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Thursday, July 31, 2014


Q: Does the Roman God Janus, exist?

A: Perhaps, in fact, I think politicians have "two faces!" Could he be one if them?! I don't know!

PS. This was intended to be a blog joke. I don't believe in the Roman God Janus.


Q: How can you make yourself sick intentionally?

A: Just look at the headlines! They make me SICK!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Q: What's the difference between a furnace and the shows on MTV?

A. The furnace is cooler! 


Here are three oxymorons for you.

1. Rich pauper

2. Tiny giant

3. And of course, evening news journalism! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Yep! People

I guess, watching the the original Batman movie and going to the mall were the most interesting things to happen to me today except....
Expect the fact I got an engagement ring for Carson from the Helzberg Diamonds shop at Southpoint. She got to pick out the ring she realy wanted. I think it's safe to say that that we pretty much ENGAGED!! Just thought I would all let you know that. We haven't planned our wedding date, yet. I got this photo from iStock. But Carson now has an engagement ring!! I guess that's more exciting news than me watching the Batman movie or going to the mall. 

Do you get this feeling?

Well, there was a movie I wanted to see because I haven't seen it for a while. It was the Batman movie from 1989. And I went to the mall. Isn't that exciting?! 

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Q: Who LOVES money and HATES freedom as much as a third world fascist?

A: The IRS!


Q: Can you make a living sucking the life out of people?

A: Yes, except most people call them lawyers!

New Horizons

Yes, I think I'm gonna see that term a lot next year.

First of all I am enrolled in a computer training course called New Horizon's. New Horizon's is a computer training program. They claim that they helped other people with Asperger's before. And helped them achieve success. Well, I'm about to try them August 25. Hopefully, it should go well. I will even have classes with them next year, 2015.

Also did you know that is the name of a space craft that's due to reach Pluto next year, in 2015. The only planet that has yet to be explored by a space craft. And you know I love astronomy. Yes, we finally get to see the surface of Pluto. All other depictions of Pluto's surface were mere speculations. So, finall we will see Pluto.

Wait a minute! Did I just say Pluto is a planet?! Pluto's been demoted!! I ain't a planet no more!! It's part of that Kuiper Belt. Why did I say it was a planet?! We all know it's not! Though some people still like to say it is. Oh well, but New Horizens will see Pluto and the Kuiper Belt next year.

Update on my cousin

I just want to tell you about my cousin, Kate from Houston. She is doing better. Keep praying to see to it that she keeps getting better! Kate can sure use our prayers!


Q: What's more real than the stories on the evening news?


Yes, even Godzilla is MORE REAL than the evening news stories!


Q: Would you like a good and cheap steam sauna?

A: Yeah, just come to North Carolina on this July day!


Well, just for old time sake I will tell this joke I made up when I was a kid.

Q: Which Looney Toon talk with the dirtiest language?

A: THE ROAD RUNNER! Yeah, all he says is "BEEP, BEEP!!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Don't you just HATE scary and spontaneous suprises?!

Well, that's just went I went through with New Horizons! Yeah, I had to take an assessment test. Not even told I'd have to take one with them. Well, I took it. They claim I passed. I start training with them August 25. I hate taking tests. Why wasn't I told?! That's part of my Asperger's, I get nervous before tests and feel I REALLY need to prepare. But I'm the test is over. I start New Horizons in August.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Oh, to all my fellow WWE fans...

If you DON'T subscribe to the WWE Network, DO!! It's a MUST for ANY WWE fan. We can see ALL WWE Pay-Per-View events for NO EXTRA charge!! That right, NO EXTRA CHARGE!!! Would you rather spend $40 on a PPV or $10?! So, if you are a WWE and DON'T subscribe to the WWE Network, DO!! You will get your money's worth, even if a PPV SUCKS! So, WHAT are you waiting for?!! If you are a WWE fan, and DON'T have the WWE Network, GET IT!!

