Q. Will there be a zoo closer to your home soon?
A. Answer is YES! Your grocery store this SUNDAY!!
That's a Super Bowl joke. Here is the US, this Sunday, what will grocery stores will be like? Well, I'll just say busy is an UNDERSTATEMENT! But we American just LOVE the Super Bowl and Super Bowl Sunday has practically become a holiday here in US. In fact the winning team even gets a call from the president. Oh, for all of those who live outside the US, they ALWAYS show those cool commercials during the Super Bowl.
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Well, the snow here in NC is almost gone!
Yep, I know we got some snow here in North Carolina. However, it's almost all gone. Still, I thought it was nice that I got one day of R&R. Felt I really NEEDED some. I know some of you from different parts of the world might laugh about how things shut down after about an inch or two of snow (that's 2.54 to 5.08 centimetres for those of you who live outside the United States). But well, we DON'T have round the clock plowing and salting here in NC. It's not cost efficient here.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
How would people describe the weather in the eastern United States?
A. Cold
B. Very Cold
C. Mistaken for the frozen food section at the grocery store.
Well, I think all of you out there know the answer to this question.
A. Cold
B. Very Cold
C. Mistaken for the frozen food section at the grocery store.
Well, I think all of you out there know the answer to this question.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Well, today got better!
Yep, it is in the terms of NCAA Basketball! Yes, the UNC Tar Heels just BEAT the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets 78-65! GO TAR HEELS!!!
Well, it was a snowy day here in North Carolina.
Yes, folks we got some snow here. I think we got about three inches, give or take. That's 7.62 centimeters for those of you who live outside the United States. Hey, we're the only country in the world that goes by English measurements. But I thought I would still give you metric information. Well, didn't do much today. Called out absent for work. I was leery driving on the back roads. That's where they said driving will be the most dangerous. I am surrounded by back roads, and HAD to take them for a 20 mile car ride to Durham. I thought it was too risky. In fact, I didn't leave the house at all today.
I know there are some people who may laugh about how easily we cancel here. However, keep in mind we don't have round the clock plowing and salting like they do in the Northern States. I know I grew up in Michigan. Personally, I believe it's not that North Carolinians are not used to the snow, bur it's because we're not equipped for the snow. I remember the round the clock plowing in salting in Michigan. I know there three inches would not do diddly squat! But here, in just three inches EVERYTHING shuts down, the grocery stores have a HUGE run on milk and bread. But since it only snows once or twice a year around here, that is way we don't. It wouldn't be cost efficient. But you know, there is a beautiful picture of the this day right in the sunset. I just thought it would be a beautiful photo to share with the world. But snow is beautiful if you ask me. And since it only comes about once a year here in North Carolina. I thought I would share while we still have it (it's likely to melt away by Friday because it almost always melts away in two days or less here in NC). I took it myself from my back yard. Hope you like it!
I know there are some people who may laugh about how easily we cancel here. However, keep in mind we don't have round the clock plowing and salting like they do in the Northern States. I know I grew up in Michigan. Personally, I believe it's not that North Carolinians are not used to the snow, bur it's because we're not equipped for the snow. I remember the round the clock plowing in salting in Michigan. I know there three inches would not do diddly squat! But here, in just three inches EVERYTHING shuts down, the grocery stores have a HUGE run on milk and bread. But since it only snows once or twice a year around here, that is way we don't. It wouldn't be cost efficient. But you know, there is a beautiful picture of the this day right in the sunset. I just thought it would be a beautiful photo to share with the world. But snow is beautiful if you ask me. And since it only comes about once a year here in North Carolina. I thought I would share while we still have it (it's likely to melt away by Friday because it almost always melts away in two days or less here in NC). I took it myself from my back yard. Hope you like it!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Okay there was some sad news today.
Today was the 28th anniversary of the Challenger Disaster. It was a truly sad day in US history. I may have the facts fuzzy, but I think the problem may have been due to a crack in one of the O-rings. That's what one of the engineering's did his best to call it off because HE KNEW the astronauts aboard it were DOOMED. May year later he couldn't have been more right. It was truly sad. To make it sadder there was a high-school teacher aboard. Her name was Christine McCallum. It was a REAL sad day for her husband and her students. It was truly sad!
