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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Well, I continued my day of Halloween at a friend's house.

Well, I went to Mike and Gretchen's home. Mike is the brother of my girlfriend, and that's how we know eachother. He invided me and my parents over for Halloween. We accepted his invitation. Mike handed out candy and Gretchen chaperoned the kids tick-or-treating. My parents decided to help Mike hand out candy. I joined Gretchen and helped her chaperone the kids. Here are some photos of tonight. Here are some phots of the evening.

Here are some of my fellow chaperones getting ready. Gretchen is on the foreground. Rusty and Trish (their next door neighbors) were joining us. As you can see Trish is supposed to be Robin from the Batman comic. Rusty is supposed to be a Power Ranger, but her didn't have all of his costume on when I took this photo. That is Gretchen's oldest daughter Mckinzie on the left. 

Arguably the best house in the neighborhood. It was SO COOL though. I mean, hey, I liked it. 

Some people decided to build a fire and roast marshmallows. You know I always liked roasting marshmallows. Why don't I do that anymore. THAT'S YUMMY!!

Me and my mother. I as said before in a previous post I am supposed to be a ghost monk. She was a witch. 

Me with the kids. Mckenzie is the Cat in the hat. Their younger daughter Parker is  a purple minion from the Despicable Me movies. Their son Harrison is the Big Bad Wolf. He's in a wolf mask. 

Here were our two host Mike and his wife Gretchen. 

This is a fog machine we gave to Mike and Gretchen. Their kids LOVE it. We have another one at home so we thought we would be them keep it.

Well, folks it's safe to say, I had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I had fun masquerading at Shoeboxed and fun helping Mike and Gretchen. Hope all of you out there in the world also enjoyed your Halloween. Good night everybody!

Well, at my job at Sheboxed, we had a little masquerade for Halloween

This is John. He works in management. He went as a ninja

This is Benton. He went as a Space Cowboy.

This is Pat. She is a "spirit."

This is Katelyn. She is Medusa.

This is Tameka. She is a monster. 

This is Chuck. He is an undertaker. 

This is Carolyn. She is a Truck Stop Whore. Yeah, a little racy I know. 

This is Ali. She is supposed to be an "Ali Cat." Clever pun  if you ask me. 

This is Michael. He also works in management like John. He is supposed to be Tupac Shakur (AKA 2pac, yeah they stylized the spelling). The famous rapper and actor from the 1990's. 

This is Stacey, She is a tequila bottle.

This is Anjana. She is Rosie the Riveter. She works  in management.

This is Sarah. She is dressed up as a Football player. And yes, that is American Football for those of you who live outside the United States. She works in management.

This is our COO Tobi, who is supposed to be a German person. 

This is me. I am a Ghost Monk. 
Well, I did win. Chuck (the Undertaker) did. And Stacey (the tequila bottle) took second place. It was still fun though. Well, it is Halloween, so why not do a little masquerading?


Did you know on this date, October 31 (AKA Halloween) was the day Martin Luther pinned The 95 Theses on the door to the Cathedral back in 1517? It was it was the day of the reformation.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Halloween is a great time for Hollywood to come out with a movie. "Why?" You may ask. They need to give their usual efforts. Yeah, it would make it REALLY SCARY!

Scary to see how UNINTELLIGENT and TASTELESS it's getting!


Here are four costume ideas for Halloween.

1. Witch

2. Ghost

3. Goblin

4. Insurance Salesman

Though word if advice. If you are around children at a Halloween party, I think the fourth one down just might be a little too scary.

Now over 7800 hits!

Thank you everybody from around the world who took the time to see this blog! It sure means a lot to me. I hope you found this blog funny and informational. There will be many more posts on the way! And if course lots more jokes. Please tell your friends about this blog. Keep those page views coming! Thank you everybody!!

What's going on right now

Well, my mother is back from Arizona. Her mother (my grandmother) is doing fine. Grandma had a great 90th birthday. Mom is now back here in North Carolina to get back into "The swing of things." She had a wonderful trip, and now she is back home safe.

Oh, and I remember growing up in Detroit. Don't want to go around in there tonight because tonight (October 30) is the night they call "Devil's Night." Devil's Night is also known as "Mischief Night" in some places. Still in Detroit, Devil's Night has been known for serious arson. However, the good news is there has been less arson on Devil's Night for the past few years. So, I guess Devil's Night is not as bad as it was in the 80's and 90's.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nice try 9.


Oh no, #9. Not this time


Here's the latest update with TEACCH

Well, I just email the head of Chapel Hill TEACCH again. His name is Mike Chapman by the way. He told me the results should be ready by next week. Then make an appointment with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to continue my job search. Hopefully I can find a good job out there.


Q: What does the evening news have in common with Nightmare on Elm Street movie?

A: They are both scary. Except the Nightmare on Elm Street movie is more informational.

Yeah, like you get any good info from the evening news.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Well people

I still haven't heard Bach from Mike Chapman from Chapel Hill TEACCH. I need those results. I also  want a new job that requires education. I took the evaluation. They told me the government shutdown was putting things on hold. Well, now that the shutdown is over I still haven't head back. Maybe I should try again soon.  Problem with Asoerger's is it's hard to get people who are willing to talk to you. To make it even worse, even if they do it night impair your ability to interview. Making hard to get a job. But I really want something that requires education. Please pray that I may get it.  


Q: What does an Auto Dealer commercial have in common with the History Channel?

A: They're both pretty annoying! Except an Auto Dealer's commercial would be MUCH more educational.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Random question

Why do some people say "slow up?" After all speed is NOT going up, it's going DOWN. So, shouldn't you be saying SLOW DOWN?! Wouldn't that be grammatically correct?

Random question

Why do restaurants call the bill a check? After all, it's NOT giving you money. It's showing how much you OWE!! SO WHY IS IT CALLED A CHECK?!!! It's just ssssooooo confusing!

