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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just in case you were wondering

In NCAA Basketball, The UNC Tar Heels barely managed to pull a victory against The NC State Wolfpack 85-84 in overtime. I am just happy MY TEAM WON! However, it was a battle. Those last minutes keep me in suspense. But still, GO TAR HEELS!!!

And something is coming up today in the world of NCAA Basketball

Yes, people it's this. Tonight will be North Carolina's State rivalry game where the UNC Tar Heels play the NC State Wolfpack. For all of you out there who read my blog probably know that I am UNC fan because that's where I went to college. Another big rivalry game. Though not as big as the rivalry game against Duke, but still big. Though NC State is UNC's #1 Football rival (and yes, that's the sport your country might refer to as American Football), but this ain't Football, it's Basketball. But, Duke is our #1 rival in most other sports. Do I babble too much in these posts? Well see you later.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Still hoping for a new job

All I know is I really feeling I need a full-time job. However, it's hard for people like me because it's often hard for me to communicate with employers. However, you don't know how much happier that would make me. Though I'd tell you now.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

It unrealated topics...

Even though, all of you out there now know how much I LOVE UNC. No offense to any Duke or NC State fans. However, there is STILL one thing I really HATE! No it's not Duke or NC State (not in this case at least). But you know how many times I said this, be I will say it AGAIN!!

I REALLY HATE HAVING THE NUMBER OF ALL MY POST END IN A 9!! I HATE SEEING THAT!! YEAH, 9, I GOT YOU AGAIN!! 899 posts? I THINK NOT!! Yes, I'm gonna make it 900! So, I guess this is my 900th POST!! That many? didn't know I posted that many since may. But here is my 900th post. UNC is on a roll and I just beat 9. It's gonna be a good Saturday!!


Do magic genies exist? I naturally wouldn't think so. However, though it was me, I guess a person in the past week or so must have made a wish the UNC Basketball team would start winning for a change. Though, the ideas of genies may be absurd, but how do explain the recent turn around? it must be...magic. Oh, well. But ya know, that's just my two cents. They had a slow start, but it looks like now the heat in ON! Just gotta post that photo again. But here, it was such a great week to be a UNC fan!

HEELO PEOPLE (yes that speeling was intentional, just in case you were wondering).

But I just have to say "HEELO" again, because I just LOVE saying it and I am just so happy! HERE'S WHY (drumb roll please)...

In NCAA Basketball news, my team the North Carolina Tar Heels just CREAMED the Wake Forest Demon Deacons, 105-72! Making this UNC's NINTH game on their winning streak!! Hope this means the Heels are now in the hunt for contendership for the NCAA title, ACC at least. But yep, I am SO happy! But hey cannot deny the fact they are on a rolls! I just HOPE after their next game it will be TEN games on their winning streak! Kinda makes up for their loss against Wake Forest on January 5th. Yeah, Wake Forest (on January 5) beat UNC 73-67. But TODAY (February 22) UNC just DESTROYED Wake Forest 105-72, giving UNC some payback for their game on January 5. We're gonna see UNC shine! HEEL YEAH!!

Yes people here is a Tar Heel that I just had to add to my post. But do you know what I find so ironic today? Ya know, last Thursday we saw the Tar Heels best some DEVILS. Now, we saw them beat some DEMONS. Connection? But you know, we do have saying at UNC. "If God ain't a Tar Heel, then why is the sky CAROLINA BLUE?" No offense to any Duke or Wake Forest fans. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Yes people still happy about last night

Yes, people still happy about the UNC/Duke game in NCAA Basketball last night. And yes people, I'm still happy UNC WON! No doubt about it, it was a seesaw game, however the  UNC Tar Heels just beat their #1 rival the Duke Blue Devils 74-66. GO HEELS, GO!! Can you believe Duke was favored to win that game OVERWHELMINGLY! In fact I think Duke was ranked fifth in the country.  It was a hard fought victory for UNC, but a victory nonetheless. Still on CLOUD 9! GO CAROLINA!! They won last nights Battle of the Blues.

