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Monday, June 22, 2015

Well, yes, people today was my birthday.

Yes, people, here is a cat to tell me happy birthday. It looks like he (or maybe she) has got some nice presents for me. It almost looks like a himalayan, except it has short hair. Well, I used to have a blue-cream himalayan way back when. Well, it was a good birthday. I got about 30 plus happy birthday wishes on Facebaook. That made me happy. I spent my day with my fiancee, Carson. I also stopped by at Harris Teeter twice to see if the next schedule has been made out, yet.
I did go to Maggiano's for lunch with Carson. She got a salad. I ordered spaghetti and meatballs. I also had some of their mozzarella marinara as an appetizer. Carson really wanted their tiramisu, but we were too full. So, we decided to ask for the bill. Since it was my birthday, Carson paid for the bill.
After lunch we went to go get some sandals at a place called Sperry's. I managed to get some nice new and conferable sandals. Flip flops to be more specific. So, now I have some new sandals. After that Carson wanted to show me what she got me. She shown me a birthday card which said "In short...YOU ROCK!!" I thought that card was very sweet. She knows I have been a WWE fan for quite some time. She gave me a retro WWE World Heavyweight Championship Snow Globe, that has kind of a glittery color. I thought that was a very thoughtful present. Here is a picture of the Snow globe.

While we were at Maggiano's I did give Carson something as well. My church was selling coffee to raise money to help out an orphanage in Nicaragua. I did tell Carson I had some of that coffee for her. Carson loves coffee. However, I fest I still needed to surprise her. So, I got a Dallas Cowboys coffee mug. Carson is a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys, so I thought I would give her that mug. I knew she would like it. I also like the snow globe. We give each other nice presents.
After that Carson bought us tickets to go see Jurassic World. But it was still an hour before she time. We went to Urban Outfitters and Barnes & Noble to kill some time. At Bares & Noble, Carson go a book, I think Called The Praying Woman, but I am not 100% sure. Carson read some of that book after she bought it.
Then we we went to go see the movie Jurassic World. But what surprised me is that she bought a 3-D showing at the IMAX. That really surprised me! I was really happy that we got to go see that. I personally, enjoyed the movie. If you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it.
After that, we went back to Maggiano's to have desert. We ordered cappuccinos and their tiramisu. We decided to get desert later when our stomachs felt ready. It was delicious. After that I drove Carson back to her car. My car was closer to Maggiano's. We both had a real fun day.
After that I went back to HT hoping that they finally had the new schedule ready. The good news was did. After that went home. My family decided on KFC for dinner. We have always been fans of their Extra Crispy chicken. Enjoyed some of that for dinner. My parents were watching England play Norway in the Women's World Cup. One of their player, Lucy Bronze, scored the winning goal for England. That made Carson really happy. and same for me. Bronze played college Soccer for UNC, so because of that,  we favored England in that game. Though, I'm not really a fan of Soccer. Well, right now, Carson is watching the USA play Columbia. Both think it will be nice if the USA wins. However, right now, I am watching the WWE show, Raw. I think I had a good birthday. Bye!

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