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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Three things I wonder ever happened to

1. Safe driving.

2. Saturday morning cartoons.

3. And most of all CHRISTMAS SPIRIT.

What ever happened to those three things? Oh well...

About my last two posts

Now, they are not to be taken too seriously. I like to put up certain messages for comic entertainment, and that's what the last two posts were for. Still, it makes we wonder what happened to the Christmas Spirit? And yes, I am going to dead serious on this part. Do we really need to buy all these material possessions for ourselves and others? Yes, I know they are on a huge sale on Black Friday. But do we really need to push and shove to get it? I mean, that's not what Christmas is about. It's about remembering the birth of Jesus and honoring him buy our willingness to give and show love to other people. Not, push, shove, and riot. I don't think pushing, shoving, and rioting is a good way to show love to other people.

Well, on a more feel good front please check out the YouTube video from a post I put up on November 24 called Here is a YouTube Video I Would Like to Share with You All. It's a very heart warming video.

Oh, and by coincidence, this is my 777th post. Three 7's. Well, they say seven is a lucky number. Don't know. Never really been the superstitious type. But, well...kinda cool, wouldn't you say?


Why would nobody drive across a dilapidated bridge in an huge SUV to GET a FREE Playstation 4 and/or Xbox One, but they would still go Black Friday shopping to BUY them CHEAP? They BOTH make no sense to me (especially, BUYING THEM CHEAP ON BLACK FRIDAY). Personally, I would rather pay full price to buy them with my HEALTH IN TACT. That's what I'm wondering.

Yes, I am sure they are both awesome game consoles, but I still don't think it's worth the danger of Black Friday shopping.


Q: Though Thanksgiving is over, do I have another reason to be thankful?

A: Yes, I didn't do any shopping on Black Friday!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Well here we this evening.

I know today is the day that Americans like me call Black Friday. It is the day after Thanksgiving (a holiday that we celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November). It's typically viewed as a shopping day when people like to come bright and early to buy things on sale, mainly to buy Christmas presents. However, the past few years some retail places had Black Friday deals on Thanksgiving day. Which doesn't seem right, because people want to be with their families on Thanksgiving. Makes me happy I don't work in retail. But what's worse is some places get wild on Black Friday. That's why I don't do Black Friday shopping. I would rather pay more to shop in a place that's stable.

This is the weekend that my family typically decorates for Christmas. We take down Thanksgiving decorations and put up Christmas decorations. I guess, I would rather do that then go through the chaos of shopping on Black Friday. Unfortunately, I HAD to leave the house today. I had to get my break pads and power steering fluid for my car replaced. So, I HAD TO GO LEAVE BRIGHT AND EARLY FOR THAT. I had to drop it off at the dealership and leave it there for four hours and then come back and pick it up. My Dad drove me back home and back to the dealership so I can pick it up later that day. Well, since I work in Durham and like in Chapel Hill, I REALLY NEED a car. The though of that car falling apart does make me worry. Well, I got mt fixed so I guess everything is fine.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Since today is Thanksgiving so what I am I thankful for?

Since today is Thanksgiving (a holiday here in the United States where we count our blessings as well have a turkey dinner just incase you don't live in the US and know what I'm talking about) I will share are those things I am thankful for. Thankful for my health. Thankful for my girlfriend who really lives me. Thankful that the Panthers are winning for a change. And thankful that I live in a free country. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! 

To all the Jewish people in the world.

I know that today is their first full day of Chanukah. I hope you all have a Happy Chanukah for the next seven days. I know here in the United States by coincidence the first full day of Chanukah happens on our holiday of Thanksgiving. So, guess Jewish people here in the US will have two holidays today. I guess, they can call it is Thanksgive-ukah. Well, I hope they all enjoy their day today. So, I hope all the Jewish people in the world will enjoy their Chanukah and the Jewsih people here in the US will enjoy their Thanksgiving as well as their first full day of Chanukah! Or Thanksgive-ukah. But still, hope you all you enjoy your day today!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello people today is Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans. For those of you who live outside the United States, Thanksgiving is a day to count your blessings and enjoy a nice turkey dinner. As well as to watch a Football game or two (and yes that is the sport you would probably call American Football, the sport you call Football we may call Soccer).