Here is a picture of Carson and I together.

Here is a picture of Me and my girlfriend taken today.

Well, people here is what I did on my Sunday

Well, first of all I went to church. We talked a lot about the importance of loving your neighbors. We also got a new member who was just baptized into the United Methodist Church. It was wonderful. After the service I went by to him to say "hi."

I spent most of my Sunday with my girlfriend. We were watching the Dallas Cowboys play the Detroit Lions. Now Carson (my girlfriend) is a HUGE Cowboys fan. Well, asked for me, since I grew up in Detroit, I was kinda hoping the Lions could pull something off. I know that the Lions got on the board first. However, after that the Cowboys got a lead later on. In fact, they had four turnovers throughout the whole game. In fact, I think the Cowboys were ahead throughout 75% of the game. However, at the very last minute, the Lions manged to get a touchdown and an extra point. This gave the Lions the victory, 31-30. It was a VERY close game. In fact, I would say it was indeed a CLASSIC. I mean the game just thrilled me. Well, what can I say, I LOVE Football (that's American Football for the those of you who live outside the United States).

Though with Football (and yes, I do mean American Football), in college Football the UNC Tar Heels Beat the Boston College Eagles 34-10. YES!!!! GO HEELS, GO!!!!! I feel that was A HUGE plus this weekend. And I also know that the NC State Wolfpack lost the Florida State Seminoles 49-17.

Afterwards Carson and I decided to go walking around her neighborhood three times. Carson likes to walk to get some exercise. After that I decided to go on home. But first I went by to Harris Teeter to see if the new schedule has been made out yet. Unfortunately, it hasn't. NO! Well, it should be posted soon. Overall it was a nice Sunday. I had LOTS of fun spending it with my girlfriend. Still, I had my downs. One the New England Patriots came back and won! NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! And the Miami Dolphins had such a good lead. As you can see I am NOT in the Patriots fan club. Having them win was a down. Also Duke won in NCAA Football against Virginia Tech 13-10. Now, for those of you out there. This thing between UNC, NC State, and Duke are college rivalries. I am a UNC fan, mainly because I went to UNC. NC State is UNC's top rival in Football (and once again that is American Football for those of you who live outside the US). Duke is UNC top rival in most other sports, especially Basketball. Since I am in the UNC fan camp, we don't enjoy hearing Duke or NC State win. It's a North Carolina thing. May be hard for Non-North Carolinians to understand. But there is a rivalry in college sports here between three colleges. Most people are in the camp of one of these colleges. My girlfriend and I are both in the UNC camp.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Well, people...

Here we are on this Saturday. Well, I just added six new jokes to my blog. Hoping you found them funny. Anyway, here we are to talk about what's been going on lately. Well, yesterday was my Grandmother birthday. She just turned 90. She was joined by her children, my mother, Uncle Rob, Uncle Ric, and her sister, My Grant Aunt Ruth. Well, my grandma lives in Tempe, AZ just right outside Phoenix. In fact that is where the Arizona State campus is located. That is where my parents when to college. I took the time to call her up. I called her around quarter to 8:00 my time, so I guess that would be quarter to 5:00 her time. I hope she had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! It was happy to hear about that.

In other news. Well, I looked to an organization called Extraordinary Ventures (EV). They are an organization that helps people with Austism find jobs. Since I was at work at my job at Shoeboxed, I decided to call them up during lunch break. I told them about my Sociology degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and my Accounting Degree from Alamance Community College. They told me, what they do is employ people with Autsim like myslef. However, to them it is quite clear I am searching for more educated work. Unfortunately, they don't have that right now. Since we were 20 miles away, he couldn't give me a card, but he did email me his contact info just incase if they find anything. I hope they can maybe get a bookkeeping job.

I did tell them I have been searching for help with Chapel Hill TEACCH. But since the government shutdown TEACCH has been unable to give me the results of my evaluation. Now, the shutdown is over I HOPED TEACCH can finally give me my results. They still haven't. I emailed the head of TEACCH three times but still have not heard any results. Well, that is what's going on in my life currently.


Q: What would be a scary place to go on Halloween?

A: YOUR LOCAL GROCERY STORE!! Yeah, will all the long longs and hyper children. Oh, and let's not forget the parking. Oh yeah, that's going to be a nightmare to. So, for all of you planing on doing doing some weekend shopping...BEWARE!

Yes, people grocery stores are THAT BUSY ON HALLOWEEN!!


You know, call me crazy. Call me a conspiracy buff. Or just call me plain paranoid, but...You know but... I AM STARTING TO BELEIVE Peter Pan exists! Yeah, I am beleive he OWN ALL THE MEDIA! And they are following his influence...THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF CHILDREN WHO NEVER WANTED TO GROW UP!!!


Q: You know modern journalism could be informational. It just need one little thing. You know that is?



Q: Can you exceed the heat of the sun?

A: Yes, all you need a the air of modern journalism!

Yeah, modern journalism is just full of HOT AIR in my opinion.


Q: Is is easy to find something scary onTV for Halloween?

A: Yeah, just turn on the TV. I'm sure something SCARY will be on. Yep, seeing how tasteless Hollywood's entertainment is getting all I can say is...IT'S SO BAD IT'S SCARY!


Well, you know Halloween is just a few days away...

Q: Would there be a costume scarier than a ghost, a werewolf, a vampire, and a witch?

A: Yes, I would be an IRS agent!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Yes, people this is my CRAZY sports prayer.

For all of you people from around the world, I PRAY for this. I PRAY that all of my sports teams (in professional sports especially) win do better, like the Carolina Hurricanes, the Carolina Panthers, AND ESPECIALLY the Charlotte Bobcats. I would be nice if all (or most at least) of my home area pros could win more games for a change. Well, the Hurricanes DO have a good reputation in the NHL, but I want my Panthers to have a better reputation in the NFL. And I most certainly want (and arguably NEED) the Bobcats to have a better reputation in the NBA. I know crazy thing to pray for, but I would be nice if all this happens.