As you probably figured.
Yes, we are expecting done REAL inclement weather here in North Carolina today. We are expecting our once a year snowfall. As you figured when snow comes, here in NC, bread and milk GOES!
Yeah, we sell a lot of bread and milk during snowy weather. And people head over to the grocery stores in stampedes! Isn't it great? Well, hey we don't have round the clock plowing and skating services around here. Well enjoy people!
Hey, with post also got 9 as well! Good for me!
Yeah, we sell a lot of bread and milk during snowy weather. And people head over to the grocery stores in stampedes! Isn't it great? Well, hey we don't have round the clock plowing and skating services around here. Well enjoy people!
Hey, with post also got 9 as well! Good for me!
Here are two women. Good friends in the grocery store before some inclement weather.
Jill: Donna, I though you told me there is no such thing as magic.
Donna: Jill, I don't have time for this division! There is a huge blizzard on the way and I got to get my shopping done NOW! But if I makes you feel better there isn't. There is NO SUCH thing as magic!
Jill: But I was right around the milk and bread sections, turned my head to listen to the announcements from the managers about the weather which only lasted about three seconds and then it was ALL GONE!
Jill: Donna, I though you told me there is no such thing as magic.
Donna: Jill, I don't have time for this division! There is a huge blizzard on the way and I got to get my shopping done NOW! But if I makes you feel better there isn't. There is NO SUCH thing as magic!
Jill: But I was right around the milk and bread sections, turned my head to listen to the announcements from the managers about the weather which only lasted about three seconds and then it was ALL GONE!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Well, here is what I did this Sunday
Well, today I started my Sunday by going to church. I first went my Bible study class. We studied from the book of Esther. We talked about the king Haman who plotted to kill the Jews. However, Esther managed to save his people. We mentioned to this day that Jewish people to this day cannot even say the name is Hamam. Many Jewish people literally tried to drown out his name when this book is being read. I hope I did NOT come of as anti-semitic, it is NOT my intention. But this what we talked about in today's Bible study.
After that I went to worship service. We have a pastor named Lori Cox who is being transferred to another Methodist Church around Ashville. I wish her the best of luck. I will really miss her. I still remember when she visited me in the hospital when I had that bad GI bleed. We talked about the power of God and how powerful he is.
I spent my Sunday afternoon with Carson, my girlfriend. We went to go see a Women's Gymnastics meet between the UNC Tar Heels and the Maryland Terrapins. Carson and I are both UNC alums so, as you probably figured, we both cheered for the Tar Heels. The event was held on the Carmichael Arena. The meet was about a couple of hours long. However, our team, yes, the Tar Heels WON! We were SO happy. However, the Terrapins did have a good player. In fact I think she was the best competitor overall. I know she really did well on the Balance Beam. A lot of her fellow Terrapins kept falling off. No, offense to Maryland but on that balance beam, those Terrapins were dropping like flies! We KNEW UNC had it in the bag after that! Now, could I do better? Most certainly NOT!! I can not do Gymnastics. I don't have that kind of agility. After the Gymnastics meet Carson and I went out to a meal at Breadmans. I was delicious!
Now, I am watching the UNC Tar Heels kill the Clemson Tigers in Basketball. GO TAR HEELS!!! I am also getting ready to watch the WWE Royal Rumble. Hey what can I say, I've been following the WWE since I was 11. Well, that's I got on the agenda.
After that I went to worship service. We have a pastor named Lori Cox who is being transferred to another Methodist Church around Ashville. I wish her the best of luck. I will really miss her. I still remember when she visited me in the hospital when I had that bad GI bleed. We talked about the power of God and how powerful he is.
