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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Well, last Firday my fiancee and I went to a Football game at her old high school

Okay, last Friday my fiancee and I went to see a high school Football game at at my fiancee's old high school. Her high school team was known as the Garner Trojans. They played the East Wake Warriors. This was Garner's Homecoming game. Garner is wearing blue and gold. East Wake is wearing blue and white. The sport is Football. However, if you live outside of the United States, you would probably know the sport as American Football. But we Americans call it just plain Football. 

Here's East Wake's team. 

Here's Garner's marching band awaiting their team. 

Here is the banner the Trojans run through to start the game. I tied to get a picture of them coming thorough. However, I missed my chance. Timing was off. Sorry people. 

Captains on both teams meet. Sorry, couldn't get East Wake's captains very well. But this is the coin flip. It is to determine who who get to decide on what to do with the ball. Garner won, so they got to decide and decided to get the ball first. 

This was supposed to be the start of the game. Something was wrong with my camera, Wasn't able to get a good picture of the action. 

The photography still sucks. I don't know why. 

Bury, bury, bury! May need to get that camera checked on. But as you see East Wake has the ball. 

But at the half Garner still lead 19-0

Here is the Homecoming Court. 

Here's the left side I wasn't able to get. DRAT!!

Here's the runners up!!

And here's the King and Queen!! Sorry for the bad quality. 

This is the King ans Queen riding off in their car. Sorry, I may need to get my camera fixed. 

Now, back to the action. 

East Wake started to build momentum. 

Here are some Garner fans to cheer them on some. 

They like to wave Garner flags and American flags to cheer them on some. 

Well, we left half way though the fourth quarter. Garner was still a head. I hear they won 33-21. Sorry, but Carson (my fiancee) and I thought things got too rowdy and decided to go. But that's what Friday night was like. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Two things

One today is the day of the Autumnal Equinox, which means it is now officially Fall and this will be one of the two days of the year when day and night will be almost identical. After today it will start getting dark. That's if you live on the Northern Hemisphere. I know, on the Southern Hemisphere it's the opposite. But hey, I live on the Northern Hemisphere, so here it's Fall now.

The other thing I want to talk is about is the fact I want you to keep praying for my cousin and keep checking out her blog to support her. She is battling Melanoma. She will need all the support she can get. I will put the address of her blog below. Thank you.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oh, bye the way.

I still  HATE it when my posts end in a 9. Oh , well.

I am happy to say this.

This blog now has over 16,000 hits. I would love to thank all the people from around the world who took the time to view this blog. I hope you find it both humorous and informative. Please keep the hits coming and I will try to keep the post coming. But I would like to that you all from around world who looked at this blog!

I love the NFL! Don't you?!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been very busy with my IT training call, and it is taking up a lot of my time. So, I don't have as much time to blog as I used to. But this is what happened on Sunday September 14, 2014.

Well, people my fiancee and I went on a road trip to Queen City (that's Charlotte, North Carolina just in case you didn't know) to see the Carolina Panthers take on the Detroit Lions. And for those of you who live outside the United States, the National Football League (NFL) has games on ever Sunday during Fall. And once again for those of you are not from the United States, the sport is American Football. It's probably different from the sport you call Football. We do have that sport in the United States except we call that sport Soccer. As you know being a North Carolinian I was there cheering for the Panthers. Yes, I know I grew up in Detroit. And yes, I still do like the Lions. However, the Panthers are my team now. Sorry Lions. However, there were a lot of people there cheering for the Lions. There are a lot of people from Detroit who now live in North Carolina. I would imagine many moved to Charlotte because it is the largest city. Charlotte's main industry is banking. I guess, that's why the Panthers play in a place called the Bank of America Stadium. However, most were there cheering for the Panthers. So, I guess it was about 90% for the Panthers, 10% for the Lions. Here are some photos of what happened when I was there. Got good seats. My fiancee and I weren't super high, and we were behind a goal post. Got a good view of the action. The game was last Sunday, that would be September 14. Oh, and bye the way, The Panthers are in the white jerseys and The Lions are in the blue jerseys.

Here in the United States we like to honor out country by playing our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. We often have celebrities singing it. Trevin Hunte from the NBC show The Voice. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of him. But I managed to get a photo of people unrolling the flag back. 

A picture of Sir Purr (he's the mascot of the Carolina Panthers) and the drum. The Panthers motto is KEEP POUNDING! Hence the drum. 

And here's Sir Purr to greet the boys. GO PANTHERS!!!!