PS. I posted this post for two reasons. One, to promote the WWE Network, it's a good value. You WON'T regret it if you subscribe. I DO subscribe, and I am VERY happy with it. It a GREAT way to cut back on PPV expense. Well, and two, I HATE my post ending in a 9. Just thought I'd let you all know.


Yes, folks Lili, my rottweiler is back from the vet hospital. Thank you all for praying for her! By coincidence my girlfriend's dog was having problems, too. She has a male pug. However, her pug is getting better. She told me he was doing fine today, which is good news. She was worried about her pug yesterday. Please keep praying that both of our dogs keep doing all right, both my rottweiler and her pug! 

As you know I went to the Lionel Richie concert with my girlfriend yesterday.

And you know we both had lots of fun. The concert was AWESOME! In fact, Lionel Richie looked younger than he is! I mean we both had so much fun. I just think I would share with you a few photos I took last night when he performed at Walnut Creek in Raleigh. Cee Low Green opened for him. Sorry, no photos to share of Cee Low. I used my iPhone. SO, my picture of Cee Lows performances sucked. No, not Cee Low's performance, just my photos. My iPhone doesn't take good pictures. At least not as good as my Canon Powershot. But, still this is what the concert was like. He performed Hello, You Are, Dancing on a Celing, and MANY more. He also performed Commodores classics, like Easy, Rapid Fire, and Brick House. 

People coming in to see the show. 

At first theater is almost empty. Where is everybody?! It's Lionel Richie! 

Now, that's better! I thought everybody liked Lionel Richie. All seats are almost full!

And so is the lawn. So, Richie say Hello and people get read to have fun All Night Long! Were those good puns? Ya, know I really don't know...humm? 

But all all I know was both Carson and I were "Dancing on a Ceiling" And yes, PUN INTENDED!! That was probably my favorite Lionel Richie song. 

Just had to add another. Just LOVE that song SO MUCH! I think it's his greatest song. Sorry photo one sucks. Smartphones are not well designed to take pictures. At least not as good as digital cams. 

Here is a sucky picture of him on the piano. Smartphones are NOT for photography people.

 This one is BETTER. Not good but better. SO, technically, Yes, this photo still sucks. However, this is one of the video screen of the performance. That's probably the best picture I got of Lionel Richie himself. That's the best place where to take pictures with smartphones. Richie is still good on the piano. And despite his age, he still shows A LOT of energy. And he's still that entertainer he was back in the the 1970's and 80's. So, if you

And yes, both Carson and I had lots of fun at the Lionel Richie concert. So, if you HAVEN'T seen him perform. Please do! Because you are missing out on the show of a LIFETIME!! Check and see when he's coming to YOUR town! And yes, this picture was taken during the day time. We stayed until he played Hello. We left when he was playing All Night Long. We still had fun. But Carson didn't want to get stuck in traffic on our way out. But the concert was lots of fun. 

Here's what you probably didn't know

Today is the 45th anniversary of the first moon walk in 1969. That was the day when we finally got people over to the moon. I was a huge accomplishment to my country, the United States of America. For many years we trailed the Soviet Union in the Space Race. They beat us to almost everything. In fact they beat us to the moon. However, in 1969, we finally managed to do something before they did. We got people over to the moon before they did. Yes, we managed to send PEOPLE to the moon before the Soviets could. Making this our first victory over the Soviet Union in the Space Race. Even though the Soviets got to the moon before we did, they did NOT send people, they sent robots. So we got people there first. No offense to the Russians. 

Here is a foot print as well. I got this from iStock. I think it was supposed to be Neil Armstrong's foot print when he became the first man to step on the moon. Marking this anniversary of a wonderful day in US history! Once again I mean no offense to  Russians.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

What I'm doing now

Going to the Lionel Richie concert with Carson. What else?!

Unfortunately, Lili still didn't eat much last night

As you know I have a sickly rottweiler in a vet hospital. A female named Lili. And still she is not eating. Please keep her in your prayers.