Yes, in college sports, I also PRAY my North Carolina Tar Heels keep doing better in ALL sports. I HOPE they win another national championship in Basketball and get a better reputation in Football. This I PRAY for, GO TAR HEELS!!

And YES, I also PRAY that at least one former Victorious cast member sees this blog and grants my request. That would also mean MUCH to me.

Yep, Panthers just won...

And BOY, AM I HAPPY! Yes, NOW the Panthers have a WINNING record. That makes me happy, happy, HAPPY!!! They are now 4-3. Yeah, I know that doesn't sound like much, but (being the Carolina Panthers fan I am) they AREN'T know for winning records. Though, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are having an awful season this year (they are 0-7), I am so proud that my Panthers managed to win. I HOPE one day the PANTHERS can GO ALL THE WAY and WIN the SUPER BOWL. I know it may not happen any time in the near future, but if, and when, it does, I would be SO HAPPY!! GO PANTHERS!!!!

Yes, I still have this absurd HOPE...

I still HOPE that at least one of the seven former cast members of the late Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious sees my blog and grants my request. Yes, I know this blog is but a tiny needle in huge cyber haystack, but I HOPE that a former Victorious cast member grants my request of SUPPORTING AUTISM RESEARCH AND PROMOTING AUTISM AWARENESS!! That is my request.

Nice try but...

I still got you 9. As you probably figured, I HATE IT WHEN THE NUMBER OF MY POSTS FOR ENDING IN A 9!!!

Oh 9, don't think I forgot about you.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


1. Read books.

2. Work hard.


Okay, here I am on this Tuesday

Well, right now I'm going one of my job (currently on lunch break). I will my other job tonight. I will go on until 11:00. Tomorrow my mother will leave to see her mother (my grandmother) at her home in Tempe, AZ. It will be Grandma's 90th birthday this Friday. Hope she has a happy birthday. Also please pray for a safe trip for my mother as she heads to Arizona to visit my grandma for her birthday. But well, I guess tonight I am working until 11:00.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Three BAD ideas.

1. Reading in the dark.

2. Mixing water with electricity. 



Q: Do you think commercials NEED arrows in them?

A: Personally, I would say "YES", because they have NO POINT!


Q: What are the odds you will meet and honest insurance agent?

A: Let's just say, it makes getting struck by lightning look likely.


Q: If you order a package from a catalogue, how long will it take for your deliver reach you?

A: I don't know, but the last time I ordered something, I saw Halley's Comet circle around a couple if times.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I am happy that this blog now has over 7,500 page views

Yes, I am happy that there are 7,500 page views on my blog! I have to thank all of you folks from around the world who took the time to look at this blog. It sure means a lot to me. I hope you found things funny. I also hope that you found things informational. It sure means a lot to me that all of you from around the world took the time to view this blog. Well, just keep those page views coming. I will keep the posts coming. Still, I have to thank you all. It sure means a lot to me.

Three things you SHOULD do

1. Eat right.

2. Exercises

3. Look at the TV's black screen, because that's about as intelligent and entertaining as it gets now a days.


Q: Do monsters exist?

A: Yes, you see them every night. Except most people call them HIGHWAY MOTORISTS!


Q: Where can you see more fights than a boxing event?


Well, for sports this was a wonderful day today, for me, my girlfriend and my girlfriend's father anyway.

Yes, folks I am happy to hear about what happened today in Football (that's American Football for those of you who live outside the United States). My team, The Carolina Panthers defeated The St. Louis Rams 30-15. I was very happy to see that! However, I didn't like the sportsmanship in that game. I have seen a lot of taunting and fights. Well, still my team, The Panthers won. That makes me REALLY HAPPY!

I am also happy that my least favorite team, The New England Patriots LOST. Now, for those of you from New England, I hope you know and understand I DO NOT HATE NEW ENGLAND. I fact, I love it! I have been to Cape Cod in the Summertime. It's beautiful! IT'S JUST THOSE PATRIOTS I HATE! Though I was a hard fought battle, but I was happy to see the New York Jets come out on top at the end. The final score was 30-27 Jets.

I am pretty happy that my girlfriend was happy to see her team, the Dallas Cowboys beat the Philadelphia Eagles 17-3. Not much scoring in that game, but I am sure she is happy that the Cowboys won. I am happy for her.

Now, my girlfriend's father I am also sure was happy that his team, The Washington Redskins defeated the Chicago Bears 45-41. Now, there was a lot of scoring in that game. There was a period when the Bears started to take the lead. However, when it was all said and done, the Redskins finished out victorious. I am happy for him.

There was a game I had a neutral feeling at the end. It was the Game Between the Cincinnati Bengals vs. The Detroit Lions. Now, I grew up in Detroit so, I guess you would naturally think I would cheer for the Lions. However, the Bengals have a running back, Giovani Bernard, who went to my college, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Well, Bengals won 27-24. Another hard fought game. I guess both teams really put an effort in that game. In that game I just couldn't pick a favorite. So, I guess to me, I wouldn't really matter who won or who lost.

But, well to some things up, in Football (and once again that's American Football for those of you who live outside the US), I was an EXCELLENT DAY for me. Makes up for me being double bummed last Thursday night, when both the Detroit Tigers (my favorite Major League Team) and The UNC Tar Heels (my college) lost their games, and being more bummed when the Tigers lost the American league championship series last night. Well, I had a wonderful Sunday in NFL Football to make up for it. So, I am HAPPY!


Q: Can entertainment today be compared to drunk driving?

A: Personally, I say "yes," they're both STUPID and DANGEROUS!


Q: What do Halloween witches, ghosts, and goblins have in common with the intelligence of society today?



Q: What is stupider than pigeon?

A: Your typical Hollywood TV show!  


Principal: Well if it isn't Mr. Joe Thompson.