PS. Just in case you are not from North Carolina, Battle of the Blues is when UNC plays Duke in sports, mainly Basketball. It is also known as the Battle if the Old Tobacco Road.

PS again. If any UNC B-ball player sees this, please work on your shooting. Well, that's all for now folks!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Here's what's going on tonight!

Well folks, tonight it's Battle of the Blues, AKA Battle of the Tobacco Road. For all of you folks out there who aren't from North Carolina, that is when The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (AKA UNC-Chapel Hill or just plain UNC) plays Duke University in Basketball. Got it's names because, well for one they both wear blue as one of their colors (though different shades of blue).The other reason why is the path between the colleges was call "The Old Tobacco Road." The game was supposed to be about a week ago, but was postponed due to inclement weather. And of course, the players from UNC are known as the Tar Heels and the players from Duke are known as the Blue Devils.

Even though Duke is favored to win, but since I am a UNC Alumi, I'm cheering for UNC, GO TAR HEELS!! Hoping the best for Carolina!!


Q. Could you believe there in a record here in the NC triangle?

A. Yeah, we've had patches of snow that are still around after ONE WEEK!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Mom: No Sally, you may not watch those Friday the 13th movies!

Sally : (Whinny voice) But why not Mom!

Mom: Like I said before, those movies are too violent and scary. It might give you the wrong ideas. And I'm not going to pay hundreds of dollars each month on therapy for the nightmares it will give you!

Sally: But everything will be just fine!

Mom: You are NOT watching those movies and THAT'S FINAL!

Sally: But you have already allowed me to shows even more gruesome and scary than that.

Mom: Like what young lady?!

Sally: Like the EVENING NEWS!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Well people here is what today is...

IT'S PRESIDENTS' DAY!! It happens every year on the third Monday in February here in the United States. It's George Washington's (1st president) Abraham Lincoln's (16th president) on the same day. I know lots if people believe that Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays should be TWO paid federal holidays, but unfortunately, they are one. Oh, well...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Well, just got back home from a date with my girlfriend.

It was a delayed Valentine's Day date. Sorry we couldn't have the date on Valentine's Day, which was last Friday, but due to the weather conditions, we decided to postpone. Carson and I had lots of fun though. Though I missed the exist, which kinda through things off, however, I was able to find the place where we are going to have lunch. It was at a Red Lobster in Cary. Carson and I like sea food, and since I haven't eaten at a Red Lobster in quite some time, I was a great idea.

We first exchanged gifts. I had a thing of chocolates that say "Pugs and Kisses" on it. I knew she would LOVE it, because she really loves Pugs. However, for her main gift, I had a 15" Vermont Teddy Bear, that is honey colored with a white shirt that read "I heart Carson." I knew she would love that! Since it is Valentine's Day, I though I would give her something romantic.

Carson gave me a bottle of Mont Blanc Legend cologne. Well I sampled some at the Southpoint Mall, I liked the aroma, she got me a bottle of it. She also got me some Jiffy Lube coupons, since she knows that is usually where I get me car serviced. I though present was very nice as well. She also gave me a four pack of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, since she knows I love those too.

After that, we went over to Red Lobster to eat Lunch. I got an appetizer, some mozzarella sticks. I shared some with her. We also got some there cheese biscuits. Then we enjoyed our salads. Then came our entrees. I got flounder, she got lobster. We decided to eat low fat for our entrees. We bot got some rice pilaf on the side. It was delicious though. We enjoyed our meals at Red Lobster.

After lunch we decided to go to the Cary Towne Center afterwords. We spent out time looking at the stores to see if we could find anything interesting. Carson wanted to go see if she could find anything she could get for either my mother or her mother. She found a Teddy bear to give to my Mom at Belk. I told her my Mom collects Teddy Bears. We wondered around for about a hour and a half. At the end I got myself an ice cream at a Hershey's Ice cream stand. Well, we both had a fun Valentine's Day date. Too bad it didn't happen on Valentine's Day. That would have probably been funner. However, there is nothing you can do about nature. And after all the ice and snow, we weren't comfortable getting out. So, we had no choice but to postpone it. However, still we had a fun delayed Valentine's Day date. Hope all of you couple out there also had a wonderful Valentine's Day, even if you did have to postpone your dates as well. Hope you all have a nice evening!

