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Sunday, February 14, 2016

My day today.

Well, I did have fun with Carson on this Valentine's Day. I gave her a book on how to say "I love you" in a number of different languages. She thought it was sweet. My mother also had a present for her. It was a new Kindle Fire. It was more powerful than the one she got a couple of years ago. My mother gave Bayard & Rachell (my brother and his wife) new Fitbits. She wanted to spend the same amount of money for Carson. But Carson didn't want a Fitbit.
Carson and I enjoyed lunch at Monterrey. We watched UNC play Pittsburgh in Basketball there. We enjoyed our meal, but it wasn't the best service we got from Monterrey. We left Monterrey at halftime. We say the rest of the game at Mike's (her brother's house). We were happy to see UNC win. Hopefully, they'll beat Duke this Wednesday. I also played a Wii game with Carson's nephew Harrison. It was a Mario vs. Sonic Olympic game. We played the Skeleton Bobsled version. He beat me both time. After that Carson and I did not feel comfortable seeing the movie Hail Caesar like we originally planned. Even though they said there was only a 35% chance of the wintery mix (that's why I used this picture, because it looks a lot like a wintery mix) striking early tonight. Carson and I felt we should not take the chance. Though, the odds are just one in three it's going to hit tonight, we still felt that only a third chance is still too great. She lives in Garner. We just went to Starbucks and got some coffee and decided to call it a day. At least, right now, I am at home before the wintery mix hits. Hopefully, it will not be too bad. But since I live on a hillside, if the roads are bad, I may call out of work tomorrow. But, that was my Valentine's Day. 

Happy Valentine's Day people

Yep, today is Valentine's Day. Day of romance. Well, I am getting together with Carson. First we're going to be eating at Monterrey. It's a Mexican restaurant. I was thinking of someplace different, but Carson wanted Monterrey. So, we're eating at Monterrey. After that we will go see the movie Hail Caesar. The movie does look funny and it was well reviewed. We'll be seeing at an fail upscale movie theater called Silverspot Cinema. I think it would be a fun day.

I also think Carson should like this picture. I know she'll think it's cute! 

Monday, February 8, 2016

But to show my support...

Here I am doing the Cam Newton Dab to wish them good luck in the future. I gotta a feeling the Panthers WILL win a Super Bowl one of these days. I guess, tonight just wasn't that night. However, I still support them.
Hey, win, lose, or tie, I will be a Panthers fan 'till the day I die. Or unless they leave the Carolinas. Which ever comes first. Still, the Panthers still have my support. MAYBE they'll win the Super Bowl next year. We shall see!

Yes, I'm bummed

Well, I did spend the Super Bowl watching it with Carson and Cravon at their place. We really hoped and thought the Panthers would win this game. Unfortunately, the lost. It makes us sad. This photo shows out balloons and snacks. 

And here's a photo with the balloons in their living room. Maybe, next year the Panthers will win the big game. For anybody out there cheering for the Broncos, well, Paeyton Manning did get his "story book ending" to his career by winning another Super Bowl. Still, I REALLY wanted the Panthers to win. Well, I guess, this loss won't be the end of the world. Just a dark day for a Panthers fan. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

And yes, on the eve of Super Bowl Sunday

Okay, I just got back home from work. My grocery store was busy as hell. It made the time go by quickly, but I didn't get a 15 minute break. The rush was that bad. People are excited about the Super Bowl tomorrow. And many Carolinians, like myself, are hoping the Panthers WIN tomorrow! I did however, get three Panther balloons, and one Panthers cookie cake to celebrate for tomorrow. I just hope the Panther KEEP POUNDING during the game tomorrow and win!

Reasons why you shouldn't feel too bad if the Broncos lose tomorrow.

Reason number one, Peyton Manning has won a Super Bowl before. Reason number two, he's won FOUR MVP awards. Just think how many NFL player won ONE. Not a whole heck of a lot, if you ask me.

And what about Greg Olsen, Tight End of the Carolina Panthers. He's been in the NFL for nine years. He NEVER won any championships or won ANY awards. In fact, his career didn't come alive until this year. Can't say he doesn't deserve anything. That's my two cents.

Prayer request

I have a prayer request for the victums of the recent earthquake in Taiwan. The earthquake killed at least eight, and many more were left injured and/or homeless. Please pray for the people of Taiwan that they may pull through. Let's please pray the injured can't get well. And to those who lost their homes, may find homes again. This is what I pray for.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Here's what's been going on.

Well, here's what's been going on. Sorry, I have not posted in a while. Last Wednesday was Carson's birthday. I gave her a Mug with a pug on it. Two pairs of socks with that famous Internet picture of a pug looking at a cookie (yes, Carson really loves pugs), and a key chain that plays Here Comes Carolina, a fight song of UNC. However, her big gift was a $150 gift card to Belk. Belk is her favorite store. Hope she enjoys her shopping spree there. We ate a Maggiano's. It's an Italian Restaurant on the outskirts of Durham.

Well, you are probably wondering about the picture attached. Well, it's show a panther tackling somebody. This is in celebration of my home team in the NFL, The Carolina Panthers qualified for this years Super Bowl this Sunday. They will be playing the Denver Broncos at Levi's Stadium Santa Clara, California, just outside of San Francisco. And yes, for those of you from outside the United States, there is a sport that we like called American Football (however, we Americans just call it Football. Yes, just plain Football; The sport you probably call Football, is the sport we call Soccer). And for the big championship game in American Football is called the Super Bowl. And the day the Super Bowl comes has practically become a holiday in our society. And this year the Carolina Panthers will be in it. And Carolinians in both Carolinas, North and South are going nuts. And I sure HOPE they win. If they do I would be nothing less than EUPHORIC!! I will be watching the game with Carson at her place in Garner. I have just ordered a Panthers cookie and Panther balloons to celebrate. GO PANTHERS and KEEP POUNDING!!!!!!!!!