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Monday, September 30, 2013

This blog now has over 6400 hits!

Yep, that is true. There are now over 6400 post on this post. That sounds great! I like to thank the people from around the world who took the time to see this blog. I hope it gives you good window of what it's like living with Asperger's. I also hope it made you laugh some. But I have to thank the people from around the world who viewed this blog. Keep 'em coming. People tell your friends about this blog. However, I think it's great there are now over 6400 hits on this blog!

Ya know, I just can't stop saying this but...

I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE HHHAAAAATTTTEEEE SEEING MY NUMBER OF POSTS END IN A "9" Like 589 in this case. Well, I gonna make it 590. I HATE SEEING NUMBERS END IN 9. Well, now it ends in 10. MUCH BETTER!


Q: Is a man you meet on the street trustworthy?

A: Well, I don't know but I DO KNOW he's more trustworthy than any announcer I see on TV!


Q: Kids, do you think your parents could ever be wrong?

A: Well...I know they can be! In fact, I can't remember the last time HOLLYWOOD was right!

Yep, yep, yep...

Looks like the government here in my country, The United States of America, will have a government shutdown. It's a shame I know. Isn't there anything we can agree on? :/ I guess it's just safe to say people are just too dang disagreeable. We can never agree. Never have, never will. Please keep the US government high up in your prayers.

Well here's what's going on

Well the sun is shining, grass is green, the weather is temperate in my part of the world. So, I guess everything is fine. I know, it's now Monday. Yep, Monday, Monday, Monday. The weekend is over. NO! Well weekends can't last forever or nothing will be done (I guess). At least the weather was nice. I did like going to the concert with my girlfriend last Friday. However, UNC got creamed in their Football game against ECU. You know why does it seem like for every plus there is a minus? What can't they all be pluses? Well, I guess that's life you win some and you lose some.

Oh, please pray for for the government. There may be a shut down. Please pray!

Now about to start my day of work

Well, it looks like I came early today. Oh well, I guess that means a few minutes of extra pay. Just hope the day goes all right. Well, wish me luck, as well on luck of finding a new job out there. Especially, one that is full time with an orthodox work schedule.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Q: If you had to pay a dollar to a TV executive for every IQ point in his head, how much money would you owe him?

A: He would OWE YOU about $5 Million!

Ya know, I REALLY CANNOT stop saying this but...

Yes, I REALLY miss the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious. I thought it was high-quality for a kid's show. I have tried the show Sam & Cat, but I personally think I cannot recap the magic of Victorious. I think Victorious was a ONE AND ONLY! It CANNOT BE DUPLICATED!! There is ONLY ONE AND WILL ONLY BE ONE VICTORIOUS!!! I HOPE that AT LEAST ONE former Victorious cast member sees this blog and grants me my request (yes even Ariana Grande, of the spin off I don't like) and my request is to support Autism awareness and support Autism research. YES, THAT is my request. That would mean A LOT to me. I miss Victorious and I HOPE that a former Victorious cast member will grant my request.

Oh, let's not forget on Twitter I still Tweet for a true Victorious finale. Please to ANY former Victorious cast member grant my request.


A: If societies morals can be compared to game what game would it be?

Q: If you ask me the answer is LIMBO because I am wonder HOW LOW CAN IT GO!


Q: Which is more believable, the Loch Ness Monster or an honest news reporter?

A: Personally, I don't know, but I think BIGFOOT is more believable than both PUT TOGETHER!

Here are some pics of the Rascall Flatts concert.

Well, I had fun at that concert and so did my girlfriend. She loves country music and really likes Rascall Flatts. She also likes the Band Perry. There were there, too. In fact The Band Perry Opened for Rascall Flatts. This was of course at the Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh. We both had seats on the lawn. Sorry, if the quality of pictures may not be that good, but hey, I'm a Blogger/Comedian, not a photographer. Well, maybe not a Blogger/Comedian professionally (that would be Scanning Technician/Cashier) but hey who's counting. Here in cyberspace, I am a Blogger/Comedian. Oh, about the concert. My girlfriend also likes the show, the Voice. One winner of The Voice named Cassadee Pope was there too starting off everything. So, yes, Pope took the stage first, then The Band Perry, then Rascall Flatts. Here are some pictures of the show.

This is my girlfriend, Carson. She has been looking forward to this concert for 2 and a half months. She is so excited. Well the wait is now over. Let's enjoy the show!
This is me, of course!
This is Cassadee Pope taking the stage. Hope she has good career in the field of country music. Best of luck to her!
This is supposed to be a photo of The Band Perry. Sorry if the quality of the photo sucks. However, of the three acts, I think their performance was probably the best. They really looked like they had fun out there. I mean all three of them looked liked six year olds after a pound of Halloween candy. They really put on a show. THEY WERE GREAT!!
Countdown to the band eveybody's been waiting to see, Rascall Flatts! 
Here they are starting with their song "Life is a Highway" from the Disney Movie, Cars. Trivia fact, did you know that song was a classic from the early 1990's by a Canadian man Tom Cochrane. Unfortunately, Tom Cochrane was a one hit wonder. Rascall Flatts careers still go strong after 13 years. 
Here is Rascall Flatts. The concert was lots of fun. Though I am not as much of a fan of Country Music as Carson is, but it sure beats Polka (I really hate Polka)! It was a fun night for us both! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Looks like the wait is over

Yes, tonight Carson (my girlfriend) and I will see Rascall Flatts at Walnut Creek tonight. I think it should be fun. Carson is a big Rascall Flatts fan. She's been looking forward to this concert for two months. I going straight from work to meet her at her place. It should be lots of fun!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Synonyms: To words with the same meanings. Here are three examples.

1. Happy =  Joyful

2. Rich =Wealthy

3. Cryptozoology = BALONEY!


Q: What's the best way to provide power to a hot air balloon?

A: Give it the information from an infomercial.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

So, here I am halfway through the week and you know what?

NOTHING IS HAPPENING! NO! I really got to get out more. However, it's not easy with two part time jobs. I NEED a full-fine job with orthodox hours. It would make my life much, much easier.


