Well happy it's now MLB season.

Yes, I like Baseball. I am also wishing the best of luck to my two favorite Major League teams. One would be the Detroit Tigers. I grew up in Detroit, so the Tigers were the team I grew with. There not as bad now as they were in the late 1980's. I hope they do well this year. 

My other favorite team in the Major League happens to be the Tampa Bay Rays. I am a fan of their farm team known as the Durham Bulls. I am from North Carolina, and like to go to Bulls games. And since the Rays are their Major League affiliates, so it made me follow them as well. GO TIGERS AND GO RAYS!!!! I wish them both the best of luck this year. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hope everybody is enjoying their Easter!

Hello everybody! Hope you are all enjoying your Easter Sunday! Yes, the day Christians like me, celebrate the day, our LORD Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave about 2,000 years ago!. I hope you all our enjoying their day. I had an Easter brunch with my Mom and Dad. Mom made a casserole made with egg, potatoes, sausage, and cheese (I know lots of calories  and cholesterol).  And (of course) been to church.

I did want to show all of this nice picture of the full moon. I took it with my smart phone last night. Did you know that Easter is based on the first Sunday that follows the first full moon, that follows the Vernal Equinox. To make it more simple, it's based on the first Sunday that follows the first full moon of Spring. And Spring's first full moon was last night. Thought I'd share that with you all.

I should be posted more. But, IT can be quite rigorous. Well, I guess that's all for now! HAPPY EASTER!!!!