NC snow almost GONE!

Well, I guess the snow here in North Carolina was nice while it lasted, though it made driving a real PAIN. Oh, just in case you haven't, please check out my post from February 12, it's the one about my Odyssey though the snow. However, it's now gone. In fact, it's now 46 degrees Fahrenheit (7.78 degrees Celsius) here in NC. Here are some pictures below to show you what happened to the snow. Still happy I never lost power during the snow fall, so I guess that a plus.

And to think just a few days ago with was just COVERED in snow. Now, it's almost GONE!


Q. How true is the advertisement for a product on TV?

A. Well, since they are delivered to US via Hollywood...THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU HOW TRUE THEY ARE!

PS. This clown symbolizes the way Hollywood redefines the meaning of the word FAKE! This is another picture from iStock.


Q. What is a radical change?

A. Well, it would be either 80's slang for making things better, or it's the recent changes in North Carolina Weather?

Yes, Mr. Snowman, this is the new NC weather. Sorry if it's not "rad" for you. Better luck next snow storm.
This photo was purchased through iStock.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Q. What rose up higher than Superman?

A. The thermometer here in North Carolina!


Q. How wet do you think it is here in the North Carolina Triangle area?

Do you think the answer is...

A. Wet

B. Very Wet

C. Mistaken for a swamp.

Well, people it looks like the snow here in North Carolina is melting away!

Yes, people the couple of days here have been brutal. I know in some place in the world I guess it's worse, but we don't have round the clock plowing and salting her in NC. So, when the snow hits, everything shuts down. But now, that the snow is about over, I can get back to work again. I am so looking forward to that.
As you can see the snow that just COVERED my families doorstep has now mostly turned into SLUSH!

See how deep this stream is?! Earlier it was deeper. But as you can see it's still pretty deep now. It must be due the weather warming up. It's now 57 degrees Fahrenheit (13.89 degrees Celsius) outside.

Okay people here is the situation

Yes, people I am home again from work. I missed ANOTHER DAY! That means, I don't get paid. I may need to see if there is a way to make things up. Unfortunately, I've been told Farrington is looking really bad. That SUCKS! I tried my back way, but that is blocked off until 2:00 PM. THAT REALLY SUCKS! That means I cannot take the back route over either. Well, I called and told the boss I cannot make it. Right now watching the Olympics. Watching Finland kick Norway's butt in Ice Hockey. I spent this morning clearing off my driveway. I guess, my family should have done it earlier but we though we can get some traction to get the cars all the way into the garage. We were wrong. Well, I got the driveway cleared. It should melt off soon. In fact a lot is melting off right now. Roads should be fine tomorrow. It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit right now (that's 12.22 degrees Celsius, there are websites to convert English measurements to metric measurements). Here are some photos to show the world what happened today.
You probably see the snow under the car. Because of that snow I couldn't get my car out. I thought I would some ice melt to see if that could melt some of the snow and try again later. 

In the mean time I decided to clear more of a path. I figured once I reach the flat, it should be smooth sailing from there. However, I knew I should clear a path on the slanted hill. 

Been some time and I STILL couldn't get my car out. I had to shovel and scape MORE snow below the car. I hoped the next time I did it it would work. 

And I was right. I got enough snow out. And I knew I didn't have to shovel the snow on the  flat. I successfully got my car back in the garage. 

After getting my car in the garage, I cleared more a path further down to Mom's Land Rover. That should make the car easier to get off the drive way. And being that a lot of this snow was hardened over night, I felt I had to put in an effort . Some patches, but with warm weather, they should melt off soon. 

Here's my shirt and NO, that is NOT water. THAT is SWEAT! Was it really HARD LABOR or am I just out of shape. Well, it DID make we sweat a lot. Still feeling I need to get back into shape. But now the driveway is clear enough. 

Well, when it comes to weather...