Q: Can you lie, cheat, and steal professionally?

A: Not sure, but I believe the folks during TV ads do.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Well, off to my other job

And yes, once again, I am closing second shift. I feel I REALLY need a new job. I HATE juggling two jobs. I NEED one full-time job.


Q: Are TV executives picky eaters?

A: No, because they have NO TASTE!


Principal Eitner: Well Joe, this has been the third time this week you've been sent here for theft. It was just reported that you stole the Notebook of your fellow student Mike Hudson.

Joe: Well, what can I say Principal Eutner I like to steal.

Principal Eitner: Maybe you can think if it for the week and a half while you are suspended.

Joe: Say what you will Principal E. That ain't gonna stop me from stealing .

Principal Eitner: All I know is unless if you change your thieving ways soon you will either wind up in jail or as an INSURANCE AGAENT!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ah Monday, Monday (bah-da bah da da)

Yes, it's Monday. Another week at my job at Shoeboxed. Well, some weeks went by quickly. Makes me wonder if somebody tampered with the space/time continuum or something. Well, MAYBE this week will go by quickly as well. However, for two nights in a row I will be working my other job (AAAHHH) and tomorrow I am closing second shift with my other job (double AAAAHHHH). Well, at least Friday should be a good day for me. My girlfriend and I are going to see Rascall Flatts. I heard the weather should be fine (good because we're sitting on the lawn). But, I don't know, I think my life would be easier if I had a full-time job with orthodox hours. Problem is with Asperger's it kinda gets hard to talk to people and get your foot in the door (triple AAAAHHHH). Oh well, hope you have a nice week everybody.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I don't know how many times I said this...

But I still, hate, hate, HATE seeing the number of my posts end in a nine. It REALLY PISSES me off. Well, I'm gonna change that. It ain't ending in a nine now! So, TAKE THAT NINE!!!!

I will say this (ignore if you are not a fan of NFL Football, American Football for those of you outside the United States)

Yes, I am just ecstatic that the Carolina Panthers shut out the New York Giants. First Panther victory this season. I am just too happy to see them shut somebody out. It puts me on CLOUD 9!! WOO!!! I mean NO OFFENSE to anybody who is a fan of the New York Giants. Yes, I like the Giants, too. But since I am from North Carolina I cheered for the Carolina Panthers. The final score, Carolina Panthers 38, New York Giants zero. I want to see the Panthers win more games now. I don't know if there is word to describe how I feel. I am just TOO HAPPY! It was a WONDERFUL day for any Carolina Panthers fan! GGGGGOOOOOOOOOO PPPPPPAAAAANNNNTHEEEERRRRRSSSSS!!!!!!

I guess is what Aspeger's does

It makes me fixated on my jokes. Well, I have a habit of posting jokes, but ya know...I HAVE TO MAKE IT ENTERTAINING!


Q: How would you describe the night sky under a new moon?

A: Brighter then a Hollywood executive!

Hey the night sky even has a few bright spots.


Here is one thing I wonder. Why are some Reese's Cups nice and oily, but other are just so dry and powdery. I like the oily ones better. They are delicious. The powdery once suck. The oily ones taste more like the peanut butter. I wish they can all be oily. Well, I what can I say, I LIKE OIL!
Today was a great Sunday. First I went to Bible study and stayed for the service. Today's sermon was about being lost and then found. 

After that Carson (my girlfriend) and I got together. We watched the Carolina Panthers play the New York Giants at Alfredo's Pizza at the University mall. Panthers won 38-0. Yep, it's about time they win a game! And a shut out, too. That makes it even better. I was so happy! No offense to any Giants fans out there. I am just a Panthers fan. But no, i don't hate the Giants, just rooting for the Panthers. To me it makes up the Carolina Tar Heels defeat to Georgia Tech yesterday. It made Carson happy, too to see the Panthers win. However, she is more of a fan if the Dallas Cowboys. She was definitely happy the Cowboys win. Today, they defeated the St. Louis Rams. At the pizza parlor we got to see the tail end of the game between the Cincinnati Bengals vs. The Green Bay Packers. Though I like the Packers, we cheered for the Bengals because one of their running backs, Giovani Bernard played for the North Carolina Tar Heels in college. That's were Carson and I went to college. We were also happy to see the Bengals win. To make things even better I was happy to see Detroit Lions win against the Washington Red Skins. Since I grew up on Detroit, I favored the Lions. So to me this was a wonderful day in terms of NFL Football. After Football Carson and I got some coffee at a nearby Caribou Coffee. We had fun today.

Well, my parents went to go see Eleanor Underhill's band (she is the sister of my brother's fiance) play at the Southpoint Mall. I hope they had fun. My parents DVD'ed the Panthers game. I think they had fun watching that show today. Her band if called Underhill Rose. They are a local Country Rock band. I think they only play for this area currently. It might change in the future though. Carson said we should have went to that. Well, I know Eleanor's band was originally supposed to play yesterday, but the show was rained out and postponed to today. Well, part of Asperger's is I don't really like to change original plans (even if they weren't the plans I desired). I like to stick with plans that were agreed upon. We both went to church this morning. I didn't know about my parents' plans until I was about to head off to church.
 I wasn't sure if I can contact Carson in time about the Underhill Rose concert at Southpoint Mall. So, we just went with the original plans. We had fun. We especially had fun watching out teams win. Well, but there is that side of me that tells me she could be right. There times where I guess you gotta get spontaneous once in a while. I guess, I am just the kind of person who is just so stoked in "doing things by the book." That is part of my Asperger's. We still had fun though. 

However, I have just been told some bad news. A friend of Cravon Capps (Carson's father) died today. Cravon is very sad to hear this and so Carson and myself. The family is called the Witleys (sorry if spelled wrong). The man has been fighting Cancer for years. And just died to today. Please pray for Carvon so he can get over this burden and pray for the Witleys for their loss. That is sad to hear about. Well, but that's what happened this Sunday. Hope all of you out there and a wonderful day and keep Cravon and the Witleys high up in your prayers.


