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Friday, June 26, 2015

Here is what I have to say.

I know many of you out there find the Confederate flag offensive. All in good reason, it is no secret that there were states. Most who allowed slavery wanted to secede from the Union. There were various reasons why they wanted to leave, but the most common reason was slavery. But still, there are people who get a different interpretation of what they see about the flag. Some see it as a sign of Southern pride. I myself, though from North Carolina, have no Confederate flag paraphernalia. No desire to get any. I have black friends myself. I would certainly never want to offend them with it. I do see how emotional it is. And yes, I know that Dylann Roof had paraphernalia of that flag. I know Roof openly hated blacks. Hence why he committed the Charleston Massacre.

With that being said, what I don't like is that companies like Amazon and eBay, though may have ban Confederate flag paraphernalia, still allow, the Hammer and Sickle, the Swastika, and the Pentagram. Besides the Pentagram, they also still allow paraphernalia with message of blatant Satanic worship. I know there is going to be a lot of people, such as myself who does find all that paraphernalia offensive. Should that be ban as well? Personally, I believe that is a very good question. No, I am NOT trying to defend slavery. YES, I agree slavery was one of the mistakes of the past. That's is why don't have any Confederate flag paraphernalia, nor any desire to get any. But I feel since one form of freedom of expression (often with different interpretation by many) has been banned, it still makes me ask the question, what about the paraphernalia that people may find offensive.

I am happy we won World War II. No offense to people from the Axis countries in this world during that war (I am sincerely not trying to offend you). However, I hate to think what the world would have been like if Hitler and and Nazis won. So, yes, I do take offense to the Swastika.

I am also happy the United States won the Cold War. Once again I mean no offense to our former communist enemies. However, I know how the communists treated people. Depriving them of their sacred freedoms to establish complete and total equality. Well, due to the fact Communism doesn't work, was why the whole thing went kaput. Like slavery, I also see Communism is also a mistake of the past. And I find it offensive there are still people who think it can work (despite it has been proven time and time again it cannot). I also hate the fact the Communists were atheists who tried to silence all forms of organized religion. They wanted the world to be atheists like them. They were atheists to fought to rid of people from religion. So, yes, I find the Hammer and Sickle offensive.

Asked for SATANIC paraphernalia, no need for explanation there. If you read my previous posts you can already tell how that would offend me! All I am trying to make people do is think. I HOPE I did NOT offend anybody with what I had to say. But this does make me think.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Q. Why does Hollywood want to encourage us to eat tofu?

A. Because they like to keep everything tasteless!


Q. What's the weather in NC like today?

Is it...

A) Hot

B) Very Hot

C) Mistaken for an oven!

I bet you know the answer!

Here's another post.

Okay, yesterday, I had a pretty lazy do nothing day. Now, I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I had a nice birthday. However, it's back to business. Hopefully, I can pass certifications. And maybe find a job I can make a good living on. I was happy after all the birthday wishes I got on Facebook, though.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Well, yes, people today was my birthday.

Yes, people, here is a cat to tell me happy birthday. It looks like he (or maybe she) has got some nice presents for me. It almost looks like a himalayan, except it has short hair. Well, I used to have a blue-cream himalayan way back when. Well, it was a good birthday. I got about 30 plus happy birthday wishes on Facebaook. That made me happy. I spent my day with my fiancee, Carson. I also stopped by at Harris Teeter twice to see if the next schedule has been made out, yet.
I did go to Maggiano's for lunch with Carson. She got a salad. I ordered spaghetti and meatballs. I also had some of their mozzarella marinara as an appetizer. Carson really wanted their tiramisu, but we were too full. So, we decided to ask for the bill. Since it was my birthday, Carson paid for the bill.
After lunch we went to go get some sandals at a place called Sperry's. I managed to get some nice new and conferable sandals. Flip flops to be more specific. So, now I have some new sandals. After that Carson wanted to show me what she got me. She shown me a birthday card which said "In short...YOU ROCK!!" I thought that card was very sweet. She knows I have been a WWE fan for quite some time. She gave me a retro WWE World Heavyweight Championship Snow Globe, that has kind of a glittery color. I thought that was a very thoughtful present. Here is a picture of the Snow globe.

