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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

However, I have been trying to pull through. Still hoping Medical Billing & Coding works out. I first spent my Christmas Day with Mike and Gretchen (Carson's family, Mike is her brother and Gretchen in her sister in law). They had a special brunch. I got to meet some more of her family. As well, I give nice presents. I also gave Carson, Bayard and Rachell's presents to her (Bayard is my brother, and Rachell is my sister in law). Bayard gave Carson a UNC Christmas shirt, like what I'm wearing the photo below.  Bayard gave one to me, too. He also gave Carson and UNC scarf. Rachell gave her a pug pillow. 
After seeing Mike and Gretchen, Carson and I went to see Collateral Beauty. It was that new Will Smith movie. I thought it was all right. Carson liked it. Then I drove Carson back to her place in Garner. 
In Garner we exchanged presents. She told me she didn't feel the same magic about Christmas as she did when she was a kid. However, after she say what I had for her, I saw that magic back. I know she is a huge Doug the Pug fan. I gave her Doug's book, entitled Doug the Pug: King of Pop culture. I gave her Two Doug the Pug calendars. One was a 16 month calendar. The other is a paper days calendar. I also gave her some pug socks. I also gave her a pug magnet, and a Dallas Cowboys T-shirt (she is also a Dallas Cowboys fan). I gave Cravon (her father) some Washington Redskins M&M's in a little Football. They gave me a mini Detroit Lions pennant, as well as a Coca-Cola coaster, Eternity cologne and aftershave. Eternity is my personal favorite. They even gave me a $10 bill. 
After that we just sat around ate dinner (Carson had some left over chicken casserole) and drank coffee. However, before leaving hone, I got a good shot of the planet Venus. MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!!!!

Me, with a new UNC Christmas shirt. 
That white dot is a view of the planet Venus. Got it from Carson's house. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Prayer request

Here is a pretty photo of the city Charlotte. 
 Unfortunately, what happened recently WASN'T. There was an African-American police officer who shot and killed another African-American. Because of this incident there was a lot of people protesting. Some protests were peaceful. But there were some that turned violent. Many protests escalated into riots. I pray that the situation can be worked out. I pray to put an end to this violence. It especially makes me sad since Charlotte is a city in my state of North Carolina. Please pray. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Oh, I forgot to mention this.

The UNC Tar Heels also beat the James Madison Dukes on Saturday. Both of my Football teams, the UNC Tar Heels in the NCAA, and the Carolina Panthers in the NFL BOTH won their home opener this weekend. Yes, for both teams had their very first home games of the season this weekend. Makes me happy.

Monday, September 19, 2016

This is what Carson and I saw yesterday.

When the Panthers take the field. 

What kidn of view Carson and I saw. We were right behind a goal post. 

Sir Purr (the mascot of the Carolina Panthers) wants us to get loud while watching the game. 

Sir Purr, with the rest of the Panther team also likes to show his support the veterans of this country, who are willing to give their lives for our country. 

PANTHERS WIN 46-27!!! GO PANTHERS and KEEP POUNDING!!!! Hey, I think I got that Colin Kaepernick (the 49ers second string quarterback) guy on the video wall. BOOOOO!!!!! Anyway, I doubt he'll be in the same league as Cam Newton. I don't repect Colin Kaepernick as a QB (because he sucks at it) or as a person (if he's not happy here in America, then he should LEAVE). 

What the field looks like after a Panthers game. I just love it when the Carolina Panthers win. Especially, when it's against a team I am not fond of, like the San Francisco 49ers. 

Carson and I saw OUR TEAM, the Carolina Panthers play in person!

Well, yesterday Carson andd I went to another Panthers game. We do it about once a year. The reason why we don't do it super often is because the tickets are quite expensive and we don't live anywhere near Charlotte. We saw the Panther splay the San Francisco 49ers. Well, we are both huge fans of the Panthers. Asked for the 49ers, not so much. Especially, that Colin Kaepernickguy. He always like to take a knee for the national anthem. Don't get me wrong here. I know Kaepernick does have a legal right not to stand with his right hand over his heart. However, personally, I feel if you're not happy here in America, then America is not the right country for you. Yes, to put it bluntly, I feel this way. America, love it...OR LEAVE IT! No, I'm not saying our socity is perfect. But I don't like it when people keep ripping on my society.
Well, we both had fun that day. Jerry Richardson, the owner of the Carolina Panthers, was sitting in a press box behind us. Got to see some nice plays by Cam Newton, Kelvin Benjamin, and Luke Kuechly. I will should all what Carson and I saw in the next post. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Okay this is what's going on

I have indeed stated my Medical Coding and Billing class. That course I take online. I just finished one chapter. Please pray that I have make it through the rest and then find a full-time career. Then Carson and I can marry.