Q: Favorite hobby of a news reporter?

A: Washing! They like washing their clothes. Washing their cars. AND WASHING YOUR BRAINS!


Joe: Hey Mike, I got an idea.

Mike: What's that Joe?

Joe: With your television, don't turn it on. Just watch the blank screen.

Mike: Why would I just want to watch the blank screen for an hour or two. That's ridiculous.

Joe: Personally, I would find it JUST AS ENTERTAINING. And it would save you a bundle on the electric bill.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Johnny: Mommy I want to watch that. I think the show is just so cool.

Mommy: No Johnny, I want you to watch somthing education. Not this garbage.

Joke: But educational TV is always BORING!

Mommy: No Johnny, you are not watching THE HISTORY CHANNEL and that's final!

Yeah, all I know is, the History Channel USED to be educational until they started talking about UFO's and strange conspiracy theories. Could you beleive they ran specials believing the world was going to end on December 21, 2012? I think The History Channel is now more about entertainment than enlightenment. Well, that fact it's September 21, 2013 prety much prove that false.


Here are three biggest myths I can name right now:

1. Icarus's wings melted because he flew too close to the sun.

2. Hercules had to atone for his sins by completing 12 labors.

3. People HATE having their intelligence insulted.

And which is the LEAST true of them all? Well, the THIRD ONE of course. How do I know this? Because PEOPLE ALWAYS LIST TO HOLLYWOOD!


Q: What does mustard have in common with conspiracy theories?

A: Both would be great for a bologna sandwich!

My day

Well, I am working late tonight. However, I don't start until 5:00 PM. But still, yes, again, I am closing second shift. You know I really hate doing that. That means I cannot go until I am relieved. I really need something better.

Friday, September 20, 2013

This happened yesterday.

Well, there is an adult supper group that meets once a month for people with autism/asperger's. It meets on the third Thursday every month. Yesterday, we went to Red Robin. It's a place we all like. I think they make good burgers there. However, there was debate as to where the next place where would eat. Once place recommended was K & W. Well, at least for the K & W in Chapel Hill, I didn't think was very good. One person couldn't understand because it's a cafeteria. Well, to that's just the thing. I have never been a big cafeteria/buffet person. I like fresh tasting food. I thought the food you get when you order out just tastes better. I know that buffet food isn't always fresh. Not to mention UNC will have a game that night so it's going to be crowded down that street anyway. We'll see where we eat next.

Well, home watching Smackdown.

Well, I am still happy that I don't need another evaluation. Now, I just need a full-time career. Like I said, I think Raleigh would be the best place for me. I mean, like I said I like the restaurants and the museums. They also have nice events that occur there. I think I would be great if I can live close by. I think Raleigh would be the place for me.

Yes, just another Friday

I have to admit there hasn't been anything really special today. Here at work. Got my Friday pizza. Well, you know something about it is just well, DOWNRIGHT BORING! Well, maybe next Friday will be better. I will be seeing a concert with my girlfriend to see a country band called Rascall Flatts. She is a big fan of them and has been looking forward to the concert for months. She's a big Rascall Flatts fan. I can't say I listen to as much country music as she does. But still, I think it will be fun to go with her.

All I know is I need to do more with my life. I want more excitement in my life. Well, I think I will go to the gym after work today. Hey, gotta so something ya knooowwww.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Bob: Hey Mary is the forrest today while I was hunting for tonight's dinner, I found something that I didn't know existed. But found it a caught it! Please call the local authorities while I keep an eye on it.

Mary: Bob, you mean you told me you can now prove the world Bigfoot exists?

Bob: No, not Bigfoot. Even less plausible, I found A SCRUPULOUS NEWS REPORTER!


Q: How would I describe tabloid journalism?

A: Most HONEST journlism in society today!

Yes, I beleive journilism today is THAT bad.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Bob: You know Tim, nice freeway divers. They remind me a of a certain animal?

Tim: Like what Bob,  a bunny? A dolphin? A shih tzu?

Bob: A Bigfoot.  

Tim: Bigfoot? Why a Bigfoot?

Bob: Because they are very rare, if there is such a thing! 

Monday, September 16, 2013


Q: What does Cryptozoology have in common with gum?

A: It's easy chew on but hard to swallow.

PS. Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals. It's attempt to prove that such species like the Loch Ness Monster, The Abominable Snowman, and Bigfoot exist. However, all attempts to prove THOSE species exist has failed. However, they did prove that such species like The Mountain Gorilla, The Komodo Dragon, and The Giant Panda (all species that were originally only legend to exit) DO exit.

Well, I am happy this blog now has over 6,000 page views!

Thank you all from around the world for viewing it. Please spread the word and hope you can support autism awareness. It would sure mean a lot to me. Please tell your friends about this blog. I hope they will like it. I LOVE making it funny, hence all the jokes. Still, it makes me happy that there are now over 6,000 page views. Please keep 'em coming. I like to thank you all from around the world for viewing this blog.


Q: Which of these three things is the most real?

1. Honest politician.

2. Tasteful Hollywood entertainment.


A: And as you probably figured, THE LOCH NESS MONSTER!

And no, I do not believe in the Loch Ness Monster.


John: Mike, I don't think I am felling too well.

Mike: Why not John?

John: I think I got attacked by an awful parasite. And it's really making me sick.

Mike: What is it? A tapeworm? A roundworm?


And the insurance said he owes $5,000 for repairs that they told John THEY WOULD COVER!


Q: What do city traffic, barking dogs, and Polka have in common?

A: It's all NOISE!

Yes, I'm saying Polka is NOT MUSIC, it's NOISE! I hate Polka.


Q: What swear word to Insurance Companies hate the most?


Yes, to Insurance Companies honesty is a swear word.