What I got on the agenda for Saturday.

Well, my girlfriend and I are going to the Lionel Richie concert at in Raleigh. I am really looking forward to it. And so is Carson (my girlfriend). It should be lots of fun. I always liked his song Dancing on a Ceiling. We went to go see Rascal Flatts about a year ago. Now, we're going to go see Lionel Richie. So, it should be lots of fun.


Q. How would describe the sound of a shrieking child?

A. LESS irritating thank Polka music. Or at least I think so!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Please keep praying for Lili, my rottweiler

But my dog, Lili could eat nor drink. She vomited out all the food she ate and drank. She couldn't even take her medications. I though she was getting better.  She had to be taken the vet hospital to receive IV feeding and medication. The vets say she's doing better. Please pray the she'll be all right.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Two things tonight.

First of all I am happy that this blog got over 15,000 hits! I want to thank the people from around the world who took the time look at this blog. I hope you found it very humorous and informative. There will lots more posts (as well as jokes) along the way. Spread the word. Please show this blog to other people who have yet to read it. I'm sure they will like it.

The other thing is tonight I am about to attend an Adult Supper meeting. Something that I haven't attended in quite some time. It is in a place called Brixx. I hear it's a Pizza/Italian place. Well, I am interested in trying it out. However, that is all for now.

And yes...

And I heard it was Russian separatists who fired the BUK's at Malaysia Flight 17. Please pray people.  

Prayer request

I have to pray for Malaysia Flight 17. It was an airliner plane crashed over Ukraine. They think it was shot down by BUK Missiles. Please pray for the victims and their families that they can pull through this burden. It's real sad a that tragedy like this happened today. Why would people want to kill other people?! It makes NO sense!! It just SICK and WRONG!!!!

Well, okay now I got your attention

Yes, that 13 post was just mere entertainment. You don't think I'm THAT superstitious, do you?! But on a serious note I am moving on. I can't dwell on the past. It was sad how Ram Jack didn't give me an interview when they promised they will. I mean, complaining about it ain't gonna do no good (no grammar lectures please). Got to look ahead to the future. I may have found he answer to prayers. It's New Horizons. I'm thinking about looking into them. If I do, I seriously HOPE they can help me find some serious employment. Underemployment sucks!!


This would be post 1113 (Dun-Dun-Daaaa)!!Yes. 13!! AAAAHHH!!!! I better post again!!


Q. Can you go looking at a roller coaster without going to an amusement park?

A. Yes, just take a look at the Dow!

Thing about being Asperger's is well...

You get fixated on things. I did tell you how I got fixated with the thing of Sam & Cat being cancelled, to me seemed like payback for cancelling Victorious without a final episode. Maybe that's something Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider should start thinking about, giving their shows finales. However, in my opinion, Sam & Cat sucked so it didn't deserve a finale. But enough about that.

Don't wanna bore you to sleep. I just wanted to share with you all, something else I have been getting fixated on. No, it's not having my posts end in a 9. Though that would be a good guess. That number is just too annoying to end with. It just has to have it's 10. Well, ahh, enough about that as well. The thing I'm getting fixated on is photography. I like to take pictures with that digital cam I got for my birthday. Yeah, that Canon PowerShot SX510 HS. In fact, tonight in my window I saw a beautiful half moon. Okay, a full moon is prettier, but don't think I'm going wait though the lunar cycle for that. But I still thought it was a sight to see. So, I just thought I would share the picture with you.
So, what do you think? 

Well, people yes, I HAVE...

I have heard the news about the Nickelodeon series Sam & Cat. I know Nickelodeon is geared towards children. I will admit in some ways I am in some ways a "Peter Pan." You know the boy who never grew up. I guess, in some ways I'm like that, too. The show has indeed been cancelled. Now, I am not bummed. I'm sorry, but there there is just so much about that show I could not understand. Like how do they get by on a babysitter's salary in a place as expensive as Los Angeles.