This came after the kick off. Lions got the ball first. 

Now, the here they go. The Lions are are trying to get some yards. However, the Panthers are ready to hold them back. Us Panther fans shouldn't be too scared. They have arguably the best defense in the NFL.

Now, The Panthers take the ball. 

Let's get some yards, boys!!!!

It was halftime. Panthers lead 6-0. There were no touchdowns scored. Just two field goals, both by the Panthers. Lions tried for two, but missed them both. For the halftime show, the marching band from Appalachian State University (called the Marching Mountaineers). 

In honor of the Panthers Quarterback, Cam Newton, they performed the theme to the 1978 movie Superman. Newton often likes to make his Superman poses after she makes a successful touchdown pass. He wears #1, hence the "1" in place of an "S" for the Superman logo. 

Oh yes, Mountaineers, you know the ones. 

Well, I missed the kickoff of the second half. Sorry, but I have to go use the restroom sometime. I'm not gonna pee my pants you know. But anyway, the second half stated and the Lions came up strong. In fact, the Lions got the first touchdown and an extra point. They now lead 7-6, NO!!!!. During the Lions lead Sir Purr did a little dancing with his cousin. I forgot what his cousin's name is. SORRY. But they did some dancing. Most of the crowd could use something to cheer them up now that the Lions have the lead. 

Well, I guess not for long. Panthers got the lead back. Oh, bye the way, when ever the Panthers score, those folks come out waving those Panther flag in celebration. GO PANTHERS!!!

And the lead widens! YES!!!!

Sir Purr with big black hands? WHAT?!! Do you think they are supposed to be black cymbals or something? 

Oh, this is what the Bank of America Stadium has flying on top. Three flags, the flag of the United States in the center. The flag of the state South Carolina on the right. And the flag of my state, North Carolina on the left. Since they are the Carolina Panthers, they represent both Carolinas. 

You see the Top Cats (that's the Carolina Panthers cheerleading squad just in case you didn't know) starting to celebrate. Though the game is not over. However, the situation looks great for the Panthers. Bleak for the Lions. 

NOW, the Panthers officially won!! GO PANTHERS!!! You know, my mother jokingly called this game the Kitty Cat Bowl. I'm just happy, my cats, the RIGHT CATS, won this game. KEEP POUNDING for the rest of the season, boys!!

And yes, that is the final score. Panthers 24. Lions 7. GO PANTHERS AND KEEP POUNDING!!!! I do wish the Lions good luck through out the rest of their season though. I hope they beat the Green Bay Packers on Sunday September 21. You know, if they Lions weren't playing the Panthers I would cheer for them. But since they did play the Panthers, I didn't cheer for them. I also HOPE the Panthers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers on the 21st as well. If the Panthers do, their record will be 3-0. But only time will tell for sure. Bye for now!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Please keep praying for my cousin.

Her name is Kate. She is from Houston. She is battling Melanoma. She could sure use our support and our prayers. Please check out her blog. I will have a link below. But please support her!

Okay I am looking Forward to tomorrow (Sunday)

Yes people, I just added a photo on my 9/11 post. I got that from iStock. Speaking of iStock, this photo is also from iStock. Yes, it is the entrance of the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is the home stadium of my home team, the Carolina Panthers. Just in case you are wondering the Panthers are a Football team. And for those of you who live outside the United States, that is American Football. Probably a different sport from you call Football. The sport you call Football is probably the sport we call Soccer.
Anyway, tomorrow I am going to see the Carolina Panthers play the Detroit Lions with my fiancee. I will be the first time in almost 15 year I got to see a Football game in person. I got to see the Panthers play 13 years ago and win against one of their rivals, the New Orleans Saints. So, I'm looking forward to seeing Cam Newton, Kelvin Benjamin, Luke Kuechly, Derek Anderson, and of course Sir Purr all in person. Can't wait! Hopefully, DeAngelo Williams will also be able to play, but I have heard about his problems with one of his leg muscles. Can sure his running plays. But I think they have some good running backs to fill in for him. And just in case if you are wondering, Sir Purr is the name of their mascot. He is an anthropomorphic Panther. Lions have a mascot, too. His name is Rory the Lion. He is an anthropomorphic Lion.
I am hoping the best for the Panthers and hoping the Panthers win. However, you can't be too certain about anything. Though I did grow up in Detroit. However, the Panthers are my team I am hoping the Panthers win. However, if the Lions win I will not be too disappointed. GO PANTHERS AND KEEP POUNDING!!!!
Oh, could you beleive my mother jokenly called this game the "Kitty Cat Bowl." Well, I still hope MY CATS win.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I know I haven't posted in a few days.

