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Sunday, February 14, 2016

My day today.

Well, I did have fun with Carson on this Valentine's Day. I gave her a book on how to say "I love you" in a number of different languages. She thought it was sweet. My mother also had a present for her. It was a new Kindle Fire. It was more powerful than the one she got a couple of years ago. My mother gave Bayard & Rachell (my brother and his wife) new Fitbits. She wanted to spend the same amount of money for Carson. But Carson didn't want a Fitbit.
Carson and I enjoyed lunch at Monterrey. We watched UNC play Pittsburgh in Basketball there. We enjoyed our meal, but it wasn't the best service we got from Monterrey. We left Monterrey at halftime. We say the rest of the game at Mike's (her brother's house). We were happy to see UNC win. Hopefully, they'll beat Duke this Wednesday. I also played a Wii game with Carson's nephew Harrison. It was a Mario vs. Sonic Olympic game. We played the Skeleton Bobsled version. He beat me both time. After that Carson and I did not feel comfortable seeing the movie Hail Caesar like we originally planned. Even though they said there was only a 35% chance of the wintery mix (that's why I used this picture, because it looks a lot like a wintery mix) striking early tonight. Carson and I felt we should not take the chance. Though, the odds are just one in three it's going to hit tonight, we still felt that only a third chance is still too great. She lives in Garner. We just went to Starbucks and got some coffee and decided to call it a day. At least, right now, I am at home before the wintery mix hits. Hopefully, it will not be too bad. But since I live on a hillside, if the roads are bad, I may call out of work tomorrow. But, that was my Valentine's Day. 

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