People I really HOPE the worst is OVER. I mean I missed a day and half of work already and it looks like I am definitely at least gonna be delayed today. What's even worse than that, well...TODAY IS VALENTINE'S DAY!! For those of you regularly read my blog know I have a girlfriend named Carson. In fact. I have some pictures of her on this blog. However, Carson and I by the misfortune of mother nature agreed to postpone our Valentine's Day date. I know it can be risky going out tonight. Especially, since we were going to have the date in Cary. However, we still thought it would be too risky. We're gonna have to wait until Sunday. Just not the same as having the date on Valentine's Day. Oh, well....That's today for ya! This year's winter was BRUTAL! How ironic, it was about 70 degree Fahrenheit (21.11 Celsius) on the day of the Winter Solstice. I guess, that North Carolina for ya!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Well, this is what happened today, good news and bad news.

Well, people I got my car back! So, I guess that news is WONDERFUL NEWS! However, we got some more snow here in North Carolina. And I did NOT come into work at either job. And that is the BAD NEWS! I thought it was too dangerous. I did get my car, my mother drove me down to the Food Lion where it was parked. Just getting my car back made me happy. How else am I supposed to get from Chapel Hill to Durham on a near daily basis. It was agreed that I will NEED to get it back before it gets towed away. What's even worse is the fact it's already below freezing and this snow is likely to turn into ice tonight. TO make things EVEN WORSE THAN THAT, is the fact got MORE SNOW today! I definitely DO NOT want to be on the road when there is ice and extra snow. Ice alone is WORSE than snow, but when you have BOTH, WATCH OUT!! Especially sucks when you are on a hillside like me. Here are some photos of what happened today.
Here is a photo of what happened before Mom and I went to Food Lion and of course before the extra snow started. 

Here is my car. As you can see yesterday I couldn't see the parking space well because of all the snow. I also had to take all the snow and ice off my car. That is also when the snow starting down. Sorry I couldn't get a picture of snow coming down. However, both Mom and were a real big hurry to get back home. 

Here is a picture of the snow from my front yard. 

Here is another from right by out street. This time we got some real big snow flakes this time. 

Here is a photo from my back yard. More of those big snow flakes. But that's what happened today. I know one thing. After just a quick trip to the nearby Food Lion, I was through with driving in inclement weather today. I think we got two more inches of snow today. That would be 5.08 centimetres for those of you who live outside the United States.

Okay, this is how things are going the next day after my Odyssey through the snow.

Yes, people I told you the story of my Odyssey through yesterday. I did not come to work at Shoeboxed today. I did inform my boss. I am just NOT comfortable leaving the house yesterday. Especially, after the my six hour voyage home last night. I think I want to NEVER, EVER, EVER want to go through that again for as long as I shall live. What I went through yesterday was MORE than enough for me! Well, now I am going to need to shovel off my drive way. Hopefully, think will be better tomorrow. Especially, since tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Carson and I do have plans to get together. However, if need be we have agreed to postpone our Valentine's Day date. But still, a Valentine's Day date just isn't the same as having on Valentine's Day. I HOPE we can have on Valentine's Day, but we will need to see how the weather holds out. I am happy about one thing...I STILL GOT POWER! HALLEUIA!! I know a lot of folks from the southeat lost theirs, so I guess thing could be worse. But still...NO I HAVE NO PLANS FOR A ANOTHER SNOW ODYSSEY!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Well, what you probably heard in the news about the weather...MY Odyssey!!

Yes, people the Southeast is REALLY getting hit hard with ice and snow. I mean, this morning everything here in North Carolina was fine. The situation looked like it couldn't be anything overly serious. However, I was still worried because of the forecasts. I was working my job at Shoeboxed today. At about 12:00 PM, Carson (my girlfriend) called me. She told me the inclement weather has just hit Garner. I was in Durham, there was nothing happening. My Mom was doing her grocery shopping today. She told me the snow was starting some. I decided I should head home early. I asked the boss, he told me it was all right. So, I decided to head home early. I clocked out and then I was on my way. However, today I REALLY regret coming over to work today. I beginning to think I shouldn't have come at all. The forecast did call for some inclement weather today. That turned out to be an UNDERSTATEMENT! But coming home was anything BUT EASY.

