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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Well, they say Christmas I a time of loving and sharing.

So, yes 9, I am going to show you my love for today. But only because it's Christmas.


Well, it's Christmas Day, everybody!! Hope you all have the spirit!! As you can see, I DO!! Don't have much planned for today, except that I am going to get together with Carson, my fiancee. We are going to see Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb, as well as exchange presents. Hope you are all enjoy your day today, as we celebrate the birth of our lord, Jesus Christ. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas, everybody

Well, it's Christmas Eve, everybody! I feel merry! Not too much planned. I will be working at Harris Teeter from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Started watching the movie It's a Wonderful Life, yesterday. Watched more this morning. Gonna watch the remainder this evening before I go to church.
So, what do you think Santa is doing right now? Well, I guess I can tell him I've been good. I hope he will have a nice present for me. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, doesn't have to be anything schmancy, Doesn't even have to be something big or expensive.  Just something to give me true joy. But I got all my shopping done!
I did get one present early. Though, it is smiting fancy, schamncy, big, and expensive. It's an iPhone 6 Plus. However, I had an iPhone 3 prior till. I had that first iPhone (iPhone 3) for four years. It was starting to die out. The home button on the lower center area stopped working, had to use the computerized home button. And the batty wasn't lasting as long, and had to charge it up more. I knew it's about time I get a new phone. But odds are it's gonna be another 3-5 years before I get a new phone. I do like getting something that could withstand the test of time some. But Santa, I guess you don't have to worry about the iPhone 6 Plus. You can just get me something simple and sweet to pass around the Christmas joy. I'm not greedy. I LOVE Christmas and have the spirit. Oh, and let's not forget Jesus wants us to GIVE and NOT receive! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Two things

One, I am happy to tell the world that the Charlotte Hornets won three games in a row. Must be the first time they did it all year.

Also, almost everyday, I eat similar things for lunch. Varies little from day to day, but trying to keep things it healthy. Make it balanced. I eat carrots and oranges almost every day. But I feel I need a little more variety. But still trying to eat healthy.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It was a great weekend in sports for me.

All my teams won. In NBA Basketball, the Charlotte Hornets beat the Philadelphia 76ers 109-91 last Friday, they beat the Utah Jazz 104-86 on Saturday. First time I've hear the Hornets win twice in a row. GO HORNETS!!! I also had good luck in NCAA Basketball, my team, the UNC Tar Heels beat the Ohio State Buckeyes 82-74. GO TAR HEELS!!! This was a GREAT weekend in Basketball.

And Football was also good. First of all my team the Carolina Panthers beat the Cleavland Browns 17-13. I guess, 13 really was an unlucky number for the Brows after the Panthers beat them. GO PANTHERS!! Also the Detroit Lions beat the Chicago Bears 20-14. Good for the Lions! And My fiancee was also happy that the Dallas Cowboys destroyed the Indianapolis Colts 42-7! That made her happy. And when she's happy, I'm happy. And yes, she's also a fan of the Panthers, too. So, we an excellent weekend in sports!

I have also noticed something.

That post I put up about a year and a half ago how I miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious is still getting hits to this day. Now, you can argue that I have outgrown this stuff, but I did think that show was funny. What I also liked hearing is that Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande have managed to rekindle their friendship. However, I still have this humble request to any of the former cast members who have seen any of the messages on this blog. My request is if at least one of the former cast members gets involved to promote Autism Awareness and support Autism research. That is my request.

Winter Solstice

Well, folks today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Today is the last day of the downswing of daylight. Starting tomorrow, days will start to get longer, gradually. Of course that also means, it's now officially Winter. But that's what today is, everybody. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Could you beleive this happened this morning?

Though, it not typical for this time of the year. But, we got snow here in North Carolina in December. It almost never snows here in December (except maybe in the mountains). Sorry, the snow didn't show up well in this photo. 
But here you can see some piling up. 