Also today is the 15th anniversary of 9/11. The day that changed the world. And not for the better I might add. Since then there has been so much sorrow grief and paranoia. A day we have expereinced a harsh terroist attack that killed throusands in one day. Osama Bin Laden has been caught, but terroism is far from finished. I just hope we can put an end to terroism so the world can live together peacefully. I pray for all the people who lost their lives and for their families who still live with this heartache to this very day. Here is a picture I found on iStock I would like to share with you.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Okay folks

I'm on a new medication. It's called Trazodone. It's an anti-anxiety medication. No offense to Harris Teeter, but it's due to my lack of progress in the workforce is what's causing it. I really want something better. Well, on September 7, I am starting an online class in Medical Billing and Coding. Hoping that will lead to a full-time career, where I have a future. And I need to eat food while taking medication. And I am trying to lose weight.
Well, I guess I have to keep my Weight Watchers points down for most to the rest of the day. Also avoid processed food as much as possible. I've hear that can help increase a weight loos hormone called Leptin in our systems. I want to increase Leptin in my system.
Well, I know Football season is about to start (and that is American Football for those of you who live outside of the United States. The sport you probably call Football is the sport we call Soccer. American Football is very different from Soccer). I am hoping the best for my two teams. That would of course be the North Carolina Tar Heels in NCAA Football, and the Carolina Panthers in the NFL. There is high hopes for both teams. I HOPE the both do well this year. Bye for now. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Haven't posted in a while

But, I have a lot of anxiety and depression. Well, now I'm about to study Medical Billing and Coding. Hopefully, that will be my career path.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Well, this was how I spent my birthday today.

Well, this is the Birthday Bear. My mother likes to put my presents around it. Didn't get anything fancy. Just some aftershave, spray powder, socks, and a T-shirt. But my mother loves to put presents around it. I didn't really want that much. Well, she basically just gave me silly stuff.

Afterwords I went to New Horizons for a job fair. I am hoping to find a full time job through them. After that, I just spent the evening with Carson. We ate at a restaurant called Krafty's. It's a burger and beer place in Garner. Carson and I walked around the neighborhood some. After that we just hung out. She and her father did decorate the house a lot for me. I told her she didn't have to. But she did anyway. But, that was how I spent my birthday. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there

Happy Father's to day to all the dads out there. Here is a selfie I have taken with mine. As a present, I helped him with lots of heavy halling yesterday. Boy, that stuff was heavy. However, did give him Golf ball and tees. Well, hope all you dads enjoyed your Father's Day. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Okay, now I am getting more frustrated than ever.

I still haven't heard back from ASNC or VR. I have sent them each several emails. However, I really want to start getting my show on the road. Yes, I will admit I am not good at searching for jobs. However, I really want job where I can make a living. No offense to Harris Teeter but cashiering and bagging is not what I want to do. I want something bigger. I remember having a special ed teacher who said I wouldn't amount to anything. Well, I don't want to let her words take over my life. But, I really dreamt of more since I was kid.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Asked for me

I have been seartching for more jobs recently. I truly HOPE I will find one soon.

Prayer request

I want to issue a prayer request for the victims of the Orlando Massacre last Saturday night. There was a radical Muslim terroist who went into a gay nightclumb in Orlando. Being that he bought into the idea of radical Islam, he felt homosexuals are dirty people and need to die. Personally, I feel that is sick and wrong. I feel it doesn't matter on your moral objections. you never have the right to go killing people. Well, the shooter was killed in a gun fight by the police SWAT team. The shooter shot over 100 people. At least 49 were killed, the rest injured. I pray the recovery of the survivors, they they will heal both mentally and physically after the shooter. I pray for the friends and families of people who lost a loved one or dear friend in the Oralando Massacre. I pray they will find the strength to carry on after this burden. This was a truly sad story.

And no, I am not saying all Muslims are radicals. But the shooter in the Orlando Massacre was indeed a radical.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Hope all of you out there are having a happy Memorial Day.