Yep, you know I have said this a lot

Though I haven't said it in a while. Still I hope that a former cast member of the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious sees this blog and grants me my request. That they would promote autism awareness and support autism research. Yep, I still feel they got a raw deal. I still tweet to grant the show a proper finale. I don't know. I know some of you out there may think I am too old to be watching stuff like that but, I really thought it was funny. Yes, I will admit I rip on Hollywood a lot on this blog. I hope one of them can forgive me for what I say. I hope at least one former cast member will grant me my request, because I believe there is a dire need for more autism research. Living with autism is NO PICNIC, not even high-functioning autism. I hate living with it, personally.


Here are three biggest lies of all time.

1. You can scare the hiccups out of somebody.

2. You can cure amnesia by bonking a person on the head.

3. You are "In good hands with All State Insurance!"

That is all.


Q: Can you be paid for being a thief?

A: Yes, it's called an insurance agents.

Well, not much today

I did work at Showboxed today. Didn't do any envelopes because they wee all so big. However, I did clear out my bin. There was some good news. Geico agreed to reimburse me for how much was paid for the accident. So, that's a relief. Right now, I am watching WWE Raw, and Daniel Bryan has been stripped of the WWE Championship. Well, I got to say, "Action thy name is WWE." Ya know, I think I like this angle. I hope one WWE writer sees this.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

On days when I want to see a WWE Pay-Per-View...

You know, call me crazy, but to me it only seems appropriate that I go to church on those days. I just have to got to church on days before I see a WWE PPV. There is just something I about it that I can not explain. I just makes it feel more right. I don't know. And yes, I went to church this morning. I guess that's just me.

WWE Champion results

WWE Universe picked Hulk Hogan. Well, I voted for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Oh well...

About Night of Champions

I got a feeling that Daniel Bryan will not win. I think Randy Orton will win (thanks to HHH).

How ironic...

For all of those of you out there who are new...Well, I have been a life long fan of WWE. So, this is WWE talk.

To me, it's ironic that HHH, the COO of WWE, who is HATED by the fans, won the title of greatest tag team of all time (with his partner Shawn Michales). Well, I voted for the Legion of Doom. Oh well, my choices don't always win.


Q: Which is slower a three toothed sloth or a snail?

A: I don't know, but they both move faster than the progress of today's economy.


Do you like to give somebody a gift that reminds you of them?

Well, I think I would. I would like to give Hollywood a tofu Al Bundy, because it reminds me of them, STUPID AND TASTELESS!

Well, here was my Sunday

First I went to church. First I went to Bible study. We were talking about the Book of Exodus. We focused on when Moses talk to God was was ordered to return to Egypt. Next week we will be talking about the part when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea to receive the 10 Commandment. It was nice to show up to that. Then I went to worship service. We focused on Jesus and who he was. And we believe that he was the Messiah.

Then I went to go get my haircut. There were photos of that on a previous post. I was overdue for that. I hope you think my haircut looks nice.

I was also watching the Carolina Panthers play in the gym. They almost won, but they lost to Buffalo Bills. They lost by one point. No!! Carson's team the Dallas Cowboys also lost (Carson is my girlfriend). Mike's team, the New York Giants lost (Mike is Carson's brother). And Cravon's team, the Washington Red Skins also lost (Cravon is Carson's father). So, it wasn't a good day for NFL Football for any of us. NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!! THAT REALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe next week will be better.

My mother and I got some Chinese food for dinner. I got some hot and spicy chicken and shrimp fried rice. Mom got lemon chicken. We also got some wonton soup. Dinner was nice. Chinese dishes that we like.

Now, I am watching WWE night of champions. I hope it will be nice. Well, this is my day today. I guess, it was nice. Especially being at Bible study. Well, that was my Sunday.

Well, got a haircut today. I felt I was overdue. My hair was too long. I wanted a good professional look.

Here is the photo before the haircut.

Here is the phot after the haircut. How does it look?

Well, currently it seems that neither the Panthers nor the Bills can score. Do you know what this means?



Q: What is a politician's favorite food?

A: CAKE, because they always want to have it and eat it, too!

You know Huey Lewis and the News said "I Want a New Drug" once

Asked for me, I FOUND my drug. Yes, it's blogging and I LOVE IT!!

What would propably make me happy if the Panthers lose?

Hearing the New England Patriots lose. Yes, they are my least favorite team.

PS. No, I have nothing against New England. I just hate the Patriots.


Q: How would I describe the Marianas Trench?

A: Higher than the intelligence of today's society.


Q: Why is today's pop culture rising to the occation?

A: Because it's filled with hot air!

Yes, to me that's what it seem that people want. Nothing meaningful. Oh well, it could be just me.

Yep, gotta go to the gym soon.

Need the exercise. That is all.

Ya know what I really want.

I really HOPE the Panthers win this game. Unfortunately, there was a turn over against them. Oh well.

Okay, well now off to bed

I worked at HT until 11:00. M relief came on time. However, they wine department was torn apart because of all the sales. A customer came up to me at the demanded that I scan her order for her at the U-scan (the self check out lane). So, I did. But she admitted that she is afraid to do the self check out lane. I don't know why she chose to do the U-scan. That puzzles me. I had to go "block" it. Just in case if you don't know, blocking is moving things forward to the front to make everything look neater. A lot of people came. However, I didn't see as many coupons as I expected.

I just thought I would post some jokes on this blog for getting to this message. Hope the Jewish people in the world enjoyed their Yom Kippur. Well, I guess I gotta get read for tomorrow. I will try to do my usual Sunday things like Bible Study and church. Good night everybody.


Q: If you looked inside the head of a person in modern society for any brain cells, how long would it take you?

A: I don't know, but I'm sure Halley's Comet may pass through about two or three times.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Q: Do TV advertisers think they are Gods?

A: I don't know, but they always do talk about beginnings and ending. Doorways and Gates. War and peace. I guess they remind me of Janus...AND JUST AS TWO FACED!


Q: How you would describe the Marianas Trench?

A: Well, if you ask me it's higher than the quality of the stuff on TV.

And once again...

I HATE IT WHEN THE NUMBERS OF MY POST END IN A "9." Well, now it doesn't, hey, hey. Well, I think I gotta go. But still just couldn't see it end in a 9. That's lame!

