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Sunday, August 31, 2014

And yes, people..

It still HATE it when the number of my posts ends in a nine.

Well, here is what I did this Sunday (cont'd)

Oh, and people, if you have just found this blog. Please read the post below before reading this post. It will help think make more sense. Here's Wooly again offering souvenir t-shirts from his cannon shaped like a hot dog. Sorry, wasn't able to get the top part, but it is shaped like a hot dog trust me. My timing was off. But, well, hot dogs are part of Baseball. I mean seriously, could go through a Baseball game and not eat a hot dog? I sure couldn't. In fact I had two at that game. 

And yes, the bad guys, the Norfolk Tides have taken the lead. Our heroes The Durham Bulls trail by two. NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seventh Inning Stretch. For those of you who live outside the US, this is the part where we sing the song Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Here are some of the fans in the ballpark doing just that. Don't 'ch just love singing that song? 

Oh, and this is another look. Yes, it seems everybody stand up for the Seventh Inning Stretch. Hey, did you know they also do this during college Baseball games. Yeah, Carson and I remember doing this when UNC was playing. 

And they got another run. Will evil win? Wah, ha, ha. 

Here's Wool E. Bull running with those kids. You sure see Wooly a lot. You especially, see him run a lot. Ya know, after all that running you would assume he's be winning, but the kids always kick his butt in the contest. Why is that? HHHHHUUUMMMM. 
Here Wooly is again with the kids. Sorry, this picture sucks. Bad timing. 

Okay, here it is the Bulls last chance. 

Here is comes...

And they failed. The Tides won 9-6. Oh no, we lost. We're doomed. Evil has conquered all!! AAAAAAHHHH! Well, on serious note, the Bulls lost. It was a bummer. But you know, we all had fun. I have told Carson I would like to see another Bulls game. And I though, I would invite my brother and his wife, too. I sent them a text if they would be interested. They were, so I bought four tickets. It was the first time Bayard and Rachell have ever seem a Bulls game in person. 

This is a picture of Bayard and Rachell. And once again the name is pronounced BI-yard, and yes, her name is spelled with two "L's."

Here is a picture of Carson and I. Yes, Bayard and I both got Durham Bulls hats for our birthdays. We thought we'd wear them to this game. Well, we all had fun. Still, a shame the home team lost. Hey, like that song Take Me Out to the Ballgame. What a coincidence! Well, but that was our Sunday everybody. 

Well, here is what I did this Sunday.

Well, heeerrrrsss Wool E. Bull, that could mean only one, thing. Yes, I went a Durham Bulls game. Well, just in case you probably don't know, the Durham Bulls are a Triple-A Minor League team. It seems the Major League team get most of the attention. But those folks in the Minor League are just as good. And the Minor League teams do have Major League affiliates. The Bulls MLB affiliates are the Tampa Bay Rays. I went with Carson, my fiancee, my brother Bayard (pronounced BI-yard, just in case you are wondering), and Rachell, Bayard's wife (and yes, her name is spelled with two "L's").  They played the Norfolk Tides.  We got to sit buy the home plate area, giving us a good view of the action. However, there was a safety net in the way. 

Here's Wooly himself. 

There are the two ladies who sang the national anthem. That's The Star Bangled Banner for those of you who live outside the United States. 

Now, it's game time. 

Okay, after the Tides batted first they got two runs on the Bulls. Now, it's time for the Bulls to bat!

And boy did they ever! They got a home run with two guys on base. They also got a run in early in the inning. Bulls now take the lead 4-2. Though I didn't get a picture of this, the Bulls also got a TRIPLE PLAY! No, not a double play, but a triple play. Three outs. Isn't that rad! Whoa! Am I lost in the 80's? Nobody says rad anymore. 

That's the Durham Bulls Snorting Bull sign. If any of the Bulls hits a home run, the eyes glow and it snorts smoke. Hard to see that in the daytime though. Also when people hit a home run, you hear the sound of a train. I guess, that's because there are a lot of trains in Durham. 

Here's Wool E. Bull having a race with a kid. And as usual, he loses! 

Here is Wooly meeting up with the kid. Congratulating him I guess. 
And another home run. GO BULLS!!! They are really doing well!! I guess you think they can't lose.
Sorry, ran out of room in this post. More pics on the next post. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Please keep my cousin high up in your prayers.

Also please check out her blog. Her name is Kate. She is from Houston. She is battling Melanoma. She could really use our support! Please keep praying for her! It would mean a lot to me!! And yes, I want you to check out her blog for any updates on her progress. The link is below. Thank you.