I spent my Sunday afternoon with Carson, my girlfriend. We went to go see a Women's Gymnastics meet between the UNC Tar Heels and the Maryland Terrapins. Carson and I are both UNC alums so, as you probably figured, we both cheered for the Tar Heels. The event was held on the Carmichael Arena. The meet was about a couple of hours long. However, our team, yes, the Tar Heels WON! We were SO happy. However, the Terrapins did have a good player. In fact I think she was the best competitor overall. I know she really did well on the Balance Beam. A lot of her fellow Terrapins kept falling off. No, offense to Maryland but on that balance beam, those Terrapins were dropping like flies! We KNEW UNC had it in the bag after that! Now, could I do better? Most certainly NOT!! I can not do Gymnastics. I don't have that kind of agility. After the Gymnastics meet Carson and I went out to a meal at Breadmans. I was delicious!
Now, I am watching the UNC Tar Heels kill the Clemson Tigers in Basketball. GO TAR HEELS!!! I am also getting ready to watch the WWE Royal Rumble. Hey what can I say, I've been following the WWE since I was 11. Well, that's I got on the agenda.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Hope you are all enjoying today's weather
All I know here in North Carolina it's pretty cold. It's currently 37 degrees Fahrenheit I my area. That's 2.78 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the United States. It's also windy here in North Carolina. The weather has been anything g but nice today.
It almost seems like walking into a meat locker. It's so cold it might put you in suspended animation. I guess, that would be all right. I wouldn't mind seeing the future. Ah, just kidding it not ain't THAT cold (grammar lessons later). But it is cold here in North Carolina. I heard it's worse up north. I hope the weather would be too bad in New Jersey. I hope the weather improves there during the next week. I would love to see the big game. GO SEA HAWKS!!!
PS. No, got nothing against the Broncos, but favor the Sea Hawks, especially hearing about their running back named Derrick Coleman who is hearing impaired. And by the way, save grammar lessons for later. Ciao.
It almost seems like walking into a meat locker. It's so cold it might put you in suspended animation. I guess, that would be all right. I wouldn't mind seeing the future. Ah, just kidding it not ain't THAT cold (grammar lessons later). But it is cold here in North Carolina. I heard it's worse up north. I hope the weather would be too bad in New Jersey. I hope the weather improves there during the next week. I would love to see the big game. GO SEA HAWKS!!!
PS. No, got nothing against the Broncos, but favor the Sea Hawks, especially hearing about their running back named Derrick Coleman who is hearing impaired. And by the way, save grammar lessons for later. Ciao.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Do you know about peregrine falcons AKA duck hawks. A bird of prey. They are best known for one thing. It is their amazing diving speed. They can dive as fast as 200 miles per hour (that's 322 killometers per hour for those of you who live outside the United States). Yeah, that fast. But do you know what can dive faster than a peregrine flacon?
The answer is (drumb roll please)...
Yes, the dow finished at 318.24 points in the red today.
The answer is (drumb roll please)...
Yes, the dow finished at 318.24 points in the red today.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Well, well, well people
It seems that teeny bopper Justin Biebet is in trouble with the law. Recently accused of drag racing and driving DUI. Well, though this is NOT the first time that a musician ran into trouble with the law, it does concern me as to what kind if role models children have. Are any if them positive. Well, if you Mr. Bieber ever get wind of this message on this blog, I mean no offense. I mean I've NEVER had to see things from a celebrity's eyes. Never been in a celeb's shoes, that I will admit. However, what ever you like it or not, kids WILL look at you as a role model.
Asked for the parents out there, this is why YOU NEED TO BE GOOD TOLE MODELS FOR YOYR CHILDREN. Pop culture won't do it. And trust me Justin Bieber is NOT the worst. In fact there are folks in pop culture FAR WORSE than Justin Bieber. Do I sound like parents? Oh well.
Asked for the parents out there, this is why YOU NEED TO BE GOOD TOLE MODELS FOR YOYR CHILDREN. Pop culture won't do it. And trust me Justin Bieber is NOT the worst. In fact there are folks in pop culture FAR WORSE than Justin Bieber. Do I sound like parents? Oh well.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
How many times must I say this?!
There is one thing I HATE.
That is I can only use Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) offices in my area. I am starting to get frustrated. My girlfriend told me I should check and see if I can use some of the VR offices in Raleigh. She told me they are very helpful. After years of stuggle with the VR office in Chapel Hill, I thought I would try one of them. It turns out, I can't use them. I have to be resident in the county where I reside. THAT SUCKS!!
