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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Well, here are some pictures I've taken on my "snow day."

Being that I had no work or class today because of the snow. My dad wanted me to help him shovel the driveway. I think piled up at least four inches (10.16 cm for those of you in the world who go by metric measurements). This was supposed to be a photo to show how thick it was. I know it get much thicker in many places of the world, but we don't have plowing and salting services in North Carolina because they are not cost efficient here. We don't get enough snow for that. Most schools were closed today, like mine, New Horizons. Most work offices were closed. However, mine was open, but if you were like me, and didn't feel comfortable driving in the snow, you were excused. And being that I am surrounded by back roads, I didn't. Snow accumulates worst on back roads. The shoveling took three hours. 

This is our driveway after we got done. 

More of our driveway after we got done, especially this is where pull our cars out of. 

Even created a giant snow hill. Well, it looks like tomorrow I will be back to work. I think odds are I will be working both jobs. I know that tonight they said it will ice over. However, I think by the time work starts the roads should be all right. But that's my assumption. I'm indicating tomorrow, it's gonna be business as usual. 

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