Yes, it's nice to do some grilling on this day. I mean, I like hamburgers, steaks, and hot dogs, especially charbroiled. I think that the best way to cook them. However, let's not forget what Memorial Day is all about. It's about honoring those men and women who fought and served and gave their lives for us. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have all our freedoms. So, when you do your grilling, please think of all the men and women who gave their lives so you would have this right to grill. 

Well, the job search situation is still stuck

However, I am hoping to get a meeting with the folks from ASNC, VR, and New Horizons. Hopefully, we can meet on Thursday. However, that depends if Harris Teeter gives me Thursday off. I hope we can all meet so I can find a job that pays a living wadge.

PS. ASNC stands for the Autism Society of North Carolina, and VR stands for Vocational Rehabilitation.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

And yes...

I also want to get in touch with the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC). I hoping they can help me find a job. TEACCH wasn't much help. I used to have faith in TEACCH, but now, I am only angry with them.

Well, now getting frustrated

I still haven't heard back from Vocational Rehibilitation (VR). I sent the VR agent an email last Wednesday. However, she still hasn't replied back. I really want a job in IT. No offense to Harris Teeter, but I really want more than cashiering. I really want to amount to something bigger. No trying to bash HT, but I feel I want more. Hope they will understand. But VR is not getting back to me. I may have to have something set up with New Horizons soon. But before that could be done, VR will need to get back with me. Now, I'm worried!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Well, it's Friday the 13th everybody

Yes, a day of bad luck. Don't walk under any ladders and avoid black cats. Oh, watch out for number 13. Well, that is all.

Yes, all interned for humor.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.

I hope all the mothers out there enjoyed their Mother's Day! This is Cynthia, enjoying her of her new aroma candle and a picture of a horse. Carson and I gave her those presents. She said she loved hem. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Today is also National Prayer Day.

Today is also national prayer day. Please pray for any loved ones, people who experienced losses, or for miracles to happen. Though, today maybe national prayer day, praying is for everyday. Please remember that.
I think I can use some prayers on finding a career.

Okay, serious anxiety people

My internship is just about over. I was happy about getting authentic "hand's on" experience. I however, would like more so I can find a full-time career that pays a living wage, so Carson and I can marry. I have been talking to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) several times. However, I still have not heard back from them. No offense to Harris Teeter, but I would like to be part of something bigger in my life. I have two college degrees. I am engaged to a woman I LOVE very much. Not trying to bash Harris Teeter, but I do want to be apart of something else in my life. I hope they'll understand. It has been causing severe anxiety lately. 

Happy Cinco De Mayo everybody!

Yes, today is Cinco De Mayo. It's an official holiday in the US that started in Mexico. It was the day the Mexicans started when they fought off the French in the short lived French invasion of Mexico. Yes, I know it's not Mexico's real Independence Day. That is September 16. And yes, I know the holiday is bigger in the US than it is in Mexico. But, still I though I'd share this. We not have two unofficial holidays in a row here in the US back to back, early in May. First Star Wars Day, and Cinco De Mayo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May the 4th be with you!

Just in case you didn't know, today is national Star Wars Day! A new unofficial holiday here in the United States. Thought I would share this stock photo featuring this figures of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sad news. Please pray!

I just heard the unfortunate news. My cousin Kate just died. She was only 31. I am very saddened by the news. I though she would stand a chance. She several years she has been battling Melanoma. I thought she would beat it. I thought there was something I could have done. But, cancer has just claimed her life. This is truly a sad day for me. Please pray for her family. This is just too sad.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Also RIP to Joanie Laurer

She was a WWE wrestler. Better known by her ring name, Chyna. Still Chyna had lots of in ring talent. She helped pave the way for many other female competitors in the WWE. She was quick and angile, and BOY was she STONG! I mean, this woman probably had MUSCLES on MUSCLES!! Sorry, there is no photo of her. I looked on iStock and they didn't have any. I feel comfortable getting my photos from them because they are royalty free. Yes, I got my photo from prince from iStock.

RIP to Prince Rogers Nelson

He was best know to the world by his stage name, just plain "Prince." However, he will be missed. I really though he was a very talented musician. I went nuts buying some of his songs from iTunes today. 

Since this was Autism Awareness month, and I am a fan of the Detroit Tigers, I thought I'd share this!