And now off to work

Yep, I will be working at HT from 3-11. I will be closing second shift. I think there's gonna be a lot of people. It's triple coupon week. I'm sure I will meet lot of couponers. Well, wish me luck.


Q: How would you describe calculus?

A: A little less complicated than politics.

Oh, bye the way...

I have been told I will not need a fourth evaluation form TEACCH. Hopefully, this means on with a real career. I really hate having to keep telling current employers about what's going on, and this and that. It gets real monotonous.


Mike: Hey Bob, what's wrong with John? He doesn't seem to be a sharp as he used to be.

Bob: Well Mike, I think I have to agree with you. Let's go ask John.

Bob: Well John, just out of curiosity, is there a new hobby that you too up lately?

John: Well, uh, uh. Gwarsh, I don't know. Well lately, I have been watching more TV and them new movies.

Mike: Looks like we found our answer.

Bob: That's what HOLLYWOOD will do to ya.


Jill: Mary, you can't keep asking your relatives to keep sending you money.

Mary: But I love this money. Besides Jill, look at these wonderful recipes I made. Just try my new pineapple upside down cake and my three meat pot pie. I also have a  recipe for a wonderful custard pie. They are all so yummy! Try one.

Jill: Yes Mary, I'm sure they are delicious but you can't treat a member of your family as a money machine. It's just wrong!

Mary: Oh, come on Jill, I'm sure UNCLE SAM doesn't mind sending us his money.


Q: What's the newest swear word of modern society?


And what a coincidence. Work has four letters. Talk about a four letter word.

Okay so it's Saturday here in North Carolina.

Well, once again I wish the Jewish people in the world a happy Yom Kippur. Today I will be working my job at Harris Teeter today. We are doing a triple coupons week. That means for any coupons below 99 cents can triple. That way people can save more. If are shopping at Harris Teeter this week you can sure save a ton of money.

Now, on to the BAD NEWS. Yes, there is bad news. Yes, really awful, terrible, horrible, nauseating, earth shatter, hair raising, (did I say it was bad) news. I have to get things straightened out with the repairs on my car for that accident a couple of months ago. my bill shouldn't be over $1,300. I gotta feeling something is wrong here. I got to talk to the Enterprise to have everything straightened out about that car I rented from them. Well, that is what going on.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Here we are in the 2025. Here are two people named Jim and Joe. They got their beer and popcorn ready. It's the middle of the month of May. And they are so excited. They are getting ready to watch the most exciting, the most thrilling, the most heart pounding show on TV. Yeah, THEY ARE GETTING SO EXCITED TO WATCH THE ANNUAL GRASS GROWING!

Yes, I think this is the future of television. THAT TASTELESS!


Since it's Friday the 13th, I thought I would put a Friday the 13 joke on my blog.

Well, as it all starts Mary sees her husband John watching something scary. 

Mary: John how could you be watching a scary movie? I'm scared enough about today. It's Friday the 13th.

John: Mary, you know I'm not THAT superstitious. 

Mary: Still, how could you be watching a Friday the 13th movie? You know that Jason guy gives me the willies. 

John: Mary, this is not a Friday the 13th movie I'm watching. It's THE NEWS!

To all the Jewish people in the world

I wish you a happy Yom Kippur. I hope you have a nice wonder day tomorrow of rest and relaxation. I hope and pray that all of you can enjoy this day of atonement.  I mean we all sin (even Christians like me). But we both believe in a merciful God. In fact, we both worship the same God. I also know it's a a day of fasting. I hope you can have a delicious meal after Yom Kippur. I know how tough fasting can be. I pray the best for all you Jewish people. Well,  I wish all the Jewish people in the world, HAPPY YOM KIPPUR!

So it's Friday the 13th

So, today it's supposed to be the unluckiest day of the year. Well, I wasn't able to do over ten envelopes at Shoeboxed. Also my lips feel funny. Maybe that's some bad luck to me. However, I never really believed in all these silly superstitions. But have you experienced any bad luck today? And also do you know how this superstition got started? Oh, well.


Q: If Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees leave the movies, would there be a good job for them?

A: Yeah, working as Anchormen for the evening news.

Hey you cannot deny how scary that show is (that's of course the evening news I'm referring to).


Q: How would I describe the taste of Television?

A: About as much taste as a bar of tofu.

Yes, that tasteless.

Well, today is Friday here in North Carolina

The weather is beautiful. I see lots of nice sunshine (don't you just love that). I hope work goes fine today. I will also be seeing Carson this evening. We are going to get together and have a nice sea food dinner. That's what I have planned for today.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Well, clocked in late to work

And it's all because our system was down! We couldn't clock in because of that. Doncha just hate it when that happens! It's a pain in the butt!


Q: What makes TV executives always rise to the occasion?

A: The air they are filled with! Very hot I might add.


Q: Why should more kids be reading?

A: Because the stuff on TV is only gonna continue to suck worse!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Okay, it's now been 12 years since 9/11

Remember where you were that day it happened? Asked for me, well I was awakened by the news. I have been told my father is all right. I didn't know what he was talking about. He told me the World Trade Center has been bombed. That made me worry. I heard more stories of what was hapoening when I tried to go to class, but class was cancelled. We were just too sad.

Then I heard all the stories and panic of what happened that day. Since then there has been much paranoia on who to blame. Well, we all know it was Al-Qaeda was responsible for the attacks. I know we captured and killed Osama Bin Laden. Unfortunately, they are still out there. Well, lets pray for peace in this world. On this the anniversary of 9/11. I also hope the situation with Syria can be solved peacefully.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Q: What do find easier to believe in, The Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot?

A: I don't know, but they are both still easier to believe in than an honest new reporter!

Well, just to fill in space...

But, I can't help it. I JUST LOVE making it an even 500 posts. Oh well...

Hollywood and WWE

Well, I know both are scripted. Except WWE is much more REAL.

