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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Two things.

One, I am happy this blog now has over 20,000 hits. And overall, thsi was a good week in Football for me. Though, the Michigan Wolverines lost in NCAA Football, the fact that the UNC Tar Heels won more than makes up for if! Though, I wasn't able to see that game. Also happy, the Detroit Lions finally won a game. They beat the Chicago Bears. Also happy the Carolina Panthers continues their undefeated streak as they beat the Seattle Sea Hawks. In the New England Patriots lose my Football weekend would be wonderful! 

PS. No, I DON'T hate New England. I JUST hate the Patriots. I have been to Cape Cod and loved it. It's just the Patriots make me sick.

Well, just had a nice weekend at Writghtsville Beach with Carson this weekend.

Carson and I had a nice trip to the beach. We Got to enjoy some R&R. We got to do some beach strolls. Ordered some room service. Watch some movies and Football. And spend lots of time looking out on the beach. We wanted to see the Football game between UNC and Wake Forest, but the hotel had no network that televised the game. We did however, watch the Michigan/Michigan State game. We cheered for Michigan. Bummed they lost at the last minute. However, here are some of our pictures from our trip. We stayed at the local Holiday Inn.  Here are pictures of our trip. 

Carson and I on our balcony in front of the beach. 

Here's the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean early in the morning. 

And finally get to see the sun break through the clouds that morning. 

And a nice good view of the sun over the Atlantic that morning. 

Here's a view of the beaches from the side. 

Here's Gabby the Parrot at the Holiday Inn at Wrightsville Beach

Here's Carson with Gabby. 

Here's a view from our beach from our room. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

And more bad news

Well, I have been trying to study for certification. However, I had to postpone it once, and maybe again. Carson and I have a trip to the beach planed next week. I am getting worried how to explain all this to New Horizons. I really want to pass certification. I want to find employment that pays a living wadge so Carson and I can marry.

What's worse is the pass few days I have been battling a cold. Still have a little bit left. But last Thursday, I could barely get out of bed. I also was hacking up phlegm and had a pounding headache. As well as a stuffy nose. Having a cold sucks. What's worse is this has been going around in my area. And happened just after I got flu shot.

Also my doctor told me my blood pressure was a little high. She put me on a another medication on top of my other. However, I haven't taken it, yet because I have been taking cold medicine. I get leery mixing drugs in my system. So, I have high blood pressure, a cold, and still have to worry about certification. Yeah, I have a wonderful week!

PS. Yes, that last line was sarcasm.

Monday, October 5, 2015

I have some unforunate news.

As you know I have a fiancee named Carson. Carson's mother named is Mary. However, Mary was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. For a long time they said it was Parkinson's disease, but it turns out it was Lewy Body. And to make things more unfortunate, Lewy Body Dementia has claimed Mary's life last Friday. I was supposed to work that day, but didn't to tend to Carson. Carson and Cravon (her father) got lots of condolences, as well as food. Carson and Cravon recieved more than enough. They didn't want any more food. Carson and Cravon are both hanging in there, but still very sad over Mary's death.

On Sunday, Carson, Cravon, and I went to a visitation for Mary at a local cemetery in Garner. Mike (Carson's brother) put in a bag of M & M's into Mary's coffin. Mary loved M & M's. Mary did look beautiful while her body laied dead in the casket. I got to meet a lot of Carson's friends and family during the visitation. People expressed their condolences and memories of Mary. My parents came to the visitation. They wanted Carson and Cravon to know we are there for them. I stayed the whole three hours of the visitation.

Today, was the day of Mary's funeral. The service was at 11:00 AM. I first had a doctor's appointment. After the doctor's appointment, I got dressed up in the appropriate attire and drove to Garner for the funeral. First time I worse dress shoes. My parents were there, too. However, Mom had a doctor's appointment, too. Carson and I were together for Mary's burial at the end. Her preacher reminded us, that death is the doorway to eternal life in Heaven. He said all the prayers for Mary and told us Mary is in a better place. That would be Heaven, of course.

Then I went to funeral reception. It was held in Carson and Cravon's house. They used the food that friends and family have given them for the meal. And yes, boy there was a lot of it! Cravon got first dibs. I guess, it's appropriate to give the widower first dibs on the meal. The funeral reception lasted about four hours. I stayed the whole time. Carson and Cravon wanted people to take some of the food home with them because they have more than enough as it is. I LOVE Carson. She loved me, too. I don't think there was ever a woman who loved me like she did. I am happy that Carson and I will get married. However, please pray for Carson and Cravon now that Mary is not with, anymore. Please pray the best for them. That is what I ask for.