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Friday, May 31, 2013


I have recently started a Tumblr account if you want to follow me on Tumblr.

Just for fun

I'll just make and 80th post about well, nothing. Just post to post!


Looks like my typing is making some progress. I just might have some hope yet. Wish me luck. Pray I can be successful.


There are two researchers in a neuropsychiatry office in Washington, DC. While doing there work, they were also checking the real estate opeining. Here's the dialogue between them two.

1st researcher: Hey just found something.

2nd researcher: What does it say?

1st researcher: This place for rent?

2nd researcher: Is it a nice appartment or rental house?

1st researcher: No, the inside of a head of a supreme court justice!

Now for the weekend

Well, this should be a nice weekend. My girlfriend invited me and my parents to see her nephew play Baseball tomorrow. It will be his last game of the season. Best of luck to him. His name is Harrison by the way. Harrison's game is at 9:00 AM. I hope he and his team wins!

I will do my cashiering job from 3-11 tomorrow. Yep, I will be closing second shift. Glad I don't do third shift, that would be a drag. However, it will be employee appreciation day. There will be cookout (I LOVE cookouts) and we can dress down (means we don't have to come in uniform) as long if there is nothing obscene about the clothes we wear. It should be nice. Maybe I will wear a UNC shirt, being the UNC fan I am.

On Sunday, my girlfriend and I are going to see the Fast and Furious 6. It should be a nice movie. I may go to church that morning, but not 100% sure. Well, it should be a nice weekend. Hope all is well, and please pray I will find a full-time career soon! Thank you.  

Places I would like see

Well, I always wanted to go to Japan. I think that should be nice. Maybe see Mt. Fuji there. I also maybe would like to see the Great Wall of China in China. Oh, and lets not forget the Himalayas, I would especially Mt. Everest. That would be a site to see. Maybe some other places in Asia, but can't name any off the top of my head.

I am interested in seeing the Sphinx and the Pyramids in Egypt. Maybe some of the African Savanna as well. Maybe Mt. Kilimanjaro as well in Africa.

In Europe, I would like to see Paris, Budapest, Moscow, Greece, and Berlin. Especially, where the Berlin Wall used to be. Maybe see Stockholm or Madrid. I guess, I would like to see the Blarney Stone in Ireland. I have already seen Dublin. I have also seen London. I have been to Rome, but didn't get to see the Coliseum from the inside. I think it would be nice to see more catacombs in Rome as well. They are a very relevant artifact of Christian history. That is their appeal to me. Speaking of Christian history, I would also like to see St. Paul's journey sites. That's what I would see in Europe.

Here on America, well I guess I can see the Smokey Mountains. Some are in my state of North Carolina. I would also like to see Mt. Mitchell. It's located here in NC and is the highest mountain in the Eastern United States (there are higher mountains, but they are located in the west). Though, speaking of the west, there are places in Arizona I would like to see, like the Grand Cayon, the ghost town of Tombstone, and the Painted Desert. Maybe see Rowell, NM, the sight of the legendary UFO crash. Can't say it's true, but still like to hear legonds. In California, I would like to see Hollywood, and Yosemite National Park and maybe see the Yosemete Falls, the highest waters falls in the US. Is Mt. Whitney in Yosemete? I know that is the highest mountain of the 48 contiguous states. I think it will be a sight to see nonetheless. I would also like to see Death Valley in California, our countries deepest and hottest desert. Those are just SOME of the places I would like to see in the US.

I also would like to see the Angel Falls on Venezuela. I know they are the WORLD'S highest water falls. Well, what can I say, I want to see the world!

I guess this is part of Asperger's

You really get focused on things. I often compare myself to others. I cannot lie. I think most people I know have more desirable lives than I do. I am trying to make things better, and yes, I have told it's unhealthy. But, I cannot help but compare myself to others. Many say that is a sign of Autism/Asperger's. If I can finish my book, and if it gets published, and if it sells, you can't imagine how much of that money I would give to Autism/Asperger's research! Well, to put it simply, I would give a fortune!! I STRONGLY believe they need the money bad!!

You know my birthday is coming up, and here is what I want...


Hello everybody

Hope you are all doing well. It's Friday morning where I am. Hope all of you out there are doing well. I know the weekend is upon us. You know, today is the last day of May. It really seemed to go by fast. I know in less than a month I will turn 35. Have a nice day!