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

769 posts? OH NO!!

Yeah, you know it. I CAN'T STAND IT when the number of my posts ends in a 9. Yeah, I got you 9, you aren't getting by! I got you 9!! Now it's 770 posts!!!

Oh and please check out this previous post.

Come and see the post I put up on November 24. There is a YouTube video that will warm your heart. Trust me. It warms mine when I look at it.


Q: How can you warm up when it's getting freezing? 

A: Listen to a news reporter. His/Her HOT AIR should warm anybody up! 

Well, heard of Mars One?

They are a non-profit organization from Holland that is working to get people to Mars and colonize it. They are currently taking applications for people who are interested. Four people will be launched from Earth in the year 2022 and land on Mars in 2023. Every two years afterwards more people will be sent over. They are going to send robots to build places for residents to live. While people will be working to make Mars livable to us. Yep, they are planning on doctoring the atmosphere for us to survive. Let's hope and pray this projects works. Eventually, we will need to settle in other places in the universes in order to survive as a species. I know you may think its absurd, but if there weren't people bold enough to come to the Americas well, there wouldn't be an America. I hope this works. Just need people bold enough to do this.

Now, if you are interested, keep on mind, it's a one way trip. No turning back. So, if you do go, you made a MAJOR COMMITMENT. If you go to Mars as a pioneer, you go to Mats to stay. You will never come back to Earth. So, if you feel there is too much on Earth to leave behind. You may not want to go. Just thought I would let you know right now.

PS. No, I am personally, not that bold. I just leave my life on Earth behind.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Well, here we are on this Monday

One thing I like is that the weather is nice and sunny here in NC. Yesterday, my girlfriend and I saw Catching Fire. It was a good movie. Haven't seen it yet, please do. Great special effects in this move.

We were both happy to hear about UNC's victory against Louisville in NCAA Basketball. They won 93-84 and Louisville (last years national champions) were favored overwhelmingly. Very happy to see UNC win! GO TAR HEELS!!!

I am also happy that the Panthers continue on with their winning streak. The beat The Miami Dolphins 20-16. This is the Panthers seventh win in a row! Love to see them keep the streak alive next week. GO PANTHERS!!!

Well I hope all have a nice day. Oh, don't forget to see the YouTube video I posted on November 24. I think it will warm your heart! Have a nice day everybody!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here is a YouTube video I would like to share with you all.

It's very heart warming video from my church group when two of them went on a missionary trip to an orphanage in Russia. It's called Journey of the Heart. I admit I personally did not go on this missionary trip (so, no I'm not in the video). However, this video really moved me. I asked Mary from my church group (and who DID go and IS in this video) for permission to post this video on my blog. Permission was granted. I believe this video does show the love of God to the world in any country and in any language. And the smiles on those Russian orphans made me smile with joy. I hope it warms your heart, too with that same feeling of joy. So, without further ado, just click on the link below and watch Journey of the Heart!

In college sports there was some GOOD NEWS for me, as well all the other UNC fan

Yes, people the Tar Heels from MY COLLEGE, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, won both of their games today. In Basketball, the Tar Heels managed to defeat the Richmond Spiders 82-72. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see any of the game because my cable company doesn't have ESPN3. NO!!! But still UNC managed to pull a victory. That makes me happy. I hope and pray the best for them through out the season. I hope the Tar Heels will have a winning season and go far (especially against Duke). Well, we will just have to wait and see. GO TAR HEELS!! UNC FOREVER!!!!