Q. Do you know how you can save money and energy?

A. Just look at the blank screen of your television! Not like you're gonna find anything on.


Rob: Joe, I just saw Congreeman burns. 

Joe: So, what's the big deal Rob?

Rob: I tried to look behind him and all around. 

Joe: Why?

Mike: I wanted to see his other face, since you told me he's two faced!


  1. Rich pauper
  2. Giant midget


Q. Is there such thing as forbidden knowledge?

A. YES, just look at the college classrooms! Professors HATE it when students pounce on their propaganda.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sorry I haven't posts in a while.

As you probably know my IT training classes at New Horizon's are underway. I thought they were quite nice. I am a class. Most people are around my age, mostly male. All with the same goal, find employment in the IT field. Classes run from 6:00 to 10:00 PM (and that's Eastern Standard Time in the United States). So, now I'm in New Hoizon's

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Here is what Carson and I did on Sunday

Well, we went to a UNC Women's Soccer game. It featured out team, the UNC Tar Heels take on the Ohio State Buckeyes. Here are some photos of the game. Sorry, I didn't have my Canon with me, so i had to make do with my iPhone.
Here's the star of the game. Sorry, I couldn't get the very kick off. But, that's how things stated. 

I know, the score board didn't show up well on my iPhone, but it was supposed to be 20 shots for UNC and not a single goal. Fortunately, Ohio State didn't score, either.  Those Lady Heels did a great job of keeping the ball away from them. 

FINALLY, A GOAL!! And it's for UNC. YES!!! The game is now longer scoreless and UNC takes the board first. Ohio State is still scoreless. 

And it turns out that was the only scored though out the entire game. I bet those Lady Tar Heels are now yelling "Timber!" after chopping down some Buckeyes. GO TAR HEELS!!! They won 1-0 against Ohio State. After that Carson and I ate at Mama Dip's. The food was delicious. But what else do you expect from Mama Dip's. Goes to show cooking tastes best when it's done the old fashioned way. Then we wondered around Franklin Street for a bit. Got some desert at the Cold Stone Creamery. We shared a cup of their Cold Stone Creamery Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream (yes, the Cold Stone Creamery uses the words mint and chocolate twice). We also got to meet a member of the UNC Women's Soccer team there was well. We told her we were so happy to see them win today. GO TAR HEELS!!!!

Prayer request.

Yes, as you heard what happened to the town of Napa, CA. Napa is located just outside of San Francisco. Well, they got hit by a big earthquake. It measured 6.0 on the Richter Scale. Many people were killed. Many more injured and/or homeless. Please pray for those people and pray for their comfort. They can sure use our support. Thank you.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Yes people I'm resilient. I'm gonna have to be. I may see a crisis greater than Chernobyl and the '08 banking crisis. What could be so awful, so devastation, it makes me afraid to turn on my television set! It would be...(duh dun dah) A LOSING SEASON FOR THE PANTHERS!! AAAHH! And just when they were starting to win lady year! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!

PS. This was a joke NOT  to be taken seriously. 

Yes folks I am very bummed about the game last night

Though I didn't get to see it, not even on DVR. Lightning struck the cable the signal of my area. So, we didn't have cable or internet all night. However, I heard the result. My team The Carolina Panthers got creamed by the NFL team I hate the most, The New England Patriots. Makes me scared of this Football season in the NFL (and yes, that's American Football for those of you who live outside the United States). I HOPE & PRAY for a good season, but there are times it can be hard to be optimistic. What's worse it may be another good season for the Patriots. Maybe the UNC Tar Heels will have better luck in college Football. But hearing the results of the Panthers vs. the Patriots makes glad I DIDN'T  see the game last night. Ciao!

Friday, August 22, 2014

And yes people I am gonna watch the game tonight.

I am of course referring to the NFL preseason game featuring my favorite NFL team, The Carolina Panthers play my least favorite team The New England Patriots. I will be working tonight, so I have my DVR ready. Please do NOT give me results or even hints of what happens. I want to see how it all unfolds.

PS. No, I DON'T hate New England. I just hate the Patriots. And yes, I am aware this is preseason Football. So, it doesn't mean much.

Please pray for my cousin.

Please pray for Kate, my cousin from Houston. She has been battling Melanoma. She sure could use a lot of support. Please keep praying for her! She has also started a blog about her progress. The link is below. Please check it out!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Well, just tonight we had a party at Shoeboxed! Here's some snapshots of the fun.

Well, today for my job at, we had a party this evening. Lots of my fellow associates got together with other small business from Durham, NC. This is a photo of what things were like when I first got there. There weren't many people at first, but many more came along the way later. 