Yep, it's a Detroit Tigers Autism Awareness T-shirt! Nice of the Tigers to do this. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

This is the month of April.

And as I hope you know April is Autism Awareness month. Please take the time be aware of Autism. The the folks with Autism know that they are loved. Being one living it myself, I have found it a very hard phenomena to live with. So, people let people with Autism know their importance to this world. That is all I have to say. 

Yes, March Madness is almost over.

And I HOPE UNC wins it ALL! They're only two games short. I hope they do it!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Well, this was my Monday and Tuesday

I did my internship at New Horizons. Things went fine there. Then I had to work at Harris Teeter 3-11. I came back home tired. There was confusion at HT. And associate and I decided to switch shifts. However, one of the bosses told me it was not approved. So, I had to start start working at HT at 7 AM (yes, A.M., as in ANTE MERIDIEM), the next day. That associate thought it was approved, and came there at 7 AM, too. She wasn't happy because she thought we decided to switch. I told her the managers did not approve it. She even told another manager the CSM (the Customer Service Manager, just in case you were wondering), that he did approve it. So, did he, or did he not. As of right now, I don't know. Because of this I had not choice but to start at 7 AM.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Joke (the first one in a while)

Q. You know who wanna see as the next president.

A. RONALD McDONALD!!! Why, you might ask? Well, if you ask me seeing the other candidates,
     it's quite obvious we're going to get a clown in the White House anyway.

I just want a clown most of us would actually like.

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to all my fellow Christians in the world. Hope all the kids in the world got some nice baskets and found some eggs from the Easter Bunny. But lets not forgoet the Easter sorry. It was when our lord Jesus the Christ conquered death by rising back up from the dead. He let us know that all the worlds sins have indeed been paid for. Let us show our appreciation to to him! HAPPY EASTER!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hope all of you out there have a blessed Good Friday

This is the day we celebrate the day our lord and savior died on the cross for all the world's sins. I pray the best for all the people in the world. Hope you all enjoy this day. 

Also HOPE this happens tonight.

In NCAA Basketball my team, The UNC Tar Heels will play the Indiana Hoosiers tonight. And again it's late. I don't know why Ted Turner keeps giving us all these late shifts. Well, I never liked him ever since he tried to put WWE out of business with WCW in the late 1990's.

Well, this is going on

I did well on my last internship meeting. Please pray it can and will lead into something else for me. I would really appreciate that. Also place pray for Kate my cousin. She is back in the hospital again. Please pray that she will win her battle against melanoma. That would mean a lot to me, too! Thank you.

Monday, March 7, 2016

And yes 9, I STILL hate you.

So, I'm not letting you finish my numbers!

Well, it was my first day.

Well, folks today I just had my first day on the job as an intern at New Horizon's. I'm not being paid but at least it would be good exerperience. Got a lot of good "hand's on" work today. I have been doing some programing and looing for a bottom case for the man I was serving named Jonathan. Nice to get my "foot in the door." I hope that could make me more marketable. I thought it was a fun day. Will be back again on Friday.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

And to make the news even better for UNC...

They have just clinched the #1 spot in the ACC! So, yes, they finish first place in the ACC. And now for the tournament. GO TAR HEELS!!! Don't cha just love NCAA Basketball?

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Well, in the world of NCAA Basketball, I'm nothing less than EUPHORIC!!!

Yes, folks I watched the UNC Tar Heels take on the Duke Blue Devils tonight at Carson's place tonight. Her father an Aunt Nancy were there, too. We got some Bojangle's for dinner, and watched UNC play their top rivals tonihgt. I know they played Duke earlier this season and lost. However, this time, THEY WON!!! Yes, the final score was UNC 76, Duke 72. Duke made some silly mistakes in the end. Causing UNC to go to the free through line. And UNC made all their free throughs and WON! It hasn't happened for a while, but after a three game losing streak, UNC finally beat Duke at Basketball. And you can see how happy Carson and I are. GO HEELS, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

This is what I have been doing on Thurdays.

Well, the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) has been having classes on getting employed in Raleigh from 2:00-3:30 PM. This week we talked about interviewing skills and how to perform on job interviews. They even did practice interviews today. Even asked up to dress up for the mock interview. I got my coat and tie ready. But they wanted us to dress up just like we would for a real job interview. I was the one who went first. Guess, it worked out. I had a real interview last Monday with New Horizons for an internship (which I'm still happy I got). They said I did a pretty good job. It was a fun class.