However, I would like people around the world to pray for the best for this world. Today is the 13 anniversary of the day that changed the world (and not for the better I might add). I am if course talking about that day, September 11, 2001 (AKA 9/11). Please pray for more peace and stability to this world. Please pray for more freedom. And please pray for all those people who list loved ones that day. My father was in York City when that happened. Also pray for a Middle East, so they may one day enjoy peace and freedom. And pray for peace and freedom for us all! That is all I have to say.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Yes, The NFL is BACK!!

As you probably know, today was the start of Football season here in the US. And for those of you who live outside the United States, when I say Football, I am referring to American Football. Not, the sport you may call Football. That sport, us Americans refer to that sport as Soccer. MY TEAM, The Carolina Panthers were no exception! Today, they faced one of their rival teams, The Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Bucks home field. 

Many people doubted the Panthers in this game. Especially, since they didn't have Cam Newton in this game. Well, Derek Anderson (the Panthers starting quarterback in this game) SILENCED those critics!! Anderson PROVED he can get the job done as well!! Though yes, at the end it seemed that Tampa Bay may pull a victory (I guess the Panthers must have got cocky), however the Panther defense held the Bucks back! What many critics didn't realize the Panther defense is nothing less than AMAZING! Last year it was the second best in the entire NFL. Only the Seattle Sea Hawks had better defense. And we all know what they say, "Offense gets the glory, but DEFENSE wins the game!" Panthers win 20-14.

What I also liked about NFL Football today, is the fact MY LEAST FAVORITE team, The New England Patriots LOST! I don't know what the final score was. Also I know is they were favored something like 3-1 over the Miami Dolphins, and the Dolphins WON!! That must be really humiliating for the Patriots. And once again, I have to make one point clear. I do NOT hate New England. In fact I loved Cape Cod when I visited. It's very beautiful in the Summer. I just hate the Patriots. Glad they lost today.

Well, I hope to see another winning season for the Panthers this year just like last year. Next week, Carson (my fiancée) and I are going to see them play in person in their first home game of the season against the Detroit Lions. Even though, I grew up in Detroit, and I still like the Lions. However, THE PANTHERS are my team now. So yes, I will be there cheering for the Panthers. Well, great start Panthers. Now, KEEP POUNDING!! GO PANTHERS!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Just for fun, I'd thought I's post two new pictures of myself.

A photo of my with my new hair cut. 

And one of me with my new Panthers hat. Aren't they nice?!

Hope you all are enjoying your day. At least here in the US as well as in Canada

Is this photo above making you hungry? Well, but as you know that today is Labor Day. The day we treat as one last hurrah for Summer here in the US. As well as in Canada. Yes, it's a day where we like to go swimming and of course do some grilling (yes, my favorite part). YYYYYYUUUUUMMMMMMM! As well as enjoy some R & R. Since it's (unofficially) the last day of Summer. Oh, and about the grilling, my favorite part.  If you ask me, hamburgers, steaks, and beef hot dogs taste best cooked over a grill with charcoal. But you know, that's the best way to cook beef if you ask me, of all kinds.

Well, I guess you know all that. However, here are some fact you probably didn't know. Well, at least I hope their are facts. I admit I can get the info wrong sometimes. However, here's how I've heard it got started out. The holiday started in 1887. There was a protest in Chicago a year prior til. There were workers who protested their new work schedules. They felt they were unfair. They demanded their work schedules be cut down to eight hours. The police police killed many workers who protested. Did they get the workers get hostile, or did he police get overzealous. We'll never know. However, at the Haymarket Square in Chicago, an unknown person planted a bomb at the police on May 4, 1886, killing many police officers and at least four citizens. Many more injured. This event often referred as the Haymarket Affair (also known as the Haymarket Massacre or the Haymarket Riot).
In 1887 President Grover Cleveland did want want join in on May 1 celebrations. He decided that in lieu of that, there will be an official holiday on the first Monday of September. It is the holiday we call Labor Day. Soon the holiday found it's way into Canada. However, there they spell it Labour L-A-B-O-U-R Day (the United States is the only English speaking country that does not spell labor with "U") . I got this information off Wikipedia. Some will probably tell me that was not a valid source. Oh well. But that what I have to say about Labor Day. Enjoy your cookout!