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Sunday, November 30, 2014

In NFL Football.

Well, not a good day. My team, the Carolina Panthers lost (again). And Cravon (Carson's dad) wasn't happy that the Washington Redskins lost today as well. But I guess, it wasn't all bad. My least favorite team lost. That would of course be The New England Patriots. The Patriots lost to the Green Bay packers.

Well, folks here we are.

It's the Advent Season. It's the four Sundays to Christmas. The first Sunday was today. Its the season where Christians prepare for Judgment Day. This is my personal Advent Wreath at home. Just thought I'd use it for a photo. Those iStocks credit are really expensive. Hope those photography lessons paid off. But here's a photo for all of you to see. Happy Advent everybody. 

In NCAA Basketball, and to UNC fans...

I have this joke for you.

Q.  About The Tar Heels trip to the Bahamas, do you know what food it reminds me of?

A. Meatloaf, because I shouldn't feel sad, 'cause two out of three ain't bad.

Yeah, the UNC Tar Heels won two out of their three games in the Bahamas. And of course we all know about that song by Meatloaf. Right? That's where I got that joke.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Oh, thought I would share this with you all.

Here is a selfie of Carson and I at the UNC game. 

In NCAA Football, I went to the North Carolina State Rivalry game today.

Yes, Caron, my fiancee and I went to see the State Rivalry game. Here are some photos I'd share with you all. Carson and I are both UNC fans. We went to see the game. It is between the North Carolina (AKA UNC) Tar Heels and the North Carolina State (AKA NC State) Wolfpack. 
Carson and I both got there early. Few people were there. 

Here is a picture of both Rameseses, anthropomorphic ram, and the real ram with his horns painted Carolina Blue (that's a light shade of blue. It's also known as sky blue). 

Here are the Marching Tar Heels, getting together making them form this UNC logo. Unfortunately, Carson and I sat from behind. 

Here are the flag bearers! One of them is Rameses. The anthropomorphic Rameses that is. 

Here come the Tar Heels. 

Seen from the game. 

Tar Heels got crushed. Carson and I could not bear anymore. We decided to leave at half-time. 

Here is a picture of the Old Well. It is the most popular landmark at UNC. 

Here is Carson in the Old Well. Well, UNC lost badly 35-7. Make us sad. But, well at least we didn't get shut out. We did get lunch at a nearby Mexican restaurant called Monterrey. Carson loves that place. Them we went around the U-Mall some. We had a nice day, despite the Tar Heel loss. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Well, in the news of NCAA Basketball...



Well, hope everybody here in my country, the U.S. of A enjoyed their Thanksgiving Day! I know, a day where you get to enjoy a nice good turkey dinner with all the fixings. I had some olives, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes with mine. I had fun. It's also a day where you get to spend with the family enjoy a football game or two.
Yes, that explains the shirt that I was wearing in this selfie. It is a Detroit Lions playing the Chicago Bears. As you can see (being one who grew up in Detroit myself) I was cheering for the Lions. I worked at Harris Teeter today from 8:00-12:00. Well, HT closed at 2:00. It was meet to give the public a chance for any last minute odd and ends of things that may have been forgotten. I all I know is I prefer not to work that day. I was honest enough to tell the boss I didn't want to work that day. But I had no valid excuse. Especially, told him I really wanted to see the Lions game at 12:30. Well, he did make me work, but at least I was let off in plenty of time to see the Lions game. I watched it. Lions beat the Bears 34-17. That made me HAPPY. My fiancee wasn't happy to see the Cowboys lose. She really loves the Dallas Cowboys. I think they lost to the Philadelphia Eagles 33-10. That also makes me sad when she gets sad. Well, in NCAA Basketball UNC leads UCLA 43-29. Maybe Carolina will win and make up for the Cowboys loss. Hopefully, the Tar Heels will keep their lead and WIN! Even though, the UNC Basketball game was not available on my cable. If it weren't for Google, there would be no way I could get updates on the scores.
About Thanksgiving Dinner, we did eat it while watching the tail end of the Lion's game in from of the Television (I was me, my Mom, and my Dad). I did peel potatoes for Mom. Dad caved the turkey and boxed up the leftovers. Well, I did help some with the clean up. I had to clean up the dog pee! Yeah, the dog has been drinking lots of fluids and has to urinate a lot. But someone had to do it. Unfortunately, that someone was me (lucky me, and yes, that was sarcasm). But, I know about all the food, families, and Football (and for those of you who live outside the United States, yes, I mean American Football). But the really meaning of the day is to count your blessings. I guess, mine are the fact I am in school studding for first rate employment. I have parents who love me (though eccentric sometimes), and I am engaged to a very beautiful, loving, and caring woman, Carson. Those, are what I am thankful for. That and the Lions won today. My favorite team in the NFL. Well, my favorite team next to the Carolina Panthers at least. But well...HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYBODY!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Which photo do you like better.