I mean, yes, the show is geared towards children. And yes, children may not think about these things. But still wouldn't Sam and Cat be burdened financially? When I was a kid (literally speaking) there was a show called the Super Mario Brothers Super Show, which has a live action sitcom segments featuring the Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi (and yes, their last names were Mario, so the older one's name was literally Mario Mario, strange I know, but funny). I mean, that was show just as campy as Sam & Cat (if not campier). I mean, even in the live action segments you saw shadows in the windows, cartoony sound effects, and exaggerated plots. But even in that campy sitcom (also geared towards children), they have shown how Mario and Luigi (who live in Brooklyn, borough of New York City, which is also notoriously expensive like LA) were financially burdened. Not as in a hard time buying material luxuries, I mean as in BURDENED! As in STRUGGLING to get by!! To dumb it down a shade more, I mean not being able to pay your bills. In fact, I think they even had an episode where Mario and Luigi (sharing a tomato for lunch because that's all they could afford) had to file for bankruptcy. And in case you didn't know, Mario and Luigi had their own plumbing business, which meant they were plumbers who had their own business. Call me naive but I personally, think you can make more money in the plumbing business than you can the babysitting business. I don't understand why the writers of Sam & Cat couldn't show them struggling to get by financially? I mean, the few episodes I did see, I don't think they were even supposed to be good babysitters. Who would hire babysitters like that?! I sure wouldn't! Oh and by the way, Mario and Luigi, scrip wise speaking, were supposed to be good plumbers. They just had a hard time finding business. That and we all know New York City is ludicrously expensive.

Maybe the reason why I don't miss Sam & Cat is because I was a fan of the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I mean, I thought that show was just too funny! I thought the jokes were very well executed. Ariana Grande played Cat Valentine in both shows. I thought Sam & Cat just couldn't capture the magic of Victorious. Yes, I know Victorious was also a campy show (but what Nickelodeon sitcom wasn't campy?). But campiness does work in the world of comedy. But Victorious was about high school kids in a performing arts school who dream of making it big in the entertainment business. But though just as campy, it made a lot more sense then Sam & Cat (IMO). I mean, I've put up dozens of post of all the things I don't understand about Sam & Cat, besides the financial stuff. I also don't understand why people would just easily trust a drifter to live with somebody. Especially if that drifter enjoys drifting. Or why would a grandmother leave her dependant granddaughter alone with that drifter, with no job for the granddaughter to pay her bills? The grandmother moved into a retirement home just in case if you are wondering. It all just makes no sense to me.

Well, it appears that Ariana Grande, who as I mentioned before plays Cat Valentine, is about to get more involved with her musical career. However, is there bad blood between her and her former co-star Jennette McCurdy (who played Sam Puckett on Sam & Cat). All I know is, McCurdy boycotted the KCA last spring. She told the world she has beef with Nickelodeon. What is her beef? That remains a mystery. Some believe it was due to her photo scandal. McCurdy denies that. She claimed that was not the reason why she no-showed at the KCA's but it was something else. There were rumors that she was being paid less than her co-star Ariana Grande. Grande has responded to the salary rumors and denied them. Grande claims she and McCurdy were being paid equal. There is one thing known to the public. McCurdy had a note that had the words "fake friend." Who was that "fake friend"? The name is yet to be revealed. However, most people presume the person she's talking about is Ariana Grande.

All we know is we have heard from Ariana Grande. She thanked Nickelodeon and her fans. However, she did not thank her co-star Jennette McCurdy. That leads me to the conclusion there is some bad blood between them. Asked for Jennette McCurdy, she still hasn't spoken since the announcement of the shows cancellation. Well, I wish the best for them both. I mean, I wasn't a fan of the show. I could not understand why it got high ratings. Is there something wrong with the world? Or is there something wrong with me? Maybe I don't get it. But I cannot lie. I was REALLY happy to see such garbage go. I mean, the show just so fake (and not the good kind of fake, yes there is good fake in case you're wondering). But I guess, with the back stage politics and Grande's growing musical career, the show was doomed to a short life. I guess, (to me) that's what the show and Nickelodeon deserved for canceling Victorious. Especially, since they didn't even give Victorious a final episode. And yes, this is how I personally feel. You may disagree.

