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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Well, here is the Harris Teeter situation

I just got a call today from the Customer Service Manager (CSM) that it may be hard to fit my hours in during the Summer. I did tell him I wanted to work in the mornings and early afternoon, so I can study my IT material in the late afternoon/early evening. I did tell him Saturday would not be preferable. However, the CSM told me that may be my best day to work. Well, we all know that beggars can't be choosers. So, I might as well work on Saturdays. Please pray that everything can

Prayer request

As you heard in Houston, there was huge flood. Many people's cars were flooded. There were a few people killed. One person who had her car flooded was my cousin. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt. However, her car had to be car towed away. I don't know how well it's doing. I hope she won't need a one. We know they are expensive. Well, please pray for her and the rest of the people from Houston.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

I hope all of my fellow Americans got to enjoy their Memorial Day. I know many of us got this day off of work. Myself included. It's a day of going to the beach or pool and of course, GRILLING! As you can tell, I myself did some grilling today. This picture above is a picture of my own personal grill that I fired up earlier today. I put on some hamburgers and hot dogs-YUM! This has been the day the day that many people welcome Summer time.
However, people Memorial Day is is about much more then the pool, the beach, and grilling. It's about all the men and women who fought and died for this country so we can all be free to do those things. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy all your freedoms such as grilling. I mean, I like to grill, too as you can see. But let's not forget the troops who gave their lives for us. Please say a prayer for them. That is all. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Work ended early at Shoeboxed today.

Yep, at Shoeboxed we got caught up an no work left. We even get Memorial Day off next Monday, since we get no mail that day! Guess I can go home and take it easy. Oh yeah, still have Harris Teeter. I guess I will have to wait six more hours until I can get my weekend of R & R.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

There is some positive news though

Well, that means more time to study for my certification test. I will also have a mock interview with New Hoizons on June 2, after my last day at Shoeboxed. And well, in Baseball three out my for teams won. Only the Detroit Tigers lost. They got beaten pretty bad by the Milleakee Brewers. That's a bummer. However, last in Major League Baseball, night the Tampa Bay Rays beat the Atlanta Braves. In NCAA Baseball, the UNC Tar Heels beat the Virginia Tech Hokies. And in MiLB Baseball, the Durhams Bulls finally end their losing streak as the beat the Rochester Red Wings last night. So, I guess if Meatloaf said two out of three ain't bad, then neither should three out of four. Well, that's the positive side of things.


Yes, folks it's official. I will be leaving Shoeboxed as of June 2. Well, my notice is in. Boss has enough time to work around things. Sorry, I couldn't get that leave of absence. However, certification is just too important to me.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Well folks, I'm going to talk with my boss from Shoeboxed tomorrow at 10:00 AM. I hope everything goes well. But that meeting will decide if I am staying in Shoeboxed or not.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Yes, I am an astronomy nerd. And I am here to tell you Jupiter and Venus are still visible in a diagonal position. Jupiter in on the upper left. Venus is on the lower right. 


Q. Do you think inanimate statues should be allow to drive cars?

A. Well, don't assume most motorists on the street drive any better!


Kids, have your parents told you to read more books? All I have to say, they were right. You know why? Being one who's seen it all I can tell you this. Back in the 1990's most shows on TV SUCKED and now, today...THEY SUCK EVEN WORSE!!!


Q. Why doesn't a Hollywood horror movie scare me?

A. Because I survived watching the evening news!

Well, this was a hard decision I made due to all the stress.

I am going to work just one job. It was just too much to juggle two jobs and pass certification. I feel I really need certification, so I can marry Carson and we can live financially secure. I am thinking about quitting my job with Shoeboxed. I have just asked for a leave of absence. If I can not get it, I feel I will need to quit. I will give the boss two week of notice before I do. However, the stress is intense and I need my certification.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Well, folks have been under some stress as of late. I am really trying to pass certification. Though there is some good news. I just might get the study time I need. I however, may have to quit one of my jobs. I am leaning toward the job at Shoeboxed. Harris Teeter pays more and has more flexible hours. However, I could only do morning there. Please pray it all work out for me.

Well, I did see two planets out tonight. Venus and Jupiter. Venus on the lower right, Jupiter on the upper left. I know Venus looks larger. But we should know Jupiter is actually larger (since it's the largest planet of our solar system). However, Venus looks larger because it's closer to Earth. They are both bright and beautiful in the sky, though. Yes, I am an astronomy nerd. Well, just thought I would share that with you. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

These two things.

One, almost out of Celexa. Need more. Called my pharmacy to have it refilled. Please pray that I can pass certification. Will definitely need that.

Also did you know today is the 70th anniversary of VE Day. That's victory in Europe Day. That was the day we beat Hitler and the Nazis in Europe. Still, Victory in Japan (VJ Day) was still some months away. That happened in August of 1945. However, VE Day happened 70 year ago this day. It often does scare me to think what the world would have been like if Hitler and the Nazis won, conquering the whole world. Happy it DIDN'T happen.