Here is a man taking an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I have to admit I don't know him that well personally. He doesn't work at Shoeboxed. Still kind of him to help raise money to fight ALS. Oh, and yes people, please pray for those people in the world with ALS. It would mean a lot to them!

Here is a photo of the man after he had the ice water poured on him. Sorry I couldn't get a photo when the water was being poured. But this is what he looked like afterwords. 

Here is another photo of the man after he got the water poured on him. He changed his shirt afterwords. 

Now, lots of people are starting to get dinner. Most of us had barbecue Carolina Style. For those of you who are not from North Carolina, Carolina barbecue is shredded pork, vinegar, and spices. It's not the same barbecue you may be familiar with. 

Here is the food truck where we got our meals from. After staying an hour I had to eat. It was delicious! What's also great was us Shoeboxed employees got meal tickets, so our meals were FREE!

And here's a look from the inside. 

There was Ping Pong. 


Oh, let's not forget the DJ. 

Well, it looks like lights out. Party's over. 

And here I am bidding you all ado!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

If you are a WWE fan, could you believe this?

As you probably know John Cena defended the world title at Summerslam '14 against Brock Lesnar and lost. Lesnar is the champion now. But here is what you probably didn't know. After Summerslam went off the air the WWE's #1 babyface John Cena (which of course means Lesnar is a heel) was booed after the match. All we now is Lesbar dominated him. Cena has shown very little offense. But the people in Los Angeles booed the company's top good guy. Guess they didn't think he performed well, it maybe just plain sick of Cena being their #1 superstar. Could even be a little bit of both. The fans actually thanked the bad guy. So what's WWE gonna do? I guess make Lesnar the face and Cena the heel. Could be wrong though.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Well, one week from today many kids go back to school, and so am I. On August 25, I start IT traing classes at New Horizon's.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Yes, still excited about Football season coming up soon!

And of course still hoping and praying the BEST for my teams. That would of course be the UNC Tar Heels in the NCAA and the Carolina Panthers in the NFL. I HOPE to see both those to teams win some games and hopefully win some championships! GO TAR HEELS!!! AND GO PANTHERS!!!
And once again for those of you who live outside of the US, this is American Football. The sport that you may call Football is the sport we call Soccer. However, yes, that is another thing about being Asperger's, we get excited about certain things. But still, GO TAR HEELS!!! And GO PANTHERS!!!
Oh, aslo bye the way, this is a photo I got from iStock some months ago. Still had it and didn't want buy and more iStock credits so, I decided to use it. Clever, huh? 

Do you know what REALLY pisses me off!

It was the News that Ohio State has dropped their Football series with my college, North Carolina! That sucks! So, no OSU Buckeyes vs. UNC Tar Heels. I REALLY wanted to see those games. UNC was supposed to play OSU in a Football series in 2017 and 2018. They said it was due to scheduling and the fact that both colleges needed more flexibility in the scheduling.

I thought I would be nice to see UNC play Ohio State in Football. I know one thing. I grew up in the state of Michigan. They have a well know college their called the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The college is more commonly referred to as Michigan or the U of M. Their nicknames are the Wolverines.

So, what does Michigan have to do with all this? Well, guess which college happens to be their #1 rival? You guess it, OHIO STATE!! I can just imagine what my old high school friends would say if they say that game. I can pretty much guarantee they'd cheer for UNC (especially since they HATE Ohio State). Well, my fiancee and I will see UNC play OSU in Women's Soccer on August 24. Though, I'm not a fan of Soccer, I sure hope those Lady Tar Heels chop down some Buckeyes! But, well, that is all I have to say.

Oh, for those of you who live outside the United States. When I said Football, I was referring to American Football. It's a different sport from you probably call Football. The sport you probably call Football is the sport we call Soccer.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

RIP Robin Williams

Hello people. Like you I have also been saddened by the suicide death of the legendary comedian/actor Robin Williams. He was a really funny man. I remember some of his movies like Mrs. Doubtfire. I also enjoyed Patch Addams. Could you believe parts of Patch Addams were filmed at the UNC campus in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, my college. It was a great movie.

I also remember watching the live action Popeye movie. You know the one from 1980. I remember my parents and brother saying "That's Robin Williams." I would say "No, that's Popeye." I was about seven at the time when I saw it. But, I always LOVED Popeye since I was a kid. Though he couldn't get me to eat spinach. I had a fear and sensitivity to it when I was a kid. It's part of being Asperger's. At the time I really just understood characters, not actors. That was just being a typical kid. All I knew it was a live action version of Popeye, so far as I knew it was Popeye. There was no concept of the actor when I was seven. I was two when the movie came out, I was seven when I saw it. However, I believe there was no better actor to play Popeye better than Robin Williams.