This was a long post. However, I know I said this dozens of times. But still, I HOPE that AT LEAST ONE former member of the cast of Victorious would get wind of my blog and read it. And also would grant me my request. My request is to promote autism awareness and support autism research. I mean being one who lives with it I can tell you, it's no picnic. I feel there is a dire need for more research. It has potential to make the lives of people who live with it easier. That is all I have to say. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Got new haircut today.

And my new haircut is VERY short. The shortest it's been in years (thought I never had the rock star look). But well, I got a real short look today. Here are two photos to share.
Here's one photo. 

Here is another higher up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

If you prayed for my dog, THANK YOU!

Here is a picture of my dog, Lili. A pure bread rottweiler. She just got back home from surgery. She has been eating cat hair balls (gross I know) and yarn. Over time it accumulated in her stomach. It had to be removed from her stomach via surgery. However, she is back home and doing fine! Thank you for your prayers!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Please pray for my dog.

Please pray for my dog, Lili. She just had surgery today because there was something foreign in her stomach. She should come back home in a day or two. I think she is doing all right, but keep her up in your prayers, please.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

And yes people, I did take a look at the supermoon tonight

Well yes, I know, there's gonna be three more. They are gonna happen next month and the month after. But still, I thought it would be cool to see if I can get at least to two good photos of the supermoon. I mean, I LOVE astronomy. I know this is not a super rare astronomical event. However, it's still worth looking at. I mean, it is a beautiful sight. And as you probably know, I am taking photography lessons. So, I just thought I would share with you two picture I took of the supermoon.
Which photo do you think looks better? This one? 

Or this one?! Well, that's all for now!


Q. Why would anybody go searching for the Fountain of Youth?

A. Because it would be easier to find than something tasteful on television!

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Did I put on too many messages today? Oh well...

Happy birthday message for Christine McVie!

Happy birthday to Christine McVie, Keyboardist/Vocalist of Fleetwood Mac! The artist turns 71 years young today!! Hope she has a HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY MORE!!

Prayer request for Tommy Ramone

RIP to Tommy Ramone of the Ramones. They were one of the pioneering Punk bands of the 1970's. He played drums. He just found dead yesterday. He was 62 years of age. I shall give me my thoughts and prayers. Goodbye Tommy Ramone, you will be missed!

Okay people please look out tonight.

Tonight there is a supermoon. Yeah, the moon is gonna wear a cape and gonna fight crime. It's gonna save us all. That moon is really gonna make a difference. Yes, gonna be super bright, it's gonna be super strong, and like superheroes, it's gonna be SUPERCILIOUS (or so it seems). Have I said gonna enough?

Well, just kidding. However, yes, there will be a supermoon tonight. Really just mean the moon is gonna (now gonna constantly shows up just like the italics) looks really big tonight. The moon is look 14% larger tonight. But, the moon will also be super bright! That part is true. So, when the moon comes out tonight maybe you might want to take a look at it. Just a suggestion.


Q. What's the closest garbage dump to my house?


Yeah, I really hate all the junk mail.


Q. What four letter word do news reporters hate the most?


And that word DOES have four letters. What a coincidence!

Friday, July 11, 2014

NBA News

Bet you've the news in NBA Basketball. LeBron James returns to Cleveland to play for the Cavaliers. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Here is another another picture I took when starting photography

It's a nice picture of the clouds here in North Carolina. 


Jim: Mike, why do people hire crooks?

Mike: Jim, nobody in their right mind would EVER hire a crook.

Jim: But people do. Everyone I know has AT LEAST one LAWYER!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Yes, I know you've seen this bridge before.