As you know my dog, Lili, has had surgery recently. She need to be tube feed and because of that she lost some weight. She can't eat solid food anymore (and many of us know how much Rottweilers LOVE to eat). Because of that she been getting colder. She doesn't have the fat to keep her warm. We got two doggie sweaters for her. Which do you like better?

Do you like the Star Wars sweater? 

Or the Valentine's hearts sweater? Take your pick

Friday, November 21, 2014

Bye the way

Sill happy the UNC Tar Heels beat the Duke Blue Devils 45-20 in NCAA Football last night. Could you believe Duke was favored something like 3-1 over Carolina? But Carolina just well...DESTROYED Duke!! I mean, 45-20? Doesn't look like much competition for the Heels!! UNC, UNC, UNC, UNC....GO, HEELS, GO!!!!

Yes, I'm still a member if the Tar Heels Nation! And right now, on Cloud 9. Wait a minute?! 9?!! I HATE that number!! That's my unlikely number!! Well, I don't know any other expressions. And to save you all some pointless verbiage, yes, I'm still happy UNC beat Duke in Football last night.

And this piece of extra verbiage is for those of you who live outside the United States. The sport I'm talking when I say Football is American Football. It's probably different from the sport you call Football. The sport you call Football is probably the sport we call Soccer. That is all.

Bad news, good news

Got good news in my life. And I got some bad news. First my bad news. I took the A+ Certification test yesterday and failed. Well, I will have other opportunities. I'm not the first to flunk the first time (I've been the majority do). However, I will have to seriously prepare for the second time around.

However, in NCAA Football UNC just destroyed Duke 45-20. What's even more amazing, Duke was favored OVERWHELMINGLY. But UNC beat them by 25 points. Who would have thought. What even better, after losing to Duke these past two years, the Tar Heels get to take the Victory Bell back home with to Chapel Hill. I don't think the Blue Devils have been so humiliated all season. But that's the situation.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Though I LOVE the news in Basketball, there is still one thing I HATE!!

IT'S YOU 9!! Yes, I'm on to you!!!! There is NO WAY I gonna let you end my post.

Hey, I just though of something. It's a case of irony. You know how they say terrible things come in three's. But here, it (to me) seemed WONDERFUL things came in three's. First wonderful thing, the UNC Tar Heels beat the NC Central Eagles 76-60. The second wonderful thing that happened, the Charlotte Hornets beat the Phoenix Suns 103-95. And the third wonderful thing...I JUST BEAT 9!! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and to make my sports news EVEN BETTER!!

My other Basketball team won!! Yes, in NBA Basketball, the Charlotte Hornets beat the Phoenix Suns 103-95!! GO HORNETS!!! First the Tar Heels, now the Hornets!!! Could Basketball get any better for me? I THINK NOT!!! YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In sports news I will share this.

I was happy that the UNC Tar Heels beat the NC Central Eagles last night in NCAA Basketball. GO HEELS, GO!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Okay they say to hate is wrong but...

I STILL HATE YOU, 9!!! Yeah, I'm on to you. And just LOVE to get you!!! 9, you are NEVER safe from me!! And there ain't no chance I'm gonna let you be the final number on my posts!! I hate you, 9.

Prayer request.