In Football, victory DOESN'T DO THE RESULT JUSTICE! They played the Old Dominion Monarchs. And the Heels just destroyed them!! The final score was 80-20!! YES, 80 to 20!!! Calling that a victory for UNC is just a VAST UNDERSTATEMENT! This is probably the game they scored the MOST points!! Man, I just don't know what to say. No, offense to any Old Dominion fans, but this result makes me nothing less than ECSTATIC! Well, UNC will play Duke next Saturday. I will them the best of luck. However, this has been Duke's best Football season in years. UNC will have their work cut out of them. Duke is favored overwhelmingly. Well, I think it would be wonderful if UNC can pull a victory against Duke. GO TAR HEELS!! UNC FOREVER!!!

In NFL Football, I wish my team, the Carolina Panthers, good luck in their games against the Miami Dolphins tomorrow. I know the Panthers are favored 3-1 over the Dolphins, but ANYTHING CAN and often DOES happen in the NFL. Still, I hope the Panthers defeat the Dolphins tomorrow and add a seventh game to their winning streak. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

A sad day happened 50 years this day.

Could you believe today was the 50th anniversary of one of the SADDEST days in US history. It was the day President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. RIP Mr. Kennedy. May God rest his soul. 

About my new template

Well, I thought it looked like Hey, I like astronomy (as I mentioned on my post put up last Monday, or November 18, about MAVEN headed to Mars). Here is a view if Earth from space. I just though it looked cool. So this is my template now.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Well, my Church group had Thanksgiving celebration this evening.

Yes, we had a Thanksgiving celebration this evening. Mary (my Sunday School leader) and her husband Mike hosted the event. Even though it was one week early (for those of you who live outside the United States, Thanksgiving is a holiday that comes on the fourth Thursday of November) because many people will be out of town next week visiting family. However, I just thought I would share with all these photos of the dinner. These were just some of the people who shown up. Many people left before these photos could be taken.
Here are people from left to right.
Back: Jillian, Mary, Mike, Leah, Chris
Front: Allison, Tim

Here are people from left to right (again).
Standing:Allison, Mary, Mike, Me (Aaron) Leah, Chris.
Kneeling: Tim

And in this one Mike is pointing at Tim. 

759 posts? AH-UH!

You know I've said this dozens of times but...I HATE HAVING MY POSTS IN A 9!! So, don't think you could sneak up on me like this 9. No, no,, I'm gonna make it 760. GOTCHA 9!!

There is one thing that I have just noticed.

Thanksgiving (that's an American holiday that us Americans celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November for all of you who live outside the United States), is just one week from today. Jeez-Louise, the year just seems to just creep up n you. It's now almost Thanksgiving. Hopefully, I'll be ready.

I have heard this news in NCAA Basketball

As you know my favorite team, the UNC Tar Heels are trying to resolve the eligibility status of PJ Hairston and Leslie McDonald. However, neither player will be eligible for the Hall Of Fame Tip Off Classic this Saturday in Springfield. UNC plays Virginia in that game. It's a real tough break, makes me afraid to see that game. I got the information on Twitter. This is a tough break for UNC. I am so sad! Still, if you are a UNC fan, please hope and pray the best for them.

I am also saddened, as well as frustrated, by the fact Mike Chapman still hasn't given me the results of my evaluation. They were supposed to be ready weeks ago! I mean, seriously, how long should this take?! PLEASE, I need them soon. I REALLY feel u need help searching for a job! That's part of being Asperger's is the fact it's hard to direct yourself. You often need more direction than others. Well, hope you out there has a nice day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Yeah I know...

But I just had to post another joke.


Trish: Betty, why do want to go through this!

Betty: Well, Trish I cannot ignore the people I love. 

Trish: But don't you think this is a little dangerous. 

Betty: I must go.

Trish: You can't! 

Betty: I must take this LONG journey to show all the folks I love how much they mean to me. Their very survival depends on this trip! There are just too sick!! I must go what every the cost!!