Joe: Yeah so...

Principal: Let me get this straight, you stole the answer sheet from your teacher. Then used it to cheat, then she claims you lied, denying cheating, after she found the answer sheet on your desk.

Joe: So...

Principal: The answers matched EXACTLY.

Joe: So you are saying I lie, cheat, and steal.

Principal: Well Joe, there is no way you will amount to anything if you lie, cheat, and steal.  

Joe: my dad did.

Principal: So, what dies he do?

Joe: He's a LAWYER!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Q: What's higher, an eagle's flight or Mt. Everest?

A: Don't know, but they are both far lower than a restaurants calorie count. 

Now off to my job

Gonna do that for eight hours. Though I had fun yesterday. My girlfriend took me to see a high school Football game (once again that is American Football for those of you who live outside the US) featuring her old high school, Garner Senior High School.  Her old high school played well. To say they won would be a cast under statement. Her high school beat Harnett Central 62-6. So, it was a good night.

Friday, October 18, 2013

About last night

Well unfortunately BOTH my trams lost last night. UNC lost at the last minute against Miami in NCAA Football. They had an opportunity to win by throwing a touchdown pass, but didn't catch it. It was just right on one man fingertips. NO! UNC lost 27-23. It was a close game though and Miami was favored to win that game overwhelmingly. I guess it was a good try for Carolina.

Asked for Major League Baseball, my team, the Detroit Tigers list 4-3 against the Boston Red Sox. Now the Red Sox are just one game short if winning the ALCS. Tiger will need two. I know the Red Sox dominated the game throughout (unlike UNC who was on top throughout most if their game). I hope the Tigers can win their next two. Come on, Tigers!!

So in terms of sports, last night wasn't a good night for me. Well, tonight I am getting together with my girlfriend and watching a high school Football game at her old high school in Garner. It would be nice to see them win. It would probably make up for the two losses last night.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I really HOPE for this tonight.

I hope that AT LEAST one of my teams wins tonight. I don't care if it's the UNC Tar Heels or the Detroit Tigers. But please ONE AT LEAST!!

How ironic!

UNC is doing better agiast Miami than Detroit is agaist Boston. I thought it would be the other way around.

So, they say the governemnt shutdown is over.

I hope this means I can finally get the results of my evaluation from Chapel Hill TEACCH.

Well though I said this dozens of times, and you can say I am too old for this.

But, I still miss the Nickelodeon Sitcom Victorious. I thought it was funny. Literally, a one and only in my eyes. I thought it was a wonderful show that literally had my laugh silly. To make it worse it wasn't even given a proper finale. I have tweeted on Twitter for a finale at #victoriousfinale. I felt that show deserved better. Because I really loved that show I can watch Sam & Cat. It's just no replacement for Victorious. I definitely will NOT watch Disney's ripoff ANT Farm. There is only Victroious and will only be one Victorious. Though, I know it's a long shot. I can only hope that at least one former cast member of that show sees this blog and grants me my request and promote autism awareness and support autism research. I would sure mean a lot to me. I guess, it's something to pray for.

Well, there is two games on tonight...

And they both got my interest.

One will be in NCAA Football (once again, that is American Football for those of you who live outside the US). It will be The North Carolina Tar Heels vs. Miami Hurricanes. Well, I think the UNC has their work cut out for them. Miami is ranked 10th in the country and favored to win this game overwhelmingly This scares me. Not as much as my last post, but close. I'm afraid the Heels stand little chance for victory if they stand any at all. Well, I will still with the UNC Tar Heels the best of luck. They're gonna need it! GO HEELS!!

There is another game on tonight featuring The Detroit Tigers vs. The Boston Red Sox in Major League Baseball. This is for the American League Championship Series. The winners of this round will go to the World Series. Well, since I grew in Detroit, I am for the Tigers. I am hoping the win this game and another one and go to the World Series and win it! GO TIGERS!!

Okay folks, but this post may be somewhat scary.

It will be my 666th post. I don't know about you, but I generally get the chills when I see those three numbers together. Ooohh spooky!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Johnny: Daddy, how could you tell me that Peter Pan isn't real?

Daddy: Because he isn't, Johnny. He's just fictional character created by JM Barrie.

Johnny: But I over heard you talking with Mom and I think he must live close by.

Daddy: What are you talking about?

Johnny: I think you said he's the mayor.

Daddy: The mayor?! Where could you have got a such a stupid idea that Peter Pan is the mayor.

Johnny: You said the mayor was a BOY WHO NEVER GREW UP.


Q: True of false. Can you be paid to lie?

A: True, it's called working for modern journalism!

Maybe there is some good news for me

It looks like this government shutdown may be approaching its end. That would be wonderful. Now, I hope that means TEACCH can now (or soon) get the results of my evaluation.

So, here I am on this Wednesday

So, here I am. Halfway through my week. Yep, there is still this government shutdown. Haven't gotten my TEACCH results because of it. Well, still gonna continue to look. There is the Autistic Adult Supper meet up tonight. We did on Wednesday instead ofThursday this week due to a UNC Football game on Thursday night (and that isAmerican Football for those of you who live outside the US). Well, that's what's going on.      

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oh no 9, I haven't forgot about you! No, no!

Oh no, the number of my post for the month of October isn't ending in a 9. It is going to end in a non-9. No, I haven't forgot about you 9 on my way to my other job. So 9, you can forget it! Yeah, gotcha 9!

Sorry, but gotta post this but...

But I hate having the number of post end in a 9. It's just so annoying. So, no 9's allowed to finish numbers.

Now I am off to my other job

As you probably know I will be working again tonight. And yes I will be late. But I am about to head off to my other job. I will be closing second shift again. So, I worked for about six hours at Shoeboxed and now for five and a half at Harris Teeter. That's 11 and a half hours worth of work total. Well, yes, they put me on the U-scab again. Well, that is what I'm doing tonight.