I hope all you people out there reading this blog will do this

Please pray for peace in Syria. I feel that Syrans can use our prayers, I know I must have said this like um, A MILLION TIMES, but please pray that the Syrians will be all right. I mean, I DO mean this on a DEAD SERIOUS note, but the Jesus I know want us to that. He wants us to pray for the best for everybody. I mean, yes, I am a Christian I beleive in Jesus. I also beleive in what Jesus taught us. I say pray for Syria.

You know what

When I hear the news, all I hear is blah, blah, blah. I mean, I wish they can explain it in simple terms oh, well. I am just sick of hearing all these head lines. I guess, politics are just way to complicated to understand. Maybe you just have to work in that field to keep it staright. However, I can not, and will not deny it, but understand. It's just too complicated.


A: What place can television be compared to?

Q: A CITY DUMP, because it's just full of garbage!


Q: What tangible object can politics can be compared to?

A: A NUCLEAR REACTOR, because it's all way too complicated and can be dangerous!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Yeah, I told you all this...

But I, hate, hate, HATE having my numbers end in a "9." Yeah, it told me I have 59 posts so far in September. Well, YYYAAAA KNNOOOWW, just for the fun o' it, I'm gonna make it 60. There that's better. COOL!


Q: How real is WWE?

A: More real than the Journalism in the media!

Oh, by the way. WWE is not necessarily fake. Though it is scripted, they DO get hurt.


Q: Can society's intelligence be compared to birds?

A: Well, it's going down about as fast as peregrine falcons (talk about bird brains)!


Q: How I would describe Mt. Everest?

A: Lower than society's material standards!


Tim: Dad is feeling something hot over the TV!

Dad: What Tim, it the TV broken?

Tim: I don't know. I don't see any smoke. In fact, it's on and running. What could it be?

Dad: Oh I sse, the heat you feel over the television IS THE AIR OF THE NEWS you're watching!

Yes, I think evening nes is full of HOT AIR!


Q: What's smarter a dog or a horse?

A: I don't know but they are both smarter than your typical news reporter. 

Well, it was a nice Sunday.

Well, it all started with Bible study. We talked about the story of Joesph, the dreamer. We all know how he was sold into slavery by his brothers and eventually came into Egypt as a slave. However, his dreams really inspired the Pharaoh. He eventually was welcome into the royal court. That was a really big deal at the the time. The Egyptians at that time wouldn't allow just anybody into the court. Despite of Joesph life of luxury in Egypt, all he every wanted to do was to just see his brothers again. I think that's an interesting story.

In church we talked a lot about connecting with others. One problem facing society today is loneliness. People just are getting together enough. Making a lot of people depressed. So people, let's started getting more connected.

My got together with my girlfriend. We wanted to go eat lunch and see the Panthers game at a place called Kickback Jack's. Unfortunately, the wait was too long. I know this is the first Sunday of NFL Football. So, we ended up going to Applebee's. We both enjoyed our meal, as well as watching the Panthers play Football (that would be American Football for those of you who live outside the US). We watched the rest of the game at her place. Unfortunately, the Panthers lost. There was a fumble that coasted them the game. RATS!! Oh well, there will be more games this season. At least UNC won yesterday in College Ball. I stayed around at her place some. We had fun. It was a nice Sunday.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yeah, went to the gym and I did the elliptical (again).

Yeah, I do the elliptical all the time. Still trying to lose weight. Right now I am sweating from head to toe. I pushed myself. However, I had to push myself, or I wouldn't have made to through High School Football (that's American Football for those of you who live outside the USA). Well, it's about 5:00 PM here in the US Eastern Time Zone. The day went by too quickly. I-ya could have sworn it was just morning. Oh, well.

Okay, now I am done with work

You know what, I'll go to the gym. I need to go. I need exercise. I need to run. I need to jump. I need to sweat. I need this. I need that. Well, you get the point. When you reach this age exercise is a must. Maybe also have my cholesterol checked as well. But, still GO TO THE GYM!

o you know what's often comical about this blog

My spelling. Sorry if that happens. Unfortunately, my spell check doesn't always work.

Here I am this Saturday morning...

Yeah, I had to get up early after staying up so late. But somebody has to operate the U-scan (self-checkout at Harris Teeter). Now, HT has me working again from 9-3. AAAAHHHH!! First they had me work late then they are having me work early. Yeah, I hate it. Well, gotta start soon. Fortunately, I live close by.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Pulling double duty tonight, again.

Well, now at Harris Teeter. Going close second shift. I think I will be exhausted when get home. Had a burger and fire so I don't starve. This is getting repetitive isn't it? Well, wish me the best and hopefully, my feet won't fall off when I get off.

Yes, another random thought.

You know, I really hate it when this happens. The system at Showboxed went down...again. It sucks because we can't get anything done. They really gotta do so something about this.

Though often times I do get serious

I try to make this blog comical as well just to make it entertaining. But hey, who would read a blog that just bores the hell out of you?

Just thought I would put this up to make it an even 480 post

But you know I HATE IT WHEN IT ENDS AT A 9. Like 129, or 379, or 569. I'm sorry, it like just has even out someway, to make it look nicer...YA KNOW.

I don't know, but you know about that post I put up on August 31.

That post when I asked "Where's the media on the Asperger's bullying?" Well, I'M STILL ASKING THAT?! I mean, you hear about how the media talk about other groups of people getting bullied. But I mean you us Aperger's people also get bullied. I fact, I think we rank way up there. In fact, I think only cognitively impaired could me more bullied than us. I am sure that the Asperger's are more likely to be bullied than Muslims and homosexuals COMBINED. So, where's media in all this? I don't know about you, but I feel that's a very good question. We're being bullied LEFT AND RIGHT. So, why isn't the media covering this? Please forgive me if I came across as a person who sounded bigoted against the cognitively impaired, Islamic, and LGBT. It was not my intention.


Q: What dirty phrase does Hollywood hate the most?

A: Intelligent entertainment!

Yes, to the them intelligent entertainment is a dirty phrase.


Q: What do news reporters hate more than low ratings?

A: Giving facts!

