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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Well, this was my Monday and Tuesday

I did my internship at New Horizons. Things went fine there. Then I had to work at Harris Teeter 3-11. I came back home tired. There was confusion at HT. And associate and I decided to switch shifts. However, one of the bosses told me it was not approved. So, I had to start start working at HT at 7 AM (yes, A.M., as in ANTE MERIDIEM), the next day. That associate thought it was approved, and came there at 7 AM, too. She wasn't happy because she thought we decided to switch. I told her the managers did not approve it. She even told another manager the CSM (the Customer Service Manager, just in case you were wondering), that he did approve it. So, did he, or did he not. As of right now, I don't know. Because of this I had not choice but to start at 7 AM.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Joke (the first one in a while)

Q. You know who wanna see as the next president.

A. RONALD McDONALD!!! Why, you might ask? Well, if you ask me seeing the other candidates,
     it's quite obvious we're going to get a clown in the White House anyway.

I just want a clown most of us would actually like.

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to all my fellow Christians in the world. Hope all the kids in the world got some nice baskets and found some eggs from the Easter Bunny. But lets not forgoet the Easter sorry. It was when our lord Jesus the Christ conquered death by rising back up from the dead. He let us know that all the worlds sins have indeed been paid for. Let us show our appreciation to to him! HAPPY EASTER!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hope all of you out there have a blessed Good Friday

This is the day we celebrate the day our lord and savior died on the cross for all the world's sins. I pray the best for all the people in the world. Hope you all enjoy this day. 

Also HOPE this happens tonight.

In NCAA Basketball my team, The UNC Tar Heels will play the Indiana Hoosiers tonight. And again it's late. I don't know why Ted Turner keeps giving us all these late shifts. Well, I never liked him ever since he tried to put WWE out of business with WCW in the late 1990's.

Well, this is going on

I did well on my last internship meeting. Please pray it can and will lead into something else for me. I would really appreciate that. Also place pray for Kate my cousin. She is back in the hospital again. Please pray that she will win her battle against melanoma. That would mean a lot to me, too! Thank you.

Monday, March 7, 2016

And yes 9, I STILL hate you.

So, I'm not letting you finish my numbers!

Well, it was my first day.

Well, folks today I just had my first day on the job as an intern at New Horizon's. I'm not being paid but at least it would be good exerperience. Got a lot of good "hand's on" work today. I have been doing some programing and looing for a bottom case for the man I was serving named Jonathan. Nice to get my "foot in the door." I hope that could make me more marketable. I thought it was a fun day. Will be back again on Friday.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

And to make the news even better for UNC...

They have just clinched the #1 spot in the ACC! So, yes, they finish first place in the ACC. And now for the tournament. GO TAR HEELS!!! Don't cha just love NCAA Basketball?

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Well, in the world of NCAA Basketball, I'm nothing less than EUPHORIC!!!

Yes, folks I watched the UNC Tar Heels take on the Duke Blue Devils tonight at Carson's place tonight. Her father an Aunt Nancy were there, too. We got some Bojangle's for dinner, and watched UNC play their top rivals tonihgt. I know they played Duke earlier this season and lost. However, this time, THEY WON!!! Yes, the final score was UNC 76, Duke 72. Duke made some silly mistakes in the end. Causing UNC to go to the free through line. And UNC made all their free throughs and WON! It hasn't happened for a while, but after a three game losing streak, UNC finally beat Duke at Basketball. And you can see how happy Carson and I are. GO HEELS, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

This is what I have been doing on Thurdays.

Well, the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) has been having classes on getting employed in Raleigh from 2:00-3:30 PM. This week we talked about interviewing skills and how to perform on job interviews. They even did practice interviews today. Even asked up to dress up for the mock interview. I got my coat and tie ready. But they wanted us to dress up just like we would for a real job interview. I was the one who went first. Guess, it worked out. I had a real interview last Monday with New Horizons for an internship (which I'm still happy I got). They said I did a pretty good job. It was a fun class.

And every Thursday after my ASNC class, Carson and I were getting together for either a late lunch or early dinner at a shopping center that's only about a block away from my ASNC classes. We also get coffee and check out some stores in the shopping center. Though, on the back form the ASNC classes and my date with Carson, for me there is a lot of traffic. Well, I guess that's just the way things go.

Well, good news.

I had an interview with New Horizons for an internship. And the good news it, I GOT IT!!! I will work for New Horizons every Monday and Friday (just those two days) for four hours each day. Though I will not be getting paid, it's still great experience. I hope this can, and will get me started to a great IT career.