Three things you can NOT do

1. Drink AND drive.
2. Fly
3. Assume buying a smart TV will make your entertainment more intelligent!

Random thought

Why do we start poems with "Roses are red, violets are blue" when not all roses are red and not all violets are blue?

Well here we are on this Tuesday

Well, I know yesterday was Columbus Day. At my job at Shoeboxed we didn't have much work yesterday because it was a federal holiday. However, now there should be a lot more work today. I will also be working my other job tonight as well. I won't get off until about 11:00 tonight. Hope all of you out there have a nice day!

Monday, October 14, 2013


Q: How are the three dirtiest swear words to Hollywood?

A: Intelligent, moral, tasteful!

Yes, those are swear words to the folks in Hollywood.


Luke: Hey Bob, why do people say all garbage is to be thrown out?

Bob: Because it's useless, Luke. Nobody wants it.

Luke: They don't? I thought people keep some if their garbage.

Bob: They don't. Who would want keep their garbage. That's nuts!

Luke: Then why don't people through out Hollywood?

This is what my day has been like today.

Well, I went to Bible Study. We talked about the book of Numbers. We pointed out that Number is probably one of the most underrated books of the Bible. In fact, have you ever hear this prayer? "May the LORD bless you and keep you. May the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the LORD lift his countenance upon you and give you peace." That is a prayer from Numbers 6:24-26 when Moses gave his blessing to his brother Aaron (not me the Biblical Aaron). I have hear that prayer a dozen times but only today I learned it was form THAT Bible passage. So if you can, maybe read the Book of Numbers. I think that book deserves more credit then it gets.

 I had some guests come over. It was Mike (my girlfriend's brother) and his family come over and see my family's Halloween decorations. We had some funny decorations to show to the kids. We have lots of Halloween decorations that we have colleceted through the years.  They enjoyed them. Carson (my girlfriend) also liked them. They thought they were funny. We gave them a tour around our house. I am so glad the kids had fun. The adults had fun, too. We had some goodie bags for the kids. As soon as they got into the car the kids just started digging right into them. They just LOVED them. Well, you know this thing between kids and Halloween. Kids just LOVE Halloween. They always have and always will. We also promised that if that Mike and Gretchen ever needed Halloween decoration to show the kids, we would be happy to lend some to them.

Mike and Gretchen left after being around for about an hour an a half. However, Carson stayed. She watched the Panthers' game with us. My Mom also shown her some cook books that show some good Halloween goodie recipes that she may like to share. Carson enjoyed seeing those recipes as well. Carson might use them one of these days. After that, we watched the Panthers dominate the Minnesota Vikings 35-10. That made me happy as well.

Carson and I decided to eat dinner at a McDonald's on the outskirts of Durham. I wanted to try some of their "Mighty Wings" that McDonald's was only offering during Football season (that's American Football for those of you who live outside of the United States). Carson got a Chicken Wrap. We both enjoyed our meals. After that Carson went on home. She called me when she reached home. We chatted for about an hour. When she got home she wanted to see another Football game. I was the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Washington Redskins. I bet she was happy that the Cowboys won. She is a big Cowboys fan.

I wanted to watch Game Two of the Detroit Tigers vs. The Boston Red Socks. Well, the Tigers were on top through out most of the game. However, Boston managed to get a grand slam that tied the game. Then Boston got another run in the 9th inning and won. I was bummed. I am a Tiger's fan. I really wanted to see the Tiger's win. I grew up around Detroit and felt sentimental. The Tigers made to the World Series last year. However, the San Francisco Giants we too much for them, so they lost the World Series. Well, they lost Game Two against the Red Socks. Well, they won their first game against the Red Socks so, they this round is tied one to one. There will be more games against the Red Socks. I hope the Tigers will be first win four games in this round. I also hope the Tigers will win the Worlds Series.

Overall, I really enjoyed my day (except the for The Tigers losing). However, I had fun meeting Carson' nieces and nephew. As well as her brother and her bother's wife. I am glad they had fun seeing our Halloween decorations. I am happy that Carson's team (the Dallas Cowboys) won their game. Well, though today has it downs (to me, mainly for the Tigers losing after being ahead through out most of the game), but it was still a wonderful day. I enjoy seeing Carson's family. I am happy they had fun. I am also happy that the Carolina Panthers won against the Minnesota Vikings. I just though I would share that will you all who read my blog.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Q: What's the synonym for modern journalism?


Yes, this blog now has over 7,000 page views!

Yes, now there are over 7000 hits on this blog! That makes me happy. Hope I have been doing a good job teaching the world about Asperger's as well as making you laugh (yes, the laugh and learn thing). However, I thank all of you from around the world who viewed this blog. It means a lot to me. Well, keep the views conning. But I am happy now there are over 7000 hits.

I guess, another plus, is I got you 9. Yeah, you tried to hide in total number of blogs. Still, there now way the number if my blogs will end in "9." So, you though you could sneak up on me like this 9? THINK AGAIN!

And no 9, you are not gonna sneak up on e like this

As I said before and will say again, I HATE HAVING THE NUMBER OF MY POSTS END IN A 9! Yep, got you again. So, TAKE THAT 9!!!

Well today...

Okay, I just posted four new jokes. Hopefully, that got your attention. Well, I am about work at Harris Teeter from 2:45-11. Yes, I am closing second shift...again. Well, I guess, I just got to get right through this. Well, I guess I better get something to eat first.


Q: True or false, can a person with no brains or molars make a good living?

A: True. Just look at Hollywood. Arguably, there you don't even need talent!


I can tell you three things I HATE!

  1. Traffic Jams
  2. Grey Days


Mike: Hey Joe, why do people say name calling is unprofessional?

Joe: Because Mike, it makes you look like a fool. Name calling doesn't provide any useful information. 

Mike: But people are doing it professionally.

Joe: What makes you say that? 