Q: What's the greatest disappointment so far in 2014?
A: UNC not winning enough games in Basketball.
A: UNC not winning enough games in Basketball.
Well, for me today was a special day for another reason.
It was my Dad's birthday. Today he turns 65. I wished him a happy birthday and gave me a cover for his new grill (Mom gave him a grill for his birthday) and a card.
Well, today was Martin Luter King day
Yes, today is the day we remember the great Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today is the day we observe his birthday, even though his REAL birthday is actually January 15, we have is observed on the third Monday of January. He shown the world how non-violent protest can help accomplish major goals. Through non-violent protest he helped establish civil rights. That is how he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Hello folks.
I know I haven't posted in a while but well, I'M BACK!! Well, I stated this Sunday by going to church. Missed Bible study though. But still went to worship service. I spent a huge chunk of the day with my girlfriend. First we ate lunch at Firebirds. It was delicious. Then we decided to go kill some time by looking around Southpoint Mall in Durham. Carson (my girlfriend) got some coffee (she LOVES coffee). Later on that day I got yogurt at a local yogurt parlor for desert.
At 4:30, Carson and I went to go see the movie American Hustle. We enjoyed it. We had some AMC gift cards so we thought we would use them there. There were some funny points in the movie. However, I will have to advise the movie is NOT for children.
Well, in sports news I had lots of good news! At least good news for ME. I was happy that in NCAA Basketball the UNC Tar Heels beast the Boston College Eagles. GO TAR HEELS!!! That's my attitude. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the game. NO!!! But well, still uh, GO TAR HEELS!!! There was GREAT NEWS in NFL Football in my opinion (oh, by the way, just in case you live outside the United States, I am referring to a sport you might call American Football, the sport you call Football is probably the sport we Americans call Soccer). I was REALLY happy to hear that that my LEAST FAVORITE team in the NFL LOST!!! Yes, I mean the New England Patriots. They lost 26-16 against the Denver Broncos. So, that means the Denver Broncos are now officially the American Football Conference (AFC) Champions. There was another Football game on today as well (and yes, once again this is American Football). It was for the National Football Conference (NFC) Championship. It was between the Seattle Sea Hawks and the San Francisco 49er. In that game I personally favored the Sea Hawks and glad they won. I favored the Sea Hawks for two reasons. One the 49ers knocked out my team, the Carolina Panthers in the Playoffs. I am still mad that happened. The other the fact they have a Fullback named Derrick Coleman who is #40. I have heard the man is literally DEAF. Yes, DEAF and I find is so inspiring how he conquered a major handicap and got to play in the NFL. He's definitely going to the BIG GAME!!
For all of you folks who don't live in the United States, the big game I am referring to is the Super Bowl. It's the game where the champions of BOTH conferences in the NFL meet up and play for the SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP, the biggest championship in the NFL. It was be the Seattle Sea Hawks representing the NFC playing the Denver Broncos who will be representing the AFC. The game will be Sunday February 2. I personally say GO SEA HAWKS!! Yes, people in this big game I will be cheering for the Seattle Sea Hawks! Well, just though I would let you know.
At 4:30, Carson and I went to go see the movie American Hustle. We enjoyed it. We had some AMC gift cards so we thought we would use them there. There were some funny points in the movie. However, I will have to advise the movie is NOT for children.
Well, in sports news I had lots of good news! At least good news for ME. I was happy that in NCAA Basketball the UNC Tar Heels beast the Boston College Eagles. GO TAR HEELS!!! That's my attitude. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the game. NO!!! But well, still uh, GO TAR HEELS!!! There was GREAT NEWS in NFL Football in my opinion (oh, by the way, just in case you live outside the United States, I am referring to a sport you might call American Football, the sport you call Football is probably the sport we Americans call Soccer). I was REALLY happy to hear that that my LEAST FAVORITE team in the NFL LOST!!! Yes, I mean the New England Patriots. They lost 26-16 against the Denver Broncos. So, that means the Denver Broncos are now officially the American Football Conference (AFC) Champions. There was another Football game on today as well (and yes, once again this is American Football). It was for the National Football Conference (NFC) Championship. It was between the Seattle Sea Hawks and the San Francisco 49er. In that game I personally favored the Sea Hawks and glad they won. I favored the Sea Hawks for two reasons. One the 49ers knocked out my team, the Carolina Panthers in the Playoffs. I am still mad that happened. The other the fact they have a Fullback named Derrick Coleman who is #40. I have heard the man is literally DEAF. Yes, DEAF and I find is so inspiring how he conquered a major handicap and got to play in the NFL. He's definitely going to the BIG GAME!!
