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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween at Carson's

After I got off of work at Shoeboxed, I headed over to Carson and her place. I got a different shirt and some make-up for my vampire costume. Carson was there dressed in her Carolina Panthers shirt. She had lots of goodie bags ready. Unfortunately, we didn't many kids over trick-or-treaters. In fact, there weren't many in her neighborhood. A neighbor called. The neighbor didn't any so she closed up. But it was still fun. Thought I would share some pictures with you all.

Here's a picture of Carson and myself. 
One of Carson. 
One of me. Different shirt any make-up. How does it look? 
Carson and Cravon (her father). Looks closely you can maybe see Butler, the pug. Can you see him. 
You get a better view of Butler with this picture. And yes, candy is sweet. But do you know what's sweeter than candy. It was something in the bags. It's in the pictures below. 
Ah, wrong side. 


Carson than tried to show me a house that was decorated. Unfortunately, so did a lot of other people town. Sorry, but the picture of the house sucks. 

OOOHHH, moon in the clouds. Spooky! Well, hope all of you out there had a happy Halloween! 

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