I left at about 12:30, I went on to 15-501 to head home. However, during that time the snow really came piling down faster and heavier than usual. When I reached a certain point on 15-501, I felt my anti-lock breaks on my car. When that happened, you know its a BAD sign. What's worse it was 27 degrees Fahrenheit (that's -2.78 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the United States). I mean we got 2.5 inches in just 30 minutes (that's 6.35 centimetres for those of you who live outside the United States). For some of you in this world that may not sound like much, but in North Carolina we DO NOT have round the clock plowing and salting. So, without plowing and salting, that much CAN be DANGEROUS.

While on my way home I had to move REALLY slowly. Often only 3 miles per hour (and yes, that's 4.8 kilometres per hour for those of you who live outside the US. Hey, what can I say, we don't use the metric system here in the US, so I just thought I would make things clearer for non-Americans). There were times the snow piled up in my rear windshield. There were times, while my car was stopped, I had to go out and wipe it off myself. Both my mother and my girlfriend were worried sick. They called me while I was driving. Mom and I had to think of some plans. She and I first thought it would be best if I park at Harris Teeter (since it's close to home) and she can take her Land Rover to come and pick me up from there. The Land Rover has four wheel drive and can handle snow better than my Acura can. But I mean, 15-501 was SO SLOW. Fortunately, there were many cars on the street to provide heat so the snow doesn't stick. Mom called me some for a checkup on where I was. She told me Carson has been calling a lot, too. Mom told me Carson has been praying a lot for me (she is such a sweet girlfriend). I mean it was really slow. They slowest points happened around the traffic lights. We had to decide who goes first the people on the road, or the people who were trying to pull onto the roads. It was hard to move for some people. That's why, even when WE had the green light, we had to let other people cross so they can get on. MAN, IT WAS A REAL NIGHTMARE!!

And the nightmare got WORSE! While I was on 15-501, all routes were blocked after the intersecting street Manning. That meant that I would HAVE to take Raleigh Road on to Farrington, THE LONG WAY. I took it. I called Mom about the situation. It really sucks because I wasn't sure what the roads will like in Farrington. I mean, Farrington is a back road. There isn't as much traffic driving on it to melt the snow some. I mean, on this trip back home I was so scared and frustrated. I was worried that car could get stopped. My car could slip into a tree where my car could be damaged or worse I could be injured or killed. Or maybe slide off a bridge. Usually, I am not scared to cross bridges, but when there is some son and potential ice, that's when my fear kicks in. However, I had NO choice. In fact, I don't know if I EVER encountered this combination of fear and frustration in my whole life. If I have, I don't remember it. However, I got through it. Before taking Farrington, Mom told me that all gates of the Governor's Club (our neighborhood, it's a gated community) were closed. I had to park at the Food Lion and walk to the gate. She told to see if she can pick me up or if I would need to take the the Governor's Club shuttle services. They had heavy trucks with four wheel drive. I successfully parked at the Food Lion on Governor's Drive, just after Farrington. Here are some pictures to show you what I went though right after I stepped out of my car.
 Well, this is a photo after I parked my car. I parked it outside of the Food Lion.
 Here is a picture of the snow storm at dusk. It was very beautiful However, not very convenient.
 Had to cross this traffic light and ask if my mother can get me in her Land Rover, or if I needed to wait for the shuttle.
 I had to walk half a mile in this slush. That would be four fifths of a kilometre for those of you who live outside the United States. It was a pain in the butt. It was cold. I mean, I think the temperature went down one degree to 26 degrees Fahrenheit and for that would be -3.33 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the US. Well, just thought I would make things clearer for Non-Americans. But the point is, IT'S COLD!! And not expecting to encounter this kind of weather, these next two photos show you all I had on to wear.
 And that! I was prepared for this kind of weather. I didn't expect to be home so late. Just a light jacket, jeans, and sneakers. No gloves, no boots, no hat. I asked if my mother can pick me up in her Land Rover, but the GC advised all people to stay inside. They told me I will HAVE to wait for a shuttle truck. I couldn't get a photo from the Governor's Club's front gate because I didn't have to wait long for a shuttle truck. I was able to get on quickly. That was GOOD LUCK for me! I sent a text to Mom letter her know I was going to be home shortly.
 This footprint shows you how the snow quickly piled up. Yep, I quickly became THAT deep. And we usually don't get snow like this here in North Carolina. Fortunately, I made it home okay. I called my girlfriend to let her know that I made it home, and I am just fine. She was REALLY happy to know that I made it back safely. Now, I know how Odysseus and his men from Homer's poem The Odyssey felt on their way back home. But this trip home took a ludicrous six hours! I was just SO happy to be back safe and sound. Unfortunately, I got some more bad news, The UNC/Duke Basketball game was cancelled due to the inclement weather. That sucks!! As you know I am a UNC fan and Duke is UNC top rival, especially in Basketball. When will the reschedule the game? I don't know. I just hope UNC kicks Duke's butt when they do. GO TAR HEELS, GET THOSE BLUE DEVILS!! I don't think I ever want to drive though another situation like that. I think this kind of an adventure coming home is enough for me. What's worse is that the snow is supposed to ice up tonight. That will make the roads even slicker. I don't know if I will be able to go to work tomorrow. I think what faced today was bad enough. I don't think I could and would do it again tomorrow, especially when I would have to deal with ice as well as snow. That would undeniably make things worse. I wonder if I get too repetitive. Oh, well. This last photo below is a photo of my back porch. Well, though I'd include it. It's beautiful. Well, good night everybody. I just hope I don't lose power. So, I thought I would post this message on my blog just in case. Best to do it now. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Well, I got the excellent news in sports