For all of you folks who don't live in the United States, the big game I am referring to is the Super Bowl. It's the game where the champions of BOTH conferences in the NFL meet up and play for the SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP, the biggest championship in the NFL. It was be the Seattle Sea Hawks representing the NFC playing the Denver Broncos who will be representing the AFC. The game will be Sunday February 2. I personally say GO SEA HAWKS!! Yes, people in this big game I will be cheering for the Seattle Sea Hawks! Well, just though I would let you know.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Prayer Request
It for at least two students from the Berrendo Middle School in Roswell, New Mexico. At least two students were shot today. The good news is that they have been rushed to the hospital. Please pray that they will be all right. I have heard they are in stable condition. Please pray that they will be all right. Please pray the the shooter leans that this kind if violence is wrong. This is what I request.
Monday, January 13, 2014
On a serious note, I have a series prayer request.
There were explosives found at the Seven Lakes High School in Katy, Texas just outside of Houston. Good news is the the school was evacuated. Please pray for the safety for the students and faculty. If this was a bombing, please pray that the person threatening the bombing will one day see the light and would not threaten this kind of violence on people. Please pray for them.
Oh no 9, don't think your gonna get by.
Yeah, I saw you 9. Yer not ending my posts! Yeah, I saw you and I got you. You lose 9! Forget what the number of my posts was but it didn't end in a 9. Gotcha 9!
Q: What does Southwest Flight 4013 have in common with the mainstream media?
A: They both take people to the WRONG places.
Yeah, Southwest Flight 4013 landed in the WRONG airport today. It landed in an airport in Missouri. It wasn't the right airport.
A: They both take people to the WRONG places.
Yeah, Southwest Flight 4013 landed in the WRONG airport today. It landed in an airport in Missouri. It wasn't the right airport.
Yes, call me crazy but still...
And yes, you can say I'm too old for stuff like this, but I still miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. Yes, I know it's for kids, but I was just so funny. I still miss it. Yes, after all this time. I still don't watch Disney's pathetic ripoff ANT Farm nor do I watch the spinoff Sam & Cat. About S&C there still things I don't understand. That is my confession, maybe I REALLY miss Victorious so much. Still, I still DON'T understand how they can comfortably live in a place like Venice, Los Angeles, California financially on a BABYSITTER'S salary. Do you know how much it costs to live in that LA district? To put it simply, it's A LOT! And far as I know, they've never been severely burdened financially (though I will admit I don't watch the show so I could be wrong). Finical burdens are almost inevitable in Los Angeles far as I've been told. LA is notoriously expensive. But if I'm right, that would mean (at least in my case) the show is extremely FAKE (and NOT the GOOD fake). And I hope I didn't offend any Los Angelenos out there. It wasn't my intention.
Well, even though I know it's a long shot, but I still hope that at least one former cast member if Victorious would grant me my request and promote Autism Awareness and support Autism research. Yes, despite certain negative things I said about Sam & Cat, I would even appreciate support from Ariana Grande. Well, just a crazy suggestion.
Well, even though I know it's a long shot, but I still hope that at least one former cast member if Victorious would grant me my request and promote Autism Awareness and support Autism research. Yes, despite certain negative things I said about Sam & Cat, I would even appreciate support from Ariana Grande. Well, just a crazy suggestion.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Q: Why do news reporters like to keep their TV images sharp?
A: Because the stories they cover have NO POINT!!
Yeah they need something to "sharpen" things up.
A: Because the stories they cover have NO POINT!!