Trish: So, you are going to the mall on Black Friday?! And what do you mean long journey and survival, we all know the mall is only 15 minutes away and people can live without all those material possessions!! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I don't know and maybe I'm crazy but...

I have been nothing but euphoric all day! I was so happy to see the Carolina Panthers defeat the New England Patriots in last night's Football game (that's American Football for those of you who live outside the US). It was a battle and kept me at the edge of my seat. But still, I have been just so happy to see my team, the Panthers win! I especially LOVED seeing my favorite team beat my least favorite team (yes, the New England Patriots are my LEAST FAVORITE team, don't hate New England, just hate the Patriots). And the Patriots were favored to win OVERWHELMINGLY!

You know, this was the first time in 10 years Panthers played the Patriots. They haven't played each other since Super Bowl XXXVIII on February 1, 2004. Yes, it's been that long ago. And the Patriots won 32-29. Many Panthers fans have been bitter since then. Well, last night the Panthers finally got some payback at the Patriots beating them 24-20. Both were close games as you can see. Still, I always hated the Patriots because of their cocky attitudes and some believe they cheat. And of course, I'm sick of seeing them win all the time. Why is that? Nobody could be that good ALL the time. There SHOULD be a slowdown period at some point, but there isn't. Why is that? Everybody else did. Something's not right here. To me it's like getting two Royal Flushes in a row in a Poker Game. We all know how often a person gets ONE Royal Flush in a Poker Game (next to NEVER). But TWO IN A ROW?! And when a person DOES get two in a row, 99.99% of the time that person was cheating. To me all the Patriots winning seasons are like that...LITERALLY.  Well, not trying to make any crazy accusations here, but you gotta admit it's awfully hard to explain. So, that's why I'm not in the Patriots fan club. I was so happy to see my favorite team beat my least favorite team. I'm STILL SO HAPPY!! STILL ON CLOUD NINE!!! STILL EUPHORIC!!!! GO PANTHERS!!!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

This is just what happened tonight in NFL Football

Yes, people my Favorite NFL Football team (that's American Football for those of you who live outside the United States, the sport you probably call Football is the sport we call Soccer), The Carolina Panthers just added a SIXTH GAME to their winning streak. Yes, they have just won SIX GAMES IN A ROW! What's even better is they beat my least favorite team, the New England Patriots 24-20. Yeah, it was a really CLOSE game. And yeah, the last few minutes were REAL nail biters. However, you cannot imagine how happy I am that my favorite team just beat my least favorite team and continue their winning streak and defeated the team I HATE most. I mean, it's nothing less than, well...EUPHORIC!! GO PANTHERS!!!

PS. No, I DO NOT hate New England. In fact, I've been to Cape Cod in the Summertime, it's BEAUTIFUL!! I JUST HATE THE PATRIOTS!! So, nothing against New England, just something against those Patriots!

Two Prayer requests I am going to make to the world.

I have been told about my grandma from Tempe, AZ who just had surgery today. Her surgery was a complete success! I am so happy to hear that!! If you prayed for her, I thank you VERY MUCH! However, I have these two prayer requests I have to make to the world. I have to pray for my dad who is going to have back surgery tomorrow. It shouldn't be too severe. However, I would appreciate it if you would all pray for him and hope that he will have a successful recovery.

I also would like to pray for all the people in the Midwest region of the United States. There were about 60 tornadoes that stuck that area and killed at least six people, injured dozens, and AT LEAST 400 homes were destroyed. And this happened less than two weeks before Thanksgiving (a US holiday we celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November for all who live outside the US) which REALLY makes it sad to think of. Please pray for these people and hope that someway the survivors will enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday. It would sure mean a lot to these people.

Well some good news today (if you like astronomy as much as I do)!

Well, today NASA just launched the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (or MAVEN) probe over to Mars. It's going to orbit Mars and study the atmosphere. It will take months to reach Mars, however. Let's hope and pray the best for MAVEN as it studies the Martian atmosphere and hopefully help us understand if Mars could have once been able to support liquid water and perhaps (my personal guess) bring humanity one step closer to colonizing the Red Planet!  

