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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Prayer request

Here is a pretty photo of the city Charlotte. 
 Unfortunately, what happened recently WASN'T. There was an African-American police officer who shot and killed another African-American. Because of this incident there was a lot of people protesting. Some protests were peaceful. But there were some that turned violent. Many protests escalated into riots. I pray that the situation can be worked out. I pray to put an end to this violence. It especially makes me sad since Charlotte is a city in my state of North Carolina. Please pray. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Oh, I forgot to mention this.

The UNC Tar Heels also beat the James Madison Dukes on Saturday. Both of my Football teams, the UNC Tar Heels in the NCAA, and the Carolina Panthers in the NFL BOTH won their home opener this weekend. Yes, for both teams had their very first home games of the season this weekend. Makes me happy.

Monday, September 19, 2016

This is what Carson and I saw yesterday.

When the Panthers take the field. 

What kidn of view Carson and I saw. We were right behind a goal post. 

Sir Purr (the mascot of the Carolina Panthers) wants us to get loud while watching the game. 

Sir Purr, with the rest of the Panther team also likes to show his support the veterans of this country, who are willing to give their lives for our country. 

PANTHERS WIN 46-27!!! GO PANTHERS and KEEP POUNDING!!!! Hey, I think I got that Colin Kaepernick (the 49ers second string quarterback) guy on the video wall. BOOOOO!!!!! Anyway, I doubt he'll be in the same league as Cam Newton. I don't repect Colin Kaepernick as a QB (because he sucks at it) or as a person (if he's not happy here in America, then he should LEAVE). 

What the field looks like after a Panthers game. I just love it when the Carolina Panthers win. Especially, when it's against a team I am not fond of, like the San Francisco 49ers. 

Carson and I saw OUR TEAM, the Carolina Panthers play in person!

Well, yesterday Carson andd I went to another Panthers game. We do it about once a year. The reason why we don't do it super often is because the tickets are quite expensive and we don't live anywhere near Charlotte. We saw the Panther splay the San Francisco 49ers. Well, we are both huge fans of the Panthers. Asked for the 49ers, not so much. Especially, that Colin Kaepernickguy. He always like to take a knee for the national anthem. Don't get me wrong here. I know Kaepernick does have a legal right not to stand with his right hand over his heart. However, personally, I feel if you're not happy here in America, then America is not the right country for you. Yes, to put it bluntly, I feel this way. America, love it...OR LEAVE IT! No, I'm not saying our socity is perfect. But I don't like it when people keep ripping on my society.
Well, we both had fun that day. Jerry Richardson, the owner of the Carolina Panthers, was sitting in a press box behind us. Got to see some nice plays by Cam Newton, Kelvin Benjamin, and Luke Kuechly. I will should all what Carson and I saw in the next post. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Okay this is what's going on

I have indeed stated my Medical Coding and Billing class. That course I take online. I just finished one chapter. Please pray that I have make it through the rest and then find a full-time career. Then Carson and I can marry.

Also today is the 15th anniversary of 9/11. The day that changed the world. And not for the better I might add. Since then there has been so much sorrow grief and paranoia. A day we have expereinced a harsh terroist attack that killed throusands in one day. Osama Bin Laden has been caught, but terroism is far from finished. I just hope we can put an end to terroism so the world can live together peacefully. I pray for all the people who lost their lives and for their families who still live with this heartache to this very day. Here is a picture I found on iStock I would like to share with you.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Okay folks

I'm on a new medication. It's called Trazodone. It's an anti-anxiety medication. No offense to Harris Teeter, but it's due to my lack of progress in the workforce is what's causing it. I really want something better. Well, on September 7, I am starting an online class in Medical Billing and Coding. Hoping that will lead to a full-time career, where I have a future. And I need to eat food while taking medication. And I am trying to lose weight.
Well, I guess I have to keep my Weight Watchers points down for most to the rest of the day. Also avoid processed food as much as possible. I've hear that can help increase a weight loos hormone called Leptin in our systems. I want to increase Leptin in my system.
Well, I know Football season is about to start (and that is American Football for those of you who live outside of the United States. The sport you probably call Football is the sport we call Soccer. American Football is very different from Soccer). I am hoping the best for my two teams. That would of course be the North Carolina Tar Heels in NCAA Football, and the Carolina Panthers in the NFL. There is high hopes for both teams. I HOPE the both do well this year. Bye for now.