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Friday, July 31, 2015

Or maybe

This is a better picture of the full moon. Sorry, I have a hard time keeping my hand straight sometimes. Yes, it is part of my Asperger's. 

Oh, just in case you didn't know. Tonight there is a blue moon. No, it doesn't mean the Moon is blue. But it means two full moons in a month. Doesn't happen often. But did tonight. Though I would share that with you. 

I was going to do some walking this evening but...

I had to do a bunch of flash cards which took longer than I expected. What was worse was there was more than I thought there were. They ended up being about an inch thick. That would about 2.54 CM for those of you who go by metric measurements. Point is, took longer than I thought, and didn't do any walking this evening. I will have to to do it tomorrow evening. Yes, this is a picture of the flash cards above. 

Well, still feeling the anxiety.

I mean, I really want better employment. I have been studding hard on my IT material. I want Carson and I to live comfortably after marriage. I have been taking my meds. Unfortunately, I did not get many hours at Harris Teeter this week. Please pray that everything will work out between us.


Kids, you better start reading more.

Yeah, because the shows on TV are only gonna suck even more.


Three oxymoron's for you.

1. Successful failure

2. Dumb genius.



Joe: Hey Mike, I am looking for a book. But I can't seem to find it.

Mike: What books could possibly be?

Joe: I'm looking for a book on conspiracy theories.

Mike: Oh, I've seen where they go. I'll take you outside to show you.

Joe: But why outside?

Mike: Trust me, I know where they are.

(Joe and Mike head outside)

Joe: But Mike, that's the dumpster.

Mike: Yes Joe, and that's exactly were books on conspiracy theories belong!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Well, I did C25K in the middle of the afternoon.

Yes, I did it in the middle of the afternoon. In the summertime here in North Carolina, when it's hot and humid. My brother was supposed to come over tonight. But it look like he's not. We were going to do a belated birthday celebration for him. His birthday was yesterday. He didn't come over. We planned on having him come over tonight. But he decided there wasn't enough time to go to Atlanta to start going on tour with Phish.
Still, if I just may be in shape to do a 5K run, eventually. I would probably do it for Autism. I would like to support Autism research any way I can. 

Well, I guess I should go my C25K thing on my app

Well, I know I need to exercise. I would also like to enjoy my favorite foods some without having to worry about putting on weight.


Q. Why would it be a good time to get out and do something? 

A. Because you waist about a couple hours trying to find something good on TV!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

And yes..


And today...

Just me, chillin'. I have been doing my exercises and well as taking my medication. I have been doing lots of studding for the cert. There is a person who is confident that in the near future I can do a 5K run. I guess, I would like to do one of those for Autism. Being one who lives with it, I would love to raise more money to help out. But first I gotta get into shape. It would be nice if I can be the same shape as I was in high school. I would like to also have a better metabolism so I can eat more of my favorite food without having to worry as much about putting on weight. But I guess, that's all for now. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Well, they say exercise is a good way to deal with anxeity and depression

 So, I worked out both today and yesterday.

Was gonna use my C25K app, but the weather looked iffy. So, I just walked up and down the stairs 100 times. That's me sweating afterwords. 

But did my C25K app this evening. Yes, that is the same Rays shirt I have been wearing earlier. Decided to wear that to my work out and wear my Tigers shirt when the sweat has stopped (as well as my Rays hat). 

Well, I just love Major League Baseball

Well, I love Major League Baseball. And two-nite my two favorite teams play each other. They are of course the Detroit Tigers and the Tampa Bay Rays. Well, I grew up in Detroit that is why I like the Tigers. And well, there is a local Triple-A minor league team in my area called the Durham Bulls. Their MLB affiliates are the Rays. That's why I like the Rays. I took a couple of selfies to share with you all. Which one is better?

My Tigers shirt with my Rays hat? 

Or my Rays shirt with my Tigers hat? 

And yes...

I still hate seeing my posts end in a nine. So, take that NINE!!

Yes, I am still stressed

I am stressed about my IT classes. I really want to find more desirable employment. Please pray that I may pass. It would mean a lot to me.


Q. Why watch a second rate sitcom?

A. It's more informational than your typical news program.


Q. How would I describe the sound of a scratching chalkboard?

A. Less irritating than the sound of commercials on TV.


Q. Can listening to music kill you?

A. I don't know, but I question how I survived listening to Polka.

Well, I'm happy I'm going to get my car back

I just called the Acura dealership. They just got the part they needed to fix the air conditioning. I have a compulsion to use the A/C. I think my body heats up easily. I feel I need to cool down a lot. So, I'm happy it coming today.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

This happened tonight.

At HT, I got a call to take a test. It's a mandatory test we have to take every few months. It was a test about lifting. They told it me it was due today. They forgot to tell me. I had run over and take it. But got done.


Q. True or false, can you be guilty until proven innocent?

A. True, just talk to the PC police!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Okay, this is what happened to Hulk Hogan

It was reported that he used the "N" word while somebody was dating his daughter and it was caught on tape.