My book

Hopefully, I can get my book finished. I also hope t gets published. Hopefully, if it does it will be a New York Times best seller. Hopefully, it can be written in other languages besides English for people elsewhere in the world. Hopefully, it will move people who read it and makes them think. Well, hopefully, you can pray for my book to get done, published, and sells. Well, HOPEFULLY, you will have a good night!

PS. Have I said "hopefully" enough?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

For all of you out there reading this post

Please pray one day my ship will come in and I will find a good career. I would like a job that requires education and that people respect. I don't want all my years in college to be in vain. Please pray that I find good employment. It would mean a lot to me. The problem is due to my autism it makes it hard for me to talk to people. I feel I really need something that people respect.

Yes, there are a lot of Jokes on my blog

Hope you find them funny, but have to spruce things up somehow!


Timmy: Daddy when I look TV they said something has gone down so far. It went down through the floor!

Daddy: How far did it go down, Tim?

Timmy: Like REALLY low, Daddy! Down below the ground!!

Daddy: It was obviously MSNBC's ratings!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


1st person: Do you think any beer company would call their beer diputs? 

2nd person: Why would they call their beer that? 

1st person: I think that's what they think of their customers.

2nd person: I don't get it, what does the diputs have to do with anything?

1st person: Just look at diputs spelled backwards! 

If you know how I can find a job please let me know

I would really like to know.

My beliefs

It may surprise many of you out there but I am a Christian. Yeah, I know many people with Aperger's have lost faith. I, however, held on to mine. I was born and raised Episcopalian, went to a Lutheran school, affiliated with the Missouri Synod. Well, I am now a United Methodist. I guess, it's my true self. Yes, I do believe in living others. I however, still feel that we shouldn't be ignoring what I Bible says.

Yes, I know not to take the Bible too literally, and yes, I know the folks who wrote the Bible did not speak English (mainly because the English language did not exist in the days when the Bible was written). The Old Testament was originally written in Ancient Hebrew and the New Testament was originally written in Ancient Greek. Still I believe in my Christ, the man who saved me. I will follow him to the ends of the earth and beyond!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Johnny: Mommy, mommy, I been to the pharmacy but I can't find anything to get rid of things that live on me and the rest of us.

Mommy: Johnny there is plenty of insect repellents and wart removers right here.

Johnny: That's great Mommy, but how do we get rid of those politicians?


1st person: Why would you give your Aunt Jane 10LBS of liver for her birthday?

2nd person: Because I didn't know wht to give her?

1st person: How could you be so stupid?! You know she's a vegetarian!!

2nd person: Because I guess that's how I was raised by my parents.

1st person: Well, you can't believe everything what the TELEVISION tells you!!

Monday, May 27, 2013


1st person: Would you call a person who believes "My money is MY MONEY and YOUR MONEY is MY MONEY" a theif?

2nd person: Of course! You cannot say "Mine in mine and YOURS is mine." That's just plain wrong.

1st person: So are the IRS thiefs?

2nd person: Just eat your chips!

Here is something interesting that happened while I was cashiring

I meat a customer from Britain who thought it waa cruel to make a manager bag groceries for them. I was somewhat puzzled to hear that. She then told me she is British (though I did notice an accent) and in Britain customers bad their own groceries. However, I told her in most parts of America like in mine,  though customers are allowed to bag their own groceries, it is considered polite for a store to bag groceries for the customer. It's jsut a difference in culture, I guess. Wonder how long she's been here in the US. But, here groceries stores bag groceries for customers.

Well, Happy Memorial Day!

Hope you remebered to think about the Veterans who fought and gave their lives to keep you free. You should especially think of them when you were having that cookout. Well, happy Memorial Day everybody.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Joke time

What I saw that fades

Here are three things.

1. Wet spots on concrete.

2. Disappearing Ink.

3. Hollywood's creative talent these past 10 years!

Trying to type faster

However, I just can't break the 37 WPM mold. I have a typing tutor online. But, I guess that is another problem with Asperger's. It often makes your brain process slowly.


YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! UNC WON!!!!! Man, it took 18 innings, but I am happy UNC came out on top! UNC battles their way to victory over NC State but in the end it was worth it! Final score 2-1. GO TAR HEELS!!!!!!!!

Could you believe it's past 1:30 here in the Eastern US

And this game between the UNC Tar Heels and the NC State Wolfpack started at 8:00 and it's now about 1:40. It was one LONG game. I am hoping UNC wins. GO TAR HEELS!!