And this is from the window in my room. Used a smaller version to make it look clearer (larger versions are blurry). Sorry the screen is in the way. Well, even though the snow didn't stick, at least we got some in December. That is very rare for this neck of the wood. Here in North Carolina, we usually don't get some until January (if we get any at all). And 90% of the time, the January snow we get melts away in three or four days. Yes, I'm excited, because we rarely get snow around here. So, no, there's virtually no such thing as a White Christmas here in NC. Our Christmases are as green as lettuce!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

All I know is this

Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A man who came to the world to give us the greatest gift of all, salvation. Just remember the almighty himself granted you a wonderful present. Now, pass around the joy!

Yes, people I LOVE Christmas

Being that it is Christmas time. I really feel the spirt. I like to buy presents to pass the joy around (and hopefully not max out my credit card). But I mean, it is holiday about giving. And I love to give. I guess, that's the true spirit of Christmas.

But I really do like to pass the joy around. Right now, I'd even pass the joy around to those don't like. EXCEPT YOU 9! Yeah, I'm on to you!! You don't get my Christmas joy, 9!

And yes people, I still hate to see my posts end with the number 9.


Aliens from outer space look down on Earth, with their ultra-powerful microscope.

Here's what they say (translated of course).

Xinos: Aelon, I'm looking down on this planet the inhabitants call "Earth." I see something packed together. Is this one of their solid molecules?

Aelon: No Xinos, those are just the inhabitants at mall around a point in the year they call "Christmas Time."

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This is a message I have to all the Jewish people in the world.

Well, it's sundown, at least it is in North Carolina where I'm from. However, as you Jewish people have figured. I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY CHANUKAH! I hope these next eight days will be wonderful. Even though I'm not Jewish, I still though I would wish all of you Jewish people a wonderful Chanukah this week. HAPPY CHANUKAH!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Two things

First of all, I am happy this blog has over 17,000 hits! I want to thank all of you people from around the world who took the time to read this blog. I will put more messages on this blog. I will be posting more. And yes, more jokes are the way. I hope I do a good job informing you as well as making you laugh.

Also this happened today while was at school. We talked about Christmas shopping. We are happy that here in the 2010's there is online shopping. I remember saying about 30 years ago people had to comb the stores for gifts.

And well, the thing was, I coincidentally, had a comb in my hand. One person thought it was funny of me saying that with a comb in my hand. Though I didn't mean any jokes. However, it reminded him of the movie Spaceballs. It reminds him of that line when President Skroob tells tells Lord Dark Helmet to "Comb the desert." And then Dark Helmet has his henchmen going down on the planets with combs, COMBING the desert. And then one of Dark Helmet's henchmen asks the question "Don't you think we're taking Skoobs words a little too literally?" Then Helmet says back "No, you heard Skrood's orders. He told us to comb the desert, and we're combing the desert!" Well, I though that line was funny.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

While watching WWE TLC

Yes, while watching the WWE TLC (and stairs) Pay-per-view over the WWE Network for only $9.99 (sorry had to include that joke), one of my tweets went on the air. It was my tweet about the Tables Match being a CLASSIC! 


You know these songs.

-Let is Snow

-Winter Wonderland

-Sleigh Ride

-Frosty the Snowman

My question is, why do we sing these songs almost exclusively around Christmas time, when they are really just about Winter? Well, just a question.

This is what happended yesterday.

Well, before I started working. I thought I would go be with my fiancee, Carson. We ended up watching the UNC Basketball game. Yes, I know, I just told you they lost to the Kentucky Wildcats, but the Wildcats are pretty good. But I thought I would be with her before I start work.

As you know, we first say that game. No, more detail necessary. You already know had it ended. After a certain point, Carson and I couldn't take anymore. We changed the channel. We saw an NC State game. They played...they played, hum....ya know, I can't remember who they played. All I know is state just rolled over their opponents. Game was boring! 