However, Robin William's role that stands out most to me when he used to play Mork from Ork on the sitcom Mork and Mindy. My mom and I would watch that show when I was four. Often watch it right after pre-school. I loved Mork and that show. Want until many years later I learned that was Robin Williams who played him. Had even less concept of actors at four. I think that was his role that stood out the most of all.

There there was no official diagnosis, some believe Robin Williams may have had Asperger's like me. He had a talent for comedy. Some say so do I. He did really well when got his script memorized, and some said the same about me. I am really sad that he's dead. Why did he have to take his own life! I feel he had so much to live for. Was the pressure if fame too much for him? He will be missed! REST IN PEACE MR. ROBIN WILLIAMS!! My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and acquaintances.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Q. Why does Hollywood like to "spice up" their entertainment?

A. Because it has no taste!


Q. What can I say about a grey sky?

A. It's brighter than today's society!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Prayer Requests

1. First of all, let us pray for peace and stability in Iraq. I feel the Iraqis can really use our prayers. What I've heard is depressing!

2. Second please pray for my dog, Lili. My patents claim she's getting better, but she is still vomiting. She has also gotten weak due to her lack of eating. Please pray that she'll get better.

3. Third of all, if you are fan of The UNC Tar Heels, The Carolina Panthers, or WWE (or at least one of the three). Please pray for a good season for the Panthers and/or Tar Heels, that they'll have winning seasons and nobody gets seriously injured (they play American Football for those of you who live outside the United States, just in case you wonder what sport they play). And all their players will have FUN. And pray that WWE will get back on track so they DON'T go out of business.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hoping and Praying

For the start of this Football season, and yes, for those of you who live outside the United States, that would be American Football, I am HOPING and PRAYING the best of luck for my favorite teams, The Carolina Tar Heels in NCAA (college) and The Carolina Panthers in the NFL (professional). Hey, both are called Carolina, COOL!

Well, The Panthers replaced their veteran receivers for some rookies. However, I heard those rookies were good in college ball. But this is the pros. Different ball game. Yes, pun intended. Well, heard the Heels learned a lot from last year. HOPE and PRAY the best for them both, and maybe they'll have good seasons.

Also HOPE the worst of luck for my LEAST FAVORITE teams,  The Duke Blue Devils and NC State Wolfpack in the NCAA and The New England Patriots in the NFL. I Could pray the worst for them, but that would be blasphemous. Jesus said you don't pray for misfortunes for others. But still, GO PANTHERS!! And GO TAR HEELS!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

If I wasn't WWE fan...

I don't think there would anything to look forward to about this month of August. I mean, there is no holiday that comes this month (at least not here in the United States where I live). There is Summerslam. Their biggest pay-per-view show of the year, next to Wrestlemania. I guess, that the only thing that is exciting about August. But then again this year, August is when I will start classes at New Horizon's. Still makes me wonder what's gonna happen if the WWE goes out of business.


Well, currently at Jiffy Lube getting some routine serving for my car. Well, gotta make sure intake care if it. Expecting to keep it a long time. Gonna need it to drive to Charlotte to see the Panthers game with my fiancee. And speaking of Football (and this is American Football for those if you who live outside the United States the sport you call Football is probably the sport we call Soccer), this is the preseason. I am REALLY hoping the best for my home team, The Carolina Panthers. I really hope they can do just as well as last year or better. I mean you can NOT imagine how happy I'd be if they win the Super Bowl one of these days. I know they will play my least favorite team during the preseason. That would be the New England Patriots by the way. No, I DON'T hate New England, I just hate the Patriots. I especially HATE Tom Brady. Nobody in the NFL has worse sportsmanship than him. Hope the Panthers DESTROY the Patriots in that game! But that's just a HOPE. And yes, the Panthers success for this season is just a HOPE also.

In NCAA Football (and for those of you who live outside the US, that's American Football, and NCAA Football is college American Football.), I hope the best for my NCAA team, the UNC Tar Heels. I hope the Tar Heels do well! I hope my fiancee and I can go see the Heels play as well. Hopefully, they will have a wining season this year. So, GO PANTHERS!! And GO TAR HEELS!! My fiancee and I are also planing on see at least one high school Football game with her old high school. Unfortunately, my old high school in Detroit. So, can't see my high school play. But, here is a LONG post I put up about Football. Wasn't intended to be a post about Football, it just became that way.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Prayer request

I know more depressing news stories. And this is no different. Yep, as you heard the Gaza Cease Fire has ceased. The conflict is back. Please pray that there can be peace in that region. Please pray for peace. Thank you.