And every Thursday after my ASNC class, Carson and I were getting together for either a late lunch or early dinner at a shopping center that's only about a block away from my ASNC classes. We also get coffee and check out some stores in the shopping center. Though, on the back form the ASNC classes and my date with Carson, for me there is a lot of traffic. Well, I guess that's just the way things go.

Well, good news.

I had an interview with New Horizons for an internship. And the good news it, I GOT IT!!! I will work for New Horizons every Monday and Friday (just those two days) for four hours each day. Though I will not be getting paid, it's still great experience. I hope this can, and will get me started to a great IT career.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

My day today.

Well, I did have fun with Carson on this Valentine's Day. I gave her a book on how to say "I love you" in a number of different languages. She thought it was sweet. My mother also had a present for her. It was a new Kindle Fire. It was more powerful than the one she got a couple of years ago. My mother gave Bayard & Rachell (my brother and his wife) new Fitbits. She wanted to spend the same amount of money for Carson. But Carson didn't want a Fitbit.
Carson and I enjoyed lunch at Monterrey. We watched UNC play Pittsburgh in Basketball there. We enjoyed our meal, but it wasn't the best service we got from Monterrey. We left Monterrey at halftime. We say the rest of the game at Mike's (her brother's house). We were happy to see UNC win. Hopefully, they'll beat Duke this Wednesday. I also played a Wii game with Carson's nephew Harrison. It was a Mario vs. Sonic Olympic game. We played the Skeleton Bobsled version. He beat me both time. After that Carson and I did not feel comfortable seeing the movie Hail Caesar like we originally planned. Even though they said there was only a 35% chance of the wintery mix (that's why I used this picture, because it looks a lot like a wintery mix) striking early tonight. Carson and I felt we should not take the chance. Though, the odds are just one in three it's going to hit tonight, we still felt that only a third chance is still too great. She lives in Garner. We just went to Starbucks and got some coffee and decided to call it a day. At least, right now, I am at home before the wintery mix hits. Hopefully, it will not be too bad. But since I live on a hillside, if the roads are bad, I may call out of work tomorrow. But, that was my Valentine's Day. 

Happy Valentine's Day people

Yep, today is Valentine's Day. Day of romance. Well, I am getting together with Carson. First we're going to be eating at Monterrey. It's a Mexican restaurant. I was thinking of someplace different, but Carson wanted Monterrey. So, we're eating at Monterrey. After that we will go see the movie Hail Caesar. The movie does look funny and it was well reviewed. We'll be seeing at an fail upscale movie theater called Silverspot Cinema. I think it would be a fun day.

I also think Carson should like this picture. I know she'll think it's cute! 

Monday, February 8, 2016

But to show my support...

Here I am doing the Cam Newton Dab to wish them good luck in the future. I gotta a feeling the Panthers WILL win a Super Bowl one of these days. I guess, tonight just wasn't that night. However, I still support them.
Hey, win, lose, or tie, I will be a Panthers fan 'till the day I die. Or unless they leave the Carolinas. Which ever comes first. Still, the Panthers still have my support. MAYBE they'll win the Super Bowl next year. We shall see!

Yes, I'm bummed

Well, I did spend the Super Bowl watching it with Carson and Cravon at their place. We really hoped and thought the Panthers would win this game. Unfortunately, the lost. It makes us sad. This photo shows out balloons and snacks. 

And here's a photo with the balloons in their living room. Maybe, next year the Panthers will win the big game. For anybody out there cheering for the Broncos, well, Paeyton Manning did get his "story book ending" to his career by winning another Super Bowl. Still, I REALLY wanted the Panthers to win. Well, I guess, this loss won't be the end of the world. Just a dark day for a Panthers fan. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

And yes, on the eve of Super Bowl Sunday

Okay, I just got back home from work. My grocery store was busy as hell. It made the time go by quickly, but I didn't get a 15 minute break. The rush was that bad. People are excited about the Super Bowl tomorrow. And many Carolinians, like myself, are hoping the Panthers WIN tomorrow! I did however, get three Panther balloons, and one Panthers cookie cake to celebrate for tomorrow. I just hope the Panther KEEP POUNDING during the game tomorrow and win!