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Well, that is what I saw in church today.

I saw a beautiful presentation of two of my friend who went on a missionary trip to Russia. It was very beautiful and touching. They should let me show this on my blog and hopefully let me show it to the world. It was beautiful and touching.

I don't know how many times I said this but...

I really HATE having my post end in a 9. I HATE THAT! HATE IT! HATE IT!! HATE IT!!! Yeah, 9, you may have had some some recent victories over me, but I got you this time so, TAKE THAT!!

I must have said "Take that" to 9 a hundred times. DANG! Oh well. I still HATE you 9!

Three things you should NOT do

1. Watch too much TV.

2. Stick your head out a window.

3. Assume having a smartphone makes you smarter!

I have two prayer requests

Well, my first prayer request will be for my grandmother. She will have surgery on Monday. Please pray the best for her. It would mean a lot to me.

I also have another prayer request for my father. He will have again. Except this time it will be on his back. His surgery will be on Tuesday. He will also have lots of physical therapy this week for his recent knee surgery. These are my two prayer requests.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Not trying to sound winy and fussy, but..,

But that guy from TEACCH still hasn't given me the results of my evaluation, yet! I set sent him two emails this week in hopes he would have my results ready. He said it was supposed to ready a week ago. I still haven't heard anything, yet. When will they come?! I HOPE soon. This is what sucks about Asperger's. You need extra help to find jobs because people may not trust you. Makes finding jobs more difficult. Please I find one soon. Well, guess it's off to my other job.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I have a crazy and ludicrous hope...

Call me crazy, but I HOPE that my FAVORITE NFL TEAM (The Carolina Panthers) will beat my LEAST FAVORITE NFL TEAM (The New England Patriots) next Monday Night. I know it may sound crazy and ludicrous, but I HOPE AND PRAY the Panthers CAN AND WILL do it, and beat the those Patriots. Though, it's a long shot, but if it does happen, I will probably be the HAPPIEST MAN ALIVE! If not, I will NOT be too disappointed. But still, GO PANTHERS!!! BOO PATRIOTS!!!   Oh, and this is the sport that Americans, like me, call Football.

For all of those of you who live outside the United States, you would probably call it American Football.

If you read any of my previous posts and granted my request to pray for my father, I thank you very much!

This is supposed to be a photo of my and my dad at the Duke University Hospital. Sorry if it didn't turn out that great. I went over there to visit after work, since the Duke Hospital is only a few minutes away from where I work at Shoeboxed. But, I thought I would take the time to say "hi!" to him. He had knee replacement surgery. His surgery was a success. He should be out of the hospital tomorrow. Fortunately, he only needed partial knee replacement surgery. However, he still needed it done on both knees. If you prayed for him, I thank you VERY much!

Here's what happened yesterday here in North Carolina

Could you believe yesterday, it snowed here in North Carolina. Yes, here in North Carolina. That's very atypical that we get snow in November here in NC. We usually don't get any snow until January. I'm sure it made a lot of people go buy milk and bread (something that we do before big snow storms here in NC). However, there were NO accumulations, so the snow didn't stick. Still we got an early snowfall this year. 

Random thoughts

Three things you should NOT do.

1. Mix water with electricity.

2. Swim through mud.

3. Assume Hollywood's entertainment will ever get better. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I know I must have said this dozens of times but...

Yes, I do miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. It was just too funny and irreplaceable. So, no, I am not a fan if Sam & Cat or Disney's ripoff ANT Farm. Victorious to me was a one and only. Yes, there were times I literally laughed myself silly watching it. Well, if at least one former Victorious cast member gets wind of this blog and reads any if my posts about the show I hope either him or her will grant me my request. My request would be to promote autism awareness and support autism research. It would mean a lot to me. I know this blog is but a tiny needle in a huge cyber haystack, but I don't think it hurts to try.  