But, it's so beautiful. It's probably to best picture I've taken ever since I started my class in photography. Probably better than the other picture I've taken of the bridge on the 4th of July. 

Here are some photos from a recent cookout

It was for a married couple named Tim and Allison. They are about to move to Little Rock, Arkansas. I wish them the best of luck. They attended my birthday lunch at Zinburger. I knew I should return the favor and attended their going away party. My church group through them a cookout. It was organized by Nikki and James. My girlfriend came as well. It was fun. I just thought I'd show you some photos of that cookout.
Here was some of the food. We just cooked some of the burgers. Lower right hand side there are the Ball Park Park's Finest. They are pretty good hot dogs. Haven't try them, BOY, you are sure missing out on something. 

Here is Christ opening them up. 

Here is their dog. Yes, he's moving to Arkansas with them. They love that dog too much to leave him behind.
Here are all the guests.
Back row from left to right: Ben, Chris, James (organizer), Tim (guest of honor)
Middle row left to right: Me, Carson (my girlfriend).
Front Row from left to right: Leah, Allison (guest of honor), and Nikki (organizer)


Q: Was that a peregrine falcon I just saw?!


Still not happy about the news in my personal life

I am still saddened on how Ram Jack gave the job to another person without even interviewing me! I mean they told me there will be an interview. But instead, they just stabbed me in the back. Well, guess I gotta keep looking.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Just got some more bad news!

The job interview to Ram Jack Foundation Repair for that bookkeeping job. Well, it has been FILLED! They first cancelled on me, then they don't even bother to reschedule. Instead, they just gave it somebody, WITHOUT interviewing me! Is this legal?! Well, certainly NOT ethical. THAT SUCKS!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

I STILL won't allow this!

Seeing my posts end in a nine. Thank you!

People, PLEASE do me this favor

Please do me one favor. Please pray for my cousin from Houston. She has a diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma. She will have her surgery tomorrow (Monday morning). Please pray for her. It would mean a lot to both her and me. Thank you.

On this Sunday July 6, here was my day

Well, here I am on this, the sixth day of  July in the year 2014 Anno Domini. I started my day going to church. We had a special Sunday School meeting today, and will again next week. We talked about fasting. Mary, the leader recommended that we fast sometime this week. Usually, when we talk about fasting we usually use it in terms of food. But it could be used in other connotations, like media fasting, no news fasting. Hey, I think that about 90% of all the stories I hear on the evening news just depress me to DEATH! Figuratively speaking of course.  I mean, just want to hear happier news for a change. I just think the news programs put up these depressing stories just to get some ratings. Then I went to worship service. At the end we played America the Beautiful. Mainly, because there are references to God in some of the later verses and it was Fourth Of July time (though the holiday is over now). But that's what I did in church.
After that I went on my date with Carson (my girlfriend). I decided to wear the Detroit Tigers shirt she gave me for my birthday. Yes, that shirt I am wearing in this photo was the Tigers shirt Carson gave me. We decided to go eat lunch over at Firebirds at Southpoint. We both got steak. While we ate their we meet a waiter who was also named Aaron. And Aaron (the waiter) was also a fan of the Detroit Tigers, so he liked me shirt. That Aaron was originally from Toledo, Ohio. There they have a Triple-A Minor League team called the Mud Hens. They are the Triple-A MiLB affiliates of the Detroit Tigers. So, Carson and I had a nice lunch.
After that Carson and I got some coffee at the Starbucks at the Barnes and Noble at Southpoint (yes, a place that's in a place, that in a place. Kinda ironic, wouldn't you say?). Then we went we went to It's Sugar, a candy place at Southpoint. After that we went to go see the movie.
The Movie we went to go see was Transformers: Age of Extinction. Well, the movie wasn't the most fun. At first there was a party next to us that had some noisy children who were starting to drive us crazy. I'm glad that party decided to leave. They were making way to much noise. It was a long movie. Arguably, too long. However, we did get to see the Dinobots. I always liked that sub group of Autobots. I always liked the Transformers since I was a kid. However, this wasn't the best TF movie. If I had to grade it I would give it a C-. Though Michael Bay has made worse movies if you ask me.
Well, still wearing my Tigers shirt. Watching the Detroit Tigers play the Tampa Bay Rays. The Detroit Tigers are my favorite Major League Team. They are currently behind 3-1. However, if they Rays win, I wouldn't be too disappointed. They are my second favorite MLB team. Why do I like the Ray almost (those italics again! Where do they come from?!) as must as I like the Tigers. Well, that's because they are the MLB affiliates of the Triple-A MiLB my neck of the woods called the Durham Bulls. Well, still hoping the best for the Tigers, but I wouldn't (those italics) be too disappointed if the Rays win. Well, that's my Sunday for you. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The day AFTER the 4th of July