Yes, in NCAA Basketball UNC just defeated Notre Dame 73-62. Go Tar Heels!!


Three oxymoron's for ya.

1. Quiet roar

2. Giant dwarf

3. And real Hollywood!

Well, it is an oxymoron to me because Hollywood is just so FAKE!

This is what happened last night

Well, I missed most of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. Fortunately, I have DVR and DVR'ed the replay. However, what was going on was I was having Internet problems. I don't know what the case was. I tried unplugging the router. I kept doing it, but nothing happened. Now, I cannot say I am completely computer illiterate. However, I am not really an expert on computers either. I mean I know the basics. However, when there are Internet problems I have NO idea as in what to do.

I called Dad. Couldn't get that to work. He probably knows the most about computers. We asked him for advice. Unfortunately, he is in Phoenix. So, we had to see if it can be done over the phones. Didn't work. Then we called for technical support, that didn't work. During that time my girlfriend called. Couldn't answer initially. I did call her back. I explained to her what was going on. She was worried since I didn't call that evening. I told her he had Wi-Fi problems. Fortunately, our smartphones were working. We talked about the Olympics as well as my computer problems. Then we tried to reach Rachell, my brother's fiancee, if she could help. She told us that she needed to be there personally. Well, we decided to wait until morning to see of she could help. However, Dad called again. This time we were able to get it working. Yes, once again we have Wi-Fi Internet! That was one crazy night. Well, that's what happened last night. But our Internet is BACK!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

And about today.

As some of you out there who read this blog know that I have a girlfriend. And those of you out there who read my blog also know her name is Carson. What you probably didn't know was, today is Carson's birthday. And I wanted to make sure she had a happy one. After work at Shoeboxed, I came buy her house. I had some presents at a card for her. She opened one of her presents. It was a World Cup Soccer mug (the sport we call Soccer may be the sport you call Football if you live outside the United States).  She wanted to eat dinner before opening up more presents though.

For dinner there was an Italian place she wanted to introduce me to called Ragazzi's. We both ordered fettuccine alfredo. Mine had some grilled chicken on it. She didn't feel much like chicken because she had some for lunch. However, we both enjoyed the meal. Being that it was her birthday I decided to cover the bill in entirety. We usually split restaurant checks, but I just couldn't make her pay for her meal on her birthday.