I have heard this about Hulk Hogan

I don't know the full story, yet. However, I have hear he's been fired from the WWE for making a racist remark. It was a shame since he was a judge on the USA series, Tough Enough. No secret you really have to watch what you say in today's society.


Q: Why do people perceive American pride wrong?

A: Because the American media keeps saying we're the stupidest, greediest, fattest, and ugliest
     people on Earth!

Yep, our media hates us!


Q: What's more intelligent than Hollywood's entertainment?

A: Well, if I had to answer it now...I'm afriad I'll be giving examples for next 20 years!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I went to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences for News about New Horizons!

And yes people, I have heard the news! The mission was a success!! After nine and a half years, the mission finally made and nothing went wrong. That is excellent news because they wanted to reach Pluto before it's atmosphere collapsed. It will be well over a century before it rises up again. And since Pluto is over 3 billion miles (over 4.8 billion kilometers) from Earth, it will be hard to get a spacecraft over there again. I am looking forward to the new images coming out. Here are some pictures of me when I was at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. 

Me, about to watch in ah, in hopes to hear the news. I know I look happy in this photo. I was quite nervous though. I was really hoping NASA will succeed, it's 20 plus year of work down the drain. I was waiting in anticipation. Happy but still felt the suspense. 

I was happy the mission was a success! I just couldn't help but high five the people around me. That's how happy I was. And believe it or not, most people I talked to didn't know that Pluto's super thin atmosphere was going to collapse in the next 20 years. So, if they fail, there won't be another opportunity to study it in over a century! So, there was more at stake then you could dare imaging. I was saying "Please God, let them succeed!" My prayer was answered! I even sent a prayer request on Twitter for the success of this mission. So, this day was a huge triumph! 

Well, one last selfie before I left. I was in the very theater room where they gave the coverage, and closed the museum. This day was truly historic for all humanity! GO NASA!!!
Yes, people the museum did allow this, just in case you're wondering. I checked before I did so. 

New Horizons has reached Pluto!!

Yes, after 9 and half years, the spacecraft New Horizons has finally reached Pluto. Giving us our first up close image of the planet. I am sure happy. I have looking forward to see what NASA finds out! They already found a "heart" and a "whale tail" on the surface. Hope they find something else new. Yes, I know, Pluto is no longer a planet. It's now a dwarf planet. Part of the Kuiper Belt. But I'm personally excited! Let's see what NASA finds out! Let's hope and pray everything works out!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Prayer request for Lili.

Well, folks Lili, our dog just passed away last night. She was a beloved rottweiler. She was a really sweet girl. Carson, my fiancee meet her a few times. She told me how much Lili liked her and though she was so friendly. About a year ago she was diagnosed with Mega Esophagus and had to be fed via tummy tube three times a day. We also had to vacuum out her throat out several times a day. She died in her sleep last night. My dad and I took her body into the truck. Dad drove it to the vet to have her body cremated. We should receive her ashes next week. We miss her. First Butler (Carson's pug), my grandma Lee, and now Lili (my rottweiler). Three deaths this week. This has been one awful week for me. Please pray so I can get though this tough time. Thank you. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Prayer Request

Well, people I had some tragic news today. My Grandmother Naomi "Lee" Fix from Tempe, AZ, has just died today at the age of 91. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. My mother will fly to Phoenix tomorrow to make all the arrangements ready for her funeral. Please keep us high up in your thoughts and prayers. A least now my grandma is in a better place now. But she will be missed. Thank you.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all my fellow Americans!!!

To all my fellow Americans, hope you have a very happy 4th of July today. Let's all enjoy a cookout and fireworks show as we celebrate our country's birthday today. Today, she turns 239. Yes, it was 239 years ago this day when the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, that's one city I aways wanted to visit on the 4th of July. Nice if I can see the very grounds where they signed the Declaration of Independence. I hope all of you out there have a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

R.I.P. Butler

Here is a picture of Butler. He was my fiancee's Pug. Unfortunately, he was put down today. He was still hard of breathing. He was a very cute and friendly pug who loved me as well. He always got excited when I came by Carson's place. He would let me pet him. He was so soft. Carson and I going to miss him a lot. He was truly something. He was family to Carson and her family. Butler was 14 when he passed on. Please pray for his family, that now they don't have that sweet and lovable dog anymore. Carson and I miss him so much. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Prayer Request.

If you can, please pray for this dog. His name is Butler. He's my fiancee's pug. Here he is next to one of his favorite toys. She really loves him and so do I. However, she told me at about 5:30 AM he was struggling to breathe. He was rushed to the Animal Hospital at NC State. Please pray that he'll be all right and the vet hospital would have him back on his feet again. He just a wonderful pug! He's just so nice and friendly. And he is cute, too. I know the NC State Hospital has helped my dog, Lili. I hope they can do the same for Carson's dog, Butler. 

Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians out there.

Sorry, I haven't posted in several days. My cable access was down, and my cable provides my Internet access. However, I know today is Canada Day, and I do want to wish all the Canadians out there a HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!