Please pray for my fiancee's family. Mary, the mother of Carson (she's my fiancee), has Parkinson's Disease. She was given different medication but nothing seems to help. Please pray that Mary will be all right and the doctors can help find treatment for Mary's condition. Please pray the best for Mary and Carson.

Yeah, watching WWE.

Yeah, I DVR'ed Raw last night. It's in London. Yeah, I want to watch WWE while it's still in business. I just hope they get out of their rut (same as the Panthers). But if they go out of business, I will sure miss them. GOODBYE WWE.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention that one of the WWE Diva's follows me on Twitter now. It's Paige, the British Diva. Kinda ironic since this episode of Raw I'm watching was in London.

Oh, to my fellow Americans

PLEASE don't forget today is Veterans' Day! Let all the veterans know that we appreciate all they do for us, to keep us free!! Please show your support to the veterans on this Veterans' Day! Especially, to all the ones who gave their lives for us!! They have been working real hard to keep us free! Let's give our full support!

Well Election Day was one week from today.

And I still think Senators should be limited to two terms and Representatives should be limited to six.

That would be 12 years total for each.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

To my fellow Americans

It's Election Day! So, PLEASE don't forget to vote. The big election going on here in my state of North Carolina is for a Senate race between incumbent Kay Hagen (D) and challenger Thom Tillis (R). All I know whoever wins is who we're stuck with for the next six years! No, not fours years like the president, or two years like a representative but SIX. I especially, want my fellow North Carolinians to hear about this! Whether if it's Tillis or Hagen again, it's who we're suck with for the next six years! So, you better vote!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Question for everybody that's very relevant

So, how do you think Linus is doing right now? Another year, and once again no Great Pumpkin. I did say the question is relevant. 

PS. Yes, that was supposed to be sarcasm. 

Trivia for you all

Did you know that October 31 was the day Martin Luther pinned The Ninety-Five Theses not on the Cathedral in 1517. Thought I would share that with you all.

Halloween at Carson's

After I got off of work at Shoeboxed, I headed over to Carson and her place. I got a different shirt and some make-up for my vampire costume. Carson was there dressed in her Carolina Panthers shirt. She had lots of goodie bags ready. Unfortunately, we didn't many kids over trick-or-treaters. In fact, there weren't many in her neighborhood. A neighbor called. The neighbor didn't any so she closed up. But it was still fun. Thought I would share some pictures with you all.

Here's a picture of Carson and myself. 
One of Carson. 
One of me. Different shirt any make-up. How does it look? 
Carson and Cravon (her father). Looks closely you can maybe see Butler, the pug. Can you see him. 
You get a better view of Butler with this picture. And yes, candy is sweet. But do you know what's sweeter than candy. It was something in the bags. It's in the pictures below. 
Ah, wrong side. 


Carson than tried to show me a house that was decorated. Unfortunately, so did a lot of other people town. Sorry, but the picture of the house sucks. 

OOOHHH, moon in the clouds. Spooky! Well, hope all of you out there had a happy Halloween! 

Halloween at Shoeboxed

Well, here at Shoeboxed we had a little fun this Halloween wearing costumes. They also served candy. One of my associates took some of the left over candy to her house and gave it to the kids as they came trick or treating. Here are some of the costumes. It was fun. 

Here's Pat. She won the contest. She came as a fortune teller. Good for her. Well, it was a good costume.  

Benton came there dressed up a bicyclist. 
Eric, as an inmate. 
Alex came as a Baseball player. 

Me, as Count Dracula. I finished second so I got a $25 gifts certificate to Monuts. A place that serves gourmet donuts. The first place participate (Pat) got a $50 gift certificate. They had a $15 gift certificate. Yes, the top three get free doughnuts. Gourmet style. Cool, huh?!

Here's a picture of the group who participated in the costume contest. I didn't get permission from Dan if he would like a self picture for this blog. That's why he didn't have a self-picture him dressed like Picachu. He finished third. Two other people came dressed up. One was Colton, who came dressed up as a $1 taco. Colton left before I could take a picture of him. Emily also came dressed up as "Boo!", but she didn't want to be pictured for this blog. Well, it was a happy Halloween at Shoeboxed.