After we came to her home she opened her other two presents. One was a Team USA World Cup Soccer pennant, the other were two were Team USA World Cup Soccer T-shits (yeah, I gave her World Cup Soccer memorabilia for her birthday). Well, looks like she will have some Team USA memorabilia when the World Cup comes around later this year. But well, Carson loves Soccer. I have to admit, I am not really a fan of it. However, as we all know when a buy presents, it's the recipient's taste is what counts, not yours. Then we started to watch a Basketball between Notre Dame and Syracuse. I watched about half the game with her then decided to go home. I wished her a happy birthday. She also enjoyed all those happy birthday wishes she's been getting on Facebook. But all I got to say is, and yes once again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARSON, LOVE AARON!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Well, I had a wonderful night tonight.

I watched the Super Bowl with my girlfriend and her family at their place. I think I ate a lot, too. So, right now, I feel STUFFED! However, I just thought I would share some photos with you all about tonight.

As you probably figured, we were indeed cheering for the Seattle Sea Hawks. To me, there was some good news and bad news. The good news is that the Seattle Sea Hawks defeated the Denver Broncos. The bad news was it was a blow out. Something that we've haven't seen in the Super Bowl in years. NO!

Here is a picture of my grilfrend with her family. They are also holding the Sea Hawks balloon. My girlfriend, Carson is on the left. Her mother, Mary is in the Center. And her father Cravon is on the right. 

And of course, here is a picture of me and Carson. Hope you all enjoyed your Super Bowl Sunday. 


Tammy: Mommy, Mommy I though you told me there are no such things as smurfs.

Mommy: Of course not, Tammy! The smurfs are make believe. They don't exist.

Tammy: But I just think I just saw one. In fact, it's right there! Though he looks kind of big compared to to most smurfs though.

Mommy: Sweetie, that's NOT a smurf. THAT'S Peyton Manning after the Super Bowl.

Yep, well no offense to Peyton Manning, but seriously, don't you think he would be kinda BLUE after the Super Bowl?!

Well, it should be a nice day today.

Well, just in case you are not from the United States, today is the day we call Super Bowl Sunday. It is the day when a major US sporting event happens. We call it the Super Bowl. It is the sport we call Football. However, those of you from outside the US may refer to the sport as American Football. The sport you call Football is probably the sport we call Soccer.

Anyway, it start in 1967. It was for the biggest championship in the National Football League (NFL). Call the Super Bowl Championship. And event that started out as just a typical championship game became a virtual holiday. In fact people may be shocked to hear that the first two Super Bowls did NOT sell out. Now, every ticket sells out  in a matter of minutes. Even being charged at a bare minimum of of $15,000, they CANNOT keep a single ticket unsold. But the phenomena got bigger in the 1970's. More and more people were watching the Super Bowl and celebrating the Super Bowl. People we even have their own Super Bowl parties at their houses. I mean, grocery stores, pizza parlors, taco parlors, sports bars, they are all JAM PACKED!! It seems that virtually everyone wants to see the big game. For the last four years each Super Bowl had a bare minimum of over 100 million viewers on television. I don't think anything is going to be any different this year. I mean the even is a pretty much a holiday in American society. Sitcoms would a Super Bowl episode the same way they would do a Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Halloween episode. I mean the Super Bowl is THAT big! The winners even get a congratulatory phone call from the president.

Oh and let's also not forget about those fancy commercials during the Super Bowl. Oh, yeah you just gotta LOVE those Super Bowl commercials. Some commercials make their debut during the game. For some commercials, it may be the only time you will see this commercial in it's entirety. Others it may be the only time you see the commercial AT ALL! People always LOVED those those Super Bowl commercials and always will.

For the grand championship both of the NFL conferences, the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC) collide in this game. And of course the winner of this game gets the NFL's most prestigious championship, the Super Bowl Championship. So, there will be one team to represent the NFC and another to represent the AFC. There will be a tournament before to see who will be their conference champions and represent their conferences in the Super Bowl. This year, the Seattle Sea Hawks won the NFC championship, that means the Seattle Sea Hawks will represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. The Denver Broncos won the AFC championship, so they will represent the AFC. Who will win, well we'll find out tonight.