Just here to keep y'all up to date (more prayer requests)

Well, my dad just had his surgery and it was a success! That makes me happy. Just in case you are wondering, he had his knees replaced. He is ginning to be in the hospital for three days. However, he is doing fine. Please pray that he will keep doing fine after surgery.

I also have to prayer for my grandmother from Tempe, AZ who will also be having surgery the 18th. She had a diagnosis of breast cancer about a year and a half ago. She had surgery then. It was a success. However, she will have surgery again. Please keep her high up in your prayers.

I also have to pray for the people in the Philippines who are recovering from a typhoon attack. It is sad to see all the damage. Please pray for the Filipinos and hope God can and will help them pull through. I saw pictures of the damage, it is really depressing. Those are my prayer requests that I am making to the world. I hope anybody who sees my blog and this particular post will grant them. Thank you.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Yes, I haven't posted in a while but...

First of all to all the Veterans, I want to wish them a HAPPY VETERANS DAY! I am happy for all you do for us. I wish you the best on keeping us safe and free. We owe you a lot! Thank you for all you do!!

Well, this weekend, my girlfriend and I got to go see Thor: The Dark World in 3D. It was a great movie. If you haven't seen it yet, please do. Otherwise you are missing out on a REALLY good movie. And yes, Stan Lee does have a cameo in this movie. You just gotta love those Marvel Movies.

Well, I am happy that the Carolina Panthers won their game last night against the San Francisco 49ers. It was tough a victory. The final score was 10-9. The Panthers managed to seal the deal when Drayton Florence intercepted a pass. This victory was important to the Panthers because this put them in the contendership run. They proved they are a team worthy of respect. For a long time they were one of the NFL's least respected teams. Well, not this year! They have just WON FIVE GAMES IN A ROW!! I don't know if they EVER did that before. I only hope they can win their next game and make it SIX! However, it is gonna be tough. They facing the New England Patriots. No, I won't deny it. I would LOVE to see the Panthers win (especially against my LEAST FAVORITE TEAM). Though the Patriots are tough though. I hope the best for the Panthers. GO PANTHERS!!! Bye the way, no, I DO NOT hate New England. I just HATE THE PATRIOTS.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I have another prayer request.

I have to request prayers for my grandmother from Tempe, AZ who will also be having surgery. I would mean a lot to me if you did. Thank you.


Q: Do you think they hire wild animals to work for government offices?

A: I don't know, but the last time I went to the DMV, I've could have sworn I meet a couple of badgers!

Prayer requests

Yes, I would like you to pray for for my parents if you could. My mother has been having an ache in her mouth. We don't know what it is. My mother will visit the doctor tomorrow to check things out. Please pray that she will be all right.

Asked for my father, he will have knee replacement surgery next Tuesday at the Duke University Hospital. Please pray the best for his surgery. Please pray that he be all right and will have a speedy recovery. Please pray the best for both if my parents.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Do people still say slow? Just wondering. I know it meet cognitively challenged (sorry but I'm not going to use the "R" word here). But that's it meet in the 90's. I guess, that makes a fossil. Oh well.


Q: What does a Hollywood producer have in common with a snail?

A: They're both "slow."

You know there is one thing that I really HATE!

Yeah, I really hate these spontaneous changes in plans. Originally, I was gonna go to the gym. However, right out of nowhere I get a call. Yep, the folks at HT want me to close tonight because the original person couldn't make it. So, yeah, after my job at Shoeboxed I'm going to have to go all the way home and get dressed up for work at HT. It's really going to be lots of fun (huh). Well I did tell them I would like more money for Christmas shopping this year. Now I'm going to have to get ready for tonight.