Yeah they need something to "sharpen" things up.
Q: Why should Hollywood try to make entertainment "short and sweet."
A: Because it's better than LONG AND TASTELESS!
A: Because it's better than LONG AND TASTELESS!
This is what I did on Sunday.
Of course, I went to Bible Study and to church. However, a trash bag got stuck on the bottom of my car. And it was loaded. Had mostly Styrofoam peanuts in it. However, I was able to drive over it. I was late to Bible study though.
Then I went to Carson's (for you first time views, Carson is the name of my girlfriend). We watched the Carolina Panthers game. They played the San Francisco 49ers. Unfortunately, the Panthers lost. We were so sad. I REALLY wanted them to win the Superbowl. Well, I guess they won't go this year. NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I wish them the best of luck next year. I REALLY HOPE the Panthers go further next year. I HOPE Steve Smith will be back next year. Well, I still say GO PANTHERS!!! If you see this message Mr. Steve Smith, I REALLY HOPE you will stay with the Panthers. So, the San Francisco 49ers will play the Seattle Seahawks for the NFC Championship. I also heard the Denver Broncos will play the New England Patriots for the AFC Championship. Well, you already know how I feel about the Patriots, so all I have to say is... GO BRONCOS!!
After that Carson got a purse she chose. Her mother promised she would give her that for her birthday, which is February 3. Then after that we ate dinner at Denny's. It was Delicious. Afterwards we walked around the neighborhood once. Her Aunt Nancy came buy today as well. She is a pretty funny person. Well, it was a fun Sunday. I still HOPE the Panthers have a better season next year.
Then I went to Carson's (for you first time views, Carson is the name of my girlfriend). We watched the Carolina Panthers game. They played the San Francisco 49ers. Unfortunately, the Panthers lost. We were so sad. I REALLY wanted them to win the Superbowl. Well, I guess they won't go this year. NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I wish them the best of luck next year. I REALLY HOPE the Panthers go further next year. I HOPE Steve Smith will be back next year. Well, I still say GO PANTHERS!!! If you see this message Mr. Steve Smith, I REALLY HOPE you will stay with the Panthers. So, the San Francisco 49ers will play the Seattle Seahawks for the NFC Championship. I also heard the Denver Broncos will play the New England Patriots for the AFC Championship. Well, you already know how I feel about the Patriots, so all I have to say is... GO BRONCOS!!
After that Carson got a purse she chose. Her mother promised she would give her that for her birthday, which is February 3. Then after that we ate dinner at Denny's. It was Delicious. Afterwards we walked around the neighborhood once. Her Aunt Nancy came buy today as well. She is a pretty funny person. Well, it was a fun Sunday. I still HOPE the Panthers have a better season next year.
Here is what happened Saturday.
I was working at Harris Teeter. All I know is we got a lot of rain. In fact, in my area we got SOAKED!! I mean we were so wet that we must have made the Everglades look like a desert. It rained for a day and a half. It was also unseasonably warm here getting tornado warnings here in North Carolina. I must due to the unseasonable warmth. It was 62 degrees Fahrenheit (that's 16.67 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside of the United States).
What's worse is that there have been tornado warnings. While I was at work at Harris Teeter the lights flickered some. What's even crazier is the we were PACKED! I mean, I don't know what the situation was. Either a trip to the grocery store or a Grateful Dead concert. I guess people wanted to stock up on XYZ before the twister hit (though people SHOULD stay at home when these things happen). The tornado must have been caused by unseasonable warmth. The Walmart across the street lost power. We must have taken some of their business as well. I guess, that's why we've been busy.
Three bad things happened. One my smartphone wasn't able to pick up the Emergency Broadcast System. There was an associate of mine who has the same smartphone who told me hers didn't. That was scary. The other scary thing that happened was UNC lost to Syracuse in Basketball. Making this another loss. They are on a losing streak. I hope it ends next game. I also HATE to hear my least favorite NFL team the New England Patriots won. I hope they lose the AFC Championship game. I hate the Patriots. Well, Duke lost to Clemson so, I guess my Sports Saturday wasn't a complete loss. But that was my Saturday.