Mike: Because that's all they do at The Capital in Washington. 


Mom: Jake what have I told you about watching this kind of entertainment. It's much too gruesome and violent!

Jake: But Mom, surely you I thought you wouldn't mind. I think it provides good lesions.

Mom: No, I will not have you watching this! All people do is fight and I will NOT have you desensitized by it!

Jake: I can't believe it Mom! You know, you can't keep me from watching C-SPAN forever!

Well, about my Friday Night...

All I can say is that Carson (my girlfriend) and I had another fun Friday Night together. After work I decided to go straight to her place. The reason why is because She lives in Garner. Often times the traffic piles up and I was worried about getting caught up in rush hour traffic. However, the traffic was just fine. In fact, I got over to her place early. Of course we did dinner and movie like last week.

Carson's mother had a gift for my mother. A flower arrangement. It was sweet of Mary to do this. I am sure my mother will love them. We decided to put the flower arrangement in my car for the time being. We later on left for our date. We ate dinner at a place called Char Grill. It's a local fast food chain. They cook all of their food (of course) by char grilling. It's delicious! In fact, I think it's only found here in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Char Grill is Carson's favorite fast food. She got a burger. I decided to go with the Chicken Sandwich. I think I had enough calories with the Pizza at Shoeboxed, and since I had a burger yesterday at the Shoeboxed office party for TEACCH, I thought I will do the chicken tonight.

Since we had plenty of time before the movie, we decided to go kill some time at a place called Five Below, a candy place. Carson got some Sno Caps, I got some Swedish Fish. Then we looked around at Dick's Sporting goods to kill even more time.

Then we decided to go to the movie theater and buy our tickets. We decided to go see Gravity. I was interested in seeing that movie, though Carson had her doubts. She wasn't sure if Gravity would be the kind of movie she would like. But she was willing to go see it with me. Carson is however, a big Sandra Bullock fan and I told her the movie is only an hour and a half long thought things couldn't be too bad even if the movie stunk. However, after the movie, Carson was very surprised. She actually ENJOYED the movie. She and I both thought the movie really kept us in suspense. Carson told me she hasn't felt this suspenseful in a movie since Titanic in 1997. So, for all of you out there who haven't seen Gravity, I suggest you do, it's AWESOME! Carson and I were also able to see it in 3-D which made it even better. Gravity had even better 3-D effects than most 3-D movies produce. I mean it had GREAT special effects as well. Carson and I had a REALLY FUN NIGHT! Even though it was dinner and movie again like last week, it was still LOADS of FUN! Oh, AND SEE GRAVITY!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Well here are some photos of the party at Showboxed

Well hello everybody. Well, I went to an office party at Shoeboxed. Some other start up companies joined us, too. It was meant to support Chapel Hill TEACCH. People would buy raffle tickets to coffee maker. Bought some tickets myself. Thought I would use the money to help TEACCH some. They also had a food truck outside to get dinner. Shoeboxed employees got dinners for free. You just had to sow the people in the food truck your ticket. I got myslef a burger, potato chips (there were no fries) and a soda. It was delicious. I think they used Angus beef for their burgers. Here are some photos of the evening.
This is Mike Chapman. He is head of Chapel Hill TEACCH. He came to check things out at Shoeboxed and hoped the raffle would be a success. It was. I can't remember the exact number, but it was a lot. There will be more money for TEACCH. I guess, TEACCH has new money they can use after the government shutdown. 

This is Ashley Marsh. She is one of the job coaches at TEACCH. Job coaches help people with there new jobs until they get their feet wet. They also come to check up on people to see how things are going. It can be hard for an Asperger's person to find a job as well as keep it. However, I do have a good reputation at Shoeboxed. That does make me feel good. 

This is Sam Glover with the announcer. Sam is head of my department at Shoeboxed. I don't really know the woman. She just made the announcements about the raffle. Though she was a good speaker. 

This was the raffle box for people to buy raffle tickets. You get one for a dollar or get six for $5. I know peculiar. But it was for a good cause. I bought eight. 

This is Travis. He doesn't work at Shoeboxed. However, he won the prize, a coffee maker. Well, congratulations to him. Well, I didn't assume I would win, but I thought it was fun playing anyway. I bought tickets mainly to help TEACCH. So, it was a good night for Chapel Hill TEACCH as and other start up companies helped the Chapel Hill TEACCH program 


Q: Why do universities spend money on this entertainment? To me it's such a nuisance!

A:Because Cryptozoologists need jobs, too (I guess). 


Q: How would I describe the speed of today's economic growth?

A: Let's just say it makes a SNAIL look fast!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Q: What's smarter, a twig or a rock?

A: I don't know, but I DO KNOW both are smarter than your average Hollywood executive!


Q: Do you think Oscar Mayer pays for 90% of the ads on television?

A: The answer is YES, because they are advertisements for BALONEY!


Yes, the folks from Chapel Hill TEACCH can not get my results if my evaluation anytime soon. This is due to the government shutdown (TEACCH is part of the University of North Carolina, a state University). So, they are a government agency affected by the shutdown. Both me and TEACCH HATE this. So, until the folks from Washington can agree on something, I will not have my results ready for a while. Well, my brother clued me into an agency that can help. My girlfriend also told me about job search web site that can help. She also told me about a company as well I can look into. But yes, the government shutdown did affect me. Please pray for me.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Yep, system down

Yep, it's down again. Oh, back up! Good!


Q: What's move further in a day, the shutdown proposals or the economy?

A: I don't know, but a snail can move further in an hour that both could in a week!

Okay nature I think we've got enough rain

All I know is it's been a pretty rainy year here in North Carolina. And we're getting more today. And tomorrow, and I think some more the day after (at least according to the forecast). We have been getting soaked. There's drought here this year. I think we got enough rain.

Monday, October 7, 2013

You know

I think this kind of weather slows me down. It's about 70 degrees (Fahrenheit of course) and rainy. Not as active here. I guess the plants need it. It raining, what can I say.