Well, it looks like a beautiful Friday morning here in North Carolina

Yep, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Not much else going on, except I will be working both jobs tonight again. So, I will now be done working until about 11:00. And I have to start working early tomorrow at 9:00. Well, at least I will have Saturday evening off. Maybe use that time to go to the gym. I know I have Sunday off (thank goodness). I know that day my girlfriend and I have plans to go a local restaurant to see the Carolina Panthers play their first game this season. I they play the Seattle Sea Hawks. I hope the Panthers win personally. They say it should be one of the Panthers better season this year. They say they will have great defense. Will all this happen? I guess only time will tell. Well, all I have to say right now is GOOD MORNING everybody.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Now, my other job.

Well, I am now about to start my other job. Got a burger and fries beforehand so I don't starve on duty. Please pray that I may find a new job out there. Well, I am closing second shift at Harris Teeter. I will leave as soon as my relief comes. My relief is scheduled to come at 11:00. Well, hope it a nice day for my at HT.


Q: What do college professors hate more than "dumb" students?

A: Students who think INDEPENDENTLY!

There is a Twitter hashtag if you want to pray for Syria

I personally, hope more people will pray for the Syrians. I hope they don't get hurt. There is a Twitter hashtag I found on Twitter (for those of you who use Twitter). But I hope you will pray for peace in Syria. The hashtag is listed below.


I also I pull double duty tonight. That sucks!

Yes, I am working my other job tonight and closing. That means I don't get off until 11 PM. I really need a new job. Something full-time with orthodox hours. I feel I can sure use it.

It's a beautiful day here in North Carolina.

I think seeing the blue sky is a beautiful thing. There is something about sunny days that get my spirits up. I know my girlfriend is returning to town today. Also at Shoeboxed they are painting the walls and say they will get some TV's in the lounge. However, I usually can't find anything on in the daytime.


Q: What is simpler a five ton computer or a human cell?

A: I don't know, but they are both simpler than modern politics!

Yes, politics is just SO COMPLICATED! I don't understand how it works. Maybe it takes years of working in the field to really keep it straight, because I will be honest, I can't.

I also pray that I can make in this world

I hope I can find a good job. With a good house and live in a nice place n Raleigh. I can be hard with Asperger's because I know I am not trusted. However, it will mean a lot to me. Oh, and please pray for Syria that the Syrian people will be all right regardless of proposed military strikes. I still don't want Innocent Syrians to get hurt.

Once again, please pray people...

We must pray for Syria. From what I have been told there is a planned strike ageist them. Please pray that the people in Syria will be all right. I only hope and pray the best from them what ever happens. I don't want the Syrians to get hurt. Personally, it's not my idea to attack them. I hope they will be all right. I just don't want innocent people to get hurt. Please talk to God. Even if you don't believe in God, it doesn't hurt to pray. We must hope and pray the best for them. I personally, don't want innocent Syrian blood spilled over politics. Please pray for Syria and the Syrian people. Let's HOPE they will be all right. I hope all you people who read my post will pray for them and their safety, because I feel they need it. PRAY FOR SYRIA! I feel they can use our prayers. That is my request to the world.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Words to live by

There is a difference between honesty and tactlessness. So be honest, not tactless. Yes, you want to be honest, but always show some tact.

PS. Tact means having a sense of the proper thing or way of what to say or do without hurting or offending somebody. As you probably figured tactless means having no tact.

Words to live by

There is one thing I've learned. Better to be dumb than the be naive. Words you live by because naivety has lead to downfall more than stupidity.

And yes...


Am I crazy?

Well, I don't know. But ya know, I REALLY DO like blogging. I mean, I like posting messages. I don't know, but I think it's fun. Yes, I will admit, I sometimes spell things wrong, and may put up material that nobody cares about, but still, for some strange and crazy reason, I think it's fun. And I like to share these things with the world, especially those who care and speak English (hope I didn't offend any of you from around the world who don't because it's not my intention). But I don't know, I think blogging is fun, no matter how irrelevant. I also, well at least try, to make it comical for more entertainment. But, I guess, well hell, I LOVE COMEDY! That's why I like to put up jokes as well. I just love comedy and like to share some of my jokes to the world as well. Hope you find them funny. But still, I LOVE BLOGGING!!

This is an amazing coincidence

According to my most recent check on page views, my blog had 5,555 page views. Yep, all 5's. I know to some of you out there it may sound absurd. However, I think it's interesting. I means all four digits being 5's. Kind of ironic, wouldn't you say? Well, that;s just me. But the last time I checked my number of page views, I had 5,555 hits, dang!

Ya know, I kinda sorta getting worried about this.

When I had my car repaired they told me I might to have something done to fix my wheel. Then they told me it was nothing to worry about. Well, I called Geico. Unfortunately, nobody was there so I left a message. I hope my wheel will be all right. It often gives me anxiety. I need that car.


It's today's so called "intellectual thought." That's a JOKE!


Q: Could there be anything rarer than gold and diamonds?

A: Yes, something worth watching on TV!

Well, my girlfriend comes back home tomorrow

She spent a couple of day at the beach with her family. I think the beaches here in North Carolina are nice. Those the nicest I seen was in Florida, St. Petersburg to be exact. Still, glad she had fun. We are going to see each other again on Sunday. It should be fun. We will watch the Panthers play. I also wish the Panthers good luck.

Prayer request

Please pray for Syria. I know there is a proposal for military action against then. I hope people of Syria will be all right. Please pray for the best for Syria. The Syrians can use our prayers.

Well, it's Wednesday afternoon here in North Carolina

Well currently, the weather is beautiful. Very sunny today. Nothing much going on. Except there have been some changes at Shoeboxed. We now have a popcorn machine. They also put some air fresheners and radios in the restrooms. I still haven't heard the results of my TEACCH evaluation yesterday. I DO know my numbers did even out. They have to to be a good bookkeeper. Lets pray that things work out for me in the work place.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Well, I guess now things will go according to my typical schedule

I may have another TEACCH evaluation. However, I think I am able to handle bookkeeping work. Especially when I have spread sheets. That certainly makes it easier. I would like to live in Raleigh. I think it would be the best place for me to live. If I can get a job in Raleigh that would be wonderful! However, now Labor Day is over. Now, it's going to be back to my typical schedule. However, NFL season starts next week. Best of luck to the Panthers. I know college season is underway. Still not happy the Tar Heels lost their first game. But I think the rest should be better. My girlfriend and I would like to see the Heels play in person sometime this year. However, I hope and pray for both the Panthers and Tar Heels.