UNC Baseball

The game went into the 18th inning. Dang! However, UNC is now in the lead 2-1. Please win UNC. GO TAR HEELS!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I need a good career

I am trying to seek a good career. I have two part time jobs. However, I need something full-time 9-5 that I can make a good living on. However, I have a hard time talking to people. It seems my words don't always come out right. But, I feel I really need something. I just got turned down again last Thursday. Makes me very depressed.

Joke time

1st person: It is just a coincidence but does Evian does not speak highly of their customers?

2nd person: If anything it's just a coincidence, but why would you alsk that question?

1st person: Just look at Evian spelled backwards. 


Well tonight I got to see Kori, a friend from my church group do improv comedy at a local comedy club. I thought it was lots of fun. She show was extremely funny. I just love comedy. There were also two teams up. A black team and a red team. I was clearly cheering for the red team because that was Kori's team.

    They have audience give ideas on what the actors should improv. Sometimes, they would have the actors leave and then come back. I liked the fact they used some idea I suggested, like for one syllable names. I suggested "Ted" and they used it. For places I suggested Budapest. But one person didn't know what Budapest was. Though Kori knew it was the capital of a country Hungary.

   When I suggested songs, I came up with the song 'Zat you Santa Claus by Louis Armstrong. That song just came through my mind. Unfortunately, they gave that song to Kori and she wasn't familiar with it. The points went to the other team. Well, her team one the next round. Unfortunately, Kori's team lost. Still she had lots of fun. I think we do this again sometime. I believe humor is a good stress reliever and I have lots of stress in my life. It was fun.

About last night

Well, I was up until 3:00 AM. I had to drive back home. I watched the Baseball game with my girlfriend. UNC beat Clemson 12-7 after 14 innings, there were extra innings. My girlfriend and I live about an hour away. Still, we are both get along very well. Both huge UNC fans. We were so happe about the results. GO TARHEELS!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

As I said

Death and taxes have nothing to do with Baseball, so you can't be certain. At least according to Benjamin Franklin.

One thing I know is this

We all know what death and taxes have to do with Baseball. NOTHING! So you can't be certain.  

Based on the well known quote by Benjamin Franklin. 

And yes, I still HATE seeing UNC lose! 

This so-called game.

It seems that UNC is quitting. They better be on their A-game tomorrow against NC State!  


Will: What are you doing John?

John: Bolting down my door, putting up an electric fence, getting a fierce dog, and setting up my state if the art security system.

Will: Why John?

John: Well Will, I am trying to keep myself safe from crooks, especially the most fierce, and most daunting crooks of them all.

Will: John, You are never safe from the IRS.

Watching a UNC Baseball game.

Well currently, the are playing Clemson Tigers. They are behind 5-2. NO! I really want see those Heels win. Well, I know they will be playing NC State tomorrow. Hope they win. I would really like to see then win the ACC championship, and of course, see them win the College World Series. Clemson just got three strike outs in a row. NO! C'mon Tarheels!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another failure

Yep, I failed to get that job with 321 Marking! For my résumé ready, and a cover letter, and five references. I even got a hair cut. My girlfriend, who works around there told me how bad traffic gets. My boss let me take the day off. I looked the interviewer in the face, and gave her a firm handshake. I also came dressed in a suit and tie. I just got an email this morning that I was turned down. Well, maybe it wasn't a good job for me anyway because my income would be commission pay. Oh well.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My day today.

Well, I had a job interview today. It was for 321 Marketing. They may give me a second interview. They only problem is I have to albe to make some sales. Maybe I can do that. However, they told me they may have five more locattons in Raleigh. I told them if there open up anymore I would happy to do some bookkeeping work for them. I think that may be a better job for me than account manager. I don't know.

Joke time

Q: How do pass an interview to get into a upscale private college.

A: Just show them the money.


A: Because money talks, and we know what walks!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It can be hard being Asperger's

There are things you can do that a normal person can do. Like for me type 45 WPM. I have trouble picking up o social cues and don't know what the hell to talk about because you don't know what people want to talk about and I KNOW people may not share the same interests as I have. Life with Asperger's is hard. I'm struggling to find a career. It's a tough life.

One problem with Asperger's

One problem with Asperger's is it's hard to talk to people. I don't have the worlds best skills for communication and very easily misunderstood. Please wish me luck for my interview tomorrow!

Wish me luck

Well, I got an interview for an account manager job tomorrow for 312 Marketing. I hope I will get the job. I got all my clothes ready. Got a resume and cover letter printend, as well as five references. Wish me luck!