Yep, it's Monday here in NC

Well, the weekend is over. Now to get back into swing of things. It's rising here in NC. Other than that, well...not much going on.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Yes, now the Battlegroud's main event

And we will see a WWE Champion. The title has been vacant for a month. Now, we will see a champion. Will it be Daniel Bryan (babyface) or Randy Orton (heel)? We shall see!


I will pay to show, and by that I mean the WHOLE SHOW! Not 90% of the show, 100% of the show!

Oh, 9, you thought you could sneak up on me, huh?

Oh, no, no, no. I coaught you. There is no way my posts will end in a "9" and THAT'S FINAL!

Just when I was watching WWE Battleground, and they are having technical difficulties

Well, if they can give me the show they should lower my money. I shouldn't pay full price for only part of the show! I ordered that show to SEE ALL THE SHOW, NOT MOST!

So, there is a name for the Cesaro swinging movie

His swinging move is called the Cesaro Swing.

I thought it was cool when Bray Wyatt walked backwards like a spider

I thought that part was cool.

It's too bad the Shield lost

I like them. I think they are the WWE's best heels.

You know I like WWE

I find it entertaining. Yes, I know it's scripted. But let's not forget they really do get hurt. And unlike their Hollywood counterparts, these guys have NO stunt doubles.

If you are a WWE fan who is not watching Battleground, ignor this post also

So, far no title has changed hands.

If you are a WWE fan who is not watching Battleground, ignor this post

But, Cody Rhodes and Golddust are BACK!!


Q: Do you know there really is a 106%?

A: Yeah, that the percent of TASTELESS ENTERTAINMENT on TV!


Q: How can I describe the intelligence of Hollywood's entrainment!

A: Let's just say it makes the most of Dutch Coast and Death Valley LOOK HIGH!

PS. Most of the Dutch Coast and Death Valley are both BELOW SEA LEVEL!

I think I said this several times but...



Q: How would describe a Heavy Metal concert?

A: Quieter than city traffic!


Q: Why do so many people risk their lives regularly going to the sickest, most violent, most dangerous place know to humanity?

A: Because many people feel THE FREE WAY is their only way home!

Well, it's almost 9:00 this Sunday

Well, I went to church this Sunday morning. It was nice. Unfortunately, I missed Bible study for the second week in a row (NO!) all because I over slept. However, I did attend worship service. It was nice. They talked about communion. In fact, today was Wold Communion Day. It's about God's gift to us all. Afterwords I got some breakfast at my favorite breakfast restaurant, Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe. I got the usual. Hot Cakes, sausage patties, toast, and eggs over-easy, my favorite breakfast.

I was unhappy that the Panthers lost. I guess, my Grandma was happy as well as my uncles. They are from Arizona. I guess, they are happy that their Arizona Cardinals won. I was sad my Carolina Panthers lost. However, I was happy to hear that the New England Patriots lost. Nothing against New England. In fact, I LOVE New England. I JUST HATE THE PATRIOTS! They are my LEAST FAVORITE TEAM! I have been growing more and more found of the Cincinnati Bengals. I know their running back Giovani Bernard played for UNC in College. Well, GO BENGALS!!

Now, I am watching WWE Battleground. Well, I am a life long fan of WWE. And I am watching this Pay-Per-View event. I hope the rest of the show works out. Who will win Daniel Bryan or Randy Orton? We will have to wait and see!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Well, now lunch and then work

Yep, first I gonna get a bite to eat that then go operate the HT U-scan for eight hours. Yep, yep one of those days.


Mindy: Teri, I though people hate going to toxic waste dumps.

Teri: Because Mindy, they do! They're dirty, they're poisonous. I mean, it's uncertain about the long term health effects about visiting one. It can really do some permanent damage. I would sure never be caught dead in one!

Mindy: Yeah, it makes me wonder more than ever why people would want to go to HOLLYWOOD!

Random though.

Why do they call it a SHIPMENT when it goes by car, and why do they call it CARGO when it goes by ship? Don't know, just asking.

So, this will be my day today.

So, I just added four new jokes on this blog. I hope you found them funny. Now, for my day. Well, I will be working at Harris Teeter from 3-11. I will be closing second shift tonight. I will be operating the U-Scan (yes, the self-checkout lane). And thing I can tell you, NO THE U-SCAN IS NOT EASIER TO OPERATE! It's much tougher. I just hope I can get a new job soon. Well, keep ,e high up in your prayers. Thank you.


Jake: Mommy, mommy Mikey told me wrestling's on.

Mommy: Jake it's only 3:00. You know those wrestling shows don't come on until 8:00 at the soonest.

Jake: But Mikey told me they right now and they are on channel 1578.

Mommy: (Mommy turns on the television) Jake, that's NOT wrestling. IT'S C-SPAN! (Breaths), With stuff like this going on in the REAL WORLD, and people wonder why I let my son watch wrestling.


Q: Do you think they invented something that can stop people from aging?

A: I think they did and Entertainment Industry knows about it! Yeah, when I see them on TV or magazines, they JUST DON'T GROW UP!


Q: What's the difference between pop culture and landfills?

A: Landfills are CLEANER, and LESS likely spread disease and poisoning!


Q: Why do I think children should NOT listen to their teachers?

A: Because today's POP CULTURE has no good lesions to teach!

Well, this was my evening tonight.

I had lots of fun. I got together with my girlfriend, Carson. We first had dinner at PF Chang's. It was delicious. We started with soups. Carson ordered the egg drop soup. I had the wonton soup. Then we got our entrees.  She ordered the beef and broccoli, I had the chicken fried rice. After dinner we were both full. I have decided to go see the movie Rush.