Reasons why you shouldn't feel too bad if the Broncos lose tomorrow.

Reason number one, Peyton Manning has won a Super Bowl before. Reason number two, he's won FOUR MVP awards. Just think how many NFL player won ONE. Not a whole heck of a lot, if you ask me.

And what about Greg Olsen, Tight End of the Carolina Panthers. He's been in the NFL for nine years. He NEVER won any championships or won ANY awards. In fact, his career didn't come alive until this year. Can't say he doesn't deserve anything. That's my two cents.

Prayer request

I have a prayer request for the victums of the recent earthquake in Taiwan. The earthquake killed at least eight, and many more were left injured and/or homeless. Please pray for the people of Taiwan that they may pull through. Let's please pray the injured can't get well. And to those who lost their homes, may find homes again. This is what I pray for.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Here's what's been going on.

Well, here's what's been going on. Sorry, I have not posted in a while. Last Wednesday was Carson's birthday. I gave her a Mug with a pug on it. Two pairs of socks with that famous Internet picture of a pug looking at a cookie (yes, Carson really loves pugs), and a key chain that plays Here Comes Carolina, a fight song of UNC. However, her big gift was a $150 gift card to Belk. Belk is her favorite store. Hope she enjoys her shopping spree there. We ate a Maggiano's. It's an Italian Restaurant on the outskirts of Durham.

Well, you are probably wondering about the picture attached. Well, it's show a panther tackling somebody. This is in celebration of my home team in the NFL, The Carolina Panthers qualified for this years Super Bowl this Sunday. They will be playing the Denver Broncos at Levi's Stadium Santa Clara, California, just outside of San Francisco. And yes, for those of you from outside the United States, there is a sport that we like called American Football (however, we Americans just call it Football. Yes, just plain Football; The sport you probably call Football, is the sport we call Soccer). And for the big championship game in American Football is called the Super Bowl. And the day the Super Bowl comes has practically become a holiday in our society. And this year the Carolina Panthers will be in it. And Carolinians in both Carolinas, North and South are going nuts. And I sure HOPE they win. If they do I would be nothing less than EUPHORIC!! I will be watching the game with Carson at her place in Garner. I have just ordered a Panthers cookie and Panther balloons to celebrate. GO PANTHERS and KEEP POUNDING!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2016

About last night.

Me doing the Cam Newton Dab. Hoping they beat the Cardinals next Sunday to win the NFC Championship and qualify for Super Bowl 50. More importantly, I HOPE the Panthers WIN Super Bowl 50! That would be AWESOME!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

And today

Had a Little Caesar's Deep Dish pizza and cheese bread, and a 20 ounce Pepsi today. Just had a four mile walk and walked up and down stairs 150 times. Yes, 150 TIMES! Boy, I'm hot. 
Also STRONGLY HOPING the Panthers win the Super Bowl. I just saw the Charlotte Hornets beat the Atlanta Hawks 107-84. Made me happy! Nice to see the Hornets losing steak come to an end. Hope the Panthers beat the Seahawks this Sunday. But, it would be nice if I could be in almost as good shape as those professional athletes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sorry, I hven't posted in a while, but her's the situation.

Well, I am hoping 2016 WILL be my year. I am about to talk to an organization called Kramden. I will volunteer there. What they do is they build computers for school children, so they have computers to work with in the classroom. I hope this will be good experience. Something to add to my resume.
Also, I will be talking to the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) for help on finding employment. I would like to find a job that pays a comfortable amount so Carson and I can live comfortably.
Also about the picture above. Yes, like a lot of people I have been exercising more. Hoping to lose the weight I gained over the Holidays and more. I recently lost four pounds. Hoping to lose more. However, due to the cooler weather it was hard to get outside, so I have been walking up and down stairs 100 times. That's what I did tonight. Well, just thought I would keep you all posted. Please pray the best for me!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year Everybody

Hello everybody! It's now officially 2016 in my time zone! I celebrated it with Carson. We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant close to where she lives. We have been watching Football in the mean time. We were happy Clemson beat Oklahoma. However, disappointed that Alabama shut out Michigan State. And we we so hopping Michigan State would win. Well, we did watch the movie New Year's Eve at her place. Then we watched Dick Clark. We hope 2016 will be our year! I hope I can get certified in 2016. Hope you all have a happy new year!!