While we were at Maggiano's I did give Carson something as well. My church was selling coffee to raise money to help out an orphanage in Nicaragua. I did tell Carson I had some of that coffee for her. Carson loves coffee. However, I fest I still needed to surprise her. So, I got a Dallas Cowboys coffee mug. Carson is a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys, so I thought I would give her that mug. I knew she would like it. I also like the snow globe. We give each other nice presents.
After that Carson bought us tickets to go see Jurassic World. But it was still an hour before she time. We went to Urban Outfitters and Barnes & Noble to kill some time. At Bares & Noble, Carson go a book, I think Called The Praying Woman, but I am not 100% sure. Carson read some of that book after she bought it.
Then we we went to go see the movie Jurassic World. But what surprised me is that she bought a 3-D showing at the IMAX. That really surprised me! I was really happy that we got to go see that. I personally, enjoyed the movie. If you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it.
After that, we went back to Maggiano's to have desert. We ordered cappuccinos and their tiramisu. We decided to get desert later when our stomachs felt ready. It was delicious. After that I drove Carson back to her car. My car was closer to Maggiano's. We both had a real fun day.
After that I went back to HT hoping that they finally had the new schedule ready. The good news was did. After that went home. My family decided on KFC for dinner. We have always been fans of their Extra Crispy chicken. Enjoyed some of that for dinner. My parents were watching England play Norway in the Women's World Cup. One of their player, Lucy Bronze, scored the winning goal for England. That made Carson really happy. and same for me. Bronze played college Soccer for UNC, so because of that,  we favored England in that game. Though, I'm not really a fan of Soccer. Well, right now, Carson is watching the USA play Columbia. Both think it will be nice if the USA wins. However, right now, I am watching the WWE show, Raw. I think I had a good birthday. Bye!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Two things going on today. Well, actually, three things.

First of all to all the dads in the world I want to wish them a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! I gave my dad some golf ball. We also grilled steaks for dinner. It was nice. So, I had a yummy dinner.

Also, today is the day of the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere (yes, I know it's the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). Which means today is the first day of Summer and the longest day of the year. It is the day we will have the most day light.

And tomorrow, it will be my birthday. I will be 37. So, today is my birthday eve. Well, just wanted to tell you all this.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


When should you drink your water? 

1. After riding a bike. 

2. After running a marathon. 


Yes, here in NC, we are expected to be in triple digits the next three days. One will be my birthday. I always there was something to having a summer birthday. I guess, that's why I always liked being the pool, especially on my birthday. In fact, growing up in Michigan, Summer was the only time of the year when we can use the pool. Well, just though I would bring that up. 

Some more prayer requests.

Hope all of you are praying for the victims of the Charleston Massacre. Please pray hard. I especially, brings sadness to my heart because, well, the victims of that crime were some of my fellow Methodists. Yes, I am a United Methodist. The victims are AME Methodist, but we're Methodists nonetheless. I just pray the best for the victims and their families so they can pull through this burden. I also pray the Dylan Roof (the accused shooter) will get justice. I hope he understand the fate he gets he deserves. I only hope one day the light of Jesus will shine in Roof's heart one day. Unfortunately, his heart is totally lost in the dark.

Please pray that I can get though IT training. My tutor says its going fine. Part of being Asperger's is it can be hard to learn new material. However, I appear to be getting it better then ever. Please pray that continues to go on the right path.

In other matter of astronomy, did you know on June 30, Venus and Jupiter will be on a side-by-side lineup. Personally, I am looking forward to that. Don't know how often that happens because it's still amazing. Since Venus is the planet that comes before Earth in there alignment with the Sun. Jupiter is the fifth planet out from the Sun, and the second planet after Earth headed away from the Sun (Mars is the first).  But viewed from Earth they will be viewed side-by-side on June 30. Don't want to miss that.

And let's not forget the spacecraft known as New Horizons is about to reach Pluto on July 15 after a nine year voyage to Pluto. I am looking forward to that as well. Even though Pluto is no longer a planet since it's '06 demotion, but it can give us a good up close look at the Kuiper Belt up close. I am also waiting for that. That will be on July 15. So, that's all I have to say for now.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Prayer rquest

I have to pray for the mass shooting that happened the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The accused shooter is 21-year-old Dylan Roof. He is accused of shooting he is accused for killing at least nine people. Well, Roof has been caught and will brought to justice. Please pray for the people who were killed and their families, so they can get though this burden. PLEASE PRAY!