Please pray for some peace for this world. Especially, when I hear the news about the world, I don't think I can handle any more violence in this world. Please pray for peace.


Q: What does the media hate more than low ratings?

A: Intellectual thought from it's viewers!


Q: What's hotter, a fire or an oven?

A: I don't know but I do know is the AIR THE MEDIA IS FILLED WITH make both of them look ice cold!


I have to thank all you people from around the world who viewed my blog. It means a lot to me. Now, there are over 5,500 page views! That's wonderful!! Let's keep 'em coming people!! It sure means a lot to me. I hope some more people will see this blog. Thank you all from around the world! 5,500 page views, WOW!!

Well, I just took the evaluation

So, I just had my third TEACCH evaluation. I think it went all right. I did do some actual bookkeeping work. I did one where I would convert Euros to American Dollars (there was an Internet site that let me convert currency).  I also did a list with some Microsoft Spreadsheets. I made all the numbers even out. I guess, I have a good felling about all this. Have to wait until the results come out. But please pray that it all worked out. Thank you.


Q: Can anything moves faster than light?


My drug would be...

Both the Panthers and Tar Heels have a winning season in Football!

Okay, it's now midnight here in the US Eastern Standard Time as well as Canada in the same time zone.

Yes, here in the US and Canada it is now 12:00 AM which means Summer is (as we know it) is now over. It's now Fall. I guess, this is the time when lots kids like jumping in the leaves (have fun kids), as well, as Football season. Well, the College season is already under way (too bad the Tar Heels lost their first game). I know NFL games start next week. Good luck to the Carolina Panthers! I also hope good luck to the Carolina Tar Heels in NCAA Football. To me, it would be just WONDERFUL is BOTH THE PANTHERS AND THE TAR HEELS HAVE A WONDERFUL SEASON!! Well, we will see what happens. Good luck to both the Panthers and Tar Heels!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Well, my girlfriend is about to go to the beach for next couple of days.

She will be going with her family. I hope she has a wonder time. We have some nice beaches here in North Carolina. HAVE FUN CARSON!!

Watching WWE, I still like to say this.

WWE is scripted, not fake. Yes, they do plan out all the action. However, they really do get hurt. Right now John Cena, the WWE's #1 Superstar is out of action with a torn tricep. He will be out of action 4-6 months. Let's pray for his recovery. Still, makes me say WWE is scripted, not fake.


Q: Is there a magic trick Miley Cyrus can do?

A: Yes, she can look into a mirror, and watch it TURN INTO LOTS OF LITTLE MIRRORS!

Yep, I don't think she pretty anymore. She plain trashy and ugly, just like on the VMA awards about a week ago. To me, she's not pretty neither on the inside nor out.


Q: How many faces does a media reporter have?

A: I don't know, I lost count at around 106!

Yep, I think news reporters aren't know for integrity.

Asked fot today's weather.

Lots of people had a hard time believes that the temperature here in North Carolina was only in the 80's (that's Fahrenheit of course, that would be 26.67-31.67 degrees Celsius for those of you who live outside the US). The day However, seemed hotter. I guess, it was due to the storms we had last night. Last night we got soaked here in North Carolina and all that water has now evaporated up into the atmosphere, increasing the humidity. In fact one customer at Harris Teeter told me the humidity here in NC measured 97%. I would believe that, making it seem hotter than it really is. But when ever people get outside they sure did sweat a lot. There was lots of humidity in NC today.

Happy Labor Day everybody!

Well, for my first six hours of the day I worked at Harris Teeter, and boy the store was busy! Today they wanted me to bag, but they often had to have me open a register and operate the U-Scan (self-checkout lane). My break was a bout an hour overdue. I was on the lot bringing in carts.Unfortunately, they number kept piling up on the lot. There were just so many, jeez louise! Fortunately, they were selling hot dog for charity. Employees got a discount. I had about three of them. Well, I had to stay about 15 minutes later. However, after that I finally got off. I was tired. I went home and took a two and half hour nap. Man, the store was busy!! Glad I finally got some R & R.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

This blog now have over 5300 page views!! THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!

I have to once again thank all you people from all over the world who viewed my blog. It sure means a lot to me. You cannot imagine how happy it makes me that this blog got over 100 page views in a mere 24 hours. That's great! Please keep 'em coming. However, I am sure happy to see that over 100 page views in 24 hours. That REALLY makes me happy! Thank you all from around the world!!


Q: Why do people look up to bad parents?

A: Because it SEEMS that HOLLYWOOD knows everything!


And like I said, this is why parents need to be good role models for their children. Just looks at today's pop culture. The VMA awards a week ago proves that you shouldn't let Hollywood or the rest of the pop culture raise your children.


Q: Do you think people like to see garbage pile up?

A: Well, they always watch the images on television, SO YES!


Q: Why do people look to something violent and disturbing?

A: Because they look to the EVENING NEWS for information!

There is one thing I've been told

They say the timing of the almighty is always right. I hope it's true. I hope my ship comes i soon. It would sure mean a lot to me, especially since I am 35 years old.


Q: What are the three crucial motives of a politician?

A: 1, Get elected. 2, Get Reelected. 3, GET ELECTED FOR LIFE!


Q: Why did I post this joke?

A: To make it an even 435 posts!

Okay, so maybe a weak effort, but hey, I like keeping it even (or rounded to good ten or five), yyyyaaaaa knnnoooowww. Oh, well. But seriously, do you like it it it's not rounded to a ten or five? But that's just me. I get a little "obsessive and compulsive" when NOT balanced. Oh, if you were a fan of the Nickelodeon sitcom Victorious (please don't tell me that I am too old to a fan of that show) demand a proper finale.