Day after the 4th of July. BORED! No holiday to look froward to for a while. Same old, same old for a while. Well, I guess, I'll be working at Harris Teeter from 3-11 tonight. But that's my day today. Oh well...

Well, folks I DID get to enjoy my 4th of July!!

Okay people. I worked at Harris Teeter today from 9-5. I did tell them I couldn't stay later because my parents invited both me and my girlfriend to a fireworks show at their country club. Unfortunately, our county ruled that the conditions were too dry. So, the fireworks show at the country club were CANCELLED!! NNNNOOOOO!!!!! I mean, people I don't know about you, but if you ask me, you just CAN'T have the Fourth of July without fireworks. So, I tried a different plan. I talked to my girlfriend if she would be interested in seeing the fireworks show at the Kenan Memorial Stadium at the UNC Campus. She agreed on that. So, we had dinner at my parents' country club, then went to Kenan. I just think I should share with you some photos of what things were like.

Here is a photo of Rockin' Uncle Sam!

Here is a partially eaten American Flag cake. 

Well, my mother told some of her friends that I was taking up a hobby in photography. Here is a picture I took of the bridge. 
Here is another picture of the bridge with some more trees in the background. 

Here were all the people over at Kenan to see the fireworks. Carson (my girlfriend) and I got there about an hour before the show. There was a band called Bull City Syndicate was there for extra entertainment until the big firework show. 

And HEEEERRRRREEEE the fireworks!!

And more fireworks! 

And more fireworks. Yeah, I love fireworks!

Hey, what can I say? I just can NOT get enough of fireworks!

And some more fireworks. No doubt about it. The fireworks show at Kenan Memorial Stadium in Chapel Hill has been declared one of the 10 best in the country! No, not in the state of North Carolina, but the WHOLE COUNTRY!! As in the WHOLE COUNTRY of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! A GREAT way to show the country's birthday! Unfortunately, afterwords getting out was a PAIN. Carson and I parked in a parking garage in the UNC campus. But when we came back to the car we wait about half an hour before we can move AT ALL. And we weren't alone. Many people had a hard time leaving. Eventually, there were people who came out to direct traffic in the garage. I told one person they should have MORE people doing that starting next year. It sure makes getting out much easier. Well, eventually, we got out. It was an AWESOME show. I'm glad I got to see it. However, there was no way I will celebrate my Fourth of July with fireworks. I mean, you just can't have the Fourth without it. So, I had a happy Fourth of July. I hope all you fellow Americans did, too. It was fun. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Okay, this misfortune happened.

The misfortune is that our country club just announced the fireworks have been CANCELLED due to dry weather conditions.Fear it could be a fire hazard. THAT SUCKS!! I REALLY want some fireworks. Well, maybe try the Memorial Stadium on the UNC campus. Maybe I'll have better luck there. Hafta try and see. HOPEFULLY, I can make that one.