Carson and I had a nice dinner date tonight. Chammps is a good place to eat. I got some ice cream at a Häagen-Dazs stand at the Mall (Chammps is at the mall as well). It was delicious. Mint Chocolate Chip, that is my favorite flavor. I had hot fudge and whipped cream for toppings. I even put on a cherry. Carson and I had lots of fun. She is a wonderful girlfriend.

Dinner date

Well, about to enjoy a nice dinner date with my girlfriend at Chammps. It's a nice place to go for casual dinning. Or to see a sporting event. Well, see you next time!

Joke II

1st person: Hey, it's been a while. What's going down?

2nd person: The dollar's value.


1st person: Hey man, how ya doin'? What's up?

2nd person: The nation debt! 

Monday, May 20, 2013


1st person: Do you know about Duck and Cover?

2nd person: You mean that method kids used to do in the 1950's where if they see a flash, presumably from a nuclear bomb, they should just duck and cover and ASSUME they would be safe?

1st person: Yep, a method that's MORE INTELIIGENT than TODAY'S spending habits.

Well, today I am pulling double duty today

Yeah, first doing my scanning technician job then I will be off to my cashiering job. I got to get a job where I get an orthodox work schedule!

I wish my mother a happy birthday tomorrow

She will turning 64.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Something I have to say!

Action, THY NAME IS WWE!!!


Q: How would describe folks like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong-Il?

A: People who value individual freedom more than the IRS.

Well, here about to turn in for the evening. Watching WWE Extreme Rules

Hello Everybody,

Currently, watching WWE extreme rules. Got my lunch ready and laundry put away. Getting ready for this week!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Random thought

I like to look at myself as man of honesty, integrity, and dedication. I like to be true to my heart and stand by what I believe is right and do away with what I believe is wrong. I would make a lousy politician.

Well, now I'm about to get ready for chuch tomorrow.

Well, church is a part of my life. My God means everthing to me. I keep my God and his, or maybe her hard to say if the almighty is masculine or feminine, but still I keep the vales close to my heart.

What is Asperger's?

It a mental disorder where people don't socially interact well because they are easily misunderstood. People may be fixated on a certain subject, like fans or cars passing by. Maybe even music. They may not puck up on body language very well. Also they may take words more literally than most. Often they like to stick to a routine more than most. However, they often have at least one talent that stads out.  In this case I am using lot's of humor on this blog. I have been puting jokes on it every day. I think comedy is a talent I have. Plus, I think think humor is a good hook to get people into looking at my blog.


This is about what goes up and what comes down.

Q: What goes up?

A: 1. Rockets

    2. Steam

    3. 21st societies desire for material possessions. 

Q: What comes down?

A: 1. Rain

    2. Meteors

   3. 21st centuries IQ points. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Joke time

Q: Would a good show on TV be as valuable valuable as gold?

A: I guess, it's just as RARE!

Well, I am about to turn in tonight.

I was with Carson (my girlfriend), Mary (Carson's mother) and Cravon (Carson's father) as we were all at Michael's (Carson'a brother) house watching his kids. Michael has two daughters and a son. Both parents were out and about.

We all had pizza for dinner. We also got some breadsticks and chicken wings to go with the pizza. None of went hungry. They wanted to watch American Idol. They has the show on DVR so people gathered to watch it. I have to admit I haven't really been a fan of that show. Later on I played catch with Carson's nephew. Cravon also joined us for the game as well. We played catch with a Nerf Football. We passed in a triagle.

We went back inside. I did watch the end of American Idol with the rest. After American Idol, we watched a reality show called Duck Dynasty, which was also on the DVR. Then watched on episode of The New Normal (that's a favorite of one of Michael's oldest daughter). Then we watched an episode of Zoey 101 on DVR as well. There were episodes of Cheers. Carson and I always liked that show, but Michael does not want his children watching that show, so we didn't. I guess, because the show takes place in a bar is why he doesn't want his children watching it. So we didn't. :-(

After looking around on the DVR we watched an episode on TV. We first watch an episode of Good Luck Charlie and then an episode of Jessie on the Disney channel. While watching TV I did a little lecturing to oldest one. It's one of Michael's daughters who is 10 years old. Introduced her to the word extrovert. Add that word to her vocabulary. I think that is a good word for a 10 year old. I also told her what improve is because that's what they doing on one episode of Jessie.

