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Monday, September 1, 2014

Hope you all are enjoying your day. At least here in the US as well as in Canada

Is this photo above making you hungry? Well, but as you know that today is Labor Day. The day we treat as one last hurrah for Summer here in the US. As well as in Canada. Yes, it's a day where we like to go swimming and of course do some grilling (yes, my favorite part). YYYYYYUUUUUMMMMMMM! As well as enjoy some R & R. Since it's (unofficially) the last day of Summer. Oh, and about the grilling, my favorite part.  If you ask me, hamburgers, steaks, and beef hot dogs taste best cooked over a grill with charcoal. But you know, that's the best way to cook beef if you ask me, of all kinds.

Well, I guess you know all that. However, here are some fact you probably didn't know. Well, at least I hope their are facts. I admit I can get the info wrong sometimes. However, here's how I've heard it got started out. The holiday started in 1887. There was a protest in Chicago a year prior til. There were workers who protested their new work schedules. They felt they were unfair. They demanded their work schedules be cut down to eight hours. The police police killed many workers who protested. Did they get the workers get hostile, or did he police get overzealous. We'll never know. However, at the Haymarket Square in Chicago, an unknown person planted a bomb at the police on May 4, 1886, killing many police officers and at least four citizens. Many more injured. This event often referred as the Haymarket Affair (also known as the Haymarket Massacre or the Haymarket Riot).
In 1887 President Grover Cleveland did want want join in on May 1 celebrations. He decided that in lieu of that, there will be an official holiday on the first Monday of September. It is the holiday we call Labor Day. Soon the holiday found it's way into Canada. However, there they spell it Labour L-A-B-O-U-R Day (the United States is the only English speaking country that does not spell labor with "U") . I got this information off Wikipedia. Some will probably tell me that was not a valid source. Oh well. But that what I have to say about Labor Day. Enjoy your cookout! 

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