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Monday, May 30, 2016

Hope all of you out there are having a happy Memorial Day.

Yes, it's nice to do some grilling on this day. I mean, I like hamburgers, steaks, and hot dogs, especially charbroiled. I think that the best way to cook them. However, let's not forget what Memorial Day is all about. It's about honoring those men and women who fought and served and gave their lives for us. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have all our freedoms. So, when you do your grilling, please think of all the men and women who gave their lives so you would have this right to grill. 

Well, the job search situation is still stuck

However, I am hoping to get a meeting with the folks from ASNC, VR, and New Horizons. Hopefully, we can meet on Thursday. However, that depends if Harris Teeter gives me Thursday off. I hope we can all meet so I can find a job that pays a living wadge.

PS. ASNC stands for the Autism Society of North Carolina, and VR stands for Vocational Rehabilitation.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

And yes...

I also want to get in touch with the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC). I hoping they can help me find a job. TEACCH wasn't much help. I used to have faith in TEACCH, but now, I am only angry with them.

Well, now getting frustrated

I still haven't heard back from Vocational Rehibilitation (VR). I sent the VR agent an email last Wednesday. However, she still hasn't replied back. I really want a job in IT. No offense to Harris Teeter, but I really want more than cashiering. I really want to amount to something bigger. No trying to bash HT, but I feel I want more. Hope they will understand. But VR is not getting back to me. I may have to have something set up with New Horizons soon. But before that could be done, VR will need to get back with me. Now, I'm worried!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Well, it's Friday the 13th everybody

Yes, a day of bad luck. Don't walk under any ladders and avoid black cats. Oh, watch out for number 13. Well, that is all.

Yes, all interned for humor.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.

I hope all the mothers out there enjoyed their Mother's Day! This is Cynthia, enjoying her of her new aroma candle and a picture of a horse. Carson and I gave her those presents. She said she loved hem. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Today is also National Prayer Day.

Today is also national prayer day. Please pray for any loved ones, people who experienced losses, or for miracles to happen. Though, today maybe national prayer day, praying is for everyday. Please remember that.
I think I can use some prayers on finding a career.

Okay, serious anxiety people

My internship is just about over. I was happy about getting authentic "hand's on" experience. I however, would like more so I can find a full-time career that pays a living wage, so Carson and I can marry. I have been talking to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) several times. However, I still have not heard back from them. No offense to Harris Teeter, but I would like to be part of something bigger in my life. I have two college degrees. I am engaged to a woman I LOVE very much. Not trying to bash Harris Teeter, but I do want to be apart of something else in my life. I hope they'll understand. It has been causing severe anxiety lately. 

Happy Cinco De Mayo everybody!

Yes, today is Cinco De Mayo. It's an official holiday in the US that started in Mexico. It was the day the Mexicans started when they fought off the French in the short lived French invasion of Mexico. Yes, I know it's not Mexico's real Independence Day. That is September 16. And yes, I know the holiday is bigger in the US than it is in Mexico. But, still I though I'd share this. We not have two unofficial holidays in a row here in the US back to back, early in May. First Star Wars Day, and Cinco De Mayo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May the 4th be with you!

Just in case you didn't know, today is national Star Wars Day! A new unofficial holiday here in the United States. Thought I would share this stock photo featuring this figures of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.