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Friday, December 25, 2015


Yes, folks here I am on this Christmas Night. All I have to say is that it has been a wonderful day for me. I did get some new presents. I did get some nice presents from my parents. They gave me Eternity Aftershave, the 2016 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, the movie Ant Man, those huge Reese's Cups (I love Reese's Cups), and a UNC Russell Athletic Bowl T-shirt. But the gift that made me happiest was...under ware. Yes, underwear. Yes...I am being serious. I am happy I got new underwear. My old under ware was starting to fall apart and knew I needed new under ware. And for presents. I do like getting things that are useful. And nobody can't argue that under ware is very useful.

Mom like her new Rhymes with Orange cartoon book I got for her. She finds that stuff funny. I was happy to see the smile on her face. I gave Dad a Calculus book. He told me he really wanted to brush up on Calculus. After that I had to get ready to go to Carson's/

I went to Carson's so we can spend Christmas together. We first exchanged presents. I had an Adele CD. It was the deluxe version with three bonus tracks. I also had a book called the 101 Uses for a Pug. I also gave her a calendar with a prayer for each day. But I had to give her her main present first because I did not know how long it could last in my car. It was an orchid. She thought they were beautiful. I also had Redskins socks for her father. But Cravon has always been a Washington Redskins fan.

Carson decided to give out other presents later. We first went to go see the movie Joy. We thought it was a nice movie. Then we went back home. Carson gave me Christmas dinner. It was some prime rib Cravon cooked the night before, as well as a casserole Carson cooked the night before. The casserole had cheese, potatoes, and corn flakes. Then we gave the rest of our presents. She saw the pug mug and Caribou Coffee I had for her. Cravon got to see his present from my parents. They are going to treat him to a game of Golf. Carson then gave her big gift to me. It was a UNC lamp we saw in a sporting goods store some weeks ago.

When Carson and I returned to her home, Mike, her brother also came by. He told me he likes the UNC grilling spatula I gave him. I knew he must have been exhausted he was driving all the way to Pennsylvania to North Carolina and back in less than two days. And he was tired when he came over. Still nice to spend quality time together. As well, as his wife Gretchen likes her Penn State scarf. It was nice having him over as well. We got a call from their Aunt Nancy. She recently got injured. She broke her arm. Mike and Carson spoke to her when she called. Aunt Nancy is doing better than she did the other night.

Around seven I went home. When I got back home Bayard and Rachell (Bayard is my brother, Rachell is his wife, and yes, that is how it's spelled) were just leaving. However, I told them before they leave back for their home, I thought they should get Carson's presents for them. I handed them those presents, and hugged them and wished them a merry Christmas. I did have presents for them. I gave them gift cards to stores they like. Michael's for Bayard, and Sephora for Rachell. I set the vale to $35 for each gift card. Hope they enjoy their shopping sprees. Carson gave them Phish memorabilia, since they are both Phish fans. They loved the presents Carson had for them.

Then my parents and I decided to open presents together again as a family. Mom and Dad wanted to open the presents Carson had for them. It was Arizona State memorabilia. And Arizona State golfing towel for Dad, and and Arizona State T-shirt for Mom, with and old version of Sparky. Then I opened the present Bayard and Rachell gave me. It was a Carolina Panthers Calendar. That was sweet of them. It was nice to see my recipients enjoy the presents I had for them. It was truly a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Oh, let's not forget that this Christmas Night had a full moon. That is something that will happen for another 19 years. I thought I would take a picture and put it on this blog. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's Christmas Eve, everybody!

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. But now I am back. I have been stressed. I am still trying to find ways to pass the cert so I can find better employment. Still happy to see the Panthers do so well though. I was at Carson's family reunion last Saturday. It was lots of fun. I also got all my Christmas shopping done, and got all my presents wrapped. I hope my recipients enjoy their presents. I have been working at Harris Teeter a lot this week, and the store is busy. Well, I felt I have been good. Maybe after church tonight I should leave some milk and cookies out for Santa. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Nice try 9.

But I still got you!

Something things never change.

Here's one thing that never changes. I hate having my posts end in a 9. Yes, I saw you 9, and got you!

What I HOPE for today.

Yes, people let's answer the bell!! Tonight comes the ACC Championship game is NCAA Football. It features MY TEAM, the UNC Tar Heels taking on the Clemson Tigers!! And for those of you who don't know, this is a picture of the Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower. It's located right in from of Kenan Stadium. That is of course, where the UNC Tar Heels go to play Football.

However, tonight's game will be at the Bank of America stadium in Charlotte. That is where the Carolina Panthers play Football. I guess, that would be good stadium, since Clemson University is in Clemson, South Carolina. Not too far away for Charlotte. But Charlotte is still in North Carolina. But, still the ACC Championship game features two teams from the Carolinas battle it out in the very stadium where Carolina's only team plays Football, professionally.

I really hope the Heel pull off a victory. However, Clemson is strongly favored. I however, Still have faith in the Heels. It would nice if they win tonight. If they do, I will be UNC's first ACC championship in Football in 35 years! Yes, they haven't won a Football ACC championship since 1980. Hope they do it tonight! GO TAR HEELS!!!!!!

Prayer request.

Sorry, folks this is the best photo I could get from iStock to represent the recent massacre in California. However, I have a prayer request for the recent shooting in San Bernardino, CA. It was truly a sad day in US history. It was at a place where they help people with mental illness. And every year they through a Christmas party. However, there was a long time employee who did not like Christmas. He was indeed Muslim and probably felt left out since doesn't celebrate Christmas. For many years he planned an attack. He found his time and shot people. He killed 14 and left 21 injured. Now, why did he have to go this far and do something this sadistic is beyond me. Especially, in place where they are trying to help people with mental disabilities. I will say, that indeed does make me sick! No, I am NOT saying all Muslims are violent and intolerant. And definetly, NOT saying all Muslims are terrorists. In fact, I did meet a lot of good Muslims in my life. So, people forgive me if I came across as being islamophobic. It was NOT my intention. However, I still feel to compelled to pray for all the victims in that shooting. I also pray for their families that they may find a way to get through this burden. It was truly a sad day. 

Okay, folks here's the situation with Certification

This is the situation with certification. I am trying to pass (still). I spoke to Ron the other day. He told me that I know the material. However, I have a hard time processing the material. That is what I need to work on. Sometimes the test phrases the questions in a funny way that I have a hard time understanding. Please pray that I can pass, eventually. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.