That is one thing about being Asperger's. It can be hard to adjust to these spontaneous changes in plans. I prefer to have my day mapped out more. But these spontaneous changes often get to me and can drive me crazy. It gives me a feeling of confusion and to some degree, uncertainty. I mean, it not so thing I really wanted to do (I REALLY wanted to go to the gym tonight). However, HT NEEDS HELP so I can't. And yes, what makes it worse is the fact I am closing HT tonight. That means I cannot go until I am relieved. I hate spontaneous changes in plans! Hate 'em, hate 'em, HATE 'EM (am I sounding a little childish here, oh well but still um, you know like) HATE 'EM!! I guess just the way the cookie crumbles (gag).

Yes, this blog now has over 8,000 page views!

I have to thank people from all over the world who took the time to read this blog. It means a lot to me. I hope it made you laugh and I also hope it also informed you well about living with Asperger's. Keep the page views up! Spread the world about this blog. Hope they will find it entertaining as well. I will keep the posts up as well (thank God, I've got a smartphone to help). But I have to thank you all. Keep viewing!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Now I am off to my other job.

Well, wish me luck. Something that I must do for the next five hours. I hope I get a new one sometime soon. Hopefully, TEACCH will have my results of my evaluation by the end of this week. That is what I was told lady week. However, I have also been told they are in the must of a catch up period since the government shutdown ended. I mean, I don't find jobs easily. That is part of being Asperger's. It hurts your ability to interview. In fact it makes it hard for me to get people to interview me. Well, please pray for the best.

Three things you should NOT do

1. Surfing on your car.

2. Drugs

3. And assume you will find anything meaningful on TV. 


Q: Why is the eagle national emblem?

A: Because that's how high our debt soars!


Q: Do you know one year from now, the MOST EXCITING SHOW will come to TV?!

A: It's called "Dripping Water!" On that show you'll see the water drip from a faucet for 30 minutes! Isn't that exciting!!


Q: How do people treat dirt?

A: Better than people treat a dollar's value these days.

Okay people it's now Monday

I guess, that means it's back to reality. Well, I guess the weekend has to end sometime. Well, working both my jobs today. I start one job at 10AM and work until 4PM. Then I start my other job at 5:30 and work that until 10:30. Well, at least I am not closing second shift tonight (thankfully). However, I am working 11 hours today (NNNNOOOOO!!!!). Well, guess I now gotta go and start.


Q: Can people make a good living out of being liars?

A: Well, far as I know NEWS REPORTERS are well paid!, THE ANSWER IS YES! 

Random question

Why do we use red the color to represent hot and blue the color to represent cold, when red flames are the coolest (though still hot) and blue flames are the hottest. Just curious ya know.

And bye the way...

No, my jokes are not made to be taken seriously.


Q: How can you save your brain?

A: Well, stay in school, read books, and most importantly...DON'T WATCH THE EVENING NEWS!!

Sorry I had to put that up.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Well, I had A wonderful Sunday.

Well, though I didn't make it to church this morning. I was pretty tired. I do not think I was getting enough sleep lately. I am happy that I got an extra hour of sleep last night. But, hey like everybody need to sleep. With out sleep, ya know we get a little, um....CRAZY! Well, I got my sleep last night.

Well, I went over to Crason's place. Carson and I decided to go watch the Panthers game. Today the Carolina Panthers played the Atlanta Falcons. Of course Carson's father, Cravon was there, too. At the same time Cravon's team, The Washington Redskins played the San Diego Chargers. We were flipping through channels during both games. Mainly because well BOTH games had some interest to us, so we watched BOTH games. Yep, you just gotta love Football. And yes, for those of you who live outside the United States, I am referring to American Football. Not, the sport that your country may call Football (that sport we call soccer).

Well, in regards to the Panthers game, the Panthers pretty dominated the whole game and they managed to get more turn overs on the Falcons than they got on the Panthers. That really helped the Panthers. The Panthers got a touchdown after an interception. That really made us all HAPPY. However, it really much competition for the Panthers The Final score was 34-10. The Panthers just destroyed the Falcons. GO PANTHERS!!