After dinner, we straight to the movie theater and bought our tickets. However, there was well over an hour before showtime. We decided to go kill some time before seeing the movie. We were at the Southpoint Mall in Durham. We first went over to a place called It's Sugar. It's a candy store. I decided not to buy anything, but Carson got some Swedish Fish. She was kind enough to share some with me. She knows I like Swedish Fish, too. I guess you can say "it was sweet of her." Hey, you know I like to put a joke when ever I could. When it comes to ethnicity she knows I myself am one fourth Swedish. Maybe that's why I have a taste for Swedish Fish (yes, another joke).

After It's Sugar we saw a juggler. We first saw him juggle seven balls. That was amazing! Then we saw him juggle torches (and yes, the torches were lit). That is even more amazing! But the most amazing juggling trick he did was when he juggle a soccer ball, hacky sack balls, a torch (lit of course), and a knife. All while he was balancing on a board that was on a plank stretched in between two pillars. That looks DANGEROUS! Well, the man is a professional. He knows what he is doing. And what he was doing of course was putting on an amazing show! Carson decided that we should tip him. So, we left him $2. After the juggler, we went around Barnes and Noble to see if they had anything interesting. They didn't. So, we decided to go to the movie theater and claim our seats.

We both enjoyed the movie Rush. It was both directed and produced by Ron Howard and stars Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl. The movie is about the 1976 Formula One season rivalry between the two drivers James Hunt (Hemsworth) and Niki Lauda (Brühl). We both enjoyed the movie. If you haven't seen the movie I would highly recommend it. That movie was AWESOME! There is no doubt about it. It was a really fun night!

Friday, October 4, 2013


Q: Why won't people work?

A: Because work is four letter word!


Q: What is the favorite hobby of a TV announcer?

A: Mining. Yeah, they would say "I like to put up an ad and make your money MINE."

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Now for some series news.

There has been shooting in Washington, DC at the US Capital and all doors have been shut and locked. This is truly tragic news. I just don't know what would drive somebody to perform a sick act of violence like this. I mean, I never thought Congress did a very good job, but I wouldn't resort to violence! Well, I would ask that you keep all the members of Congress and other people present at the Capitol high up in your prayers. Please pray for the people at the Capital.

This has been a running gag.

Boy, the things at Shoeboxed haven't been productive. The system kept crashing and crashing (maybe it should be treated for depression). I mean just when you think the system has been fully operational-CRASH!-yep, you guessed it, the system crashes again! This sucks! I mean, how the hell are we supposed to get anything done. In fact, SUCKS is an understatement to describe this situation. I hope they get things straightened out with the system soon.

This blog now has just hit 6500 page views!

Yep, there has now been 6500 hits on this blog. I have to than people from all over the world who viewed this blog. It really mean a lot to me. Well, keep the page views conning! I hope there is much I can teach the people of the world about living with Asperger's.

PS. Yes, there will also me more and more jokes on the way, too!


Hollywood, it would be a perfect place to work. There's sunshine, palm trees, mountains, and celebs galore. They also provide entertainment. Their entertainment is just missing one thing to be perfect. What could that be? Hum...hum...What could Hollywood be missing to make its entertainment perfect? Wait, I know...TALENT!!


Q: Do you think nearly all TV networks should hire new executives?

A: Yeah, I think they should hire CHIMPS to do it! Even they can do better job then the current ones we had. Talk about making a monkey out of somebody.

PS. Yes, I know chimps are apes, not monkeys, so please don't get technical. 

Yep, yep, yep..,

The system is down again at Shoeboxed. I mean, I know that it's a start up company and all, but they really must do something about their internet provider. I hope, if the company grows and has more money maybe they can work out these bugs. Yes, that is another thing about living with Asperger's. You almost (not completely but almost) seem lost without the routine. But it sucks trying to work when we don't have our system to work with.

Yes, this happened at work again today.

I tried to clock in but the system was down. I really HATE it when this happens. How am I supposed to clock in (as well as work) without the system. They better do something about this soon. I hate it when the system is collapses denying me the ability to work. Please pray that I find a new job soon.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One thing I did today

Well, my girlfriend gave me a telescope for Christmas last year. I couldn't get the first one to work and had it sent back. I don't know if it was me or the telescope. Well, the company did offer to let me replace the telescope. So, I did. However, I couldn't seem to get the replacement to work either. I went to a place called Science Safari in Cary to take a look at it. They said it was all right. Just need to practice it more. I guess, it was worth the trip to Cary. My girlfriend gave me that telescope because she knows I like astronomy. It was very kind of her to do that for me. I hope I can get the telescope to work. However, it was very sweet of her. She is a very sweet person.

Oh, just in case you didn't know Cary is another city in the North Carolina Triangle area. There are four main cities in the Triangle area, Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and Chapel Hill. It is called the Triangle area because when you see those four cities on the map it looks a lot like a triangle, hence the term Triangle area.

Yeah, it's already Wednesday...

It seems like the week went by really fast. Arguably too fast. It seems like it was Monday just yesterday. But, now it's half way through the week. Did somebody mess with the space time continuum, oh well :). Well, I guess that's just the way things go, ya know....


A: Would I like to be caged with a rabid wolverine?

Q: I would instead of driving back home from work on the freeway. Especially since the WOLVERINE is SAFER and FRIENDLIER than rush hour motorists.


Here are three things that DON'T mix....

1. Drinking and driving

2. Water and electricity


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yes folks...

There was a government shutdown here in the United States. Well, I don't think too many of us will be affected. I don't believe I will. However, it appears the federal government of the United States couldn't reach an agreement on what we Americans are calling Obamacare. I don't want to preach any messages but there was no agreement made.  Well, just keep the government and the people affected by it high up in your prayers.  That us all I ask.

Here I am on this Tuesday..,

Well, yes I am working my other job tonight. What's atypical is I won't stat until 7:00. Then get off at 11. Yes, that's my day today.


Q: Should we protect all endangered species?

A: Yes, because I would hate to imagine a world if all REAL JOURNALISTS were extinct!