Then we stated watching the movie Home Alone. We can all agree that movie is CLASSIC! One of the greatest family comedies of all time!! It does have some it's touching moments. If you haven't seen that movie, please do, you may like it.

Cravon (her father) went to see Mary (her mother) in the hospital. Carson had to stay home to look after Butler, their pug. However, I thought I would come by to cheer herself up some. She has been saddened that her mother is in the hospital. Can you keep praying for her Mary? It would mean a lot to her.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while

But you know what Christmas time is like. It can be quite stressful. Especially, with all the shopping. However, I just knew I had to get it done.Good news is, IT IS!! Yes, no more Christmas shopping.

I spend my day with Carson. We meet at Southern Season. It's a gourmet emporium chain found here in North Carolina. I don't want to tell the public where Carson and I shopped (so, just in case if people I know stumble on this blog won't get ideas want I bought them for Christmas. Don't want to ruin the surprise).

Carson and I had a late lunch. We ate at a place called Old Chicago. I looks like a sporty type place. But it was a place recommended by Carson's sister-in-law. It was a yummy place. I got to have a nice pizza. I love Chicago pizza. I like that thick crust. While we were there. Carson and I were watching the Panthers game. They were doing well. However, we didn't know about the hours of the places on Sundays. So, we decided that we couldn't stay too long. Didn't see the end of the game.

Well, Basketball this week SUCKED, because both my teams lost. The Charlotte Hornets lost both Friday and Saturday. The lost to the Memphis Grizzlies 113-107. The game was close and went into double overtime. But the Hornets came up short. But still, it sucks. I want the Hornets to win. And them they lost again to the Brooklyn Nets 114-87. Hornets better improve soon. I'm sick of hearing them lose. And Yes, the UNC Tar Heels lost the Kentucky Wildcats 84-70 in NCAA Basketball. That also SUCKS! Both my B-ball teams lost!!

Now, Football was a different story. Yes, there my teams won. Yes, the Carolina Panthers beat one of their in division rivals the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (yes, that was the game Carson and I saw at Old Chicago), 19-17. So, I guess, that makes me happy. I'm sick of seeing the Panthers lose. What I also like is that my other team, the Detroit Lions also won. They beat their arch rivals (or at least I think they are) the Minnesota Vikings. Though, the Lions were behind through out most of the game, they beat the Vikings 16-14. I guess, I had a good weekend in Football.

Oh, this week, while doing Christmas shopping. I manged to run into a customer I served a lot at Harris Teeter. His name is Larry. He also got to say "hi" to my fiancee, Carson. Now, I am about to watch WWE TLC. I guess, it was a good Sunday.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Oh, one more thing

I have heard that UNC won their game ahead of time, but I've been told it was told they had 109 points, not 108. If it was 109, do you think 9 was trying to get the best of me, seeing my team win with a 9? Just a question.

Well, sports has been going all right.

Though, I am hoping to pass certification in the IT field from New Horizon's sometimes. However, in the world of sports this has been a good weekend. First of the all the Charlotte Hornets beat the New York Knicks right at the buzzer (no pun intended). But, yes, the Hornets actually won! The final score, 103-102. GO HORNETS!!

Asked for the NFL, my team, the Carolina Panthers also emerged victorious. They CRUSHED the New Orleans Saints 41-10. Yes, the Panthers did win. And YES, they won bye THAT much! GO PANTHERS!! And also, the Detroit Lions won, beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 34-17. Well, grew up in Detroit, so I like the Lion, too.

And of course, YES, my NCAA B.Ball team, the UNC Tar Heels DESTROYED the ECU Pirates 108-63. GO TAR HEELS!! But ya know, that wasn't really all of a surprise. Tar Heels have been doing well in Basketball. Also, it seems both sea thieves I DIDN'T favor lost. Looks like my teams "stole" all their hopes and plunged them down to "Davy Jones' Locker." Hopefully, the San Diego Chargers will beat the New England Patriots and I'd be really happy (no, I don't hate New England, just the Patriots). Well, that's all for now.