For this game, I personally favor the Seattle Sea Hawks. That is the team I'm cheering for. People say the Broncos are favored by a nose, but I think I want the Sea Hawks to win. For two reasons. One, my favorite team in the NFL are (of course) the Carolina Panthers, the Panthers are in the NFC. So, I have to admit I am partial to the NFC for that reason. As well, as my LEAST FAVORITE team in the NFL, the New England Patriots are in the AFC, that is more points against them. Even though, the Denver Broncos DID make sure the Patriots DIDN'T make it to the Super Bowl, I guess that could be some positive points for the Broncos.

But there is another reason to why I favor the Sea Hawks, they have a running back named Derrick Coleman. He wares #40. Did any of you out there know that Coleman is DEAF?! Yes, you read it right, HE'S DEAF! It cannot hear ANYTHING! It's AMAZING how a man like him conquered such a major handicap and managed to make it to the big game. I almost feel that he DESERVES to win! I man who made this far to just deserves to have Super Bowl ring. Well, I don't know. But I have LOTS, AND LOTS of RESPECT for Coleman! Come Coleman, win this game for the handicapped people of the world!! So, I say GO SEA HAWKS!! I will be watching this game tonight with my girlfriend. It should be fun.

Here is my update to you in the world of NCAA Basketball

In NCAA Basketball, The UNC Tar Heels defeated the NC State Wolfpack 84-70. GO TAR HEELS!!! This keeps their winning streak against NC State at the Dean Smith Center alive for another year!! I am SO happy!! NC State has not managed to beat UNC in their home area since 2003. And it looks like we're adding a another year!!

Asked for The Duke Blue Devils. Well...they played the Syracuse Orange. The game was close but unfortunately no cigar for Duke. Syracuse keeps it's undefeated streak alive for this year. Sorry Duke, well you came close, but this just wasn't your night. Well, Duke is the arch rival of UNC (my college), but no offense to Duke fans. But that's the news in NCAA Basketball.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Well, just gotta say this.

Well, it's about time for work. It's gonna be busy. Well, I will not see the end of the UNC Basketball game They currently lead NC State 59-42. GO TAR HEELS!!! BEAT STATE!!!

Yeah, I know, a photo I used three times already.

But well, the reason why is I know of a place online called iStock. That is place where you can get some photos and place them on your blog with NO worries of copyright infringement. However, BEFORE you can get some your LEGAL photos, I have to inform there is a catch. The catch is you HAVE to buy credits from iStock. So, I was being a little cautious with my budget. I bought only 10 credits to start with. That photo I bought takes up two credits. Being it's Super Bowl time I got a Football helmet and an American flag. And yes, for all you folks from outside the United States that's AMERICAN FOOTBALL (American Football with an American flag, kinda ironic wouldn't you say? Also in virtual American holiday, even more ironic). But just 10 credits costs $20 American. So, I THOUGHT I would just start with that. C-ya later people!


Well, people you know there are three things I HATE!

1. Hypocracy

2. Asperger's bigotry

3. AND ALL MY POSTS ENDING IN A 9! Yeah, I go you again 9!

Oh, I also forgot to mention how I hate Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. For all of you out there from New England, no, I DON'T hate New England. I've been to Cape Cod and LOVED IT! I just hate the Patriots. Glad they did NOT quallify for the Super Bowl. They are BAR NONE my LEAST FAVORITE team in the NFL!

But like I also said before, for those of you who live outside the United States, Super Bowl Sunday has practically become a holiday in American Society.


Q. How would you describe a carboard standup?

A. More real than Hollywood!


Q. Do you think there will soon be a ghost town where you live?

A. The answer is YES! It's the place you call the grocery store during the Super Bowl!

Yep, anonother Super Bowl joke. But yep, the grocery stores will be dead during the big game because everybody wanted to get all their goodies beforehand.


Q, Why do see advertizments for condiments on TV?

A. Because TV executives want something with "TASTE" on TV!