What's worse is that there have been tornado warnings. While I was at work at Harris Teeter the lights flickered some. What's even crazier is the we were PACKED! I mean, I don't know what the situation was. Either a trip to the grocery store or a Grateful Dead concert. I guess people wanted to stock up on XYZ before the twister hit (though people SHOULD stay at home when these things happen). The tornado must have been caused by unseasonable warmth. The Walmart across the street lost power. We must have taken some of their business as well. I guess, that's why we've been busy.
Three bad things happened. One my smartphone wasn't able to pick up the Emergency Broadcast System. There was an associate of mine who has the same smartphone who told me hers didn't. That was scary. The other scary thing that happened was UNC lost to Syracuse in Basketball. Making this another loss. They are on a losing streak. I hope it ends next game. I also HATE to hear my least favorite NFL team the New England Patriots won. I hope they lose the AFC Championship game. I hate the Patriots. Well, Duke lost to Clemson so, I guess my Sports Saturday wasn't a complete loss. But that was my Saturday.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Here is a word of the day for you all. The word is erratic.
1. Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.
2. Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity
3. Deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric:
4. North Carolina weather.
Yes, we've been having some erratic weather here in NC. Last Tuesday night temperatures went down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12.22 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the United States) and on Sunday it's supposed to get up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.11 degrees Celsius). Yes, our weather has been very erratic.
1. Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.
2. Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity
3. Deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric:
4. North Carolina weather.
Yes, we've been having some erratic weather here in NC. Last Tuesday night temperatures went down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12.22 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the United States) and on Sunday it's supposed to get up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.11 degrees Celsius). Yes, our weather has been very erratic.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Three things you should NOT do
1. Find gold paved streets
2. Count on finding a rate gem.
3. Go swimming in THIS weather! Yep, it's another COLD day. Even here in North Carolina. Well, it looks like the cold front (or in at least my neck of the woods) is almost over. Things should warm up this weekend.
2. Count on finding a rate gem.
3. Go swimming in THIS weather! Yep, it's another COLD day. Even here in North Carolina. Well, it looks like the cold front (or in at least my neck of the woods) is almost over. Things should warm up this weekend.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Prayer request
I have to pray for the homeless people here in the US who are experiencing record lows in temperature. Especially up north where parts are experiencing sub-zero lows. And that is sub-zero on the Fahrenheit scale that's even colder than the Celsius scale. In fact that would be below -17.78 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the United States. But the basic point is, IT'S COLD! Please pray for them that they will be all right. And they may not freeze. It would mean a lot to them.
Well, started my day at Shoeboxed only to hear this news.
Today are system is down. That sucks. It doesn't give us much to do because we literally need the system to do our work. It really makes me wonder what am I supposed to do. As you probably figured I go to work to well...I don't know....WORK! Yep, it really sucks when the system is down.
Random thought. However, I will ask the question are celebrities to blame for drug use?
My honest to goodness answer would be "yes" and "no." I mean some celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Kesha have made drug use "cool" just like Grunge and Gangsta Rap did in the 1990's. I still believe it's up to parents and other authority figures to set good examples. They need to teach children is being "cool" is NOT worth throwing away your life. Maybe they should tell them about some of the emotional problems some celebrities have right now. I have heard Mikey Cyrus is currently an emotional wreck. Though I don't know if this is true, but from what I HAVE HEARD is that some celebrities don't have mirrors because they are LITERALLY AFRAID to look at themselves and see what they have become. Also tell them most celebrities regularly visit a psychologist to keep themselves from going crazy. Parents and other authority figures much make sure that the children are getting the message. And many in my opinion I don't think they are making sure children are getting the full point. And when children do something wrong the parents don't put their foot down like they are supposed to. That tells me lot if it would be the fault of parents and other authority figures.
Of course a lot of the fault lies with the kids themselves for making a stupid decision. They should always think about the potential consequences BEFORE they engage. They have to understand they have A WHOLE LIFE AHEAD OF THEM. Though I cannot guarantee that they will be "cool" if they say "no." But as I said before, is being "cool" worth throwing away your life? I personally, say "no." So, a lot would be the kid's fault for choosing the wrong path. After all you know what the church asks us all, Do you want to take the dirt paved road to salvation or take the gold paved road to doom? I am a Christian, I want to be more like Jesus, so I personally, would take the dirt paved road to salvation.