Though, asked for the Redskins game, it was a battle. Initially, the Redskins were on bottom. However, later on in the game they managed to comeback. And take the lead. Later on the Chargers made to close to the end zone, little less then two yards short of the touchdown and game. However, the Redskins managed to hold them back. Amazing defense, wouldn't you say? The Chargers had to go for a field kick. After that, the score was tied 24-24. The game went into overtime. Cravon was happy that the Redskins won the coin flip. Which means they get the ball first. And this situation, it's almost sudden death. The first team to score a touchdown will win and the Redskins got the opportunity to score first. Cravon was happy that they succeed. The Washington Redskins beat the San Diego Chargers 30-24.

Carson's favorite team are the Dallas Cowboys. Unfortunately, there were no station here in North Carolina that were broadcasting the game. However, while we were watching the games and the updates it was giving about some of the games it was showing the updates on the other games. Today the Dallas Cowboys played the Minnesota Vikings. That was indeed a seesaw game. The Cowboys however, managed to pull it off just in the last minute of the game though. However, the the screen said Dallas Cowboys 27, Minnesota Vikings 23 FINAL she was excited. Carson was SO happy to see her favorite team win.

So, I guess in Football (and yes, I mean American Football) this was a pretty good weekend. All of our teams won. In college Football, The UNC Tar Heels beat they #1 Football rivals The NC State Wolfpack 27-19. In NFL Football, The Carolina Panthers beat The Atlanta Falcons  34-10. The Dallas Cowboys (Carson's team) beat the Minnesota Vikings 27-23. And the Washington Redskins (Cravon's team) beat the San Diego Chargers 30-24. This weekend would have been perfect if my least favorite team, The New England Patriots lost, but they won (NNNOOOOOO!!!). Well, both The Panthers and Tar Heels won so, I guess that makes up for it.

Carson and I are going to see each other again next weekend. However, we don't when yet. We already agreed that we are going to go see Thor: The Dark World. We both enjoyed the original Thor movie. So, we are looking forward to seeing the sequel. I know that it was released in the UK this weekend and did very well. I am pretty sure it should also do well here in the US. Well, the new Thor movie comes to North America next week so it should be nice. I LOVE having a girlfriend like Carson!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

On NO 9, DON'T think you won this time!!

Yeah, I caught you. I MADE SURE this blog DOES NOT end with a 9. So, yes 9, you lose this round!

Yes, I am happy to hear some NCAA sports news!!

Yep, I just watched North Carolina's state rivalry game on my DVR. And yes, I am happy. UNC just beat NC State for the second year IN A ROW!! GO TARHEELS!! And they beat NC State in their own home field. That makes me REALLY happy! Oh, here is some trivia for you all. Though people may talk about UNC's rivalry with Duke. However, in Football (and yes, just in case in case you didn't know because you live outside the United States, I am referring to American Football, not the sport you may call Football, that we call Soccer), Duke is NOT UNC's #1 Football rival. NC State is. Duke is UNC #1 rival in most other spots (especially Basketball). NC State is actually UNC's #1 Football rival. So UNC just beat their #1 Football rival!! GO TARHEELS!!! HEEL YEAH!!! I wish I could have seen it it as it all happened. But YA KNOW, duty calls! Yes, I HAD to work when the game was on. THAT SUCKS!!! In fact, SUCKS doesn't describe hoe bad it was for me. Well, still the Tar Heels WON. Well, um, you know MAYBE that IS good enough for me. I JUST GO NUTS WHEN UNC WINS! ESPECIALLY IN THESE BIG GAMES!! And they won for the second year in a row. Hopefully, I NEW streak is starting. NC State HAD a FIVE YEAR winning streak against UNC. I HOPE it;s UNC's turn the start a streak. Personally, only people like me (UNC fans) can only HOPE AND PRAY. TARHEELS FOREVER!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Though Halloween is now over, do you still want to see something scary? There is a perfect place to do it online. Yeah, it's called THE NATIONAL DEBT!