Then Gretchen (Michael's wife) came home. Told her goodbye. Carson and I both had fun watching the children. We made sure they had fun as well. But, I did have some fun babysitting Michael's children. Hope you all have a nice evening!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Joke time

Oxymorons: Two words with opposite meaning somehow squinched together. Examples.

Violent Relaxation.

Jumbo Shrimp.

Successful Failure.



Well. it looks like my WPM is getting a little bit faster. Hopefully, I can get it up to par. Sometimes I think my brain processes slowly. That sure sucks. Well, that's life.

Yep, just been in an accident

OOOOHHHH NNNNNOOOOO!!! Well, gotta call the insurance company. Fortunately, it's nothing serious. Car is still drivable and I am still all right. Just some paint on the side of my car. Just hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buff off. It really sucks when these kind of situation happen. Hope they don't charge me too much. Don't mistake me for a 24k gold statue because I am not made of money!


1st person: Do you think idiotic renegade scheisters would be a good name for an organization?

2nd person; No who would want to name their organization that?

1st person: Well, there already is an organization out there with the initials to match, THE IRS. 

Well today

I will be working at one job today. It's for the company called Then I will go out to dinner with other people with Asperger's Syndrome Disorder (ASD). Well, that's what's planned for today.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yep, I worked over 11 hours today.

Started one job, which I worked for six hours. Then off to my other for almost five and a half hours. I guess that's almost 11 and a half hours. My feet are killing me!

Now off to my other job.

Yep, a cashiering job. Well, it's only 4 and a half hours. Hopefully, the time will go by fast.

Notice all the first words are followed by commas?

Wednesday morning joke

Q: Are conspiracy theories the hottest thing going?

A: Well, I don' know, but the air they're filled with most certainly is.

What I did tonight.

Well, I went to the gym. I did the elliptical. I knew I needed dinner. I went to a nearby Burger King and got some chicken nuggets and fries. I called my girlfriend as well.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joke time

Q: How would you describe the sound if a scratching chalk board?

A: A sound that is slightly less irritating than POLKA MUSIC.

Maybe go to the gym tonight.

I might go to the gym tonight. I know I need more exercise. Need to lose weight. Don'ta wanta hearta attacka!

Okay, it's supposed to be stormy on Friday

Dang it! :( And my girlfriend and I were thinking about seeing a UNC Baseball game. Well maybe the weather will hold out.

Yep, I can be random on this Blog

Yep, some new stuff will just be random and know, POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE! Oh, well...,

IRS is trouble, huh?

Well, they went after some people from the Tea Party movement, for claiming tax exemption but the Tea Party couldn't. However neither can But the IRS gave them an exemption? Double standard wouldn't you say. That's why I don't trust the IRS. Well, now they have a tarnished image. Hope they (the IRS I mean) learned something through this.

I should learn more French

Well, I have Rosetta Stone, but been so busy juggling two jobs, as well as writing a book. Would ya read it if it gets published. That would be woonderrfulllll!

Another beautiful day in my area.

Don't you just love it! Just gotta have that sun shine down on me! Dang!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Currently watching Raw

Well, been a life long fan of the WWE. Put on some Touts on Facebook. Giving my 2 cents on what WWE should be doing. Well, I am a life long fan of WWE. Currently, it's a six-man elimination tag match between John Cena and Team Hell No agaist the Shield.

Another joke

1st person: Why do people say you can't make much of a living being a clown?

2nd person: Because you can't.

1st person: But MY CONGRESSMAN makes millions a year.

Another Monday morning. Here is a joke to liven things up.

Q: Why are children often encouraged to watch the most violent and scary show on television?

A: Because people, especially parents, find the EVENING NEWS informational!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Watching the Avenger's now. Tomorrow working at

Spoke with my girlfriend this evening. Told her to go see the moon. At the time it was a beautiful crescent. Can we still Jupiter in our area? I just love astronomy! Going to work for my company called It's a start up company in Durham. We take receipts and invoices and put them up on computer and put them up online for people to see. We also take business cards, too. Well, time to get ready for tomorrow!

So, how are you all doing out there?

Hope it's wonderful where you are. Asked for me I think this wonder weather my area has been geting is just great!

To all of you Mothers out there!

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Need to improve typing speed.

Yes, I need to improve my tyrping speed if I can get anywhere in this world. Unfortunately, my brain process information slaowly. Any advice to improve typing speed?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My first post

Hello people, here I am. My name is Aaron Atwood. I about 35 years of age and still searching for a career. I currently juggle two jobs. However, here I am. I hope you like my blog.