But yes, I do think the celebrities themselves are partially at fault as well. They KNOW children look up to them. Some may want to grow up to be just like them. Even though the odds of being a big shot celebrity are ludicrously slim, many kids will still try to be like them (though MOST will fail). But for those people WHO DID BEAT THE ODDS AND SUCCEEDED, I really hope they at least make an effort to guide people down the right path. What scares me is that many children will do things like drugs to be just like their favorite celebrity (if he or she openly does do drugs) and may find themselves headed down a path to their doom. I think celebrities DO NEED to understand the importance of positive role models. Well, that's my two cents for you.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Do you one thing I can't undertand about myself.
At first I didn't know what to blog about, than my girlfriend tells me to blog about the weather tonight. I did! And all of a sudden, I just can't stop blogging messages. Isn't it weird?
Q: How would you descibe the lost city of Atlantis?
A: I don't know about you but but if you ask me, EASIER TO FIND than something tasteful on TV!
A: I don't know about you but but if you ask me, EASIER TO FIND than something tasteful on TV!
Q: How you describe a meat locker?
A: WARM compared to tonight's weather! At least the weather here in North Carolina.
A: WARM compared to tonight's weather! At least the weather here in North Carolina.
Yes, Old Man Winter is about to wreak hovoc here in North Carolina
Yep, it's gonna be COLD tonight. It's gonna get down to about 15 degrees tonight. That's Fahrenheit of course. For those of you who live outside the United States, since we don't use the metric system here in the US, that would be -9.44 degrees Celsius. Isn't great when we have metric converters online.
Well, but the point is, its going to be really cold for NC tonight. I know some of you people from around the world, as well as here in the United States may not consider that tremendously cold. However, this a warmer area. Yes, North Carolina is considered to be part of the warmer half of he US, so we usually don't get cold weather like this. Hope all is okay, but it's gonna freeze here in NC tonight. How many times have I said that? Well, to say is again, it's gonna freeze tonight in NC.
Well, but the point is, its going to be really cold for NC tonight. I know some of you people from around the world, as well as here in the United States may not consider that tremendously cold. However, this a warmer area. Yes, North Carolina is considered to be part of the warmer half of he US, so we usually don't get cold weather like this. Hope all is okay, but it's gonna freeze here in NC tonight. How many times have I said that? Well, to say is again, it's gonna freeze tonight in NC.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Q: How can you describe the weather Northeast United States right now?
A: WARM compared to the hearts of drivers in the freeway!
A: WARM compared to the hearts of drivers in the freeway!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Q: What's worse for your brain, strangling yourself for three minutes or bashing your head 50 times?
A: I don't know, but they are BOTH better for your brain than Hollywood's entertainment.
Yes, Hollywood's entertainment now a days is THAT bad for your brain.
A: I don't know, but they are BOTH better for your brain than Hollywood's entertainment.
Yes, Hollywood's entertainment now a days is THAT bad for your brain.
Q: How would I describe to weather up North today?
A: Nicer than an employee you meet at the DMV. And DMV employees treat guest much more coldly.
A: Nicer than an employee you meet at the DMV. And DMV employees treat guest much more coldly.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year EVERYBODY!
Well, it's New Years Day! Well, I know for those of you who live on the Eastern Hemisphere it's now January 2. Hope 2014 will be all of your year! I HOPE this the year I find a new job. I had a lazy day today. Well, I helped my parents take down the Christmas decorations. However, I did have fun last night with Carson (my girlfriend). We celebrated New Years Eve together, Here are some pictures.
Here is Carson and Cravon. |
This is Carson. |
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Here is a photo of Me and Carson just after 2014 came (in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States of course). |
Here is a picture of Butler (Carson's pug) and that stuffed pug I gave her for Christmas. She named her new stuffed pug Jupiter. |
Here is a picture of Carson, Butler, and Jupiter. |
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