To all my fellow Americans

Hope you all have a happy Fourth of July. Yes, on this day when we celebrate our country's birth. Yep, it was 238 years ago this day, on that July afternoon in Philadelphia when they signed the Declaration of Independence. Giving birth to this great country. Another photo I got from iStock. It features the American flag waving proudly in the night sky with (of course) FIREWORKS!! I mean, seriously, do you think you can have the 4th of July WITHOUT fireworks? I sure can't. Hope you all enjoy your day. Have a nice cookout and enjoy some fireworks! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYBODY!!! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Bob: Hey Rob!

Rob: What's up Bob.

Bob: I gotta strange feeling.

Rob: What feeling could that be?

Bob: That THIS will be this blogs lucky post for this month!

Rob: Why would you assume that THIS post above all will be so lucky for this month?!

Bob: Simple, thats because it's this month's SEVENTH post!

Yeah, just had to add that joke in there.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

And bad news people

My job interview got CANCELED! Yes, people canceled. And I was really looking forward to it. They told me they will call back on a time to reschedule. I just hope it could be soon. So, yes, I am VERY sad!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Well Folks

Right now, this is the eve before a job interview. The interview is tomorrow at 3:00. It is for a bookkeeping job at Ram Jack foundation repair. Please pray that I will do fine and hopefully, get the job. Thank you.

Forgot to mention this about Summer

However, this is the part I hate. No, it's not having all my posts end in a 9 (I hate that all year round), but there is yeast that goes around and reacts with the heat. It causes rashes. I happened to me. My girlfriend has noticed something on both my hand and my neck. But I got some red rashes, and both were on my left side of my body. She HOPED it wasn't shingles. Far as we both know I an certainly too young for that. And since I didn't hurt, it couldn't have been that. What did make me worry, was when I combed my hair. My girlfriend really wanted me to see a doctor. So, I did. It as nothing serious. That fact it was nothing serious made my girlfriend happy.

But it it is an inconvenience. Had to by prescriptions. I hate buying prescriptions because they are expensive. They must mistake me for the Geico Moneyman, assuming I'm made if money. But, I'm just glad I'm still in good health.


John: Bill, where can I find the phone numbers or email address for a company called "Gutter Made"?

Bill: I don't think there is such a company, John.

John: But there is, I fact they've been all over the media.

Bill: I haven't heard of such a company called "Gutter Made."

John: but there is a company called "Gutter Made" I want to talk to them for my ideas to help them.

Bill: Help a company called "Gutter Made?"

John: Yeah, Gutter Made. Except most people call them GM.

Sorry people, I had to put that joke on my blog. But GM did recall millions of cars. They must be GUTTER  MADE!! Well, I mean no offense to anyone who owns a GM car that they enjoy. If I did, my apologies.

HAPPY CANADA DAY, To all you Canadians!!

I want to wish all the Canadians out there a HAPPY CANADA DAY!! I hope you have lots of fun! Even though, I am an American, I still want the Canadians to enjoy their Canada Day and celebrate your great country! I even got a good picture from iStock featuring the Canadian flag waving proudly. Hope all you Canadians enjoy your Canada Day!!

Happy in the World of Baseball

Yes, Baseball, the popular Summertime sport here in the USA. Why, here it's just as much a part of Summer as beaches and the cookouts. Well, as you probably know that my favorite Major League Baseball team are the Detroit Tigers. Mainly because I grew up in Detroit. However, There is another team I like to follow as well. They are my SECOND favorite team. My second favorite team in Major League Baseball are the Tampa Bay Rays. They reason why is because the are the Major League affiliates of the a Triple-A Minor League Baseball team we have in my part of the country known as the Durham Bulls. I know the Rays aren't exactly known for winning games, but they did tonight!

Even though, it went into 12 innings, and took four and half hours, but tonight the Tampa Bay Rays beat the New York Yankees 4-3. GO RAYS!! Hey, I'm a fan of their AAA MiLB affiliates. So, why not follow the MLB team as well. So, yes, I'm a Rays fan as well.

However, next Sunday, the Rays play the Tigers. Even though, I like the Rays very much, my heart is still with the Tigers. If you weren't playing the Tigers, I'd cheer for you. Oh, well.