Good news, bad news.

Good news, the Golden State Warriors won the the NBA championship last Tuesday. That made me happy. Especially, two of the Warriors did play for UNC during their college years. They are Harrison Barnes and James Michael McAdoo. The series didn't need need to go to Game 7. GO WARRIORS!!!

Bad news, cray heat wave going though North Carolina. Today here it reached 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). It has been making it hard to workout. This heat sucks. And bye the way, it get very humid here in NC.

Good news, when I go to my review sessions, Ron says I'm really working hard. Oh, Ron is name of the man tutors me during review sessions. That makes me happy.

Bad news, well, I guess there is no bad news. Wait a minute, this post ended in a 9! AAAAHHHH!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Yeah, I've been doing more dieting.

Yes, I am dieting more. I have now do Fitbit and C25K. I have been trying to get over 10,000 steps a day. Generally, I have been doing a good job at that. However, today I I did a 30 minute workout with C25K. You first do some walking and then a jog. I also have been seeing how many calories. I consume in a day. Good news is my doctor told me, my respiratory was fine. My oxygen level was fine. Blood pressure was fine. Vitamin D is normal. She said nothing about my cholesterol. But she sampled my blood. I guess, it must be fine. Otherwise she would have said something. Still, tomorrow, until my date with Carson, I will eat just fruits and vegetables. Because on my date with Carson tomorrow, I am planning on consuming lots of calories. We are going to eat at Ragazzi's, an Italian place where Carson lives. Then eat at Goodberry's, a frozen custard place. Then we will see the USA play Sweden in the Women's World Cup. Lot's of calories there. So, until my date with Carson, just eat fruits and veggies. a good way to get some greens for my day. And yes, I have a female doctor. This a picture of me 20 minutes after exerting. Still, sweating.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Well, people I have announcement

I'M ASPERGER'S! Yeah, real exciting. Bye the way Beyonce, if you are reading this, THAT'S how interesting your announcement about your new vegan diet was. Yeah!! 

PS. The difference between a vegetarian and a vegan is that vegetarians don't eat meat. Vegans don't eat or drink any that comes from an animal. And my first two sentences were sarcasm. I am saying there is NOTHING big about going vegan. No, I don't have a problem with people who are vegans, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just NOT news. 


Question. Why do people bash WWE? It MORE real then Hollywood.


Q. Do you think Freddy Kruger a good even news reporter?

A. I think he would. We all know he loves to "slash people's dreams."

Well, now I'm not working at Shoeboxed anymore

Well, I have been working at Harris Teeter more. Often come back home tired. Could you believe when I am bagging I often take over 15,000 steps and walking a grand total of seven miles (that's 11.27 kilometers for those of you who live outside the United States), and burn over 2,500 calories according to my new Fitbit. Yes, I have have a Fitbit. And lost some weight recently. Since I left Shoeboxed, I have been around HT more. I am still trying to get some study time.

However, I have a mock interview with New Horizons tomorrow. Please pray that I can pass certification. I would like to get a good IT job so I can marry Carson and I have very comfortably. Asked for Carson, she has been show her scripts to people. Please pray that somebody takes an interest in them, I would mean a lot to both of us. I guess that's all for now.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

And now it's the NBA finals.

No, my Charlotte Hornets aren't in it. It will the Golden State Warriors vs. Cleavland Cavilers. However, one of the Golden State Warriors, #40, Harrison Barnes played for the UNC Tar Heels in college Basketball, so I guess, I'm for the Warriors! So, GO WARRIORS!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

And yes...

I still hate seeing my post end in a 9. Take that, 9!!

Well, people I just did it.

I just quit my job at I said goodbye to my former associates there. So, I will be working more hours at Harris Teeter. I did so I can get some more study time to pass certification. Harris Teeter has more flexible work hours. I will have time for extra tutoring at New Horizons. Please pray that I do. I would mean a lot to me! That is all.